Lightroom :: Can Recover Edits After Renaming Source Folders And Re-syncing

Sep 29, 2012

My source files were a mess, so I went in and roughly organized them, creating folders and grouping them by type. I figured I could just re-link the offline files back in LR.
In Lightroom, I right-clicked on my root photo folder and chose "Syncronize Folder" - what I didn't realize is that it seems to have deleted what I had and reimported it again. So my problem is that all my Lightroom edits on these files are now gone. All I have are raw, untouched pics.
I backup regularly. Is there a way to restore my edits? All the underlying filenames are the same.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Edits Between Two Computers?

Dec 27, 2012

I have two big issues with syncing edits between my iMac (computer A) and Macbook Pro (computer B). My workflow has been as follows:
Import photo shoot onto computer A as DNG into master catalog. Do some edits. Export all DNGs as "Original" from shoot to desktop and copy over to computer B. Import shoot folder in master catalog on computer B, edits are held. Finish editing the entire shoot on B and export folder as a catalog without exporting the DNG files. Back on computer A, import to shoot folder from another catalog to sync edits and metadata changes.
My issues:
1. When edits actually do sync back on A, everything syncs EXCEPT for virtual copies, they are no where to be found. Even when exporting from B as a catalog, the dialogue box says "79 virtual copies to be exported." They just never show up back on computer A.
2. Biggest issue. On computer A, I work in one master catalog. Some shoot folders are still on the internal hard drive while most are housed on a Drobo. It seems the reason why edits will never sync back (changes arent found when importing from another catalog) is because LR4 is only looking on the INTERNAL disk of computer A. The import seems to not look for the photos that are housed on the Drobo. I think this because whenever I try to import back to A, LR4 tries to create a new folder in the catalog on the internal disk. The below screenshot shows what I mean. 0512-SpeedyFamily is the shoot Im editing between A & B, but LR4 tries to import them back onto the internal disk (upper portion of folders) and created the ?2012 folder.
I am running LR 4.2 on both machines, just havent installed the latest update yet.

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Lightroom :: How To Recover Missing Folders After Merging Two Annual Folders

May 25, 2013

I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).

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Lightroom :: Can Recover Raw Edits Not Saved As A Catalog

Jun 18, 2013

I have raw files that have been imported and edited, but not saved as a catalog/collection. LR crashed & I had to un/reinstall LR (4.4). Can I recover those changes and reapply them to the raw files? If so, how?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Recover Edits And Collections After OS 10.6.8 Reinstall?

Dec 21, 2012

After OS10.6.8 reinstall, my LR4 edits & collections are gone.  Can they be restored from Time Machine?
Background.I had a kern_protection_error, that required a complete reinstall of the MAC operating system.
All applications and the operating system was/are on a boot drive on a MAC Pro.
All images are on a master hard drives (configured as RAID).
All images and the boot drive are backed up on backup hard drives (configured as RAID).
All drives are periodically backed up using carbon copy cloner to drives kept offsight.  This was done the day before the system reinstall.
Unfortunately, LR was not additionally backed up using the backup feature in LR4.
All of my lightroom edits are now gone, as well as my collections.  Is there a way to restore the the edits and collections from the Time Machine backup?
I have gone to my LR 4 lrcat ("open existing catalog" from drop down menu) but have not actually relinked the images from the master hard drive, until I understand my path forward.

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Lightroom :: Renaming Folders In LR3

Dec 31, 2011

As I right click to rename a folder in the library folder panel, I get a window saying 'This is not a legal folder name.  Certain special characters are not permitted.'  As an example, I have a name followed with a date such as 120926 james bond  and I want to reverse the name and date to james bond 120926.  There are no special characters in there.

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Lightroom :: Renaming Folders And Moving Files?

Aug 4, 2013

I'm using LR 5.0 in a Windows 7/64 environment.
1. When attempting to rename a folder, why do I get this message: "The folder XYZ could not be renamed or moved."?  It only happens to certain folders but not others.  I may come back to that folder several days later and the problem won't reoccur.
2. When moving a group of files from one folder location to another, all but maybe one or two will move.   Although I receive an error, I try moving those two again, and they move normally.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Moving Folders / Photos And Edits From Laptop To Desktop

Jan 2, 2012

I have LR 3.5 on my windows desktop and my laptop .  I have 4 folders on my laptop with many edits to the photos.  I need to copy to folders, photos, and edits from my laptop to the LR on my desktop.  I'd like to get them into the LR on my desktop with the original photo as well as the edits as oppossed to exporting the edited photos.  I've done this before and forgot how to do it. How to copy everything to my desktop?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 Crashes When Renaming Files And Folders

Dec 23, 2011

Every time we have the file dialog boxes open and try renaming or any other explore action beyond changing folder location and hitting the save button AutoCAD LT will hang and crash.  We have tried starting the file operation and then just canceling and it does the same exact thing.  What happens most of the time is the user will be working on a file and need to save it.  They click save as and will go into the folder and right click and rename an existing file to a backup name and then hit save.  It proceeds to crash instantly and the document doesn't get saved.  It doesn't seem to matter the name of the file or folders or if it is a rename or delete operation.  It seems to be related to bring up the explorer options within AutoCad honestly.  All of our computers do the same thing. 

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Lightroom :: Sync LR4 Photo Folders With Explore Folders That Has Been Renamed

Jan 24, 2013

I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.

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VideoStudio :: Cannot Import Raw Video Clips / Select Import Source Folders

Nov 20, 2010

I'm in the process of evaluating several video editing programs. So far I've used AVS Video Editor, Cyberlink Power Director and Adobe Premiere.With each program I've spent 30 minutes making a quick demo video to see how intuitive it is and how well it performs. Today I downloaded Corel Visual Studio and decided to give it a go.

I've run into a problem straight away.I've tried to import raw avi files.So I'm using the "Select Import Source Folders" screen.When I navigate to the folder containing the files the OK button is greyed out and won't work.It's greyed out all of the time.

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Lightroom :: Restore Missing Sub-folders Into Folders Panel

Dec 10, 2011

I am using LR3. I appear to be digging a massive hole for myself trying to sort out the catalog. When I first got LR, I had initially added just a small number of files just to see how LR worked. At this time I was still completing sorting out my full photo collection in 'my pictures' which were also copied to two external hard drives. Once that work was completed, I imported a complete folder (some 4000 images) into LR. The folder/subfolders appeared in the folders panel but the sub folders I had initially imported were displayed with a ? and a message 'file is missing or offline' Going down the road of 'find missing folder' eventually led to my problems.
About 6 sub folders are involved so I eventually took the decision that it could be easier just to remove them so I could then re-import them from 'my pictures'. That hasn't worked out as planned.   When I go into 'file' to import photos from 'my pictures' the missing sub folders are there but the images are 'greyed' as well as the import button. When I put the cursor onto one of the greyed-out images the message 'appears to be a duplicate of another photo already in catalog' appears.
how I can restore the 'missing' sub folders into the folders panel.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Sub Folders Without Deleting Photos In Sub Folders

Jul 6, 2012

How do I delete sub-folders in Lightroom without deleting the photos in those sub-folders?

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Lightroom :: 4 Not Syncing All Photos?

Sep 25, 2012

I switched to LR4 right after it came out and I have never had any issues with it.  A few days ago I noticed that my syncing isnt working properly and it is making what is supposed to be a quick workflow take forever.  I import with a preset, then change contrast, blacks and such then sync all of the images with that. (this is the exact same process I have always used and I havent had any issues before) Only a few images actually sync, then I have to keep changing the settings to get back to what I originally synced to....I thought that I must have accidentally changed one of the settings or something, but when I tried it on my other computer, the exact same thing happened...

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Lightroom :: Syncing Slideshows To Music As MP4?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a timing problem when exporting slideshows to video, they just drift out of sync. Using 'fit to music' the preview syncs perfectly but the pictures overrun by about 4% when exported to an MP4 file. I can correct this by clipping the show and dissolve times manually but that means doing the maths and rendering it out (several times) to get it perfect.

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Lightroom :: Folders - Cannot Scroll Down To Access Other Folders?

Jun 5, 2013

I am using LR 4.4. I have a long list of folders but can not scroll down to access other folders in LR. how to access other folders so I can Render 1:

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Lightroom :: Syncing Photos And Catalogue Over Two Macs Using Box

Jan 15, 2013

There's me thinking I was dead clever. I use Box for my business filing, so have unlimited storage and can sync to my two Macs. But it turns out that Box can only sync 40,000 files, and, the killer is, it won't sync the catalogue previews file. These are things they plan to sort in their summer update.
So, there's me thinking I could use Box to run Lightroom on two Macs, in the field and at home, all nicely syncronised. But it's not quite going to work. I'm wondering if I can just copy the previews file back and forth over my home network, and let Box sync the rest.

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Lightroom :: Spot Removal Not Syncing Properly In LR4

Dec 21, 2012

Trying to sync spot removal from a .tif edit from PS to an original .CR2 (and vice versa).
Used Previous
Used Sync
Used Auto Sync
Clone/heal circles end up in totally different/random places.  This used to work in LR3,

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Lightroom :: 4 - Syncing Photos Between External Drives

Dec 10, 2013

I've got LR4 on my MBP, but all my photos are on a network drive. I'm about to go on a two week trip but I'd like to work on photos for my son's baby book whilst there. The photos are all on a 6TB LaCie which I obviously can't bring with me, but I have a 1TB LaCie Rugged that I can bring along.  I have LR set up such that I have all my son's photos organised by weeks and months, so I would like that set up preserved whilst I'm working away from home. So I thought one way was to copy the entire catalog to my 1TB LaCie, but how do I get it to sync with the photos in the network drive when I get back home? What's the best way of doing this? It's quite a big catalog as well, about 400GB of photos and videos. Previously what I did was to copy the entire catalog to a portable drive, but I ended up having multiple copies of the library in my catalog, i.e. the same picture folders on two different drives. I had to delete the portable drive from the catalog cos they were too many differences between the 2 drives and I couldn't keep up which was which.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Library Automatic Syncing Between Two Macs?

Dec 11, 2011

I am diggin' deeper and deeper into Professional Photography and am now using two Macs two develop my my .DNG RAWs.

In my Livingroom stands a 27" iMac, which is great to develop them further, and when I am on the road I am using a 15" MacBook Pro.

Thing is: the iMac has a Library of roughly 40.000 Pictures, the MacBook Pro is mostly used when I am not home for editing. Is there any way I can sync my Librarys via Ethernet to each other? That way I wouldn't need to re-edit my shots again on my iMac, or export my whole catalogue and push them around via my own network...

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Lightroom :: 5 - Syncing Two Units With External Hard Drive?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a desktop and laptop both of which run Lightroom 5. Recently I have setup a wireless connection to an external drive so that I can share my photos between the two. Problem encountered is that when I do edits on one of the computers the other does not read them because its Lightroom version does not have the edit history thereon. Is there a way that I can sync the two units?

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Lightroom :: Syncing Rotation Settings - Copystand Work

Jul 30, 2013

I use a copystand regularly, due to the design of the stand, the camera ends up taking photos of the scene upside down. In lighroom the only way I can find to rotate images is in the library module using Ctrl-] (twice as I need to rotate 180) or using the little arrows under the image. When doing copystand work, requiring instant review, and taking many hundred photos in a day, this isn't really workable.
I tether my camera for this work, and due to using an unsupported camera (sony a850) I use the hotfolder import method. This gives me the option to apply a "develope setting" profile and a "metadata" profile, but the single thing I can't work out how to change automatically on an image is the one that I really need to change: the rotation option.
I have also found inconvenience in the past of having to switch back from the develop module to the library module to find that one misplaced editing option. I like that this setting is accessible from the library module, but I'd like to see it also being accessible as part of the develop module's crop functionality, both from the UI, and from the metadata sync/save systems.

Would this make a reasonable feature request?
I currently use Lightroom 4.4, but will be upgrading to Lightroom 5 shortly, It doesn't look like it's been sorted out there either. I'm also on windows 7, but i'd be surprised if this was different on mac.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Library To Creative Cloud Files?

Jan 11, 2014

Shouldn't I be able to save my Lightroom Library to my Creative Cloud Files account? I understood this is done from the Sync button in the Lightroom Library.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Tags (keywords) Between Pictures And External Drive?

Feb 29, 2012

am in the process of keywording files using LR3.  how do i sync those keywords with a duplicate backup set of files on an external drive.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Moved Folder Is Not Bringing Back All Photos

Jan 26, 2014

I have moved and renamed a folder in the external harddrive. Syncing that moved folder in lightroom is not working in bringing back all the photos to Lightroom - Although all the photos exist in that folder as I have confirmed through windows explorer.
Another Option: If I choose "import photos to this folder option" in LR and browse to the source to that folder - the missing photos are shown as shaded back and the import button (bottom right corner) is not highlighted. Therefore I cannot select these missing photos and hence cannot import them to the folder.

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Lightroom :: Original File Missing After Syncing Folder With PS Edit Versions?

Apr 2, 2013

I just noticed that some of my photos are missing from the library in lightroom, specifically the original versions of photos that have virtual copies edited in photoshop in folders that have since been synchronized.  Weird, and very anoying.  The files are still there (in wondows explorer) but when I try to re-import them lightroom doesn't see them, only the PS edited copies (.tif files).  I told lightroom to allow duplicates and it sees all the photos in the folder except those missing ones.  This does not happen to my PS edited virtual copies in folders that have not been synchronized.  It is not a matter of stacking, or at least Lightroom does not think the PS copies are stacked at all so I can't unstack them. How to get them back into lightroom (preferably with the accompanying development settings) and also how to avoid this problem in the future. 

PS: I import files from my camcorder using a different program because lightroom does not acknowledge that particular video file format.  That's why I have to synchronize some folders and not others.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Renaming Panel Will Not Appear?

Jan 22, 2014

On LIghtroom 5.3 the renaming panel will not appear while importing either Copy or Move is selected.  Works fine on my desktop

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Lightroom :: Importing Images From Specific Folders Including Images From Outside Selected Folders

Mar 19, 2013

Importing images from specific folders is including images from outside selected folders. 

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Not Renaming Files Correctly

Jan 6, 2012

I've got my files set to rename on import
Custom: {Date (YYYYMMDD)>>} {Custom Text} {Import # 01} >>}
However it's putting the import date on the files rather than the capture date.It's only started happening recently (this month) started with video (move) files being set to the date ahead from my Canon IXUS 220 HS
Now it's not importing the capture date for purposes of the file name.The files still say the correct date in Windows.

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Lightroom :: Renaming Files Using Letters

Mar 12, 2014

I am wanting to name files using custom name sequence...but instead of numbers in the sequence, I want to use letters.  Is this possible
ie:  1a.jpg 1b.jpg 1c.jpg etc. 

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Lightroom :: How To Get Edits From JPG

May 29, 2013

I have a finished JPG and I am trying to re-create the settings I used in another image.  Unfortunately, I didn't save the settings in a preset.  Is there a way I can have Lightroom compare the original RAW/JPG with the final JPG and extract settings from that?

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