Lightroom :: Printing Module For RAW Files?

Jun 4, 2012

With LR4, JPEG files can be processed from library module to develop module, and finally to print module without involving photoshop. This seems to be a very efficient, continuous workflow. 
But I was confused about it when starting with raw files (e.g., NEF)..  NEF files can be processed from library module to delopment module.  Then, there would be  next three options to proceed: a) export and save as JPEG, b) edit in Adobe photoshop CS5 for further improvement,  or c) process in print module to print.   My question is about the last c) option.  When NEF files undergo from library module > develop module > print module, the image on the screen is still in "edited" NEF file  (or "unsaved print" which is displaced on the top of the screen image).  When printed, the picture was printed from "unsaved print" which its format is not defined. I wonder this is the correct procedure for processing and printing from NEF file without involving photoshop. 

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Lightroom :: Printing From Map Module?

Feb 12, 2014

Can you print the map showing your photo locations in the map module?

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Lightroom :: More Text Options For Printing Module

Nov 2, 2011

It's frustrating to be able to do just about everything in LR - but not quite.  I'd like more text options for the printing module.  For example, when I'm printing a limited edition print, I put the edition number in the bottom left corner, under the image, within the border of the print.  The title goes in the middle, slighty larger font, and then possibly a watermark.
I can use the Identity Plate to create a nice looking title, but the Photo Info will only print in the middle with no options for positioning it anywhere else, or no options for other fonts.

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Lightroom :: 4 Print Module - Printing To The Edge Of The Paper

Mar 9, 2012

How do I get a print to go to the edges of the page, and how do I fill in the area outside the margins with black. I would prefer not to have to go into PS to put the image on a black background, if possible.

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Lightroom :: How To Change Default Font Is Used For Printing Photo Info In Print Module

Jun 17, 2011

How do I change the default font that is used for printing "Photo Info" in the Print Module? The only option I can find is the Font Size option, but what determines the default font that Lightroom uses to print the photo info?
As far as I can tell there is no way to change the "Photo Info" color to something other than black, is this correct?

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Lightroom :: Crash In Develop Module RAW Files With Sidecar Files

Jan 12, 2012

The issue probably has to do with the differences in settings. I am using the 64 bit version of Windows 7.I imported a group of pictures with the XMP sidecar files generated with Lightroom v3.  All the image files, a mixture of Canon Mark 5D II RAW and jpg files from my point & shoot UFO camera, imported without issue picking up all my tagging and GPS settings. When importing you are put into the Library module and from the Library module I could click on any RAW or jpg file, look at the meta data and view full screen.
I then entered the Develop module with a jpg picture selected and none of my settings made it across. The process was set to 2012.  I was able to try out the new adjustments and all worked very well.I then selected a RAW file while still in the Develop module and all hell broke loose.
I got a tip window pop up, the film strip went orange, the rest of the app screen then became greyed out and then behind tip pop up a crash window containing this information appeared:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: lightroom.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4ef2621d
Fault Module Name: MSVCR100.dll
Fault Module Version: 10.0.40219.1
Fault Module Timestamp: 4d5f034a
Exception Code: c000041d
Exception Offset: 000000000003c1be
There was no other path but to have the app close after that.  Now since Lightroom has left off with the RAW file in the develop module when I restart the app it starts in the develop module with that same RAW image selected and I crash before I can change to a jpg.   I am probably going to have to delete and recreated the data file to use the app again
After the all this I went back and checked to see how I had the catalog settings in LR 3 set because there were no sidecar files for the jpg images.  I did not have the option to write settings to jpg and tif files but did have write settings to sidecar set.  So I have a bit of a mystery why I have no sidecar files for jpg files when I should have based on the way the settings were.  This probably explains why I had no issues at all with them in LR 4.
I am going to get LR 4 working again and then import the same batch of pictures without any sidecar files and see if I have any issues.  I will report back soon.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Web Module That Can Also Play MOV Files

Mar 21, 2013

I would like to know if there is an LR4 web module that can also play .mov files. If there is not such an animal internally, perhaps you know of one I could download.

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Lightroom :: Book Module Accepts Raw Files?

Mar 14, 2012

In Lightroom 4, all my photos are currently sitting in the Library Module in Raw form so none have been exported into jpg form. When I do Auto Layout into the Book Module, it imports all my photos which are currently Raw.  Should I before I do Auto Layout in Book Module save them in the Develop Module as JPGs? If I can do Auto Layout with raw photos (and then send onto Blurb), would I lose any detail in the photos by not saving them to a Jpg first?  Does Lightroom 4 recognize a difference between jpg and raw files in Book Module?

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Lightroom :: Map Module Is Unable To Read EOS 6D GPS Log Files

Jan 9, 2014

Map module is unable to read EOS 6D GPS log files. What can be done to make the data useable?

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Lightroom :: Exclamation Marks On All Files In Library Module After Migration To OSX 10.8 From PC?

Mar 11, 2013

I copied my catalog from Windows 7 PC (along with all photos) to a new iMac OXS 10.8. Installed Lightroom 4.3 on the iMac (with photos and catalog in same relative locations as previously in the photos folder)
In the Lightroom library on the iMac, all my photos have an exclamation mark in the top corner, and when opening any of them, I get a comment suggesting metadata is in conflict.The actaul metadata in the photos looks fine.Is there a global command with which I can cancel these exclamation marks?

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Lightroom :: Fuji RAW Files Don't Show Correct Lens Profile In Develop Module

Apr 7, 2013

I have a Fuji X-e1 and the latest update of LR 4.4 running on 10.6.8, 16GB RAM, all OS software up to date.
The problem is my Fuji RAW files don't show the correct lens profile in the Develop module. The only choice available to choose is for Fuji X100 (which I've never owned or shot). The metadata in the Library module is correct for both the lens and camera, and also shows correctly in Bridge.
However, with the same software on a friend's Macbook Pro -- also 10.6.8, LR 4.4, etc. -- the lens profile correctly allows for the X-e1 and 18mm lens auto-correction.
I uninstalled LR on the desktop using an uninstaller called Zap It, downloaded 4.4, reinstalled and still the same 'error'.

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Lightroom :: Blue Patches In Shadow Areas When Viewing CR2 Files In Develop Module

Nov 11, 2013

The last batch of images imported from my Canon 7D are all showing blue patches in the shadow areas.
LR 5.2, Camera Raw 8.2
I am wondering if it is linked to lens profiles, as it appears to have started since I have begun using the Sigma 30mm 1.4 lens.

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Lightroom :: Slight Color And Quality Shift When Viewing RAW Files For First Time In Library Module

Mar 1, 2013

I have been shooting RAW for a while and have notice that after I import the images and then start to view them in the Library Module I will see a slight color and quality shift - almost looks like a white balance shift but not quite.   I was thinking that perhaps there was some automatic preset being applied but I don't have any presets at all.
I am shooting with a Canon 1DX as well as 7D.  I have not checked to see if I get this situation with the 7D, but I know for sure that I get it with the 1DX.
Today I was reviewing some images in Bridge and decided to open one of them in Camera RAW.   At that time I discovered that the camera's Image Style Settings were available, Faithful, Standard, Portrait, etc.  I noticed that the images did not have one of the camera styles applied to them but rather the Adobe Standard Style. At that point from within RAW I selected one of the camera's styles and bingo thats the kind of shift I am seeing when I first view an image in LR4 Library.
So as far as I can tell the RAW images are getting the Adobe Standard style applied in LR.   I have no idea if this is a default behavior of if I have done something to cause it.  I'm also thinking that perhaps LR does not necessarily apply the Camera's Styles automatically even though the particular style has been set in the camera -- perhaps is not imported as part of the metadata during the import and thus defaults to the Adobe Standard.
1. Should I expect LR4 to apply the Style as set from the camera automatically or not at all?
2. Can I prevent LR from applying the Adobe Standard Style and apply no style?
3. Can I cause LR to apply the Style as set in the camera for the particular image to be appied automatically upon import?

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Lightroom :: Images In Library Module Aren’t As Sharp Compared To Develop Module

Nov 28, 2013

For some reason images in the library module aren’t as sharp compared to the develop module. If I’m in develop images are nice and sharp but as soon as I select the library you can see the image quality drop and image becomes less blurry!

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Lightroom :: Sharpening In Develop Module Is Not Shown When Switching Back To Library Module

Feb 7, 2014

Sharpening applied in develop module is not shown when switching back to library module. It looks the problem occurs when having size to "FIT".  With 1:1 there seams to be no issue. Export also looks fine in 1:1.    
I use Mac 10.9.1, LR5.3, Nikon NEF 24Mbit from D600.
I hope this is a way to get support from Adobe.

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Lightroom :: Error Message When Switching From Library Module To Slideshow Module?

Jan 26, 2013

I am running LR4 ver4.3. All of a sudden I receied an error message stating cannnot switch to module. I have tried all the usual stuff before going out to the web to look for fixes. On adobe's site they recommended 6 things which I did exactly as instructed and still nothing..I am running iMac mountain lion and everything on my computer is up to date.

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Changes Not Reflected In Library Module Or On Export

Sep 14, 2012

After making changes to an image (sharpening, exposure, contrast, etc, etc) in the develop module, when I head over to the library module, the image does not show the latest changes. What's worse is when I export a JPG of the image, it exports the original! What's the point in having LR?

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Lightroom :: Moving Photos From The Develop Module To The Web Module

Dec 8, 2011

When I move photos from the develop module to the web module they get a garish/reddish look . I want the photos in slide shows to look like they do in the Develop module. How do I do that?

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Lightroom :: Printing Contact Sheets - Printer Aborting Job Because It Cannot Find Files

Feb 7, 2013

I'm attempting to print from LR4 print module to a Canon Pixma Pro 9500 using a mac platform.  I have 25 contact sheets to print (don't ask!!) and it's taken me 2 days so far and I have managed to print 18 of them.  The printer is working.  Lightroom appears to be working. 

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Lightroom :: Convert Colour Profile Of Custom Printing Package From Pro Photo To SRGB Before Printing

Oct 30, 2012

How do I convert the colour profile of a Lightroom custom printing package from Adobe Prophoto to sRGB before printing? For that matter, how do I save the thing? I have no interest in saving the template, or the collection separately, since neither has any use without the other. And without saving them as one finished item, I have no way to convert the colour profile of that item. I can see clearly from the appearance of the print preview that the above mentioned colour profile conversion is required.

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Does Not Appear?

Aug 8, 2012

When I open Lightroom the develope module does not appear with the other modules in the upper right hand corner. How do I corret this?

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Lightroom :: Disappearing Module Name?

Sep 10, 2012

"library" has disappeared from the modules listed on the main interface of Lightroom 4.1, I can only get to it from the menu

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Lightroom :: 4 - Map Module Is Blank

Mar 7, 2012

I upgraded from LR3 to LR4 yesterday and was excited to dive into the Map module. Unfortunately, the map seems to be blank. I have selected an image with GPS information. The Map module correctly looks up the location of the photo (Magdalena, New Mexico). This seems like a rendering bug.
Just to check, I installed LR4 onto another OS X 10.6.8 machine that had not previously had Lightroom and imported the same picture. The Map module worked correctly. So, I tried re-installing LR4 on the original machine. Unfortunately, it still does not work. I tried creating a new catalog and backing up and then deleting all preferences. The map is still blank...

I am open to all sorts of alternatives, including but not limited to: Running dtrace to look at library callsattaching XCode to debug (though I would assume all the objects have been stripped), or Starting up a WebDialogs/WebEx/VNC/TeamViewer/etc server for a dev to pry around on it or debug with XCode. Of course a debuggable build would work with this.  

I created a new user on the system that is failing, started LR4, created a new catalog, imported the test photo, changed to Map module--still blank. Something on this particular system is causing the rendering failure. My next thought was that perhaps it was an issue with the non-accelerated graphics. So I disabled the graphics switching. Still a blank map..

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Lightroom :: No Video Module

Mar 13, 2012

I have just installed LR4 upgrade from disk and on opening the program there is no video module in the top bar as the beta version. This is one of the main reasons i upgraded is for the video module.

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Lightroom :: All 5.1 Previews Are Gone Regardless Of Module?

Sep 19, 2013

Tuesday night, I was working on a senior photo session. Everything was working perfectly fine. I decided to export the 2013 sessions to a new catalog. Everything still looking great. No issues.
Some potentially important info: I was using two monitors: a pro-level Viewsonic LED backlit 24" calibrated monitor and my laptop monitor. I was working with the Nvidia driver to calibrate the laptop monitor to be "close" to the pro monitor. I was able to get there using the Nvidia controls (versus the defaults). Then the Nvidia auto-updater prompted me to update my video driver that same night. I let it do its thing. Everything appeared to be fine with it and I was still able to work with LR5 no problems.
I had to take a break for a few hours. So, I closed LR5 and came back later to work on more images. When I pulled up the new 2013 catalog, all the image previews (thumbnail and large) were gone. The physical images were still on the drive, but I couldn't see them to edit nor preview them no matter what module I chose. I selected various images I'd just worked on and went to the Develop module - no dice. The preview was not working nor any thumbnail previews.
So I did some troubleshooting. I deleted the LR5 prefs file and let it recreate the file. Still nothing. Same behavior. I went to uninstall LR5 thinking I'd just reset the whole shebang, and noticed that I had LR5 and LR5CC installed (apparently CC didn't uninstall the single license version). So I uninstalled both LR5 installations. I rebooted and reinstalled from CC.
...still nothing... same behavior.
I uninstalled it again (since it's unusable) and installed Bridge CC. Voila! The images are all there and I can work with them in ACR, etc. No issues at all.
This leads me to believe that something got messed up with LR5's configuration with previews. I believe I did have Smart Previews enabled.
So now that you have all that info and backdrop: What should I do to get LR5 back to normal so I can keep working on these paying gigs? If i can understand what caused the break, I'll avoid doing that from now on.

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Lightroom :: How Many Panels There Are In Web Module Of 4.3

Mar 11, 2013

How many panels there are in the web module of Lightroom 4.3 - 6 or 7 - I have 6 only panels, but it seems that I'm missing a seventh - The "appearance" panel or "aspect" in french?

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Lightroom :: How To Switch To Map Module

Sep 29, 2012

I just got a GPS device for my D800.  After I import my files and click on the Map module, I get error when trying to switch between modules. I have to quit LR4 completely.  What do I need to do to correct this.  I am running LR4 on a MacBook Pro running the latest version of Lion (not ML).

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Lightroom :: How To Share Using Web Module

Sep 23, 2012

I have a domain name with GoDaddy since I had a website (Zenfolio which I took down). How do I share? How do I find the FTP address for me?

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Lightroom :: Print Module Different Margins

Feb 10, 2014

I want to print a photo in 5x7in.I have a Epson Stylus Photo PX710W printer. I select it from Page Setup button.Then i select the paper size as 5x7in (13x18cm)
But i couldnt set the margins in same size.Left, right and top can be set as 2,8mm. minimum but bottom can set to 3,2mm.Zoom to fill and rotate to fitt both are selected.
Cell size is: 121,0mm. maximum size.
Cell widht is: 172,1mm. maximum size.
I uninstalled my Printer's drivers and software and reinstalled it, but nothing has changed.Then i reinstalled Lightroom but no changes.I use the latest Lightroom 5.3

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Lightroom :: Map Module - Can Only See Blank Window

Nov 27, 2013

In the Map module I now see only a blank window instead of the map, even for the tagged photos.

PC, Windows 8.1

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Lightroom :: Missing Library Module Name?

Jul 8, 2013

For some inexplicable reason, on my LR 4, the word Library is not listed at the top of the home page where the other 6 module names are...Devleop, Map, etc.

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