Lightroom :: Re-Import No XMP To Reset Development Changes?

Aug 26, 2013

After importing to Lightroom and doing some developent changes, I decided to restart my whole Catalog. There are no XMP files for the changes I made, but surprisingly it shows after re-importing the images back into Lightroom (using "Add"), some files show as previously being edited, so now the original files (in split view) show as the last edit.
Is there any way to clear all changes made to revert back to a clean original file ?

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Lightroom :: Import Development Settings From Another Computer?

Oct 1, 2012

At home I still have the trial version (I wait for 4.2 to see if it will be much faster before buying it) and today I do some photo development at work (we also have 4.1 version).
What I'd like to know is it it's possible to import the processings settings of each photos to my own catalog ????
Here is how I did my work:
At home my raws are on an external USB drive and I import my pictures from this disk: path is I:Mes photos<subject + date of the photoshoot> My Lightroom catalog is in it's default path (user profile, my pictures).
At work, I put my photos on a temp director c:MyRawPictures and import them into lightroom.
Now how can I export the development settings from the lightroom at work and import them in my home setup ?
I saw a menu "import from another catalog". can I use this one ? If yes, do I need to copy the "Lightroom catalog" folder ?

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Lightroom :: After Import In 4.2 All Images Have Development Modifications

Nov 9, 2012

When I import images no matter if RAW or JPG, when I go to the development module all images have various modifications on all slidedrs from exposure to saturation.  I haven't changed any settings or global settings but each slider will already be modified.  Previously when importing images all sliders were set to ZERO, but now all of those sliders are anywhere from - to + modification.
LR 4.2, Windows 7 64-bit, 24GB ram, Catalog has been optimized, Develop Settings and Metadata setting are set to none on import.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Crashes When Going Into Development?

Nov 9, 2012

Light Room 4.2 Crashes. I was setting up Light Room and accidently clickede on Development. The program then crashed. I shut the program down and tried to start it up several times with the same result.

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Lightroom :: Importing Development Settings From JPG?

Dec 21, 2013

I have a JPG file that I've created in Lightroom from a RAW file.

My computer has crashed at some point, and I lost everything, but I managed to save the original RAW file.

Is it possible to recover the development settings from the JPG file, in order to re-edit the orignal RAW file (so I could make changes right from where I left off)?

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Lightroom :: Wrong Colors In Development?

Jul 2, 2013

The colors of my cr2 files are wrong in the developement part of Lightroom. Dark pixel are turnes into blue ones, bright/white pixels are turned into red ones.

The problem does not occur if I only watch the pictures in the libary mode

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Lightroom :: Development Panels Disappeared And Will Not Come Back

May 19, 2012

I emailed a photo from my light room and all my development panels disappeared and will not come back.  What do I do to get them to return?

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Lightroom :: How To Apply Development Settings To Image

Nov 5, 2012

I would like to be able to apply developement settings to an image and commit to them, so that the sliders would go back to zero and I can use them again.

I know I could export a develped image, then import it and continue developing this image at its intermediate stage.

But is there a way to actually render the selected dev. settings while remaining in the develop module so that I can carry on using the sliders all over again?

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Development Module / Basic Settings Do Not Appear

Nov 24, 2013

I have been using LR5.2 successfully for a few months now but all of a sudden I cannot see the basic settings in the Development Module. Specifically, I am not able to change Color Temperature, exposure, recovery, Clarity (very important to me), etc. I shoot RAW 100%, so I wonder if i accidentally hit some wrong key to make those basic features hidden?

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Lightroom :: Development Module No Longer Works?

Oct 18, 2012

I run Lightroom 4.2 under Windows 7. All went well until this morning the development module showed a greyed out screen and LR stopped working. All other modules seem to work well. I tried a reinstallation but that doesn't work, nor does a return to 4.0 work.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - How To Correct Color In Development Part

Mar 21, 2013

I have LR4.3 for at least one year. He has worked correctly until 2 weeks ago. But now it is impossible to have correct color in the "development " part.

When i choose the pictures in the computer to load them, their colors are "normal" but after to have loaded them, The pictures are red, blue, green, yellowl etc without gradient (like solarization) Even if the picture loaded is in B&W.

And the "histogram" has the same colors.

When i decide to send these pictures to the computer, their colors are again "normal" (with the changes I have done) but without be able to control them during their passage in LR4.3.
Original picture:

The same in LR4.3

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Lightroom :: Can No Longer Export Or Use Development Tools

Jul 1, 2013

I'm been humming along just fine in Lightroom 5 until this morning.  I might explain that I have been using an old iMac. The speeds been killing me so I decided to use my new MacBook Pro and get a display with it. So this weekend I set up the MacBook Pro with LR presets etc. I use an exteral HD for my photos.  Since that drive was getting pretty full.  I purchased a new one and copied my photos to it.  In LR on the MacBook Pro, I clicked "find my photo" and it did.  After that I did some editing and exporting.  This morning, I couldn't export or edit in the development module. I still have my old iMac installed and I noticed I can't export from it either.  Not sure what I need to do to use it.

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Lightroom :: Mass Editing In Development Module Is Not Working?

Jul 28, 2013

I used to be able to select all photo's in the development module and then apply a preset (i.e. sharpen for faces) and it would apply to all photo's, a mass edit would occur.  Now when I select all and add a preset, it only applies to the photo being viewed at that time, i can no longer do mass edits in this manner.  Is there a setting I am missing which allows mass editing in Development module?  I am using Lightroom 5 for Mac. I edit 100's of photo's at once, and I like to add sharpening to all at the end rather than clicking each one at a time.

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Lightroom :: Library And Development Tool Shows Different Colors?

Feb 9, 2012

My problem is, that photos are shown different in color between libary and development tool in Lightroom 3.6. The libary shows corrected color in photos, the development tool not.When I switch between libary and development tool sometimes, the development tool shows then the same colors.

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Lightroom :: How To Share Development Progress With Multiple Devices

Jan 10, 2014

How could  I share development progress with multiple devices? I would like to share the library on the desktop and notebook. According to faq it's not possible to put library on a network ( I have a nas), but this would be the best solution!

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Lightroom :: Process Of Making Adjustment In Development Module

Dec 7, 2013

I was eventually able to download Lightroom 5 after paying for it twice,  It took over 2 hours on online chat for them to release a code to activate the download.  Now that I have it i am working on a class project that's due on Monday . I was in the process of making adjustment in the Development module when it suddenly disappeared.  What can I do to get it back up?  I looked under "Tools" and Efit biut cannot activete any of the features that I need to work on these photos.

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Lightroom :: Session Development Miss Colors Configuration

Feb 17, 2013

Suddenly the pallete colors disappeared from my development session. I re-started all my computer and LR, but it doesn't appear in my screen. Is it necessary I reinstall LR?

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Lightroom :: All Previews Gray Squares - But Picture Is Ok In Development Panel

Sep 21, 2013

I have moved the library folder in OSX and then tried to start lightroom again pointing it to the new library location. Afterwards all Previews were replaced by grey squares (with color curves showing on the right, stars etc. but no image). It looks like the previews are not created but all the information are there
why when moving to the Developer rider, the Photos appear and i can work on it again. Thereafter it also appears again in the previews. S
Tried to optimize library but after 6 days of process ongoing i stopped with no changes at all to the library. Have about 60k photos in the library.I have tried the monitor settings but that makes no difference.This also happens with newly imported pictures,the ones that were appearing clearly in the library are grey at the next start of the project.running lightroom 5 with imac and latest osx.

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Lightroom :: Set Left And Right Panels In Development Module To Solo Mode?

Jan 21, 2013

In LR you can set the left and right panels, in the development module, to solo mode, and I think nearly everyone does. My problem is that I lose the mode each time I leave LR and have to reset it each time I enter LR. Normally the panel’s stays in solo mode and in previous versions have.  I’ve been using LR since the public beta way back in 12/2006.
Why my LR doesn’t stay in solo mode or how I can get it to stay in solo mode?

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Lightroom :: Changing Computers - Move Development Information With Master Files?

May 28, 2013

I am changing computers, how I can move the development info with my master files?

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Lightroom :: Publish To Hard Drive - Virtual AND Master Losing All Development Changes Upon Export

Feb 3, 2013

LR 4.3, 59th reinstall (i lost count), standard HP pc setup, triple-core.
workflow: i develop the master to the point where i want to diverge, then create a virtual copy, finish developing and publish to hard drive. Have done this a million times, but since most recent reinstall (for a plethora of reasons, but mostly difficulties with performance and performance - and oh! performance... ;-), it publishes only the undeveloped original. I've tried publishing the master, just to see what happens, and ditto: only the unedited raw file is displaying in my published folder on the hard-drive.
i am careful to select 'Show PUBLISHED folder on hard-drive' from the right-click drop-down on the published image in the hard-drive publishing module, which in lightroom DOES reflect all changes, but the image on the hard-drive is the original raw file, renamed to the publish-service's specs.
Having to do an extra export into ps6 (which does reflect changes), and re-save for no other reason than to preserve development is time-consuming and destructive to my workflow, which is darned complicated enough as it is!

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Reset Inside Action Schematic Won't Reset All Parameter?

Nov 28, 2012

i'm in action schematic and if i reset any node (for example images/surface) then some parameter is still not affected. For example : the blend type and surface type and couple more are not affected by that reset function. Is this a bug ?

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Lightroom :: All Photos Reset Upon Transfer

Dec 30, 2013

I transferred my photos from Lightroom 2 to 4. Unfortunately all the changes I made in the develop module have been reset. In the develop module each photo still has a history of changes, with the last entry being 'Reset Settings', so by reverting to the prior entry I can bring the photo back to its developed state. But I would have to do this manually for every single photo. Is there any way I can reverse the reset on all photos?

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Lightroom :: Can't Reinstall Copy Of 5 After Mac Reset

Oct 24, 2013

I'm unable to reinstall Lightroom 5 from Adobe. I have done a "clean" installation of OSX Mavericks on my macbook Pro, but now the page for the download show the message "Not applicable" (see image). What can I do to reinstall it?

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Lightroom :: How To Reset Paths (NOT Missing Photos)

Dec 19, 2013

I have created a new folder with all my photos. Within it are individual folders named by year (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009...).
I have several old catalogs with photos pointing to different files on several external HDs.  I want to relink them nice and neatly so that they all point to the photos on my newly created folder on a dedicated external HD.
How can I relink all the photos? I've searched all over the internet but the only information that I can find are those related to "missing photos and question marks in the corner (and not just "resetting paths" as in Expression Media/iView).   I have attempted to FORCE the question mark and relink it that way but Lightroom will not find nearby files. It only finds photos taken on the same day.
There must be some easy way like in Expression Media/iView to simply reset the path, i.e., manually relink in big batches (all photos in one folder).

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Lightroom :: How To Reset Filenaming For External Editors

Mar 1, 2013

I had tried some variations for naming files that are handled by an external editor (PhotoShop), but didn't like the results after all. Now I'd like to revert to the Lightroom default of -Edit1, -Edit2, etc., but how to get those defaults back for any future edited files.

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Lightroom :: Removing Reset On History Stack?

Jun 22, 2013

I'm using Lightroom 3.6
I have a large catalog of images I have touched up to prepare for use.
Today when I loaded the catalog, every image has a 'reset' at the top of this History stack. This is undoing all my modifications, but all the operations I did perform are still listed under that.I want to remove the 'reset' from the top of History of every image in this catalog so I get back to what I had already done.

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Lightroom :: Reset Catalog  To Factory Settings?

Dec 30, 2012

I recently installed Lightroom 4.3 on my computer and made an error in setting my defaults.  Then I made some corrections using Windows Explorer, now when I try to start program I get message "Lightroom encountered an error when reading previous cache and needs to quit".  "Lightroom will attempt to fix this problem next time it launches".
The only option available is to quit Lightroom.  After attempting to restart Lightroom several times including a reboot I get the same message.
Do I need to uninstall lightroom and then reinstall or is there a way to delete the catalog and start over.? I can't run lightroom to make any changes unless there is a way to bypass the quit option.

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Lightroom :: How To Reset All Keywords And Restart From Scratch

Mar 10, 2012

I've been experimenting with LR4, but can't figure out how to reset all keywords and restart from scratch.
I've deleted every catalog I can find (they were all under a Lightroom folder under Pictures).
I start Lightroom and create a new catalog.  I exit, delete the default catalog and restart.
I import a folder with about 6 images, each with a few non-hierarchical keywords.
Lightroom gets inventive and puts them into hierarchies that it remembered from earlier in the day when I had imported keywords from Bridge and then tried to fix the mess Lightroom made of them.  Where is it getting these old hierarchies from??
How do I stop this nonsense and start clean?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Modify Keys + And - Always Reset To Exposure Slider

Oct 29, 2012

In Lightroom 3 when you moved through images these modify keys (+ and -)  would always remain at the  temperature slider. It seems to now always default to exposure. Is there anyway you can change this?

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Lightroom :: Series Of Images - Reset Zoom Position?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a series of images taken with different settings and I want to quickly compare them at 1:1 in different areas of the image, center and corners. I have discovered that if I select the series I want to examine and then go to the first image and zoom that image to the position that I wish to when I use the arrow keys to move to each subsequent image will be shown zoomed into the same position
If I don't ever go to any of the other images and zoom anywhere this works just fine. The zoom location is remembered just for the first image. However, if i accidentally or deliberately zoom on one of the other images it will remember that zoom location forever which breaks the technique described above.
how to remove the remembered zoom location from an image like it is when you first import it into LR?

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