I have just moved my years worth of images off my laptop by exporting the catalogue throught Lightroom and everything that goes with it to a exteranl drive. Now I would like to delete the catalogue and all files associated with it. Do I need to do that through Lightroom or can I just delete the year 2012 in the pictures folder.
When I delete old copies of LR5's catalog off of my backup external drive, I leave the 3 most current. For some reason the next time I start LR, it cannot find the catalog, and I have to manually point to the backup, since I know that one is current. I'd assume the one in My Pictures is current also, but for some reason I keep getting this error.
Deleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.
I use Aperture 3 and am thinking of switching to Lightroom 4. I do not store my photos in the Aperture 3 library. Instead I store my photos in my own folder system on an external hard drive and I reference the files in Aperture. This works well for most functions, but when I delete a photo from Aperture, it simply removes the thumbnail and all versions from Aperture, but does not delete the actual photo file on my hard drive. If I want to delete the actual photo file I must click "show file in finder" and manually delete it from the finder window.  Is the process of organizing photos in your own folder system, and deleting unwanted photos, more seemlessly integrated in Lightroom 4?
I am currently testing Lightroom on my computer and found a lot of useful features. Â 1. Does Lightroom have a function against accidentally deleting of files or pictures? Â 2. What about synchronisation? Can I use Lightroom on two computers, I mean when I work on the one computer, will all changes be available and visible on the other computer? Â 3. Can I use one catalogue on two or more drives in my computer? Â 4. Does Lightroom have a back-up function? Â 5. Can Lightroom recognize faces of people so that the software finds all photos of the same person?
I am getting "trash is not supported on this volume" errors when trying to delete rejected photos from two different firewire volumes on OS X 10.8.4. Â This is not an issue with internal hard drives and is not an issue in LR4.4 on the same external drives.
Every-time I try either of these I get windows cannot locate Adobe_lightroom_x64.msi...I copied that file from the installation but lightroom refuses to use it!I tried deleting all the fold files for lightroom and still couldn't remove the program!!!  I'm photographer and this problem is killing me! I really need this program working!I tried disabling my antivirus real time protection(avira) and tried some of the forum methods but nothing still works! I'm using administrator for installing and set permissions correctly nothing works!  What's the best way to wipe a previous adobe installation?When I try to uninstall I get error 1714. Lightroom 3.6 installs fines. If I try to install regular lightroom 4, it only immediately converts to lightroom 4.1 installation?!??!?! I already converted my catalog folder to lightroom 4...
After getting straightened out about getting my catalogs in order, which I've done, I've run into another problem. I have three catalogs one for People, one for Things and one I call Workplace where I try out things that are new to me so I don't mess up my main catalogs.  I've straightened out the files in my Things catalog. I have one catagory that contains images of autograph book pages from the late 1800s. Those scans were done in JPEG some time ago. I've tried using multiple processing to change these 55 images to psd in the original file to be consistent with the rest of the catalog. Each time the process fails.  In order to see what the problem might be I have copied the catagory file into both of my other catalogs and have been able to process the catagory file back into itself as psd. I have also created another small file in the Things catalog and tried to convert it and had the same result. The warning info box that appears when copying back into the same file states that the original files will be overwritten. The psd files do not overwrite the jpg files. They are added to the original file. That may be the way it is intended to be. That's not a real problem.  The real question is why can't I process multiple files in the original catalog. I have looked at the error file and, although I don't know much about most of it, I found the following in the first part of the file.  crash exception="EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"  I run XP SP3 and PSE 8. I am a single user with administrator rights. I find no mention of a permission filter in the PSE 8 program.
I recently had to reload Photoshop Elements on a new computer, and the new install doesn't display the folder view of all the files in the Catalog like it did on my old computer. I don't remember how to get that view back? I've tried searching for Folder View, and Hierarchical view, and explorer view, but obviously I don't call this the same thing the Adobe programmers did.
All of my files were backed up and easily transfered to my new computer. Today I was doing some cleanup and wanted to move or delete some older psd files. These were created in CS2 (I have CS3 now) and haven't been opened since getting my new computer. Windows will not allow me to delete, move or rename several of these files. It tells me that they are "open in another application" even when photoshop isn't even open. I have tried opening a couple of them in CS3 and then closing them to see if this changes their status but the result is the same. How can I change their "open" status, delete, move or rename them at this point.
I have successfully carried out a trial back up of an Elements 6 2000 picture catalog from an XP based PC, using the Elements 6 full back-up process. This process is intended to be used eventually to transfer this and other catalogs onto a new Windows 8 PC installed with Elements 11. Â However, in the interim I would also like to be able to access the picture files and the catalog data on the ehd from a Vista based laptop which also has Elements 6 installed. How to do this without carrying out a full restore process that would load all of the files onto my laptop's hard drive. Â In transferring the picture files to the end I also seem to have lost the original file structure that was on my PC, as folders have been renamed numerically and are all held individually in the main folder of the end. Whilst this doesn't matter too much whilst the files remain on the end, provided the catalog still know
How do i delete old images in my gurus folder here, i have loads in there now and its taking ages to load before i can upload my next victim, i mean great member
I have VideoStudio 11 running under an XP Virtual PC.
I'm sure that there is a command to delete temporary files but I can't for the life of me remember how to access it.
Alternatively, would it be easier to go straight to the VideoStudio working folder. I've just had a look there and was staggered to find no less than 24GB of various files in the CvtedTitle folder.
I have 4 main catalogs in LR 4.3 at the moment. They all appear as folders in LR.What I'd like to do is create one main folder, with all four of these in there. Is that possible without rebuilding all of the catalogs?
I run Windows 7, on a Gateway PC laptop, Two external HDs Seagates 1 1TB, 1 2TB External HDs. How do I remove all my catalogs to start over fresh and new?
One catalog is in LR 4 (called catalog B) on Ext HD F, and one is in Carbonite waiting to be restored (had an ext HD failure on Ext HD E, catalog A). I want to put these on a new 4TB external hard drive and in one catalog called A on my just purchased Lightroom 5 upgrade from 4. How do I do this without screwing up?
Have LR5.3 on a Windows 7 machine. Have SSD for programs and usual HD for pictures. Want to have LR catalogues on my SSD rather than default Pictures folder (on the HD). How do I move them to SSD and have LR find them and use that as a default hereafter?
I have several versions of my catalog due to "updates / upgrades" of the catalog. I believe this happened as I added plugins and it would tell me I needed to update my catalog. Is it safe to delete the old ones? Will I lose any data? These haven't been accessed for quite some time. See screen shot.
I recently converted to Mac from pc, and upgraded from LR 3.6 to LR 4 at the same time.Apple transferred all of my pc files transferred to the Mac, and then I downloaded the LR upgrade. That may have been a mistake, as all of the 3.6 catalogs remained on the PC. How do I get the 3.6 PC catalogs into the new version on the Mac? I'm thinking that perhaps I should uninstall LR, have Apple repeat the data migration, and then reinstall the LR 4? Or, is there another way?
When i loaded up lightroom 3 this morning all my catalogs are missing the only catalogue showing is the default lightroom one. i run weekly back ups on the catalogues i use most but theres no sign of them. Im a win 7 user
I had imported photos as CR2's worked on them in develop screen. Closed Lightroom5. When I reopened it all catalog references are gone- from this session and previous sessions. So I pulled in the photos from folders but none of the metadata changes were there (I now know it's because they were imported as CR2's-- won't do THAT again!) Is there anyway to get changes back?