Lightroom :: Can't See Files In Navigation Panel Of Library
Nov 23, 2011
Usually when I Import I select what I want to Import from the left panel of the Library interface. I open Folders, then my C drive (whatever) and go from there. My entire file structure is displayed and I can navigate anywhere I want.
Tonight all that is displayed under Folders - C Drive is a listing of already imported folders. It's a list compiled from within Lightroom, not my computer's file directory.
I am not in Catalog and there is no slider to the left of the list - plus the list is not even a portion of my file list, it is something altogether else.
I was able to do a clumsy import by using File Import, which brought up an interface I have never seen before, much less used. I was able to "select a source" there and browse my files. But it was unfamiliar and I need to get my navigation window back to showing what's on my C drive when I click Folders - C Drive.
navigating in the library using the cursor.I want to be able to go around any particular folder (or collection) in an "endless loop" using the cursor keys. Is that possible?
In other words, when I get to the last image in the folder, I want to be able to go back to the first image in the folder by hitting the right cursor key.Similarly, when I'm at the first image, I want to be able to go to the last image by hitting the left cursor key.
Up until now I haven't been able to do that, and I've just assumed LR doesn't have this function.However, a few minutes ago while browsing a folder suddenly the cursor did have this behavior. I was looking in a folder and could go around in this kind of endless loop.
But then suddenly the behavior stopped and LR is back to the previous limitation. (Somewhere in this browsing I turned on a filter to look at pics with only 3 stars and above, so maybe that had something to do with it, but I cannot recreate the behavior.) Is there a setting somewhere that controls this?
The label for Library, i.e. the word 'Library', no longer shows in the line of module labels along the top panel of my Lightroom 4 window; all the others from Develop to Web are still there. I see they're called Module Picker Buttons (Menu - Lightroom - Identity Plate Setup..). I've just downloaded Lightroom version 4.4 but that hasn't triggered the reappearance of 'Library'. So I now have to use alt-cmd-1 to access the Library module. retrieve 'Library' for the top panel? Have I unknowingly made a keystroke that disabled it? I'm running Lightroom 4.4 on Mac OS 10.6.8.
I was really hoping that the Quick Develop panel in the Library Module which I sometimes use if there are minor touchups needed to a photo would have been redesigned to more closely resemble and work like the Basic panel in the Develop Module. Certainly sliders instead of those arrow buttons would be a very useful change.
I am currently working with a trial version of Lightroom 4.2 and i have been doing some silly things. The end result is that Catalog has disappeared from the left hand panel of the library tab ie i only see Folders, Collections and Publish Services..
I have tried to use File/New Catalog, Open Catalog and Open Recent but, in each case, I get an error box appearing: " ....catalog address refers to a location that is not available" it does not close and re-open LR
Now for the confession as to how this situation arose. I had been using LR quite happily using the catalogue which was automatically created when i started. Then I decided to try creating a new catalogue, in fact I ended up creating a few new catalogues. I decided to remove all the catalogues and start again with one catalogue which I would set up (I was not worried about losing the updates to the photos i had been playing around with) But, as i could find nothing within LR about deleting catalogues, I decided to remove them via Windows Explorer. When i went back into LR, Catalog was still showing in the left hand panel and, when i looked in Explorer, it was in the original folder My Pictures/Lightroom which I thought i had deleted along with all the other catalogues. Presumably it had been re-created automatically as in my original use of LR
I then compounded my mistakes by clicking on the + to the right of Catalog and, for interest, choosing whatever was at the top of the resultant list. It was at this point that Catalog disappeared never to be seen again.
The metadata folder in the library module is missing in the right panel. It was present when I first purchased Lightroom 3 but has since disappeared from view, but don't know exactly when.
While working in Lightroom today when I scroll down on the left side panel in grid view in the Library module the last item is Collections and the Publisher box is no longer there?
I've just imported all my photo's into LR5 in order to categorise and delete where appropriate (In Library mode). Although JPG files are displayed where no RAW files exist, JPEG files are not displayed where corresponding RAW (CR2) files exist. I have checked the box in Preferences to treat JPEG files next to RAW files as seperate photos, but this seems to have no effect.
I recently discovered a 'change' to my 'Source Panel' window when I try to Import new files from my CF cards. I have 4.2 installed. All that is available on the left hand side of this window is the 'Other Source' pull down box and never any file source like my hard drives or CF cards or anything that used to be there prior to about a month ago. I reinstalled this program twice without any changes. Have I shut something off by accident? My buddy has the same program and he cannot find any reason my should be any different than his but it is.
Have just downloaded LR4 to C drive on windows 7 home premium, all photos and folders are there but, folders in library are shown as being in Y drive which was on a computer I have recently replaced, so when I put them into develop it says " missing folder, path does not exist" The images are on external F drive, Also I thought that LR4 would merge with existing LR2 so now I have two LR programs on my C drive, is this how it should be ?
How to filter a folder in the Lightroom Library? I have copied all my originals from iPhoto using the alias process and now would like to import the raw files into DNG format but they are mixed in with jpgs as well.
Random files are being corrupted in my library. Sometimes the preview image is corrupted sometimes not. But upon export images are being corrupted as well so I cannot export certain images anymore for anything because they get corrupted everytime.
I have installed the updates etc I keep my main librarys on a external drive. Im on a fairly new imac.
I installed Lightroom 4.4 recently. I have been using 2.x for years.
I exported a number of jpg files into a JPG subfolder. These jpgs were generated from cr2 files. The "add to catalog" option was selected. My problem is that not only the exported files/pictures were not added to the catalog but that I cannot add them manually (by syncing the upper-level folder).
Is there a way to Sort or Filter only the RAW files in a Library folder that have had adjustments made to them in the Develop Module? Not by date, key words or flags etc. Only develop adjustments.
Shouldn't I be able to save my Lightroom Library to my Creative Cloud Files account? I understood this is done from the Sync button in the Lightroom Library.
Lightroom v5.3: I'm a long time DNG file user for Pentax and Nikon cameras. I recently discovered that about 300 of my RAW Nikon files already imported into the Library are NEF files instead of DNG files as my other 5700 files are.
I know that I made an error somewhere along the way, but- Is there an easy solution to converting those existing NEF files to the DNG format?
I have been using Lightroom for years and am using LR4 now and have just run into this issue:
One of my DNG color files shows up in the Library as Black & White. I look on my backup files and this file shows as color. When I import the backup into LR4 it also shows up as Black & White in the Library?
I copied my catalog from Windows 7 PC (along with all photos) to a new iMac OXS 10.8. Installed Lightroom 4.3 on the iMac (with photos and catalog in same relative locations as previously in the photos folder)
In the Lightroom library on the iMac, all my photos have an exclamation mark in the top corner, and when opening any of them, I get a comment suggesting metadata is in conflict.The actaul metadata in the photos looks fine.Is there a global command with which I can cancel these exclamation marks?
I recently began using lightroom and stored the files on the local drive of my macbook pro (current os) until I ran out of space. Exported the catalogue to an external HD, then deleted the files from the local drive. As I tried to import the .lrcat file associated with the export to the external HD and received this error:
"Can not import from this catalog at this time. The catalog is either in use by another copy of Lightroom or was closed improperly. If it was closed improperly, please consider doing an integrity check when opening."
I am not running LR on any other computers so I figure Lightroom was "closed improperly".
Is there a way to "refresh" the Library Assets Images folder so that it finds all the images in that folder ? I noticed that when I create a new project that EDGE will find all the images that I have in the "IMAGES" folder at the time of creation but if I add images to that folder outside of EDGE then EDGE doesn't refresh that folder and I can't find a cmd to refresh that folder in EDGE ? I thought that maybe closing and reopening the project would refresh it but it doesn't. The only way I can find to get more images in after project creation is to manually add them.
So you know what system I have, I use a laptop running Windows 7 64bit, with a dual core processor and 4GB RAM. It's a very capable machine and I don't usually have a problem using LR on it.
After installing LR 3.3 over 3.2 I experienced a problem whereby the PC would not recognise which program to use for opening the lrcat catalog files. Using the Default Programs option in Control Panel didn't work as Windows wouldn't accept Lightroom as the default program and kept suggesting I open the catalog using Adobe Reader instead.
I seem to remember having an issue with the 3.2 update as well but that was simply the icon for file type being missing (showing a default unknown file type icon).
Anyway, resolved the problem but had to resort to downloading a program called Default Programs Editor (http:[url]...... to correct the problem. Am thinking next upgrade, I will uninstall LR completely before installing the update, just to be sure.
I have been shooting RAW for a while and have notice that after I import the images and then start to view them in the Library Module I will see a slight color and quality shift - almost looks like a white balance shift but not quite. I was thinking that perhaps there was some automatic preset being applied but I don't have any presets at all.
I am shooting with a Canon 1DX as well as 7D. I have not checked to see if I get this situation with the 7D, but I know for sure that I get it with the 1DX.
Today I was reviewing some images in Bridge and decided to open one of them in Camera RAW. At that time I discovered that the camera's Image Style Settings were available, Faithful, Standard, Portrait, etc. I noticed that the images did not have one of the camera styles applied to them but rather the Adobe Standard Style. At that point from within RAW I selected one of the camera's styles and bingo thats the kind of shift I am seeing when I first view an image in LR4 Library.
So as far as I can tell the RAW images are getting the Adobe Standard style applied in LR. I have no idea if this is a default behavior of if I have done something to cause it. I'm also thinking that perhaps LR does not necessarily apply the Camera's Styles automatically even though the particular style has been set in the camera -- perhaps is not imported as part of the metadata during the import and thus defaults to the Adobe Standard.
1. Should I expect LR4 to apply the Style as set from the camera automatically or not at all? 2. Can I prevent LR from applying the Adobe Standard Style and apply no style? 3. Can I cause LR to apply the Style as set in the camera for the particular image to be appied automatically upon import?
When in Library mode I want to move around the filmstrip (at the bottom) when in Loupe View. The same can be said about being in Grid View. I am able to go to the next or previous slides with the arrow keys and by pressing Page-Up and Page-Down it jumps ahead/back 10 or slides. How do you jump to the first or last slide? When I push Home or End nothing happens. I thought it was supposed to jump to the first or last slide.
Windows 7 PC 64 bit Run LR5.3 on computer - not CC version.
PS - I have looked at several of the various cheat sheets on shortcuts and cannot find this.
create a short animation of the model rotating in 3-D space by using keyframes in the timeline panel.
1. I cannot drag the end of the layer to the right in order to increase the duration of my animation. The layer seems to be locked at 15 frames in length. How do I increase the duration of my 3-D layer so I can create a longer animation?
2. The bounding box for the model extends very far into z-space (much further than nesscessary to simply contain the model) which is making the object difficult to maniputale. How do I change the dimensions of the bounding box to more easily manipulate this model?