Lightroom :: Picture Goes Blank When New Grad Filter Or Brush Used?
Feb 17, 2012
When I attempt to use a new grad filter or adjustment brush in LR3.6 the picture goes blank i.e. totally black. The history does not update and I can do no other edits until I Ctrl-Z or go to the grid pane or move to the next image. I am running on Windows 7 64 bit and I have re-installed, twice, (repaired) using the latest downloaded LR3.6 off the adobe site. I have done several integity checks which are successful and the problem occurs no matter what catalog I open, small or big. However, my LR 4 beta works perfectly!? This problem came out of the blue and the only software that I have installed on my machine recently was some Windows updates and Firetower which checks changes to my Startup processes.
A couple of days ago, The exact same thing started happening with LR3.6. I was hoping updating would do the trick but the exact same thing takes place. With an adjustment brush, when clicking on the image, it, the image, disappears as soon as I click on it. Same thing with gradient filter, the image disappears when I start dragging. Switching to the Library Module, my image is still there. For my image to reappear I have to select another image and go back to my initial image. Even then, I am still "holding" my brush even though my "Tools Strip" is not open. To get rid of the brush, I have to select it AND deselect it for it to disappear.Only then I can do further editing on that particular file that does not involve brush and/or gradient filter. Everything else seems to be working properly. This never happened until 3 days ago and I did not download any new program.
Win 7 Pro, Service Pack 1, 64 bit, RAM 16GB, Working only on RAW files
When I'm in develope module and have an image at 100% and I'm using the brush tool how can I move the picture to use the same brush in close or other areas?
I watched in the forum and found an answer that says to hold down alt key so the brush become temporarly an hand to move the image, but this doesn't work.
Whenever I try to text on either a blank sheet or over a picture the text looks blurred/ pixalated and no matter what size I choose it comes out small.
I have a image that has everything on the background layer. I want to delete some text and replace them with different text. But when i use the selection tool to delete the text, i just get a white/black check box area. How do i delete a portion of the picture and replace it with white blank space?
Oh and how do i adjust the size of the text box when inserting new text?
Since I have Photoshop installed CC works there the possibility to change the brush size by pressing the ctrl + alt key especially in the Liquify filter anymore. The same problem I have with the zoom function. In PS 6 I was able to press the alt + space key and while moving the mouse in the image in or out back. also that no longer works?
I just update to photoshop cs6 (Mac 13.0.4). Unfortunately, it's not possible anymore to resize brush in the liquify filter by "CTRL-Option-drag" like I did before in former CS6 version.
make this filter on the picture? The left side pic is the normal one and the right side pic is the filtered one by the way, this filter is called "instant" if you have iphone with new iOS7 (you will find the filter in camera or while editing pic from photo)
filter makes pic a bit sharper, yellowish a bit with keeping the textures of the pic..i tried to play with levels and brightness but couldn't really get it..if you have iphone with iOS7 you might wanna take pic and try the effect to see how it changes the pic.
I'm in the process of making a command map for the free video game Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
The games allows to generate a TGA file called Tracemap, which is used by the game to detect which places are outside or inside, for precipitations and artillery. It is commonly used as a base to make command maps, such as:
Other examples:
To obtain a comparable result, I have decomposed the making in 4 steps (4 layers): - The terrain (background); - The buildings (in shade of grey); - The roads (a tool drawing white lines bordered with black and doing the junctions automatically would be neat, if it ever exists...?); - The "foldings" (that's the Reverso translation, I think it can be guessed from the pic).
So, I exported the terrain in a separated map, compiled it, generated a Tracemap, and I have it in GIMP now. I would like GIMP to detect and do some lines between the different levels like Paint Shop Pro seems to do:
This way, I can draw the height lines accurately, and then color (I already made the palette with required colors); Does this exist in GIMP? Tried few filters but never came close to something like in the Warchest forums.
how to change clone tool brush in vanishing point filter.normally it comes as oval shape vertical, have just seen horizontal shape and very tall vertical shape have tried all presets to no avail?
I have PSE 11. When working with the Bloat or Pucker tools in the Liquify filter, the Brush Pressure option fades to gray; the only slider I can actually change is the Brush Size. The problem seems to have started about three weeks ago on my old laptop, which was due to be replaced in any case. I've since purchased a new laptop and have done a full install of PSE 11 on it from the original disks - but the problem still persists.
I've just started using Photoshop CS6 via Creative cloud. (Before i used a DVD version of CS5)I'm having a weird problem with the liquify filter:When I want to open a picture in the filter it shows only a blue screen... Why? What happened?
At first I thought maybe it couldn't'nt work with the dng format and then I tried opening a jpeg in the liquify filter, same problem.I've had no problems in CS5 and I'm working on the same computer.
I am trying to locate information on how to achieve a real time display of the Gaussian blur while painting with the brush.
Google is not being useful, nor does Adobe's own forum searches yield anything useful.
I have seen mention of Smart Filters and designating the layer as a Smart Object in order to enable a Smart Filter but I can't seem to get the real time display of the filter when painting so I'm not sure if that proccess is at all useful for me or not as I can't locate information specific to what I'm trying to do.
I'm incidentally using CS5, so if this option doesn't exist, that would be useful to know so that I'm not spinning my wheels.
In photoshop when you left click with an intuos/bamboo pen it brings up the brush tool window.
Is there a hotkey to close this window? I have been clicking to top of photoshops toolbar to close the brush window, but I would thing there is a hotkey to dismiss it on the keyboard.
See the image below to illustrate the menu in question.
I would like to create a custom brush that fades into the background of a picture. Is this possible and how would I go about doing this?? Any help would be much appreciated!
I'm using since few years, and now I'm trying to coloring a brush with a precise color. I would like the brush to be in a blue color 3914AF (for example). I tried to use different fusion mode like "screen" on a third layer that I colored with this color...but it also let the color out of the brush itself. I thought of using the magic wandle before but to have a correct result...
HOW to change the color of any PNG brush directly in the picture in
I am working on a project for my online class and am having difficulties with the History Brush. Note that both files are identical in size etc.
1. I created a color text file and saved it with a specific name.
2. I copied an existing photo from iPhoto, as I couldn't import into PhotoShop, and pasted it in a new file. I then removed the white background layer and then saved it with its now specific name and closed the file.
3. I re-opened the Color Text File.
4. I then re-opended my photo.
5. I performed a "Select All" from the menu bar of my active Photo then selected Edit - Copy and then closed my Photo file.
6. From my Color Text File I selected Edit and then Paste from the menu bar.
7. I selected Layer and Flatten Image from the menu bar.
8. I right clicked the background image from the Layers Panel and created a snapshot (which is my photo)
9. I selected the History brush and verified that this also displayed in the gray box associated with the Color Text file within the History Panel.
10. I verified that my photo image was displayed in my work area.
11. I start to fill the photo with my History Brush and the only color I get is White.
I upgraded from LR3 to LR4 yesterday and was excited to dive into the Map module. Unfortunately, the map seems to be blank. I have selected an image with GPS information. The Map module correctly looks up the location of the photo (Magdalena, New Mexico). This seems like a rendering bug.
Just to check, I installed LR4 onto another OS X 10.6.8 machine that had not previously had Lightroom and imported the same picture. The Map module worked correctly. So, I tried re-installing LR4 on the original machine. Unfortunately, it still does not work. I tried creating a new catalog and backing up and then deleting all preferences. The map is still blank...
I am open to all sorts of alternatives, including but not limited to: Running dtrace to look at library callsattaching XCode to debug (though I would assume all the objects have been stripped), or Starting up a WebDialogs/WebEx/VNC/TeamViewer/etc server for a dev to pry around on it or debug with XCode. Of course a debuggable build would work with this.
I created a new user on the system that is failing, started LR4, created a new catalog, imported the test photo, changed to Map module--still blank. Something on this particular system is causing the rendering failure. My next thought was that perhaps it was an issue with the non-accelerated graphics. So I disabled the graphics switching. Still a blank map..
I have tried to import a few pictures. When they import, they are just blank, although if i hover my mouse over the blank picture, it has all the info listed. I also exported a picture and when i opened it, it opened fine.
Since upgrading to Lightroom 5.4 this morning, the Map Module is blank. Nothing appears in the Navigator box or the main map area. Nothing appears even for those images with GPS coordinates present in the file. I'm connected to the internet.
why are all my pictures just a grey square when I try to load them into the develop module.?.No half greyed out picture just a blank space with the picture numbers beside them.They are all in the computor as they will open in Elements 11.