Lightroom :: Sharing Catalogs With Other Users / Macs?

Sep 30, 2012

I know that LR isn't set up for sharing over a network, but I need to have different staff accessing the catalog from different computers at different times. I would like to store all the photos on a Drobo NAS, keeping the catalog on a desktop. Then create a mirror image sync of the catalog on different computers using chronosync.Users will not be accessing the ctalogs simultaneously.

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Lightroom :: How To Use Chronosync To Synchronize Catalogs On The Macs

Aug 14, 2012

I have a project that for security reasons requires that media NOT be stored in a cloud.  I'm trying to build a system that keeps a Lightroom catalog and the pictures synced between two or more Macs.
My current plan is to use Chronosync to synchronize catalogs on the Macs, and have all the media on a network server so that each Mac uses the same path to reference the original.  But I can see two ways of this method breaking:

If both catalogs get modified simultaneously, or at least before a syn. [kind of just how it is, but could be managed with discipline]If some media is shot while the laptop is in the field, then I can sync the catalog and media when we get back, but the Lightroom catalog will still be pointing at the media on the local storage on the laptop.   That second case worries me.   Since Lightroom is nondestructive that avoids the truly dangerous case of someone on the laptop continuing to work on the wrong (local) copies of the pictures, not realizing that they're not updating the shared copies, but still, it seems that I should actually MOVE, not mirror the laptop data to the server when we get back into the network so that we are forced to locate the new media next time we try to access it from either computer.
Actually -- IS Lightroom truly nondestructive?  Does metadata get changed in the DNG, or is all metadata stored in the catalog?  Is there an option I'm going to need to set?
Is there a better way to handle this? 
What is the best way to make relinking files go smoother?  Maintain the folder structure relative to... what?

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Lightroom :: Sharing V4 Catalog With Multiple Users On Same Windows Machine

Jul 19, 2013

I just started out using Lightroom 4 for managing family photos. What I want to do is to share the LR catalog so that my kids and wife can access the database from their own accounts. I tried sharing the directory with the catalog and all the photos. But when I open lightroom from my kids's account, I keep getting an "unexpected error openning the catalog".
I am using Windows 8, 64bit

The catalog was created in my account (adminstrator)

the other accounts are normal accounts
I have searched around but all the questions ask about sharing on network drives. But I just want to share the catalog on the same machine on local harddrive. I made sure that all the other lightrooms are closed in the other accounts (everyone else is signed off) before I tried to open it from my kid's account.

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Lightroom :: Sharing LR4 Catalogs Across Windows And OS X?

Feb 24, 2013

I've recently started using Lightroom 4 and was dissapointed that I was unable to share my catalog across Windows and OSX like I've been able to with LR2 and 3. Has the file structure changed in any way? I primarily use a Windows computer at home, but when I'm on the go, I have a MacBook Pro with that Mac version of LR4. All of my photos and catalogs are stored on an external USB 3.0 HDD. Though loading up the catalog on a Mac shows all of my folders as question marks. It seems that Windows reads the drive as a letter designator, ex. D: and OSX reads it as a volume. Used to before this wasn't a problem. Any different way I can get this to work specifically with this program. I am already aware that I can just load Boot Camp onto my mac and run it that way.

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Lightroom :: Staying In Sync Across Two Macs - Same Data Doesn't Appear On Both Macs?

Jul 7, 2013

I use Lightroom 4 on two Macs and try to keep them in sync. I keep my Lightroom data in my Box sync folder so that it syncs with the Box servers, and between the Macs. That way I, in theory, have the same data on both machines and backed up in the cloud.
The trouble is, the same data doesn't appear on both Macs. I've tried navigating to different Lighroom catologs and backups, but don't seem to be able to find the right files. how catologs work and how to find the most recent file.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Keyword Changes To LR3 Catalogs Among Different Users (using A Common Keyword Set)

Jul 5, 2012

I'm new to LightRoom and am glad to have found this great resource. Onto the issue at hand:
An ongoing office project is using LR3 to catalog 30 years' worth of images gathered from various media. Some are scans of slides, negatives, or prints; others are images straight from a digital camera. We have three people working on this cataloging project. The lead guy has created keywords on his computer that he uses to tag these images. Is there any way to make sure the keywords he's using on his machine sync with and are available to the other users of the image catalog? If not, is there a file that would have to be shared among the three users to make that functionality happen?

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Photoshop :: Sharing Pictures & Files Between Users

Jan 22, 2009

when i unload my camera into my catalog adobe photoshop on my user screen my wife is unable to view the pics. is there a way where i can share the pics among everyone?i should say that when she looks on them they have red 'x' on them and can't find the file but if you change to whose ever user screen i downloaded the pcs on they are fine pictures vista

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Photoshop Elements :: Sharing Photos With Two Users?

Aug 11, 2012

Am trying to get my husband's photo albums uploaded to my new Elements program?  Do we use [URL] and how do we get those pics?

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Photoshop Elements :: Sharing A Catalog Between Users

Apr 8, 2013

Just returned to PSE after a gap of several versions.I MacBook Pro, two users (both admins) and several cameras. I want one (and only one, at present) catalog that can be accessed by both users of the MacBook so that each user has access to all of the pix
I Installed Elements and added a few photo's to a folder in the root of the hdd, and tinkered a little. Discovered that the auto-created catalog was buried in the user/username path, not appropriate for multiple users, I thought.
So backed up catalog to external drive, then restored it to the folder that I'd previously added the photos to, viz HD/ALL PHOTOS/My Catalog. This works absolutely fine for me, as I set it up.
When the other user starts Elements  and goes Catalog Managent and browse to Other Locations: HD/ALL PHOTOS/ and is able to select 'My Catalog' and Open. She then gets the message "The catalog could not be opened. It is either corrupt or the version is out of date"
Both usaers have R&W permissions. Both users are definately pointing at HD/ALL PHOTOS/My Catalog.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sharing Custom Projection Files With Multiple Users

Jul 29, 2013

How to share custom projection files with multiple users?  I created a custom projection for C3D on my computer, now I need to give it to several other people.  Can't seem to find where this file is stored.

C3D - 2014,

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Photoshop Elements :: Sharing Catalogs Between Computers Which Include Tags

Sep 1, 2013

We have about 10,000 photos to scan from my Mother's old albums (80 years of photos).  We each have Adobe Photoshop Elements 10. We want to split the photos up and each of us tag different photos (using same tag names) and then be able put it all together so that each of us have the same photos with the same tags. 

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Lightroom :: Ho To Setup One Library On Two Macs Via Dropbox

Jun 3, 2013

I now have Two Macs next to each other. The older one is a MacBook Pro, the new one the new iMac.
Now, I have my Lightroom Library on the older computer, but I would like to have the same one with the same settings on the new iMac. But, when I need to, I would also like to keep the same one on the MacBook for when I'm working out of office.
How can I fix this, and can my Dropbox Pro 200 GB account?

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Lightroom :: Syncing Photos And Catalogue Over Two Macs Using Box

Jan 15, 2013

There's me thinking I was dead clever. I use Box for my business filing, so have unlimited storage and can sync to my two Macs. But it turns out that Box can only sync 40,000 files, and, the killer is, it won't sync the catalogue previews file. These are things they plan to sort in their summer update.
So, there's me thinking I could use Box to run Lightroom on two Macs, in the field and at home, all nicely syncronised. But it's not quite going to work. I'm wondering if I can just copy the previews file back and forth over my home network, and let Box sync the rest.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Library Automatic Syncing Between Two Macs?

Dec 11, 2011

I am diggin' deeper and deeper into Professional Photography and am now using two Macs two develop my my .DNG RAWs.

In my Livingroom stands a 27" iMac, which is great to develop them further, and when I am on the road I am using a 15" MacBook Pro.

Thing is: the iMac has a Library of roughly 40.000 Pictures, the MacBook Pro is mostly used when I am not home for editing. Is there any way I can sync my Librarys via Ethernet to each other? That way I wouldn't need to re-edit my shots again on my iMac, or export my whole catalogue and push them around via my own network...

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Lightroom :: Welcome Screen Appears For All Users?

Jan 22, 2014

I'm installing Lightroom 5 in a classroom of Macs with OS X 10.9. When another user logs on a to computer and starts Lightroom, Lightroom welcome screen pops up again and asks for country, and in next screen displays the serial number Lightroom was activated with. After pressing OK the user can proceed to use Lightroom. How to avoid the welcome screen from appearing to all users? Obviously we can't have the serial number leaking out to public like this. Luckily this came up while testing the installation.
The registration file seems to be in a correct location (/Library/Application support/Adobe/Lightroom/Lightroom 5.0 Registration)

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Lightroom :: Can Multiple Users Share Same DB

Mar 13, 2012

We have about 10,000 + personal photos.  Can I install the LR Database on my server so that my wife and I can both be adding metatags to the photos at the same time ?  I don't mind if I have to buy 2 copies, but I am more concerned about sharing the database. 

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Lightroom :: Multiple Users On Same Computer?

Jul 2, 2012

I recently purchased an iMac, along with Lightroom 4.  My daughter would also like to get into photography and photo editing.  Is there a way to keep her lightroom library separate from mine? I'm thinking into the future where she will have her own Mac and wondering how hard it will be to transfer her lightroom library. I would like to store her pics on an external drive as well. 

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Lightroom :: Export Photos And Data For Non-users Of CS Or LR?

Feb 25, 2012

I have a number of wildlife photographs that I would like to make available to staff for field identifications. They do not have access of LightRoom or CS5. Is there a plug-in or other software that can capture the key words and EXIF data and make it available thru MS Access or Excell?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Share Catalog Between Multiple Users

Mar 12, 2012

How can I share a catalog between multiple users? I'm sharing on three iMacs and using Lightroom 4.

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Lightroom :: Catalog And Apple Open Directory Users

Aug 26, 2013

We are attempting to run Lightroom in our photo journalism classes and we are unable to setup the application because it will not create the Catalog file. 

All of the users in Open Directory have their OSX 10.8 home folder stored on our Apple Server. This enabled them to log into any of the computers in the lab and have access to their data/documents.

Lightroom refuses to create the Catalog file because it treats the home folder as a network folder.

My predecessor found some way around this in the past but he didn't document it and I can't find any evidence of it either.
Surely there are other people out there trying to use Adobe Products who also utilize Apple's "Open Directory" (its like apple's version of Active Directory).

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Lightroom :: Adjustable Fonts For Large Monitor Users?

Nov 8, 2012

I'm on an iMac 27", hard to read the info around the thumbs in grid view, please send me a nice 2x binocular or add some feature to edit the font size.

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Lightroom :: Sharing Pictures With Others

May 29, 2013

I have been a user of Aperture for some time now and finally decided to make the switch to Lightroom and all in all i am very impressed with the whole program!
I am wanting to set up a way of 'dynamically' or at least as dynamically as possible sharing certain folders containing family images with our wider family, in the UK and overseas, rather than reinvent the wheel i wanted to see what ways people have found to do it..

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Lightroom :: Sharing Photos From One Computer To Another?

Dec 2, 2012

Is it possible to share photos in light Room to another Mac?

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Lightroom :: Sharing Photo Library?

Nov 13, 2010

We have a server and the original photos will be stored there.  How can we manage the library so that both users have the same library contents.
In other words, can we have one library of 50,000 pictures that we can both access?

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Lightroom :: Updating / Sharing Keywords And Metadata In 4?

May 6, 2013

add keywords & metadata to an extremely large group of photos in Lightroom 4. The intern will have their own workstation so we'll be passing files back and forth. I need to add their work to mine, keeping all of the keyword/metadata work tied to the virtual photos which already have some work done to them (some keywords, metatdata and photo enhancements already in place on some photos).

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Lightroom :: Sharing Libraries While Retaining Keywords

Nov 8, 2012

Is it possible to share your Lightroom library with a friend and retain keywords on each of your photos?  For example, can I sync my Lightroom library with a friend's Lightroom so that he has all of my photos and the keywords that I have assigned to each photo?

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Lightroom :: How To Add Preset To All Catalogs

Oct 16, 2013

I recently learned  using presets  in LR.  I currently use LR5.2.

I recently installed a few third-party presets to LR.

I am very happy with the performance of these presets.

Here is a problem:  I have many LR catalogs.

Is there a way to install all presets  to catalog whenever I create new one (just like a default preset) and also to old catalogs?  

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Lightroom :: 3 Catalogs Are Empty In 4?

Mar 25, 2012

LR 3 catalogs are empty in LR 4?

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Lightroom :: Possible To Rebuild All Of Catalogs

Jan 15, 2013

I have 4 main catalogs in LR 4.3 at the moment. They all appear as folders in LR.What I'd like to do is create one main folder, with all four of these in there. Is that possible without rebuilding all of the catalogs?

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Lightroom :: Deleting Old Catalogs

Feb 11, 2014

When I delete old copies of LR5's catalog off of my backup external drive, I leave the 3 most current.  For some reason the next time I start LR, it cannot find the catalog, and I have to manually point to the backup, since I know that one is current.  I'd assume the one in My Pictures is current also, but for some reason I keep getting this error.

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Lightroom :: How To Remove All Catalogs

May 7, 2013

I run Windows 7, on a Gateway PC laptop, Two external HDs Seagates 1  1TB,  1 2TB External HDs. How do I remove all my catalogs to start over fresh and new?

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