Lightroom :: How To Create Custom Set Of Metadata Fields

Sep 10, 2013

In the Library module, to the left of the "Metadata" label next to the twisty to open it up, is a drop down list that starts with "Default" and then has a list with sets such as "DNG", "EXIF", etc.
Two questions or requests:
1) I want to be able to see ALLLLLLLL of the metadata.  Right now I got out to ExifTool and suck out the data I need and hand corrolate that.  In last night's particular need, I needed the rotation of the camera body which is in the metadata (twice) but I don't know how to view it from inside Lightroom.
2) I want to be able to add to the list I described with my own sets of metadata fields.  To me, this would be very nice.  There are tons and tons of fields but I'm interested in only a few but I'm sure each person is interested in a different set.  It would be nice to be able to customize which fields are displayed.  Of course, once you go that far, then you may as well add the ability to name the sets and save them for later use.
Is either one of these items possible in Lightroom 4?  (or 5?)

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Lightroom :: Adding To Or Editing Metadata Fields In 5?

Oct 28, 2013

I have a number of photos in LR that came from a older non-digital camera or scanner and I would like to be able to add some information to the metadata like camera make and model but some of the fileds are not visible unless the data was brought into LR at import.  Other fields in the metal data cannot be over written or corrected. I would like to be able to do global editing to my metadata but I can't even modify one.  I read some postings going back to 2007 on a forum here but I don't think anything has changed.

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Lightroom :: Metadata Fields - Will Star Ratings And Labels From Bridge Show Up?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm a hobbyist photographer with lots of personal photos and some I might use for work related projects. I'm just getting started with LR and want to make sure I start right.
1. What metadata fields should I consider using that may be useful in the future? None of my images currently have metadata applied.
2. Will star ratings and labels from Bridge show up in LR?

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Lightroom :: How To Use Copyright Metadata Within Custom Watermarks

Mar 25, 2013

Exporting a new round of images to my rebuilt photo website this week, and very glad that LR can generate year-specific copyright tags, which are infinitely less cumbersome than my previous tactic of trying to pull copyright metadata from images at the site level.
So far, I'm preferring the watermark layout size consistency of Lightroom's default watermark system over results from the otherwise excellent and flexible LRMogrify2 plugin.
I'd like to either leverage a token to use copyright metadata within custom watermarks or find out how to reposition/restyle the default Simple Copyright Watermark, eg have the Simple Copyright Watermark show up in a font other than Myriad in a different position on my images...
Hope this isn't too obscure or poorly-articulated a first question in these forums.

(Running Lightroom 4.3 on Mac OS 10.75).
l has a tool allowing address of the default fonts for watermarks and other presentation variables in a sideways way through translation settings. It's a strong start, but other fonts are looking even more shoddily rendered by this method. Back to fidding with size and ratio options in LRMogrify2.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Adding Fields To Metadata

Jul 31, 2013

I need to add into the metadata, a drop down option where classification/privacy markings can be selected. This needs to be visible for search options as well as being available for batch process........

Currently using CS5 PS.

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Lightroom :: Changing Some Of Information In Custom Metadata Preset?

Jun 25, 2013

How do I to change some of the information in a custom metadata preset which I already created for in the  "Applying During Import" window. If the preset can/t be modified, is there a way to simply remove it and make another one. Also, how to enlarge or reduce the size of lightroom on my monitor?

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Lightroom :: How To Make Custom Metadata Accessible In Text Template Editor

Oct 9, 2013

I used Lightroom SDK to create a plugin generating custom set of Metadata (for LR5) to manage images as produced items (printed and framed photos). In order to be able to create usefull lists of items, I would need to be able to print this metadata fields on contact Sheets.This is the only functionality that prevents me from using Lightroom as a database for produced artworks, beeing able to manage exhibitions, stock locations, sales etc...Guess this means I have to make those new fields accessible in the Text Template Editor that allows user to compose an aggregated text from various type of metadata for printing or slideshows.But seems that only the original sets of metadata appears in Text Template Editor, not the one created by my plugin.Is there a way to add this functionnality to my plugin ?

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AutoCAD LT :: Inserting Custom Fields Into Text

Jan 13, 2012

I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 and our client doesn't want/like sheet sets.

One item I'd love to have is the pg. number automated. In the current title block it's just text not an attribute. Is there a way I can take only a part of the file name and insert it as a field?

For example, the file name is DW_12321_12.dwg the last part of the name is the sheet number. Can I exclude everything but the 12 and insert just that into the field?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Sheet Set Fields?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a call out block that I am trying to link to my custom fields in my sheet set manager.  When I put the block into paper space the fields fill in properly and if I make changes to the field in the SSM then the block updates properly.  If I insert the block into model space the fields come in as if they are broken and you cannot reference the data in the SSM.  The issue is that I don't want to do my annotation in paperspace, so is there a way to change the interaction between my block with the custom fields and the SSM.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Custom Fields Sheet Set Manager

Sep 25, 2012

Have these stopped working in 2013???  I cant seem to find them.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sheet Set Manager Custom Fields?

Aug 22, 2013

It been a while since I did this and I getting something wrong. I want to add custom SS field to my TB which I have created in SSM, but when I edit the block to add the custom field to an attribute default the list is empty.

Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Fields / Scales

Apr 25, 2012

I've successfully written a lisp routine to insert a scale bar dynamic block with attributes, gather the object id of a user selected viewport, and write fields to attributes for each of the numbers across the top of the typical scale bar as well as the scale name, for both architectural and civil units. I'm trying to come up with a similar dynamic blocklisp routine combination to do the same with view titles, and the associated scale callout. The catch in this case is that I'd like to display the scale as "NTS" if it isn't a proper scale. The "standardscale" object property option in the field dialog box gives me almost exactly what I want, except that non-standard scales are displayed as "CUSTOM" as opposed to "NTS". Moreover, I’d like this to update on the fly, if the viewport scale changes, the scale callout needs to change also, back and forth from “NTS” to a standard scale if need be.

is there a way to change that (CUSTOM NTS)? My research online seems to indicate that the nuts and bolts of fields are deeply rooted in ObjectARX, which is something I know very little about?

The natural followup to that question is, if I can't change "CUSTOM" to read "NTS", is there a way to wrangle this whole thing with reactors? I'm envisioning object reactors, created as a part of the insertion routine, for each individual instance of the block (there could very well be several in a layout, and multiple layouts in detail drawings), that would call another routine to evaluate the viewport scale, and if it didn’t match a list of standard scales, write NTS to the attribute. My issue is that reactors seem to only associate with one object, in this case that’d be the viewport, the reaction would cause the reactor to call the routine, but how does the routine know which block to update? Is there something from the viewport properties that I can add to the block name (or some other property) which will allow the routine to figure out which block to edit?

I’ve attached my scale bar code, and block, as reference context for how I plan to set the view title up.

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Copy Metadata And Synchronize Metadata

Mar 23, 2012

As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing.  Is there a difference in what they do?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Custom Metadata To Documents

Apr 7, 2013

I wonder whether it is possible to add custom attirbutes to AutoCAD Documents. Like, when adding new key-value pairs to the OS registry. I see this as a function that can add a pair "attribute" => "value" to the Document's database (or another saveable component) and later pull the "value" back by passing the "attribute" to another function.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Make Print Merge Fields Relative In Position To Other Fields?

Oct 1, 2013

Is there any way to make print merge fields relative in position to other fields or to non-variable text.

For example if I am doing address labels and I have fields for City and State:

Their positions are absolute, and the state ends up overwriting the city for long city text, as does the comma.

What I want is for the comma to follow the last letter of the city, and then state to follow that.

And yes, I realize that I can combine all three into one field, but I am asking this as a general usage of the feature. One doesn't always have control over the source.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Can Fields Reference Other Fields On Layout

Jul 11, 2012

I was wondering if it was possible to say have a cover sheet of a project with fields and then have the other sheets in the project have their fields populate using information from cover sheet?

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Lightroom :: Create Completely Custom Page Layout For Book Positioning And Sizing Pictures And Text?

Sep 17, 2013

I'd like to create a totally custom page, inserting photos at various locations and sizes as well as text regions.  Can this be done?   I haven't been able to find a way to do this.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create User Defined Data Fields That Can Be Attached To A Polygon?

Mar 23, 2012

Is it possible to create user defined data fields that can be attached to a polygon. then be able to export the polygon and data fields to ArcMap

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Create Custom Object With Custom Parameter

May 25, 2012

My ultimate goal is to have a virtual human model that I can re-size parametrically to reflect real-world measurements. I've used MAX to make architectural models and scenes so I know how to manipulate basic shapes in MAX.

how to make some sort of basic-custom geometric shape and control that shape parametrically, like the built-in "Box", "Sphere" and "Cylinder" objects.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create A Master List Of Construction Notes Then Use Blocks Attributes With Fields

Nov 16, 2012

I am looking for a way to create a master list of construction notes then use blocks attributes with fields to link to that master list. That way if the master list changed the note bubbles would change as well.

Sheet sets are being used with this project but I can't think of a way to make it work with the existing sheet set technology.

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Photoshop :: Create Blank File / Metadata Handling

Mar 26, 2012

We have two related issues we're trying to solution.

(1) If we create a blank Photoshop file ("template") that is merely a size, resolution and color profile, when we add an image (that does contain metadata), the image's metadata is not retained in the template metadata. We need to be able to transfer that image's metadata, automatically, to the template. (We do not want to have to copy/paste.)

(2) Let's say we now have a template with 1 image and associated metadata. We now need to add another image(s) to this template and have the second image's metadata also transfer automatically. (This auto-transfer of metadata would occur for any subsequent image added.)We are using CS4 v11.0.2.

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Photoshop :: How To Create Base Template For Metadata Information

Nov 6, 2012

A friend asked me how to create a base template for metadata information (file/info/description). The basic info is my name, address, copywrite, etc.  I had created this on a previous version of Photoshop and was able to migrate it to PS6. However, in trying to answer his question, I have lost my own template. How to recreate this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create ILogic Rule To Create Custom IProperties

Sep 30, 2013

I'm trying to figure out how to create an  iLogic rule that would create a Custom iProperties and put in what version of Inventor the file was last updated with.

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InDesign :: Setup Datamerge File To Create Multi Page Spread Documents With Fields On Different Page

Apr 1, 2014

Trying to set up a datamerge file to create multi page spread documents with fields on different pages. Attempting to set it up so it's as automated as possible as there are up to 20 different merge documents needing to merge with up to 100 different csv records from the same file each week .  The merge documents have different and repeated merge fields on most pages. 
I've set it up so that the document has facing pages, and most pages have images spread across the whole of the spread.  the pages preview fine, they are created ok when using 'Create Merged Document' although the page numbers continue from one document to another (another problem).  but when I come to export to pdf, then the merge only shows the image on the left spread but on both left and right spread single pages, and the page numbers don't show the correct page numbers eg it will go p1 p2 p1 p2 etc all the way through the document instead of p1 p2 p3 - p20 etc.  I don't want to have to merge first then pdf but can't understand why the images and page numbers are not showing correctly. 

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Photoshop :: Create Color Fields Of Main Color Automatically?

Jun 24, 2013

I have many images files. For each picture, I need a color field of the main color, so the one that is most commonly seen.

This color should be saved as a new image as background.How can I do it in Photoshop, so this is done automatically.

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Lightroom :: Batch Import Text To IPTC Fields For Group Of Images?

Jan 8, 2012

I have the descriptive text for several hundred images in an excel sheet. There are five separate fields (excel columns) - Image filename; Title (Headline); Description (Caption); Keywords; Location how I can import this information into a lightroom catalog and match them up with the relevant images ? I can export the excel informaton into an xml file but would need to know the relevant field names.

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Lightroom :: Getting XMP Metadata Sorted Out?

Aug 10, 2011

I use a variety of programs to edit the xmp data (mostly Lightroom and exiftool right now), so I know the importance of the "Automatically write XMP data to file setting" (ON in my case). After a few days (actually more like a week) of writing xmp data and then reading into (or synching folders in) Lightroom, I found a number of "metadata conflicts" in my catalog. Since these are basically impossible to fix for a large catalog (since there is no way to show the files that have conflicts), I started over and created a new catalog, and imported all 40,000+ images into it.
However, with my new catalog (with presumably no metadata conflicts), the first image that I tried to change the metadata on gave me a metadata conflict (presumably when Lightroom tried to save the xmp data after I changed it). This was a jpg file, so the metadata is being (or not being) written into the file. Reading the metadata from the file into Lightroom did not fix the problem. The Metadata Status field in the Lightroom Metadata panel says "Unknown" and clicking on the word "Unknown" brings up a panel saying "There was an unknown error while writing metadata to this photo. Retry?", and neither retrying the save nor importing the settings from disk resolves the conflict.
I think that the problem is that the jpeg is somehow corrupt, because if I save a copy in Photoshop, I can read and write the metadata in that copy. And, the copy has, I think, the same metadata as the original. (Of course, the image is probably imperceptibly degraded because I re-jpeg'd it).
There is no message in Console (I'm on Mac). (See PS)
I am worried that I have a number of files with this kind of problem, I guess I could "Save Metadata" for all files in my catalog (thus updating the file modified date for all 2 TB of data, and causing a massive backup issue), and then look through my catalog for those elusive exclamation points. But I'd like something the jpeg could have gotten corrupted, but I do have an archived version that I could look at.

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Lightroom :: GPS Data Not In Metadata

Feb 23, 2014

I have a new Geotagger Pro 2 GPS (Solmeta) and tried it out yesterday. The GPS coordinants are not in the metadata. I do get the elevation and the direction the photo was taken. I tried Updating & Read Metadata in the menu but I still do not get the info. When viewed the photos in the camera, they had the GPS data.

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Lightroom :: How To Clear The Metadata

Oct 8, 2013

i must have a preset metadata because all my photos have been imported using the created year as 2011, location as London and keyword as travel. 
How do I clear the metadata?
all my photos have a date of 1-1-11 and travel as a keyword. 
is there a way to change these as a group instead of individually?
is there a way to find the date the photo was taken?

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Lightroom :: Metadata Presets Do Not Appear In 4?

Aug 17, 2012

My metadata presets are not appearing in the library module. Preset None and Edit Presets appear. There are various presets in the Users/Roaming/Appdata/Adobe/Lightroom/4/Metadata Templates folder. the metadata presets have disappered from my images as well?

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Lightroom :: Add Date To Metadata?

Jan 19, 2012

My original digital camera (Nikon E880 point-and-shoot) did not insert the date that the picture was taken into the metadata.  How can I add the date that the images were taken with this camera in Lightroom 3?

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