I have downloaded LR5 Upgrade onto my PC (Windows 7). The LR5 new features work. So far the program is working as expected, except that when an image is deleted using LR5, the image disappears from LR5 and appears in the recycle bin as it should, but it does not disappear from my Canon DPP program. LR3 is still on the computer and when an image was deleted using LR3, it always disappeared from both LR3 and Canon DPP. Why won't a deletion with LR5 take the image out of Canon DPP ?
when I hit CMD and backspace, in order to delete images from disk, I only have the option to 'remove' photos. Up until tonight I always had to choose whether to remove them or delete from disk. Not sure what has changed or what I have done wrong, it's always worked before. I'm using an imac and LR4.
I imported the .dwg file from ArchiCAD 12 to my AutoCAD 2008.
The problem is that, there are some dots (Autocad recognizes it as "raster image") all over the drawing. And I need to delete them manually each one of them.
Is there way I could do this automatically? Is there a way to select all the "raster images" at once, and then delete them?
When I delete old copies of LR5's catalog off of my backup external drive, I leave the 3 most current. For some reason the next time I start LR, it cannot find the catalog, and I have to manually point to the backup, since I know that one is current. I'd assume the one in My Pictures is current also, but for some reason I keep getting this error.
I have downloaded & installed the LR 4.4 trial; I've used Photoshop Elements for many years, and am trying Lightroom for the improved capabilities it's supposed to have compared to PSE. According to the website, the downloaded trial is FULLY functional, just like the purchased version.
I take 100s of photos during a typical outing, and I want to use LR to screen/sort/process the photos. If I take 100 photos, I'll probably only keep 10-15 of them in the end. Therefore I need to be able to DELETE the photos with LR. I mean REALLY delete them, from the LR catalog/collections and from my computer hard drive as well. Is this possible? If it is, how is it done easily within LR?
When I press Delete, the photo disappears from the screen I'm in, but it appears the photo was just "removed from the collection"; unfortunately, the photo is still in the directory/folder on my computer hard drive, and it's probably still somewhere within LR as well. I want it deleted. No dialog box opens, which I've heard about in some of the forum posts, so I can't thereby instruct LR to delete from the hard drive as well. How can I do this?
It would be nice if there were a setting or preference somewhere within LR, where I could make the delete key mean DELETE. Does this not exist?
I have just moved my years worth of images off my laptop by exporting the catalogue throught Lightroom and everything that goes with it to a exteranl drive. Now I would like to delete the catalogue and all files associated with it. Do I need to do that through Lightroom or can I just delete the year 2012 in the pictures folder.
Whenever I try to delete fom disk nothing happens. I've tried doing this directly by hitting the delete key on keyboard, but also by deleting rejected photos. Nothing happens.
I use Aperture 3 and am thinking of switching to Lightroom 4. I do not store my photos in the Aperture 3 library. Instead I store my photos in my own folder system on an external hard drive and I reference the files in Aperture. This works well for most functions, but when I delete a photo from Aperture, it simply removes the thumbnail and all versions from Aperture, but does not delete the actual photo file on my hard drive. If I want to delete the actual photo file I must click "show file in finder" and manually delete it from the finder window.
Is the process of organizing photos in your own folder system, and deleting unwanted photos, more seemlessly integrated in Lightroom 4?
I'm buying a lot of presets from designers and also create a lot by my own. So not to loose the overview I want to delete those which I don't need. For example all the default ones (Lightroom Effect Presets, Lightroom Video Presets...). I tried to delete the template folder in finder, but then it shows an error at the next startup. If I just delete the subfolders, then the folders within Lightroom still appear on the panel, just the presets within are gone.
I am importing about 20,000 pictures from Flickr. they are all creative commons, and the end result will be the use of approximately 4000 of these in an online sign language dictionary. I use Bulkr to import them and this process imports the tags as well as other information such as the photographers name and url. Many of these photos arrive with hundreds of tags, so that the total number of tags might be 20000 or more. I need to assign my own tags and delete all the tags that the photo arrived with. I use the lightroom batch delete to do this (the little minus sign at the top of the keyword list). i select a keyword, hold down the shift key and scroll down. the problem is that i cannot just scroll down to the bottom of the list. There appear to be unpredictable keywords that cause the shift-select process not to work. if i scroll back up and then carefully scroll part of the way back down, then there will be a point at which shift-select stops working and above that it works. The end result of this is that it takes numerous shift-select-scroll down-select to delete everything so that what should take maybe 2 minutes takes 20 minutes or more.
The problem may be related to foreign language keywords especially chinese characters, but even what looks like a perfectly ordinary keyword can stop it. Two recent examples: travelers cheque and Київ. In all cases, the words can be deleted when i click directly on them. you just cant shift-select THROUGH them.A separate annoyance that i will just grumble about is that i was forced to put these pictures in a separate catalog because there is always the risk that i could manage to delete my own keywords while batch-deleting everyone elses, and there is no simple way that i know of to undo this. with the separate catalog at least i wont delete all the keywords for my own pictures.
After working in Lightroom 5 (not cc), one is given the choice to take or to take not a backup of the catalogue. After a while you have a lot of catalogues. Is it possible to delete the earlier catalogues so to gain space on the external harddrive?
I want to remove a catalog from the list of catalogs that shows up when starting Lightroom. I don't want to delete it or mess with it in any way 'cause it's a backup. SOMEHOW (just let it lay there - you can chuckle internally) I managed to grab the backup catalog one time and now its in the list, and every so often if I'm not paying attention I open the wrong one...
So, how do I make that entry in my catalog list go away without actually deleting anything or doing anything to the catalog?
Somehow I ended up with duplicates in my library. Some could be compressed jpg versions that were emailed to people. Is there an easy way to determine which are the better quality versions so I can delete the others?
I have version 2.3 using it on a Mac. I am trying to learn some keyboard commands to do my most common tasks. I cannot figure out how to "delete from disk" via the keyboard. When I hit delete, I get the window that has "remove" as the default. I can go to "delete from disk" with the mouse but I am trying to cut down on my mouse use to save my wrists.
I observed that when photos are deleted while in a smart preview collection the photos are not removed from the smart preview collection. Resulting over time in a large smart preview file with unused photos, consuming your hard drive space.
It is therefor important only to delete photos when they are first discarded from the smart preview catalog.
When eventually photos are removed while they were available in the smart preview catalog the work around to delete them is to locate the catalog named: "Lightroom 5 Catalog Smart Previews.lrdata" and to open it with Lightroom. When opened you can select the photos and remove them. After that you can remove the folder from your Lightroom folders and the file itself will consist of only 0 bytes.
It would maybe a good idea that removing photos automatically would discard them from the smart preview.
I am currently testing Lightroom on my computer and found a lot of useful features.
1. Does Lightroom have a function against accidentally deleting of files or pictures?
2. What about synchronisation? Can I use Lightroom on two computers, I mean when I work on the one computer, will all changes be available and visible on the other computer?
3. Can I use one catalogue on two or more drives in my computer?
4. Does Lightroom have a back-up function?
5. Can Lightroom recognize faces of people so that the software finds all photos of the same person?
When deleting photos I used to get a dialogue asking if I wanted to delete from catalog only or from disc as well. This dialogue has suddenly stopped appearing - very frustrating as deleting now only removes photo from the catalog. Clearly I will often want to get rid of the photo from disc to avoid clutter.
i have found the folder and am going to delete it however i need to know if this is deleted witll all the photos i have in lightroom that have not been exported be deleted?
Is there a way to delete the LR metadata from files? I can delete the xmp sidecars using the OS, but I also want to delete all the LR metadata from jpgs, etc . Is there a plugin that will do this, or do I have to use exiftool?
I shoot raw + JPG and wish that LR 5 had an option not to import JPG when there is a same-named raw file. Lacking that, are there suggestions perhaps for Windows utilities that would do the following (I am on Win7 64-bit with LR 5.2):
I delete all the JPG images before proceeding. That's easy enough; in Windows Explorer, one can sort by type, then delete all the JPGs, or one could open up a command prompt in the directory and "erase *.jpg". But there's a complication; in some modes of the camera, no raw file is generated. In those cases, I just have one .jpg that I want to keep. Here is an example:
I work with an external drive in Lightroom 5. I used to import hundreds of photos into folders and while reviewing them i could delete and individual photo and get a pop up message confirming "delete from disk". If I clicked that the file would be deleted and I could continue reviewing photos. Suddenly now when i delete a photo in the review process I get the first message, "delete from disk" and if I click that I get a second message now that says "The files are on a volume that does not support trash, permanently delete files from disk?" If I click that, my screen goes blank and I have to search where I was in the flow in reviewing the photos. It is impossible to quickly go thorugh and delete photos!!
I do not use preview to delete photos before they are imported, I feel I need to see the full file and then decide if I want to delete it.
Lightroom allows for trimming a video clip but when the clip is saved it saves the clip in it's entirety. Is there a way to delete the portions not included between the in and out points?
Lightrooms crashed, which is a common occurrance. But, this last time was different. After I restarted it my catalog was not linked and all my settings were gone. I tried opening the catalog through the file menu, but absolutely nothing happens. I tried going to the folder and clicking on it but this only opens lightroom with no catalog. After having scanned this forum I found that I need to delete the .lock file, but after doing that the same things happen. how to open my catalog? Will reinstalling Lightroom work?
I am undertaking the endeavor of going through the 20,000 pictures I have stored on my MacBook/first external hard drive. I am deleting the unnecessary images and am planning on exporting the ones I want to keep to another external hard drive. My question is: once I've exported the images I want to keep, can I then delete the original images taking up space on my hard drive? If I have the export (JPG) but not the original file (RAW), will it show up as "image is missing" or cause some type of pathway problem? I'm hoping to keep this as streamlined as possible but also want to preserve the integrity of my images.
Every-time I try either of these I get windows cannot locate Adobe_lightroom_x64.msi...I copied that file from the installation but lightroom refuses to use it!I tried deleting all the fold files for lightroom and still couldn't remove the program!!!
I'm photographer and this problem is killing me! I really need this program working!I tried disabling my antivirus real time protection(avira) and tried some of the forum methods but nothing still works! I'm using administrator for installing and set permissions correctly nothing works!
What's the best way to wipe a previous adobe installation?When I try to uninstall I get error 1714. Lightroom 3.6 installs fines. If I try to install regular lightroom 4, it only immediately converts to lightroom 4.1 installation?!??!?! I already converted my catalog folder to lightroom 4...
I'm going on vacation and want to work on adding keywords, deleting unwanted pictures, and other organizing. s there a way to do this without copying all my pictures (not enough room on the laptop for that.). Lightroom 4.4