Lightroom :: Filtering Library By Collection Status

Apr 2, 2014

I've been using LR for adjusting photos for about 6-8 years now, but have just recently gotten time to start better organizing my stuff. I have about 40,000 images that mostly have keywords and descriptive file names, but are generally without ratings, color labels and are mostly not in collections. I must admit that there's a lot of junk in there (duplicates, mostly) that I have to purge. I can probably work it down to 10,000 images. In addition to putting ratings and labels on things, I want to sort them into collections, but that task would be easier if I knew which images were NOT in collections so I could concentrate on them and work that set down. I don't see a way to set up smart collections to show images that are not in a collection. It appears that the smart collection criteria can be selected from whatever text selection criteria are available, and I don't see inclusion in a collection as one of them. I also don't see collection status as one of the metadata items that could be used to filter things.
In a previous thread from 2007 I found the following workaround:
Clear the quick collection and set it to the target collection.In the library view, select all the collections. Select all the photos.Go to the catalog and view all photos.In the Edit menu, click on "invert selection".That selects all the images not in a collection. Pressing B puts them in the quick collection.
The only problem with this is that when you select an image from the quick collection and place it in a collection the image remains in the quick collection. In a smart collection filtered by collection status (not in a collection) it would disappear from the smart collection when it goes into a collection. So it would be much nicer if there were a way to filter for "not in a collection" for a smart collection or even in a metadata filter.
The above workaround does work, but you will have to refresh the quick collection whenever you lose track of which images you have placed into a collection.
Of course, the best solution would be not to get into my position in the first place. Always dump the junk out of the catalog and place all the keepers in appropriate collections.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Metadata Status Is Conflict Detected - Collection Has Virtual Copies

Mar 7, 2012

I set up a smart collection with the setting of Metadata Status Is Conflict Detected and for some reason the collection has virtual copies in it which I created for darkening skies and such. Why virtual copies would be considered in conflict with files on the HD.

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Lightroom :: Filtering Files By Extension In Library

Jan 28, 2013

How to filter a folder in the Lightroom Library?  I have copied all my originals from iPhoto using the alias process and now would like to import the raw files into DNG format but they are mixed in with jpgs as well. 

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Lightroom :: 4 - Filtering By Folders In Library No Longer Works

Aug 6, 2012

in LR3 folder panel if I wanted to filter missing photos or smart collection for selected folder-s, it was possible by crtl+click on a folder to see the selection in the grid which I used quite often. Now it no longer works. I wonder why it's not possible with LR4.

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Lightroom :: Rejected Flag Different In Library And In Collection?

Jan 22, 2012

I am playing for the first time with rejected flag. Before I used the red flag and then deleted manually bad picture. I notived the following:
- Put some picture in a Collection. Let's say you did a reportage and you shooed 250 pictures (my case yesterday).
- Inside the collection set rejected flag (X key) the bad pictures (unsharp, etc..).
- Click on one rejected picture (you see the reject flag enable) and then to in Library
- The rejected flag is gone!
I would rather keep every flag the same anywhere (collections, library...).
By the way, I wish as well to be able to deleted the rejected photo directly from the Collections in the menu "Photos -> Delete Rejected Photo...". "Delete Rejected Photo" can only "Remove". At least the menu name is missunderstanding.

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Lightroom :: Searching For Collection Name Using Library Filter?

May 8, 2012

How do I search for a collection name using the library filter? Or through a different search tool? I am hoping that I can just type in the collection name to have it be brought up or highlighted for easy access.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Moving Collection And Images To Main Library

Mar 31, 2014

I have just returned froma trip where I processed images on Lightroom 5 on my laptop.  I now want to move the collections to my main library on another drive and computer that uses Lightroom 4.  What would be the best way to do this and will I need to upgrade the Lightroom 4 to 5?

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Lightroom :: Smart Collection Returns Different Result To Library Filter?

Oct 18, 2012

I have smart collections simply gathering together all images with a specific star rating, very very simple! I have one for 1 star, one for 2 star and one for 3 star and above. So far so good, have been using these for ages - but - I have just noticed if I go to Catalog/All Photographs and place an identical Library Filter (that is the filter at the top of the library grid view) I get different results. In fact if I place an attribute filter that says "= 2 star" images only I can look at the strip that runs across the bottom of the screen and it says "All Photographs / 1056 of 1647 photos". If I then clear that filter and scroll down to my smart collection that applies the very same filter to the entire catalog (and I have triple checked this, no difference at all, I haven't said less than or greater to in here its the self same "=" only!) and it says "1066"! So the smart collection finds 10 more images than the other, identical filters working on the entire catalog If it wasn't for the number of images involved I would go though them and try and find the extra files by hand!

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Lightroom :: Move Single File In Collection To Another Collection?

Jan 25, 2014

I mistakenly created a collection when only one file was highlighted.  I made another collection with all the other files I wanted in it, but I can't drag that one file from the filmstrip..

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Lightroom :: Smart Collection - Can Source Be Named Collection Set?

Jun 25, 2013

If I specify a smart collection rule that says the source must be a collection matching some pattern, does this only apply to actual collections and exclude collection sets?

I was hoping fo a way to build a rule based on the collection set ... is this possible?

I also tried matching Any Searchable Text set to the collection set name, but that doesn't seem to work...wouldn't all photos in the collection set be associated with that string? Looks like no.
There used to be a way I thought that you could submit a new thread after doing a question search. That seems to be gone.

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Lightroom :: How To Convert A Collection To Smart Collection

Apr 16, 2013

Is there a way to convert a collection to a smart collection?

I am using NextGEN to export images to WordPress. NextGEN created Publishing collections in Lightroom to match those in my WordPress blog. My problem is that they are not Smart Collections.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Library Content Centre Status From Read Only To Read / Write

May 4, 2012

How to do it?

I am using Inv/Vault Pro 2011.

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Lightroom :: How To Set A Collection As A Target Collection

Feb 28, 2013

I am trying to create a new collection but I find that I do not have a "Set collection as target" (or whatever the correct phrase is, since I don't have it.) I have right clicked and examined all menu options.

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Lightroom :: Ordering Of Collection Sets And Collections (inside Collection Sets)?

Jun 25, 2013

What are the rules for how elements (specifically, collections and other collection sets) are ordered within a collection set?
I was trying to get a collection to appear at the top of the list of items in a collection set, but it seems to get stuffed below all the other collection sets regardless of the name given to the collection.

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Lightroom :: Filtering By File Size?

Mar 8, 2012

I was *so* hoping that we'd finally be able to filter (or create a Smart Collection) based upon file size.
There are many reasons why this would be useful but the thing that trips me up every once in a while is that I'll forget to flatten my layers in Photoshop and the resulting tiff could be over 500 MB! Everyone once in a while I'll manually find the large files, flatten the layers, then re-import them into LR - in the specific case I mentioned the file was reduced to 17MB.

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Lightroom :: Filtering Images Based On The Number Of Stars Applied?

Jul 11, 2012

After applying star/ratings to images, how do you filter your images based on the number of stars you applied?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Metadata Status Has Been Changed

Jan 29, 2013

I'm using LR 4.3 on a Win 7 64 bit PC.  I notice that many of my photo's show "Metadata Status has been changed" but when I try to synchronize the folder(s) the message does not change.  However, when I click the icon next to the message it will update that one photo.  How can I update ALL photo's so they have the current and correct metadata without  going one photo at a time.

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Lightroom :: Metadata Status Does Not Change

Feb 18, 2014

With my dng files, when saving metadata to file (ctrl + S), after a moment the status of the file is become again as if I had not save the metadata. I used an old trick for this bug : saving metadata, then importing metadata from file, then it is durably ok.

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Lightroom :: Metadata Status Didn't Change?

Aug 22, 2012

LR 4.1 in Windows 7 64.

I have setup smart collection  to show all images that need to be saved to disk - "Metadata status has been changed". I did the update in smart collection and also in Library  folder. On the disk xmp-file seems to be changed but in LR Metadata status is still "Has been changed". The files are CR2-files.After command status was one second  "Up to date" but changed very soon "Has been changed". Metada Date was changed OK. Same happend with tif-files but not with jpg-files. All changes are in the sidecar file.

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Lightroom :: Changing Publish Status From New To Published

Oct 10, 2013

Is there a way to change status of a photo in a facebook export publish folder from "new photos to publish" to "Published Photos"?

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Lightroom :: Change Copyright Status On Group Of Images?

Jan 4, 2014

Is there a way to change the Copyright Status from "Unknown" to "Copyright" on a group of images without having to change them individually in LR 5?

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Lightroom :: Status Bar Goes To 100% But Doesn't Finish / Import Hangs

Jan 31, 2013

I am running 4.3 for Mac as trial version. When I try to import, the status bar goes to 100% but does not finish. So import hangs.

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Lightroom :: How To Access Printer Ink Cartridges For Status And Cleaning

Nov 5, 2012

I am running LR4 on a Mac (Mountain Lion OS) and cannot find where to access my printer's ink cartridge status  for cleaning out plugged cartridges. I can do so easily on my PC, but the interface is different for the Mac. So this is not a printer problem,

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Lightroom :: Edit In One Collection And Not Another?

Jun 5, 2012

I can have one photo in multiple collections and edit them differently.  Right now if I edit in one collection the photo will change in all the collections.  For example I want a collection with just Black and White pictures, but I want to still have the same pictures in color in a different collection.  This is in LR3. 

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Lightroom :: Collection Set Into Slideshow?

Nov 1, 2013

I have created a collection set in Lightroom 5, and under this set there are 5 collections.  I would like to make a slide show of this collection set, and I would like my slide show go in sequence with collection 1 through 5. Each collection has still and video images and I would like to put a text messages in the beginning of each collection segment.
I searched the web, look into few books that I have and I did not see anything dealing on how to make a slide show out of a collection set.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete A Collection

Sep 3, 2012

I can't see how you either move (to a different set) or delete a collection?

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Lightroom :: Accessing Nik Collection?

Apr 13, 2013

I have recently purchased and installed Nik collection. I have no problem reaching the plug-ins in Photoshopbut can't in Lightroom (except for HDR)

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Lightroom :: How To Relink Collection To Catalog

Mar 8, 2014

I keep my photos on an external drive. The drive was named J. It then failed and when reinstalled it was named K. I was able to relike the photos to the new name K drive, however,
I am not able to see the photos that were previously in my collection sets. I see the blank images and the editing icons but no actual images, The photos are in the catalog.  How can I relink them to my catalog?

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Lightroom :: Move Collection From One Catalog To Another?

Sep 20, 2013

In Lightroom 4, I would like to copy a catalog from machine 1 to machine 2, and while someone else is working on machine 1, I would like to create a collection on machine 2, and then just move that collection back onto machine 1's original catalog.  The user on machine 1 is also making collections, so if I just copied the catalog back from machine 2 when I was done, it would destroy the new collections on machine 1, so I think I want to just move the collection I create on machine 2. 

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Collection In One Shot

Jun 10, 2013

how i can delete the collection in one shot?

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Lightroom :: Dragging A Stack To A Collection?

Feb 15, 2013

I use Aperture but am taking a look at Lightroom. In Aperture, if I have a stack of photos in a project and drag it to an album (similar to a Lightroom collection), the entire stack goes into the album. But in Lightroom, if I drag a stack to a collection, only the top photo goes into the collection. If I expand the stack, select all the photos, and drag them to the collection, then of course they are all in the collection but they become unstacked.
Is there a way to drag a stack to a collection in Lightroom, have the entire stack go into the collection, and have the photos remain stacked? I have tried modifier keys such as Option and Command while dragging the stack but that seems to ahve no effect.

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