Lightroom :: Import Doesn't Work - All Thumbnails Won't Show Up
Nov 9, 2013
I am trying to import pictures into Lightroom 5.2 and I am not able to. When I open the import window I don't get any thumbnails (pic below), but when i click on the images, I can see them fine. After I choose the file location and press import, it hangs up and never finishes. The picture of the Copy and Import Photos is attached too.
Ever since I upgraded to lightroom 4 I can't view my files larger before import. Once I import and they are in lightroom I can but I want to be able to edit them larger to make sure I want to import. Some just come up the same size as thumbnails while other files will say "could not read preview.
I am using lightroom 4 and 5 on a Mac. Although preview of photos to be imported is shown I only get the message that the import could not be carried out (1) and the option to save the data as a :txt file. This was with Lightroom 4. It started first with being unabel to import directly from the camera, then I swithched to inserting the SD card directly into the laptop. This worked only after first downloading to the desktop. Later this didn't work either. I thought the program had become defect. Preview still worked and export is fine. I therefore updated to Lightroom 5 in the hope that this would solve the problem. However everything remains the same. Import still doesn't work with photos of any format. e.g. jpg or RAW.
LR4.2 and "Do not import selected duplicates" does not always work. Running a Mac, 10.6.8, I am cleaning up hard drives, organizing old files. There are times lightroom 4.2 (and before) does not recognize already imported raws and does not gray them out. These are backed up cards and folders of of raw images. Why is the "do not import selected duplicates" check box not working???!!!
When I import pictures from my SD Card I usually leave copies on the card for a while so I have them as backup, and to also be able to see recent pics on my camera. However each time I go to import pictures from that card within LR, it defaults to selecting all pics on my SD card even though I have the "New Photos" filter selected at the top of the import box. It always puts all my photos in the "New Photos" section, so I have to deselect all the photos that I have already imported into my catalogue so I don't get duplicates. How do I get LR to only import pics that haven't been imported bfore?
I am aware of the "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" option, but that is not the samea as what I am looking for. It only deselects photos that still exist in my catalogue. Any photos that I have deleted from my catalogue remain selected in the import box as it doesn't see any duplicates.
what I'm missing to have LR only select photos that haven't been previously imported from that card?
When using LR3 to create DNG files from my RAW files, those files would show me thumbnails of my image in Windows Explorer. I am running Windows/7 (64) and have installed a CODEC from "Fast Picture Viewer" that allows thumbnails from RAW & DNG files to be shown. It seems, however, that the thumbnails do not show for DNG's created with LR4.
To Remedy this I uninstalled the CODEC. Downloaded the most recent version and installed it but this did not fix the problem.
I then went to the user forum for the CODEC product and searched for my problem. I found a thread who's solution is to turn off "Embed Fast Load Data" when exporting to DNG and it fixes the problem. I tried this and indeed it did fix it. The responder went on to say ".....When this option is enabled the files created are no longer DNGs (just an undocumented private format of Adobe that no one else can read to this date)". This statement surprised me as it is counter to what I understand Adobe created DNG to be. Can I get some input on this comment as if true it is very troubling.
My second question is that I see where to turn off the "Embed Fast Load Data" in the LR Export module, but where do I do the same thing in the Import module when I'm selecting import mode "Copy to DNG"?
If indeed the DNG files created by LR4 are proper DNG files and this CODEC is just flawed in some way, any better way to allow image thumbnails to be shown in Windows Explorer?
I occasionaly edit nudes on my home computer, where my kids have access. Is there a way to keep these images hidden, their location hidden or have them not show in the library thumbnails?
I'm having trouble importing images in Illustrator CS6. Dragging from finder doesn't work, nor does the "place" option. When opening an image in illustrator, all i get is a blank document.
I am finding that the thumbnails for images to be imported from CF and SD cards (Sandisk Ultra and Extreme both 30MB/s) are taking a long time to appear in the import panel in LR5 - and much slower than they did for LR4.
I also get a lot of blank thumbnails as I scroll up and down the panel - sometimes in the middle of the group and sometimes at the top or bottom. These then eventually appear if I hold still on a block of thumbnails.
The most images I have tried to import at once is 155, (Canon 5D III) and I would guess that any more than this would be very slow indeed.
I'm using LR4 with a Canon camera setup (Wind 7 Ultimate). I've got the auto import setting all configured with an incoming folder and destination. The app recognizes when an image is put in incoming folder and in fact it moves it to the destination folder. What is really annoying is that it leaves me at the import settings dialog and then I have to make all these choices as I would if I were manually importing.
Shouldn't the images be places in the desination folder and some view of that image be displayed in LR? It could be the folder view or ideally I want to see the last image imported at 1:1 size so I can review it and see if I want to take another shot? Maybe there is some flag I've got set incorrectly.
I have used Lightroom since version 1.0 and at the moment I am using v3.3.
Now I have following problem and I can't find a solution for it: In the Navigator I have synchronized my complete folder where I store all of my photos. This folder contains more than 50000 photos already in many subfolders. But now I found some subfolders not showing all their content. I can see in the Navigator e.g. 216 pictures beside the folder name but in the preview I can see only 3 pictures! And I found some more folders which doesn't show their full content.
I tried to sychronize the single folder again but Lightroom says there were no new pictures and also no missing pictures to remove from the folder. If I open the folder by the Windows Explorer then I can see that all the files for the 216 pictures are there! So there must be a problem with the lightroom database!
But now I don't know what to do to get the pictures displayed in the library again.
I'm on Lr, edited some files to get a panorama, clicked on "edit in" then "merge to panorama in photoshop. All right until there. The problem is that once clicked it switchs to Ps CS6 and merging the pictures in a panorama but without the editing I did before in Lr (white balancing, lens correction and so on). I mean that Ps creates a panorama starting from the original pictures as if the pictures were not edited in Lr while I would like that - as I always did - Ps starts to work from my Lr's editing. I think that it is something about settings.
Lightroom 5 doesn't any longer show GPS info from canon 6D in imported rawfiles. This regards MacOS-version. It works in iPhoto and in Lightroom 5 for Windows 8!
I recently subscribed to the Creative Cloud and installed both Photoshop and Lightroom.
After working with the new LR5 for the first few days I noticed that when I am within the Lens Correction and I click 'Manual' in order to manually correct perspective you always get a grid overlay that shows up when you hover over the different Transform options (Distortion, vertical, horizontal, etc...) and it no longer shows the overlay.
In order for me to correct the perspective I have to manually click Option+Comand+O in order to get the grid, which is a little bit annoying since it was automatic before.
My computer died and needed a lot of work, including a new mother board and new graphics cards. Now LR 4.4 doesn't show photo's. LR seems to be working well in every other way but where the photos should be the spaces are blank.
when I click under the web gallery and I selected a flash gallery or imported web galley (example here is airtight simple viewver...) ... the screen in the middle box keeping black nothing's when I click under flash gallery.there is no photo adding ...
Previously it worked I saw when I clicked under airtight post card viewer web gallery ... all my photo getting on the middle screen..Now it only works with HTML lightroom gallery.More when I click under preview in browser some gallery works but some not ... when I said not ... the result is a black screen in IE or Firefox ...
I tried to uninstall and re install lightroom but result is the same .
I just installed lightroom 3.3 and I cant seem to get my trackpad (HP Envy laptop) to work inside of LR3.3. When i try to two finger scroll, LR shows a dynamic scroll graphic but the current pane does not scroll.
If I'm right clicking on a file in LR and choose "Show in Explorer" an Explorer Window opens with the Libraries, but not with the folder containing the file I choosed in LR.
Lightroom doesn't import my GPS data - it is there in the RAW (NEF) and jpeg files but doesn't show in the Metadata within Lightroom. Nikon View NX shows the data but I want to use Lightroom!
I created a colorchecker passport profile for my new OMD EM1 camera and it doesn't show up in the list of camera profiles. At least one other person I know with this camera is reporting the same issue. I am on a brand new download of Lightroom 5.2.
I have LR3. Following function doesn't work for me: there is no preview in Navigator for presets.
Should be: " To preview the effects of a preset on your photo, move the pointer over it in the Presets panel and view the effects in the Navigator panel."
I have Lightroom 4.3 and a Canon 6D. I cannot get Lightroom to display my Camera Calibration Profile when I am developing a raw file.
I have dug through the MAC Library and Application Support folder and found CameraRaw. That folder contains my listed cameras. But when I am in Lightroom, I do not see that profile in the Camera Calibration section.
Is there a way to force Lightroom to display my camera profile? Lightroom 2 used to display it.
I could use my watermarks without any problems in LR3 but after checking out the trial of LR4 this works selectively on only some of my images. Looks to me like a bug
So why in the world would I update Lightroom in the middle of a job.?
Before I was able to do in and touch up shadowy areas using (K) adjustment brush, but now it doesn;t seem to work. The radial brush does a good job for a defined area but for SPOT touching I have always used the the adjustment brush?
Is there a setting or am I missing something or is this a bug?
Tried to publish to face book in Lightroom 4 and 4.4 on both PC and Mac. You can create a new empty album in FB from Lightroom but Lightroom will not the allow you to select the album to upload the images. You just get an error message at the bottom of the screen telling you "error - no album selected" Wasted hours trying to get it to work as per Julian Kost video tutorial.
make manual lens adjustment and hit the constrain crop checkbox sometimes nothing happens (not tick appears, grey borders remain) Somtimes you can tick it and nothing happens. Sometimes you can tick it nothing happens but then click off the photo and back on, and the box is unticked but the crop has been applied!