Lightroom :: 5 - Import Thumbnails Loading Very Slowly
Jun 13, 2013
I am finding that the thumbnails for images to be imported from CF and SD cards (Sandisk Ultra and Extreme both 30MB/s) are taking a long time to appear in the import panel in LR5 - and much slower than they did for LR4.
I also get a lot of blank thumbnails as I scroll up and down the panel - sometimes in the middle of the group and sometimes at the top or bottom. These then eventually appear if I hold still on a block of thumbnails.
The most images I have tried to import at once is 155, (Canon 5D III) and I would guess that any more than this would be very slow indeed.
I've made some custom tool palettes that are on the network. I just have them pathed in the options, and set up as a group for users to access. Civil 3D is real sluggish when it comes to using these, and switching between the tabs, and trying to load them up. But Vanilla AutoCAD loads them and switches between tabs no problem. Is there a variable specific to C3D that needs to change to make it work more like it does in Vanilla AutoCAD?
With the scenarios set up below, it seems that these files are taking unusually long to open and save (up to 20 minutes on scenario #1, up to 7 minutes on scenario #2). Is this typical for the filetype described?
SCENARIO #1 [Running 32 bit Windows XP on a 2.3GHz ThinkCentre M55p, 2GB RAM, Photoshop CS1. Have files ranging in size from 50MB to 325MB. Application installed on C: drive, primary scratch disk is on partitioned D: drive with 3.96GB free space, secondary scratch disk is on C: drive with 53.98GB free space. Largest file has about 12 layers, including 3 layers with rasterized PDFs and about 9 layers that have blocks of filled color with craquelure & inner shadow added.]
SCENARIO #2 [Running 32 bit Windows XP on a 2.3GHz ThinkPad T61p, 2GB RAM, Photoshop CS1. Have files ranging in size from 50MB to 325MB. Application installed on C: drive, primary scratch disk is on partitioned D: drive with 36.4GB free space, secondary scratch disk is on C: drive with 29.7GB free space. Largest file has about 12 layers, including 3 layers with rasterized PDFs and about 9 layers that have blocks of filled color with craquelure & inner shadow added.
I am trying to import pictures into Lightroom 5.2 and I am not able to. When I open the import window I don't get any thumbnails (pic below), but when i click on the images, I can see them fine. After I choose the file location and press import, it hangs up and never finishes. The picture of the Copy and Import Photos is attached too.
So I just recently purchased Lightroom 5.3 and installed it on a brand new clean install of Windows 7. When I attempt to import RAW files into LR from a secondary hard drive, Lightroom just stalls out for five to ten minutes. Eventually, if I wait long enough, the Import dialogue screen loads and I get to wait another five to ten minutes to choose my secondary drive with my RAW files on it. When I can select that drive and click the directory with my files, I get to wait ANOTHER five to ten minutes for it to accept that choice and load my photos into the Import window. Once I get past all that and hit the Import button, it actually loads the files into LR just fine and I can work as normal. I have never had this issue with this specific drive when I had Lightroom 3 and 4, so I don't know why suddenly LR 5 would not like it.
OS - Windows 7 SP1 64 bit LR Version - 5.3 64 Bit Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo RAM - 8 GB Secondary Drive - 2 TB SATA internal No USB periphrials engaged on computer
I am using Lightroom 4.3 64 bit. My PRINT module is responding slowly or not at all. I had been using Lightroom 4 upgraded from Lightroom 3 with no issues for some time. I did upgrade to Windows 8 and noticed no issues with Lightroom. Recently however, my PRINT module started responding slowly to print settings and commands...with "Lightroom - PRINT is not responding". This issue started gradually and has increased over time. Making it almost impossible to print now.
I have tried the alt/ctrl/shift to no avail. LR4 will display them correctly as will Windows Live Photo Gallery. I've deleted from catalog and re-imported with same result. Using the "update thumbnail" tool does not work. Some times it will display item as an MP3 file that shipped with PE11. The mp4 files were created with Cyberlink PD10.
I connect my iPhone to my PC and open Photoshop Elements 11 Organizer. I click Import and select my iPhone (using current iOS version). It searches and finds all photos. I click get media and I get the following error: "Elements cannot obtain files from this device. ensure that the device is connected properly, or that the battery is charged, and try again."
I click Ok and the import fails.
In the attached screen shot you can see the import process about to begin, but the error box pop up over top.
I'm running Snow Leopard (10.6.8) and Lightroom 3.4.1 with Camera Raw 6.4.1.I like to convert to DNG when I bring in the RAW files from my Panansonic DMC-GH2 camera.
OS X Finder will show thumbnails and previews of the original RAW files; however after Lightroom converts the RAW files to DNG, the DNG files have no thumbnail or preview images in the Finder ... just the DNG icon.
Is there some Lightroom or Snow Leopard setting I can tinker to fix this? My import/convert settings are thus:
File Extension: DNG Compatibility: Camera Raw 5.4 and later JPEG Preview: Medium Size Embed Original Raw File is UNCHECKED
my animation takes around two seconds to load within my browser. Is there a way to display a loading symbol such as spinning circle, that will show the animation is loading, then disappear once it is ready to display?
I'm currently working on a site which is almost 95% complete. The loading time for the site is approx 7-10 seconds which seems to be slow. I have placed a preloader but that doesn't seem to be coming up while the site is loading.
Is there anyway to speed up the loading time. Like some code that will tell it load specific number of frames first and then load the rest in the background?
I have compressed the images that are being used but cannot compress further as they may lose the quality.I've got the preloader working and now it seems to be showing up while the site is loading. Is there any way to speed up the loading time.
No thumbnails in library or develop modules. I have trashed the preference file (3x)- no effect. If I drag a gray square, a very small thumbnail shows up-but,alas, it disappears. I have filters turned off. CC photoshop works fine as does Bridge. No question marks visible on files in LR. All files I am using are on a exterior HD. However, I tried downloading new photos from a card reader-same result no thumbnails.
Windows 7 home premium Intel core i7 cpu 12 GB ram
Using LR 3.3 on a Mac with Snow L. My catalog shows 72 images in a ceertain folder, but only 8 actually show as thumbnails. I therefore have no access (in LR) to the other 64. If I search for one of them by name, it can't find it. If I try to re-import them, LR shows them as already imported.
I just moved my Lightroom catalog to a new PC. I designated the new folder correctly and have no lost files but my thumbnails only show when I scroll to them in Library. If I go to a new position, I have to wait for them to refresh (create?). I have optimized the catalog several times. Is there an easy way to refresh them all? I have plenty of memory, computer speed, and Lightroom expertise.
After two days I finally got my images into Lightroom.
But everytime I go to a folder, Lightroom rebuilds the thumbnails, even if I have just been to that folder. As I scroll down the thumbnails, Lightroom lags as I see thumbnails appear and come into focus again, even afer I have been in that folder several times. I have NOT changed the size of the thumbnails.
My hard drive is constatly grinding when in Lightroom. Also, most of these images are JPGs and not RAW.
PC Specs: Windows 7i5 Processor, 6GB RAM 1GB HDD, .5GB free
Lightroom settings: JPEG Preview: Medilum size Embed Fast Lad Data is checked
Upgrading to 4.1 and imported my 3.6 catalog.All the files and collections appear - but most thumbnails are missing. Many of the missing files are in storage off my PC on DVD. So I am thinking that the thumbnails aren't part of the LR3.6 catalogue (3.6 shows all thumbnails of files both on the PC AND storred off it on DVD once read in) but stored differently? If so, can I read them into 4.1 from 3.6?
If not I am concerned that we are deducing that maybe I will I have to read them all in again off dozens (and dozens) of DVD's?! Both a laborious task AND a bit of a say the least in the way things have been put together maybe?
Somehow I managed to "disappear" the thumbnail slider for resizing that's usually shown in the bar just above the Filmstrip. Missing in Library, Develop and Slideshow modules. I don't see a pull-down where I can reselect it. Had difficulty searching for info in PDF. Using Lightroom 4.1, Windows 7.
I have a video folder of 16 clips generated by a D300s. I am able to load about half of them properly into the LR catalog. The remainder appear to load but without thumbnails. (I get a message "Preview is unavailable for this file" when I can see the preview in the Windows folder directly.) The remainder also do not play in LR although the first eight do. I have tried rebooting and reloading. This works with a few but not all of the clips.
I tried the process again, rebooting and reloading the files directly from my memory card, first to the windows folder and then to LR., This is the message I got from LR.
There is a problem with the video file (16) C:UsershalevinePicturesPhotographs 2-14-2013 and laterGrandchildren Eleanor20136-30 to 7-7Cambridge videos 6-30-07-7-2013DSC_5754.AVI (repeated for the other 15 files.)
The file sizes are between 80 and 220 mb. (Quicktime is installed on my computer and they open fine in it.)
I have a large single catalogue of photos. Some of the thumbnails in the library are now appearing greyed out. I think they were all there a few days ago, and since then the only things I have done are upload more images, cull those I did not want and backup the catalogue. I do not recall having this issue with LR3, and they all seemed OK when I upgraded to LR4. I have restarted LR several times, and it makes no difference. My Mac tells me all programs are up to date.
I take a lot of images for time laspe sequences andI have just upgraded to LR5 and the issue I am seeing is after inporting or developing the images the only thumbnails that update are those I curently amm looking at in the library. I can scroll down after leaving the machine for hours and they only update when currently scrolled. This is really annoying and just taking ages to do anything. I have downloaded LR5.2 RC but there is no change that I can see.
when i convert raw photos from my olympus omd em5 into DNG's and export them to my external hard drive , i do not get any thumbnail previews , they can only be seen if i view the files through lightroom4 import , if however i export in other formats such as jpeg ,tiff etc.. i get a preview thumbnail . Iam using latest imac and running osx 10.8.2.
I have imported a series of old jpegs into Lightroom 3.6 taken in 2002-2003 and I noticed an unexpected date on the thumbnails in the Grid view.
In the Library View Options (Ctrl-J) I have selected to show the Capture Date/Time on the thumbnails.
Since the pictures do not have Exif data I had expected that Lightroom would show the regular system date/time of the picture files. Bad luck, Lightroom is showing the Date/Time of the FOLDER containing the picture files instead of the date of the files themselves.
So last week on 06-01-2012 I created a folder on a harddisk and copied a series of jpegs in there with a file date of 20-06-2003. Lightroom however is showing 06-01-2012 on the thumbnails. Not excactly what I want.
Our vacation pictures were on IPAD2. I accessed them and thought I was uploading them when I imported them to Lightroom3. I made panoramas and all in photoshop too. My husband asked if the images had been uploaded and I said yes. So he did synched and the update on the IPAD effectively erasing all those images. Now I find that these awesome images were not synched or imported to the computer, but just to lightroom thumbnails. Heartbroken! I can still see the thumbnails in Lightroom... My card has been formated twice since then. I don't think I can recover them there. Is it possible that there is a program that can recover those images to .jpgs from the thumbnails?
Time and time again, I have come across the issue where the thumbnail being displayed in the grid view and loupe view is not of the image itself, but of some other image. So far, the thumbnail is typically from the same folder or collection and can be either from an image that still exists or from one that I've rejected and deleted from disk previously.
If I go into develop mode, the correct image gets displayed, but the thumbnail rarely resets itself.
I've deleted the cache on previous occasions to have LR recreate the thumbnails, but I never know when I'm going to encounter this issue.
This becomes a paint when I am delete unwanted images. If the thumbnail is incorrect on my second or third pruning, I could actually lose an image I intended to keep.
I'm running Lightroom 5.3 from CC.
It seems that deleting the cache every day--maybe even several times a day--is a bit overkill, but seems to be the only way to deal with this problem.