Lightroom :: 3.5 - Library Automatic Syncing Between Two Macs?

Dec 11, 2011

I am diggin' deeper and deeper into Professional Photography and am now using two Macs two develop my my .DNG RAWs.

In my Livingroom stands a 27" iMac, which is great to develop them further, and when I am on the road I am using a 15" MacBook Pro.

Thing is: the iMac has a Library of roughly 40.000 Pictures, the MacBook Pro is mostly used when I am not home for editing. Is there any way I can sync my Librarys via Ethernet to each other? That way I wouldn't need to re-edit my shots again on my iMac, or export my whole catalogue and push them around via my own network...

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Lightroom :: Syncing Photos And Catalogue Over Two Macs Using Box

Jan 15, 2013

There's me thinking I was dead clever. I use Box for my business filing, so have unlimited storage and can sync to my two Macs. But it turns out that Box can only sync 40,000 files, and, the killer is, it won't sync the catalogue previews file. These are things they plan to sort in their summer update.
So, there's me thinking I could use Box to run Lightroom on two Macs, in the field and at home, all nicely syncronised. But it's not quite going to work. I'm wondering if I can just copy the previews file back and forth over my home network, and let Box sync the rest.

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Lightroom :: Ho To Setup One Library On Two Macs Via Dropbox

Jun 3, 2013

I now have Two Macs next to each other. The older one is a MacBook Pro, the new one the new iMac.
Now, I have my Lightroom Library on the older computer, but I would like to have the same one with the same settings on the new iMac. But, when I need to, I would also like to keep the same one on the MacBook for when I'm working out of office.
How can I fix this, and can my Dropbox Pro 200 GB account?

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Lightroom :: Staying In Sync Across Two Macs - Same Data Doesn't Appear On Both Macs?

Jul 7, 2013

I use Lightroom 4 on two Macs and try to keep them in sync. I keep my Lightroom data in my Box sync folder so that it syncs with the Box servers, and between the Macs. That way I, in theory, have the same data on both machines and backed up in the cloud.
The trouble is, the same data doesn't appear on both Macs. I've tried navigating to different Lighroom catologs and backups, but don't seem to be able to find the right files. how catologs work and how to find the most recent file.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Library To Creative Cloud Files?

Jan 11, 2014

Shouldn't I be able to save my Lightroom Library to my Creative Cloud Files account? I understood this is done from the Sync button in the Lightroom Library.

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Lightroom :: Sharing Catalogs With Other Users / Macs?

Sep 30, 2012

I know that LR isn't set up for sharing over a network, but I need to have different staff accessing the catalog from different computers at different times. I would like to store all the photos on a Drobo NAS, keeping the catalog on a desktop. Then create a mirror image sync of the catalog on different computers using chronosync.Users will not be accessing the ctalogs simultaneously.

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Lightroom :: How To Use Chronosync To Synchronize Catalogs On The Macs

Aug 14, 2012

I have a project that for security reasons requires that media NOT be stored in a cloud.  I'm trying to build a system that keeps a Lightroom catalog and the pictures synced between two or more Macs.
My current plan is to use Chronosync to synchronize catalogs on the Macs, and have all the media on a network server so that each Mac uses the same path to reference the original.  But I can see two ways of this method breaking:

If both catalogs get modified simultaneously, or at least before a syn. [kind of just how it is, but could be managed with discipline]If some media is shot while the laptop is in the field, then I can sync the catalog and media when we get back, but the Lightroom catalog will still be pointing at the media on the local storage on the laptop.   That second case worries me.   Since Lightroom is nondestructive that avoids the truly dangerous case of someone on the laptop continuing to work on the wrong (local) copies of the pictures, not realizing that they're not updating the shared copies, but still, it seems that I should actually MOVE, not mirror the laptop data to the server when we get back into the network so that we are forced to locate the new media next time we try to access it from either computer.
Actually -- IS Lightroom truly nondestructive?  Does metadata get changed in the DNG, or is all metadata stored in the catalog?  Is there an option I'm going to need to set?
Is there a better way to handle this? 
What is the best way to make relinking files go smoother?  Maintain the folder structure relative to... what?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Semiautomatic Or Automatic Constraints While Placing Components From Library

Mar 5, 2013

I am looking for solution for my problem which concerned placing a lot of standard elements in assembly. The assembly is a frame which consists of standard profiles and those elements are standard fasteners. All from item24. I have 3-5 fasteners in library (about 200 of every kind in assembly) which are placed in standard way (three constraints). The frame is a normal assembly, not a frame generator, unfortunately. What I want is a way or functionality for placing those fasteners in fast way with ability to choose proper geometry of profiles and other parts (holes).
The best way would be to use it like bolts and washers from content center with idrop/i-drop functionality. I have never published my own library to Content Center, but yesterday I spent a lot of time reading that its hardly possible to use this i-drop for personal purpose. I found only opinions, but no examples.
Another nice thing would be the ability to have constraints preloaded at the moment of placing element in assembly and select only proper geometry of profiles and parts in proper order. I'm thinking of i-mate with only one half (I haven't use them much). Unfortunately I haven't managed to do that using i-mates - they start working only when there is another part with i-mate in assembly and pair with them. I couldn't find any materials about how to use i-mates in a way I have described. I don't want to use alt+drag.
Is there a way to speed up placing 3000 constraints in several projects?
I am using Inventor 2011.

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Lightroom :: 4 Not Syncing All Photos?

Sep 25, 2012

I switched to LR4 right after it came out and I have never had any issues with it.  A few days ago I noticed that my syncing isnt working properly and it is making what is supposed to be a quick workflow take forever.  I import with a preset, then change contrast, blacks and such then sync all of the images with that. (this is the exact same process I have always used and I havent had any issues before) Only a few images actually sync, then I have to keep changing the settings to get back to what I originally synced to....I thought that I must have accidentally changed one of the settings or something, but when I tried it on my other computer, the exact same thing happened...

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Lightroom :: Syncing Edits Between Two Computers?

Dec 27, 2012

I have two big issues with syncing edits between my iMac (computer A) and Macbook Pro (computer B). My workflow has been as follows:
Import photo shoot onto computer A as DNG into master catalog. Do some edits. Export all DNGs as "Original" from shoot to desktop and copy over to computer B. Import shoot folder in master catalog on computer B, edits are held. Finish editing the entire shoot on B and export folder as a catalog without exporting the DNG files. Back on computer A, import to shoot folder from another catalog to sync edits and metadata changes.
My issues:
1. When edits actually do sync back on A, everything syncs EXCEPT for virtual copies, they are no where to be found. Even when exporting from B as a catalog, the dialogue box says "79 virtual copies to be exported." They just never show up back on computer A.
2. Biggest issue. On computer A, I work in one master catalog. Some shoot folders are still on the internal hard drive while most are housed on a Drobo. It seems the reason why edits will never sync back (changes arent found when importing from another catalog) is because LR4 is only looking on the INTERNAL disk of computer A. The import seems to not look for the photos that are housed on the Drobo. I think this because whenever I try to import back to A, LR4 tries to create a new folder in the catalog on the internal disk. The below screenshot shows what I mean. 0512-SpeedyFamily is the shoot Im editing between A & B, but LR4 tries to import them back onto the internal disk (upper portion of folders) and created the ?2012 folder.
I am running LR 4.2 on both machines, just havent installed the latest update yet.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Slideshows To Music As MP4?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a timing problem when exporting slideshows to video, they just drift out of sync. Using 'fit to music' the preview syncs perfectly but the pictures overrun by about 4% when exported to an MP4 file. I can correct this by clipping the show and dissolve times manually but that means doing the maths and rendering it out (several times) to get it perfect.

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Lightroom :: Spot Removal Not Syncing Properly In LR4

Dec 21, 2012

Trying to sync spot removal from a .tif edit from PS to an original .CR2 (and vice versa).
Used Previous
Used Sync
Used Auto Sync
Clone/heal circles end up in totally different/random places.  This used to work in LR3,

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Lightroom :: 4 - Syncing Photos Between External Drives

Dec 10, 2013

I've got LR4 on my MBP, but all my photos are on a network drive. I'm about to go on a two week trip but I'd like to work on photos for my son's baby book whilst there. The photos are all on a 6TB LaCie which I obviously can't bring with me, but I have a 1TB LaCie Rugged that I can bring along.  I have LR set up such that I have all my son's photos organised by weeks and months, so I would like that set up preserved whilst I'm working away from home. So I thought one way was to copy the entire catalog to my 1TB LaCie, but how do I get it to sync with the photos in the network drive when I get back home? What's the best way of doing this? It's quite a big catalog as well, about 400GB of photos and videos. Previously what I did was to copy the entire catalog to a portable drive, but I ended up having multiple copies of the library in my catalog, i.e. the same picture folders on two different drives. I had to delete the portable drive from the catalog cos they were too many differences between the 2 drives and I couldn't keep up which was which.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Syncing Two Units With External Hard Drive?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a desktop and laptop both of which run Lightroom 5. Recently I have setup a wireless connection to an external drive so that I can share my photos between the two. Problem encountered is that when I do edits on one of the computers the other does not read them because its Lightroom version does not have the edit history thereon. Is there a way that I can sync the two units?

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Lightroom :: Syncing Rotation Settings - Copystand Work

Jul 30, 2013

I use a copystand regularly, due to the design of the stand, the camera ends up taking photos of the scene upside down. In lighroom the only way I can find to rotate images is in the library module using Ctrl-] (twice as I need to rotate 180) or using the little arrows under the image. When doing copystand work, requiring instant review, and taking many hundred photos in a day, this isn't really workable.
I tether my camera for this work, and due to using an unsupported camera (sony a850) I use the hotfolder import method. This gives me the option to apply a "develope setting" profile and a "metadata" profile, but the single thing I can't work out how to change automatically on an image is the one that I really need to change: the rotation option.
I have also found inconvenience in the past of having to switch back from the develop module to the library module to find that one misplaced editing option. I like that this setting is accessible from the library module, but I'd like to see it also being accessible as part of the develop module's crop functionality, both from the UI, and from the metadata sync/save systems.

Would this make a reasonable feature request?
I currently use Lightroom 4.4, but will be upgrading to Lightroom 5 shortly, It doesn't look like it's been sorted out there either. I'm also on windows 7, but i'd be surprised if this was different on mac.

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Lightroom :: Can Recover Edits After Renaming Source Folders And Re-syncing

Sep 29, 2012

My source files were a mess, so I went in and roughly organized them, creating folders and grouping them by type. I figured I could just re-link the offline files back in LR.
In Lightroom, I right-clicked on my root photo folder and chose "Syncronize Folder" - what I didn't realize is that it seems to have deleted what I had and reimported it again. So my problem is that all my Lightroom edits on these files are now gone. All I have are raw, untouched pics.
I backup regularly. Is there a way to restore my edits? All the underlying filenames are the same.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Tags (keywords) Between Pictures And External Drive?

Feb 29, 2012

am in the process of keywording files using LR3.  how do i sync those keywords with a duplicate backup set of files on an external drive.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Moved Folder Is Not Bringing Back All Photos

Jan 26, 2014

I have moved and renamed a folder in the external harddrive. Syncing that moved folder in lightroom is not working in bringing back all the photos to Lightroom - Although all the photos exist in that folder as I have confirmed through windows explorer.
Another Option: If I choose "import photos to this folder option" in LR and browse to the source to that folder - the missing photos are shown as shaded back and the import button (bottom right corner) is not highlighted. Therefore I cannot select these missing photos and hence cannot import them to the folder.

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Lightroom :: Original File Missing After Syncing Folder With PS Edit Versions?

Apr 2, 2013

I just noticed that some of my photos are missing from the library in lightroom, specifically the original versions of photos that have virtual copies edited in photoshop in folders that have since been synchronized.  Weird, and very anoying.  The files are still there (in wondows explorer) but when I try to re-import them lightroom doesn't see them, only the PS edited copies (.tif files).  I told lightroom to allow duplicates and it sees all the photos in the folder except those missing ones.  This does not happen to my PS edited virtual copies in folders that have not been synchronized.  It is not a matter of stacking, or at least Lightroom does not think the PS copies are stacked at all so I can't unstack them. How to get them back into lightroom (preferably with the accompanying development settings) and also how to avoid this problem in the future. 

PS: I import files from my camcorder using a different program because lightroom does not acknowledge that particular video file format.  That's why I have to synchronize some folders and not others.

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Photoshop :: MACs

May 18, 2004

How do you do a print screen on a mac? there is no "print screen" key. Im slightly lost, and i need the info for an instructional book...

its an I-Mac with the standard keyboard.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Keyword Changes To LR3 Catalogs Among Different Users (using A Common Keyword Set)

Jul 5, 2012

I'm new to LightRoom and am glad to have found this great resource. Onto the issue at hand:
An ongoing office project is using LR3 to catalog 30 years' worth of images gathered from various media. Some are scans of slides, negatives, or prints; others are images straight from a digital camera. We have three people working on this cataloging project. The lead guy has created keywords on his computer that he uses to tag these images. Is there any way to make sure the keywords he's using on his machine sync with and are available to the other users of the image catalog? If not, is there a file that would have to be shared among the three users to make that functionality happen?

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Photoshop :: Brushes For Macs

Jan 28, 2005

i've just got photoshop 6 and i've found loads of brushes on the net that i really want to use but i was wondering if there were different formats/file type for macs and different versions of photoshop. the ones ive seen have been .abr files, can i use these on a mac or do i need something else. i can't try them out now cos im at work and i really wanna get on with stuff when i get i home!

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Lightroom :: How To Turn Off Automatic Startup Of 5

Mar 26, 2014

Each time I boot up the computer, or restart the computer, and each time I connect any USB device to the computer, LR 5 starts up. If there are images on a USB drive (or camera, or phone) I'm connecting - for example, to recharge the cell phone - LR 5 immediately tries to import those images. I almost never want that sort of automatic importing. I can turn off LR and "skip backup" - but there must be some setting which will allow me to have control of when LR opens and when it tries to import.
This happens on the LR 5 installation on my desktop computer, but not on the LR 5 installation on my laptop computer. Both installations are activated with valid reg codes.

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Lightroom :: Automatic Adjustments To RAW Image?

May 30, 2012

I notice that when i import RAW images  into Lightroom and open them up, they immediately become dull, less vibrant and very different o the in-camera image. I have tried to find whether there is asetting which applied automatic adjustements to the image but have been unsuccessful.  This doesn't seem to happen when i use the Canon RAW processing software.

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Lightroom :: Automatic Updating Of Files?

May 9, 2013

I am early in my learning curve on Lightroom. I understand that changes are not automatically applied to an image file but rather kept in a Lightroom database to preserve the original (non destructive). However, that is not a goal of mine. After making changes to a file or adding keywords, I want Lightroom to automatically update the actual files (in my case jpegs) so that I do not need to export them to be used elsewhere such as in a slideshows etc. I have found settings that imply the "metadata" is or can be updated, but I do not know if that is the "develop" changes I made or the keywords or if I need to do that every time before I close lightroom. Right now, I do an export of my entire folder of 20,000 images after each session where I make changes and then I use that export as a source for my automatic backup programs and supplies a continuous slideshow on another machine.

Maybe another way to say it is: after making changes and closing Lightroom, I want to be able to take an image from "My Pictures" folder (which contains all my images) and know it has the latest changes made and the latest keywords embedded. I do not want to have to export these files. first.

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Lightroom :: Automatic Lens Detection For Profile?

Jul 3, 2012

It seems to me at one time I was able to just click the check box "Enable Profile Corrections" and LR would automatically detect the lens I used and apply it. Now it wants me to scroll through the list to the bracnd name--then it applies it.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crashes Constantly On 2 Very Different Macs But CS5 Running Very Stable?

May 31, 2013

our photoshop cs6 (with latest update to 13.0.4) keeps crashing daily and is not stable at all. so we would work with cs 5 again, as this version is very stable and wont crash even once in a year.
we are daily/"9-5" working at a photographers´ studio and use 2 different macs:
- brand new mac pro 6-core (2010/Westmere) with 48GB RAM under system 10.8.3
- old mac pro with Two 2.66 GHz Dual-core Intel Xeon "Woodcrest" from 2006 with 16GB RAM under system 10.7.6
(both with standard equipped/shipped graphics cards)
cs6 crashes daily whith following tasks:
- frequent crashs: using "motion blur"
- frequent crashs: using "refine edge"
- sometimes using "transform tool"
during our tests, we found out, that "disable graphics card" (photoshop>settings>performance) in the mac pro from 2006, would prevent a crash, when using "refine edge". in the latest mac pro from 2010, we did not find any solution to prevent a crash.
a "crash", we define as follows: during the mentioned tasks, photoshop is gone from the screen in the blink of second, and an osx sign appears "photoshop has crashed"..

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Control 2 Macs With One Keyboard And Mouse

Nov 6, 2013

I know most of us have 2 computers in our suites and would be nice to controll both computer without having to use 2 mice and 2 keyboards. Right now I am using 2 computers, a mac pro and a macbook pro. I would like to use my MacPro's keyboard and mouse to control the macbook pro much like a mouse and keyboard on a second display. I've been using an application called teleport, but it doesn't allow me to use keyboard commands. 
I've heard/used synergy, but it's to much work for the final product.

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Lightroom :: How To Disable Automatic Distortion Correction From RAW Files

Jan 13, 2014

I have an Olympus OMD EM5 and I notice that when RAW files are imported into Lightroom, an automatic correction is applied by default. It appears to read this directly from the metadata of the RAW file. How to disable this?
The issue is that this correction means that the RAW files in Lightroom differ from both the camera viewfinder and JPG output in terms of composition - sometimes barely so, and sometimes significantly depending on angle, zoom etc. This is undesirable behavior in a lot of instances where you want the RAW to match your chosen composition.

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Lightroom :: Prevent Automatic Caption Of OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA?

Jul 14, 2012

The caption field of Metadata automatically fills with OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA.  How can I prevent this?  How can I get rid of this on my 3000 pictures of Turkey without manually deleting each caption?  I am new to Lightroom, and have version 4.1.  I use an iMAC, OSX10.6.8.

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Photoshop Elements :: Version No Longer Supported For New Intel Chip Macs

Aug 16, 2013

Bought Elements 4 in 2007 for my previous Power Mac and now just upgraded to a Macbook Pro and the program won't install . Get the message that this version no longer supported for new the Intel Chip Macs. I know the version is old but worked perfectly well for my purposes.
So do I just chuck that money away and fork out for another prologize?  What is the next version?

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