Lightroom :: Import Button In The Program Becomes Non Responsive?
Dec 30, 2012
I can not import any photos using the impport button. I had the same problem with Lightroom 3.2 so I triued 4.3. Using Windows 8 intel i7 3.4 Ghz 12Gb Ram 256 Gb Samsung 830 Series SSD for catalog and installation of Lightroom. Pictures on another internal Hitachi HD
since today the import button of my lightroom 3.6 is inactive. don't know what happened. i installed a plugin but even after installing it, the button's still inactive.
Lightroom quit responding to the import command. I don't understand this as one day it was working fine, and the next, it has ceased altogether.
System InfoMore details about my computer ComponentDetailsSubscoreBase scoreProcessorAMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor7.45.9 Determined by lowest subscoreMemory (RAM)16.0 GB7.5GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce GTX 4607.5Gaming graphics4095 MB Total available graphics memory7.5Primary hard disk1014GB Free (1397GB Total)5.9Windows 7 Ultimate System ManufacturerMSI ModelMS-7599 Total amount of system memory16.0 GB RAM System type64-bit operating system Number of processor cores4Storage Total size of hard disk(s)1695 GB Disk partition (C:)1014 GB Free (1397 GB Total) Media drive (D:)CD/DVD Disk partition (H:)298 GB Free (298 GB Total)Graphics Display adapter typeNVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 Total available graphics memory4095 MB Dedicated graphics memory1024 MB Dedicated system memory0 MB Shared system memory3071 MB Display adapter driver version8.17.12.9610 Primary monitor resolution1920x1080 DirectX versionDirectX 10Network Network AdapterRealtek PCIe GBE Family ControllerNotes
The gaming graphics score is based on the primary graphics adapter. If this system has linked or multiple graphics adapters, some software applications may see additional performance benefits. Caution: Based on the results of the WinSAT Disk assessment, your system drive may have slower response times under some workloads. Performance results will depend on the specific applications used and the amount of memory available. If your experience is satisfactory, no action is needed. Windows Logs from Event ViewerThe program lightroom.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
i have pictures on my desktop that i am trying to import into LR. On the import page, I have chosen source, destination and copy. However the import button at the bottom right is greyed out.
I use window 7 64 bit so Lightroom installer install the 64 bit version for me. Everytime I click on the import button lightroom 4 would crash. I have try to create another catalogue, same problem.
Since installing Lightroom 5, the program hangs during the import process. I never had this issue with Lightroom 4, but recently had a system crash and lost my former catalog. There are about 140,000 images to be imported from a 3TB hard drive.
I'm running a PC with 24 GB of RAM, a 128 GB SSD boot drive and a dedicated 128 GB SSD dirve for Photoshop/Bridge/Lightroom cache.
every time I open it. A single message appears 'lightroom opening catalog: marsh-essex-country.jpg.ircat'. I had the last time I used the program tried to import a jpg image from my pictures. It failed the and now the program consistently crashes, in the faulting module msver100.dll
i select a folder of files to import but i cant import t hem, the button isnt active.
it says i already have these photos imported. if so how do i edit or see them.
i uninstalled and re-installed the software and it seeme dto start from scratch, in that when i import the folder the photos appear in the develop area to choose from.
however next time i open the application i cant see them and import doesnt work unless i uninstall again.
I'm following the steps in the following link from Adobe:
The final step, after selecting the folder I want to add, is to select Import. Except, the Import button remains grayed out. I'm not sure what to do in order to select Import and add the folder I already have.
Trying to import images as dng and crashes my computer. It writes to a temp folder and cannot delete the temp folder bc there is error in writing to it. Mac OSX. Have done this many time with no problem. I can make adjustments inside the program and when I export the modified images to another folder it writes to a temp folder as well. but doesnt crash the system.
ive been trying all day to get a decent button made for a jukebox program , the best i could do is attatched but its just still not right , im after a realistic looking button that looks like its on and off when pressed , off light blue/grey and on green , a nice metalic silver around the outside that looks a little 3d when small if thats possible i think im close but just need to be more realistic around the edges and lighting on the green on button i made the oblong button from the circle using the single selection line which i never new about , stretched one pixel across after splitting the circle in two , by the way if your after software for music this is a great program , if the right button is designed i could probably get it free or for a small amount its normally 50 bucks , if its a great button im sure ill get it free a squarer edge button would be better i think
I downloaded a trial copy of the Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultra. Every time I click on the Create Video File button the program crashes. I get a message that the program must exit. Every time I try this, it crashes.
I'm trying to create a macro for a toolbar button to open a third party program. Basically we want to open a custom .exe application from a button on the ACAD toolbar.
I´m having problem with creating stl file from surface. I need to import stl in another program for rockfalls. I have create surface, extrude faces and union them.. an save like stl file.
But in another program my surface is not smooth, like something went wrong while exporting stl, because in autocad civil 3D 2012 everything look good.
i've modeled a character or two from scratch in max. (nothing spectacular) I also used a character pack a few years ago. I was wanting some info on the best way to model a new character. I would like opinions on zbrush, poser, etc. Something that is very compatible with max.
What is the process that you take when creating a character. Don't feel the neeed to write a book I get the basics. Been out of the game for a while, but very glad to be back. Been playing around with fumefx, houdinni ocean, and ivy lately.
Problem with display fonts..I am getting on well with AutoCAD but when I try something new I often find a problem. I want to either..Import a graphics image form a paint programme or an illustration both of which are in JPG format. I can’t find a way to do this.
Use display fonts to recreate the graphic directly in AutoCAD.I want to use an uncommon font “Monotpe Corciva”, Although this is listed in the styles manager it does not display in the Model Space.
I was working on a project in Premiere Pro 6. I had imported about 200 files and almost completed the project. I tried to import another file and the import function would not work. In addition, it disabled about 90 percent of the program. Menu selections had turned grey. I closed the project and program and restarted, opening a much smaller project. Worked OK until I tried to import. The import wouldn't work, and the program was disabled. This is not a case of actually selecting a file to import. The function crashes before you have a chance to actually select a file. On deadline.
I have run CS3 for many years on many platforms with two different printers. I upgraded my computer and operating system (basic specs listed below) in January of this year, 2012, and I decided to pare down to one printer: my Epson Stylus Photo R2880, which has been working with it splendidly until this past Friday, 5/4/12. I suddenly started getting the not responding issue when I attempted to open files in not just Photoshop, but my Acrobat as well. I have not updated any drivers in the month of May and I could still use all of my non-adobe software just fine. I looked online and found that it was a known issue. I reset my preferences, I ran a windows de fragment, I swept for spyware, and none of those worked. I set adobe pdf as the default printer for my computer and the "issue was resolved."
The problem remains that when I go into my print dialogue and manually change the target printer to my Epson I cannot print out of any of my Adobe software the not responding issue reasserts itself if any adobe software attempts to communicate with my printer: word, text files, windows viewer and the internet still print just fine off of the Epson. This is a huge problem for me because I run a small home publishing company and I can no longer PRINT out of my work software. Extremely frustrated that this 'fix' is no fix at all for my needs. I am at an utter loss for what to do to have a working office again and would like getting software that has been working perfectly in multiple set ups with multiple printers for since 2009 to work again?
I used to run CS3 on a custom built XP SP3 system with an hp printer, then with and hp and Epson printer. This year I switched to my current system, wiping the old drive as a backup disk and adding a 1T hard drive to hold win 7. It has worked fine for several months of heavy use for my website, greeting cards, and small comic publications. I need this set up to work again or I will go out of business,
Windows 7 Professional service pack 1 Intel Core 1.7-2600K CPU @ 3.4Ghz/3/7Ghz 16 GB memory 64 bit Pen Input Activated (wacom intuos 3) "Windows Experience Index" rating claims it's '5.9' - whatever that means
Win 7 OS. I am trying to use the light effect filter and when I select it photoshop gets locked up and won't respond until I end task in task manager (it says photoshop not responding in task manager). Is there a fix for this? I did all of my updates and it still happens.
i found an odd behavior 10 or 15 adjustament layer ,the levels adjustament layer become slow or to be more specific not very responsive , with opengl turn on i have to be honest it's about only the levels with opengl Off the levels adjustament is always perfect
i did notice with openglon this icon , i added a screenshot with a red arrowwell if i click on the icon , it takes 2 seconds and the levels become very fast with opengl on is normal? is there a way to let cs5 to re-calculate the histogram everytime i add a levels adjustament layer? why does it happen with opengl?
I'm working on a drawing where I've been turning on/off a layer for parcels so I can select a well (point coverage/theme) or the parcel to get well owner and property information. All of a sudden I can't select the layer anymore - the checkbox becomes unresponsive. C3D and not map for this...
I am having major difficulties creating something relatively simple.Basically, I am working with 100% stage width and height and what I want to achieve is following:
1. Have a fixed main menu area on the left side of the screen.
2. And then have raw(s) of thumbnails filling remaining part of the screen to the right in responsive manner (this is what I am struggling with)
how do I make this raw(s) of thumbnails responsive to the screen width and height!?To illustrate what I want to achieve please follow this link: making browser window narrow thumbnails are readjusting their position. I am not after animated effect but it would be a bonus!
I am getting this problem with my AutoCAD, whenever i am working in paper space and i move around the drawing my AutoCAD will freeze and become non-responsive while "regenerating model". Same thing happens when i switch between paper and model space and vice-versa.
I have gone and updated my AutoCAD with service pack 1 and the "ribbon" hotfix for this problem and it is still there.
Spec: AutoCAD LT 2012 Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit Intel Core i3 3.20 GHz 8GIG Ram Intel HD Graphics (integrated im pretty sure)
I'm from a Flash background, used to putting code in frames along a timeline.And I've adopted much the same approach with Edge Animate putting code on the stage at trigger points..My first question is how does putting code in stage.compositionReady differ from putting code in a stage trigger at time 0.00 (or 0.05)?
How does a responsive/reactive design, and the Edge timeline work together?I've seen how you can lock a logo to top RHS corner. But what if you want a different smaller version of logofor when screen width is smartphone size.Will an Animate project with a timeline which includes animations and interactivity work in Reflow?
I like to create a respsponsive and dynamic menu bar witin Edge animate. I made attempts to make one (a test) and the responsiveness doesn't work in muse.
I have an animate file that contains many animations and one motion path animation. All animation elements of the animate file are responsive with the exception of the motion path animation which is not for some reason. Why does the motion path animation not repsonsive even though it is L, T, W, H coordinates are set as percentages?