Photoshop Elements :: 6 Print Button Inaccessible?
Dec 13, 2012
I had to reintsall elements 6 and now the print button is not highlighted.. cannot click on it. Order prints is clickable. How can I fix this? I have uninstalled and reinstalled many times.
I use Adobe Elements 12 Organizer on Macbook Pro. When I open Organizer, the window is too large, and the top and bottom are hidden behind the Mac menus so they are not accessible. I can´t reach the top menu, and can´t resize the window, or move it around on the screen.
I just clean-installed PS CS6, previously coming from heavy PS CS4 experience. I extensively use tab to go to full screen for optimal viewing conditions, and I also used alt+key combinations to access the menus via keyboard and edit while in full screen. CS6 no longer allows me to do this. Is this a new limitation of CS6? Is there a way to make ALT+key menu access work again? since the tab fullscreen view is something I use very very often for undistracted analysis of my work.
Once I had completed working on a project in PSE9, I 'saved as' my work.
I then closed the program and went to re-open the file however, the file appears with the extension 'File' and is un-accessible in all of the photo viewing software I have available. The file is however, still a large file - 85MB - which would suggest all of the file information is still in-tact.
I tried opening the file in several different programs, I've tried re-nameing the file, opeing the file properties to change the file type, backing up the file then restarting the computer and program. So far nothing has worked.
I am running Corel x4, and have a floating colour palette docker that has 'slipped' off screen. Because I cant access/reach the title bar, I cannot redock or move it. I have tried closing the program & restarting, even in Corel x4 default Workspace, but when I open the program the docker is still partially off screen...
I'm trying to import a AVI file (its not DV) into VS but it comes up with the error message "xxx file is inaccessible" followed by the message "This file cannot be added to the project due to unknown file format or not enough memory or copyright".
I tried to play it in Windows Media Player but it came up with an error message about missing the required Codec. I installed the required codec (using MediaInfo advice) and Windows Media player can now play the file but VS still can't import it. The video stream of the AVI file is MPEG-4 (DivX 5). I would have thought that once I installed the correct codec for the Windows Media Player that VS should work with that file format?
For some days when I press the open button or print button on the toolbar, Autocad LT 2008 does not respond until after two or three minutes and opens the window.
I noticed that this only happens when I have enabled LAN. The "plotter" that I use is shared by a print server and when I hit the open button, the default folder that shows me a folder on the server.
How do I fix the issue of the shutting down? I had been printing and then it wouldn't let me. i have updated everything and still won't work. I have windows 7 and lightroom 3.6.
I have trial version of Elements 11; Also have full version, but have not installed yet, as I wanted to wait until I completed current project. I created/edited an album of wedding photos in the Organizer. I tried to upload album to Shutterfly to make an archival DVD and also make a photo book in Shutterfly. The photos uploaded individually to the Shutterfly print page to print individually, but the album will not upload to My Pictures, it shows the album name, but it is empty. How do I get the photos to upload?? Shutterfly was not sure how.
I'd like to make a button for the toolbar or the tool palette that will print consistently every time I use it.
For an example, I want to click this button that has the parameters for ADOBE PDF, 11x17, Lanscape, a certain Plot style table, etc......
I want to make a button for each print setting I use.
HOW...HOW can this be done? my inquiring mind wants to know!!
Having this little button will just me me that much more proficient, and ever bit of time certainly counts when under pressure to get out some drawings.
The "Apply" button is missing on my print options menu (XDPX9). I cannot apply any of the functions such as Imagingsetting - crop marks, output settings, layout settings, separations settings.
Co-Worker was in the process of moving his mouse, accidentally clicked, catching PN and began draggin it. Upon unclicking, PN moved to what I can only describe as the background.
Currently have MdiTab18.arx loaded in my applications to provide drawing tabs. PN appears BEHIND THAT. Toolbars and pull down menus are in front of it. unloading app, moving toolbars,....nothing allows me access to it to drag it back.
Tried restarting, but PN stays put. Tried different work space, but PN doesn't move.
I saw on youtube that clicking on Windows at the top of that software, I should find the "actions" button, opening the action panel.Still The "action" button isn't there.
It may be because my organizer window seems to now be attached to the desktop menu bar. the display function has now disappeared, and I can't change the way the media browser is structured. I am in folder location an can't get any other view.
I have adobe acrobat 9. I had a Pdf converter button on top og the browser that I used to convert web pages to pdf documents. This button disappeared last week. I tried reinstalling the software and tried internet options to make sure third party extensions were checked.
I had this installed on another computer prior to it being stolen, got a new laptop and installed on it. I am running windows 7. When at the welcome screen i click on Edit and the little bar changes and acts like it is going to start but then does nothing, it just takes me back to the welcome screen. I did find one thread on here and tried those recommendations by holding down the ctrl, alt, and shift while clicking edit and then choosing yes but that didn't work.
PSE 9 crashes on opening if the Organiser icon is selected. Edit icon does not crash program. Windows states "PSE 9 Elemnts Organiser has stopped working, will look for cause/reason then closes program.
I want to install Photoshop Elements 6 on my new computer and deactivate/uninstall it from my old computer. I have been unable to find the "deactivate" button under "help" or anywhere else.
How can I get rid of the annoying floating commit/reject button when I am typing in text. It always seems to be in the way. I'd like to be able to type without the window showing up or be able to move it out of the way.
Gave up on Photoshop. Website too hard to navigate. No download button on Photoshop Elements for either the trial or buy version. If this is the way the website works, I don't want the program even though I understand Photoshop is supposed to be the best.
Having recentl changed from Windows PC to iMac, and thus purchased Photoshop Elements 10, I now find that I cannot make a slideshow because there is no "Create Slideshow button" as shown on tutorials. Is this because it is an iMac? or am I missing something. Already having trouble getting JPG photos from Organiser into PSE 10.
I have installed several times fresh copies of ps9 and same results the imac intel duo computer WILL NO RESTART unless shut down from back button ,then computer will have to be started manually and thereafter the computer will re start every single time UNTIL I USE ps9 Why ? I have taken the computer to Apple (under apple care) these people don't find anything wrong with the computer,but PS9 software and they are correct, is there any "plist" that needs to be trashed or updates.
When I highlight a picture with the rectangular marquee button (and the rectangular button on the tool bar at the bottom of the page is highlighted), I only get an oval picture. How do I get the entire picture to use in layers?