I'm going on vacation and want to work on adding keywords, deleting unwanted pictures, and other organizing. s there a way to do this without copying all my pictures (not enough room on the laptop for that.). Lightroom 4.4
I am importing about 20,000 pictures from Flickr. they are all creative commons, and the end result will be the use of approximately 4000 of these in an online sign language dictionary. I use Bulkr to import them and this process imports the tags as well as other information such as the photographers name and url. Many of these photos arrive with hundreds of tags, so that the total number of tags might be 20000 or more. I need to assign my own tags and delete all the tags that the photo arrived with. I use the lightroom batch delete to do this (the little minus sign at the top of the keyword list). i select a keyword, hold down the shift key and scroll down. the problem is that i cannot just scroll down to the bottom of the list. There appear to be unpredictable keywords that cause the shift-select process not to work. if i scroll back up and then carefully scroll part of the way back down, then there will be a point at which shift-select stops working and above that it works. The end result of this is that it takes numerous shift-select-scroll down-select to delete everything so that what should take maybe 2 minutes takes 20 minutes or more.
The problem may be related to foreign language keywords especially chinese characters, but even what looks like a perfectly ordinary keyword can stop it. Two recent examples: travelers cheque and Київ. In all cases, the words can be deleted when i click directly on them. you just cant shift-select THROUGH them.A separate annoyance that i will just grumble about is that i was forced to put these pictures in a separate catalog because there is always the risk that i could manage to delete my own keywords while batch-deleting everyone elses, and there is no simple way that i know of to undo this. with the separate catalog at least i wont delete all the keywords for my own pictures.
I have a preview control on a window that I want to display temporary custom entities that the user can build before adding to the current working document. Is there a way to create a temporary document and database that I can show in my preview control? The Preview Control was created with the guidance of the BlockView.net sample.
What I mean by temporary, is a document / database that cannot be displayed or edited in the editor window.
I have VideoStudio 11 running under an XP Virtual PC.
I'm sure that there is a command to delete temporary files but I can't for the life of me remember how to access it.
Alternatively, would it be easier to go straight to the VideoStudio working folder. I've just had a look there and was staggered to find no less than 24GB of various files in the CvtedTitle folder.
when using keyboard short cuts to swap between tools ps cs6 now defaults to only a "temporary switch" i.e. it reverts back to the previously selected tool imediatly after I release the key. I can not get the tool to stick on the new selection unless I use the mouse to manually select the new tool.
How do I stop this from happening? I want to use short cuts to switch between tools and have it stick.
I have looked else where in the forums and have not found a solution that has worked. Checked that my keyboard is in the proper language, reinstalled photoshop, and double checked every setting I can think of, all to no avail.
This is a new problem, I have not made any recent hardware changes, everything had worked fine until today.
When I move a photo with LR keywords from LR to PSE 9, the keywords do not move with the file the majority of the time. Sometimes the keywords move, but most of the time they do not. Why? Is there a secret, or is there something that needs to be done to assure that LR keywords move with the file into PSE 9.
I printed a few photos with the print function in lightroom 3 (print button). A few hours later, i reopened LR to print some more photos, and now the print button has been replaced with print to file. Print one button is all greyed out aswell.
Also, LR is adding unwanted margins to all photos in the print module, and when i try to 0 out the margin, LR tells me it needs a minimum margin...
All printer settings is as it was before.
What has happened?
I have been around all preferences and so on, but nothing changes.
I am currently testing Lightroom on my computer and found a lot of useful features.
1. Does Lightroom have a function against accidentally deleting of files or pictures?
2. What about synchronisation? Can I use Lightroom on two computers, I mean when I work on the one computer, will all changes be available and visible on the other computer?
3. Can I use one catalogue on two or more drives in my computer?
4. Does Lightroom have a back-up function?
5. Can Lightroom recognize faces of people so that the software finds all photos of the same person?
I'm creating a logo that employs a stippled texture (a half-tone) in various sections of objects comprising the logo. I've placed the stipple where I want it, created a clipping path to capture the area. Now I have all these other points that I don't need that I want to delete.
Is there anyway short of releasing the clipping path, manually delete unwanted sections of the stipple and then re-apply the clipping path again? It would be like 'Applying Mask' in photoshop.
How can I move many nested keywords back into the main listing of keywords? I was up late a few nights ago and never noticed that about 80 new keywords were being placed as (nested?) under another keyword. How can I get them back from under that keyword and into the main keywrod list?
Lightroom has a collection containing all images without keywords.
As soon as I apply a keyword to images they instantly disappear from the collection. This is alright when I only want to apply a single keyword, but how do I stop it happening when I want to apply multiple keywords to the same image(s)?
For no apparent reason I can no longer add ratings/picks/colour labels to my pictures through either shortcuts or the menu. The only way I can add ratings is by clicking on the ratings dots when I have the grid extras turned on.
Once I have removed the background from around a picture and save as a .psd it looks perfect. only picture and transparent background - even if I slide a black background behind it all, there is no white outline - just as I want it. Then I delete the background color only leaving the picure and transparent background - I export to a .png from the .psd.
When I re-open the .png and slide a black background color layer behind the picture, I see a tiny white outline around the picture.
Do I have an issue with my erase command or my export to .png-8?
When adding a grain pattern effect to an object in Illustrator CS6 I get an odd bevel that surrounds the object. There is nothing in the Appearance window to suggest that there should be a bevel and I didn't add it myself.
Is there some setting I am missing or an easy way to remove the effect? For now I am masking the object with a slightly smaller object but it's starting to drastically increase the size of my file.
Any way to add a new field into the materials database. We would like to be able to choose the material specification for the materials we use. So we would like to have a field for each of the materials where we could choose the material spec. It would also be great if we could then be able to connect this to our BOM. The second part I know should be able to be done but so far haven't found a way to add the material spec in like we would like.
I am somewhat new to PSE 10 and would like to know how to delete portion of a background--buildings that are somewhat blurred. Also, how to add clouds to that respective space?
I spent 2+ hours trying to find the instruction, but finally gave up.
On my iMac's finder there are many temporary subfolders in my LR folder that do not show up in LR. They are named "Temporary Folder" followed by a long string of alphanumeric characters. Presumably they were created by LR as part of its operations (importing?). Can I erase these or will that disturb the Catalog? If they will, how can I remove them or should I just leave them alone? They are really piling up.
I am trying to place pictures into my paragraph text so that the text wraps around the picture (like you can in Word).? Can anyone let me know how to do this in Photoshop 7.0 for Windows??
All I can find is how to wrap text around object (i.e. word on a coffee cup image itself) or putting the actual picture as fill for the font.?
how to do this? I have included a PDF of a sample of what I'm trying to do.
I've been trying to clean up some things on my PC concerning Lightroom. I just came across 3 files in my Lightroom folder, the folder where my Catalog file and the Preview folders are located.
Before I pull the trigger on deleting the "Removed" photos from my collection and from the file, is there an easy to show all the photos in the collection with the Removed photos (as it is now showing) then without the Removed photos? In other words, I'd like to see what's left after I click Delete Removed Photos.
I was making a logo for our band's myspace and I have a picture that I found on google that I want to put on there. I already have the window set up with our name on it and all I have to do is add the picture but when I try to open it up it opens up a whole new window. How do I add the picture to the window I already have?
I have many many pictures (more than 1000) ...and i like to put a signature on the right-buttom cornar of each pic...I tried to use batch processing to do that but the problem is there is no way in adobe photoshop to align the signature in the left-buttom corner of the picture...
I tried to use positioning, and another problem float to surface..the different resolutions of the pix cause signature to be set in defferent positions other than the corner...
Finally I tried to flip the picture upside-down as well as flip it horizantally..so the right-bottom corner will be the upper-left ..with flipping the signature as will, I positioned the signature in the 0,0 point of the picture...but still adobe photoshop print the signature in different positions other than the desired position..
in addtion to different resolutions of the pix..one cause of that is adobe photoshop just measure the distances from starting point to end point (= (0,0)) and the first pix , and move the signature in all pix with same distance..even if one pic has different dimentions
I want to use photoshop becuase I can do a lot of effects in the signature, not just a plain text on the pic