I'm despriately trying to figure out a way to display the lightroom secondary display on my monitor to the right of my main display. I'm working in Windows 7 RC which seems to have the same monitor properties as Vista. No matter what I do Lightroom will always choose the display to my left as secondary, I've even tried physically switching my cables for the monitors and it still figures out which display is on the left and displays it there. Is there any way to pick which display is secondary?
It's typically very stable, but when I enable the Secondary Display, it starts crashing every 10 - 15 mintues.
Win7x64 12GB RAM ATI Catalyst 12.4 (was the same under 12.1) Internal 256GB SSD w/ OS and catalogs External 5.5TB eSata w/ RAW files Canon 5d2 & 5d3 files 2x Dell U3011 displays
I've googled and searched the forums. Lots comes up about older versions, but I'm not finding anything about the current release version. Windows offers to check for a solution online and close the application.
Crash Info
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: lightroom.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4fb2266f
Has Lightroom 4 addressed the problem of choosing which monitor to show your secondary display? I know this was a requested feature on LR3. How do you set it?
I'm having trouble with the secondary display (window, in my case; only one monitor). When I first open the secondary display, either with a keyboard shortcut or by clicking, all is fabulous. The display modes (Grid, Loupe, Compare, Survey) are visible & clickable, as is thumbnail slider, file path. If I click or keyboard command to Loupe view, Normal, Live & Locked modes are available. However, if I close the window and then want to open it up later in my workflow, all of the aforementioned functions disappear. I'm able to bring up the Filter view, and can technically still work off the menu bar (and keyboard shortcuts, if remembered). But only if I restart the program do the full set of functions become visible again. The arrows at top & bottom don't collapse/expand to show anything more than a black border where the display & mode options once were.
I have an SSD disk which has 20 GB of free space that AE uses for cache, and it gets full quite often and I have to empty it every ~4 hours.
My question is can I assign a secondary location for cache for AE to store the cache files and access it from there? If I can't, is there a big difference in working speed between SSD & HDD disks regarding AE cache? (I have 2 TB of free space on an HDD disk that I can use for AE cache).
Any way to allow a user to choose a folder from a default location. I thought I had found the solution but it's not quite working as I wanted:
#target illustrator
//Example 1 var output_folder = Folder.selectDialog ('Choose PDF output folder.');
//Example 2 var myFolder=Folder(app.activeDocument.path).selectDlg("Choose PDF output folder:");
If I use the code in example 1 the choose folder dialog appears and the 'Open' button is available and when I press the button the location is chosen as expected. However if I use the code in example 2, although the choose window opens in the path of the active documents location the 'Open' button is not able to be pressed until I select a folder., which means that the chosen location is not correct. I should indicate that I'm running this code on a Mac.
Any way to have a choose folder dialog window specify a location and be able to select that.
secondary monitor displays with colorshift in LR4.1rc2. this is on windows 7/64. Both my monitors i have are calibrated with spyder3, one is hardwarecalibrated eizo CG243, the other a HP2475 calibrated with spyder4 elite software. Colorshift shows same characteristics when i switch LR app window with secondary window. IT looks as if sRGB profile is applied to the secondary preview, because of the strong/overly saturated colors.
It seems to me a softwarebug, which makes secondary display inusable.
I'm using Lightroom 4 on a shiny new 27" iMac and have a very old Dell 24" display, not LED backlit, as a secondary display. Both have been calibrated with a Spyder 3. I would like to preview photos on my iMac display by default and use all edit controls on the old Dell display but setting this up is a pain in the butt and it won't return to this configuration after I quit LR and open it again.
Even when I right-click on the dock in OS X Mavericks and select "Options/Desktop on Display 2" I only get the splash page on Display 2.
Is there any way to make LR open by default on the system's secondary display (Dell 24") and use the iMac itself as LR's secondary display?
Using the Mac version of LR5 beta, I tried to create a Lightroom catalog on a secondary drive (the same drive my LR4 catalogs are on), and I got the following error:
Lightroom cannot create a catalog named “pics-5” on volume “/Volumes/Lightroom/pics-5” because Lightroom cannot save changes to this location. Lightroom Catalogs can not be opened on network volumes, removable storage, or read only volumes.
The drive is not a network volume, removable storage (it's a SATA drive on a Mac Pro), or read-only.
I have used Photoshop Elements 3, 5, 7 and 8. In each one I could see the thumbnails of multiple files in the "Folder Location" display in Organiser. Now in PE10 I can only see the thumbnails for one file at a time. Why and how I can display the thumbnails of all files in "folder locations?
One of my main complaints with Lightroom 4 is that I can't seem to export video at a custom resolution or bitrate (like dvd size for instance). Am I missing something, or is this really not possible? I hate having to use Handbrake to archive my videos - I wish I could just do it all in Lightroom. I'm using Lightroom 4.3
I'm using Nikon D610 and I shoot in RAW files. However, when I import my files using Lightroom and when I wanted to change the camera profile under the camera calibration tab, I could only find those profiles of Adobe standard, camera standard etc. What should I do so that I could choose the profile for Nikon D610 standard etc...?
The subtitle should be "How do I choose the best profile without wasting a lot of time and paper?"
I have an Epson R3000 using Epson premium glossy paper. I am printing from Lightroom (and Photoshop). My understanding has been that the best color match would come from using the Epson appropriate paper profile and letting LR manage the color. However, my output, especially for skin tones had a distinct magenta color cast and really looked terrible. I spent a few hours rechecking settings and making test prints to confirm settings such as turning off color management in the printer. Finally, I called Adobe support. They were very useful and by changing the printer profile from Epson 'spr premium glossy' to my monitor (which is calibrated) profile, I actually get output that matches my screen pretty well. The bothersome part is that I came away with a new understanding that I now have to experiment with profiles when printing.
This is contrary to my earlier understanding that Epson and LR do all the experimentation and that by using the Epson printer, paper and matching profiles I can get reliable color matched output from LR. There must be a reason that printer and paper manufacturers go to the trouble of developing profiles. how to choose the appropriate profile when printing? There is the further question of the best output to send to a professional printer. Should I just set to sRGB?
In the Print Module, with the Print Resolution box left unchecked, how does LR choose the ppi that will be sent to the printer? I realize that it is using an algorithm to choose a ppi.
After reading many webpages and watching many tutorial videos about which color space to use, I get odd results. I understand that sRGB is more for web applications, and that Adobe RGB 1998 has a wider gamut, and that ProPhoto has the widest gamut of colors, particularly useful with printing.
However, in LR 4, when I export to jpeg as sRGB, Adobe RGB, and ProPhoto, the differences are very noticeable. sRGB looks the most vibrant, Adobe RGB looks flat, and ProPhoto looks dark with a greenish cast. I expected ProPhoto to look best, or is that only for printing, and I have to process differently?
I LOVE the fact that we now have ability to create a non-circular shape with the Spot Removal tool (Q). But one of my favorite things about it previously (LR4 & previous) was you could click-drag to create a spot & drag to the sample area you wanted in ONE step. Now, obviously, if you click-drag you get a non-circular shape. So if you want just a circular spot you have to click... wait for it to select a sample area on it's own... and then either (a) drag that sample area where you want it, or (b) hit "/" to change sample area guesses until it grabs one you like.
SO... I wonder if there's any way, like a keyboard shortcut or key hold-down, that allows you to click-drag a circle spot to get the sample you want in one step, like we could previously....?
I'm new to Elements 10 and I'm having a hard time figuring things out but 1 thing in particular. I'm on a PC and use Windows 7.I already import a lot of pic's to Elements or so I thought.
When I'm in "Folder Location" and click on a folder it doesn't display any pictures and says "No files from this folder have been imported into Elements Organizer. To add any files, right click on the folder and select "Import to Organizer"
So I do as I'm told and then i get this error."Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this catalog."
any editing I do in photoshop will now seem to need to be manually added to Lightroom...which I do not even want to contemplate. When I rightclick on an image and select Edit in --> Photoshop CS6, nothing happens...Photoshop does not open as it used to. I'd thought it might be Nik Collection trial or OnOne photo suite trial I'd installed, but I uninstalled both and restarted my computer, and the problem still exists. I'm using the current creative cloud version of both lightroom and photoshop.
how to use the secondary color in GIMP. By default, primary is black and secondary is white. I know in MS Paint the secondary color is used by right clicking, but this is not the case with GIMP.
I've buy a new computer with and SSD Disk for SO (Winwos 7 Ultimate) and a Secondary Disk. How is the best choise to install the CS4 Suite (Photoshop, Dreamweaver etc)? Installing on primary disk (SSD) or on secondary disk?
I want to use two dimensions, like main one and secondary second one, one above another in exact distance. i did not find it in the dimension style manager.
Is there any way to correct spot exposure problems [ie. clipping] like you can correct secondary color with Three-Way Color Corrector?
I have a clip where a white box that reflects too much--it moves, so I need the exposure correction to move as well--like color corrections move with the Secondary Color Correction, but with exposure instead.
I just need to tone-it done some, if possible.
I tried using the Three-Way, but there isn't enough color to grab.
Since about a week ago I've been having a bit of an annoying problem with CS - whenever I use the eyedropper to pick a colour, the one I click gets put into the secondary part, so I have to press X in order to use the colour I just selected. It seems like this is some sort of option that I must have turned on accidentally, but I can't find anything about it.
When I use the eyedropper to build a secondary color correction mask (rgb curves, three-way, etc) I have to click the eyedropper with the + and then go over to my source monitor and click on the portion I want to build the mask for. If I need to select multiple colors to dial in the mask further I have to keep going back over and clicking the little eyedropper + and then back over to the source monitor and back and forth over and over again.
I know there is a better way, or at least a short cut to reselct the eyedropper +
The bottom of the Layers Panel is hidden when my secondary monitor is on. I opened Systems Preferences > Display and adjusted scanning slider but I still can't make the PS screen smaller. What else can I do?