Lightroom :: 5 Prints Very Poor Compared To Photoshop CC?
Jan 17, 2014
I have an Imac running Maverick and an Epson 3880. I have calibrated my monitor, my printer and my paper with a ColorMunki. I use ProPhoto for all apps. All settings the same in both PS and LR.
If I print an image in LR 5 and then export the same image to PS and print it (all settings the same), the PS image is almost spot on. The LR5 image is very bad, being much darker and bluer.
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Feb 27, 2014
I have a vector map which was brought from iStock and changed the color on it. The edited version is in CMYK format and I need both a CMYK version for print and RGB for screen.
The map needs to be used in PowerPoint and I have tried to zoom in quite far onto a specific country. I found that when zooming the CMYK map was absolutely fine, but I needed to use the RGB version. When I inserted the RGB the quality was significantly poorer than the CMYK one (see maps below) and I can't work out why!
Unfortunately, the map needs to be in jpeg or png format for PowerPoint, as it won't support EPS's or PDF's. I converted the map to png, which was slightly better but still not as good as the CMYK version.
Both the RGB and CMYK maps are exactly the same size (document size, file size, dpi etc). I changed the colour profile when converting to RGB (File -> Document Colour Modes -> RGB), when exporting it to JPEG I ensured that RGB was selected. I just cannot work out why the CMYK is perfect and RGB isn't and I've never had this issue before!
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Dec 31, 2011
why when I import into Lightroom 3, why my photo's are duller and greyer than when I import them into iPhoto or Aperature or Capture NX? I'm just importing from my SD card in raw format. On my camera (Nikon D60) and on all the other programs the photo looks how I took the picture. Only in Lighroom, upon import it seems to change the color.
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Jul 6, 2010
I'm working on a project where I need to export hundreds of custom images for use on a website. Each image needs to have a watermark on it. So I created the watermark in Illustrator, then placed it into a 900 pixel x 900 pixel file and saved for web as a PNG-24 with transparency.
When I export images form LR3 using the above graphic as a watermark the image quality is great, but the watermark has rough edges and is pixelated at any setting under 2500 pixels. I need to output down as small as 150, 225 and 250 pixels. I can do this in photoshop and the watermark looks great. Yet from LR the quality is noticably bad. See the attached file.
how to improve the quality of the watermark?
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May 23, 2012
I'm a new Lightroom 4 user. I am wanting to select photos to import into a catalog, but the thumbnail quality in the import window is so poor that I can't distinguish good photos from bad ones. I have changed the Render Previews selection in the File Handling pane from "minimal" to "standard," but it doesn't seem to change the appearance of the thumbnails at all. Is that how this is supposed to work? I'd like to be able to appraise the quality of the photos before I import them.
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Mar 20, 2014
I've just started using Lightroom 5, and right after importing them I noticed the images are of very poor quality. If I try and blow them up bigger using the slider they get even worse.I've used Bridge in Photoshop to do this before and the images look great, so I can quickly look at them and sort the good from the bad.I can't do this in Lightroom with the quality of the image thumbnails. So how do you make the thumbnails better? Also does the camera MP size determine what the thumbnails look like? In other words If I used an 8MP camera, would the thumbnails look as good as they would coming from a 20MP camera?
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Jul 17, 2013
Installed Lightroom 5 upgrade. On LR 4 I can export a 55 slideshow as MP4 with 1080p preset using all four cores on a win7-64 (Intel I7) in about 6-8 min (used 70-80% processor). In LR5, the CPU never goes above 15% processor and takes 45-50 minutes. I can flip between the two (not at the same time) to test. Luckily, no catalog changes other than what the automatic conversion did.
Interestingly, I see a ".aac" and ".m4v" in the destination directory during the rendering process (they eventually goes away and are replaced by the ".mp4" at the end of the rendering export process).
Why LR5 is not taking full advantage of the multi core CPU? How to improve performance in this area?Overall, its very disappointing. I have to go back to LR4 to re-render the slideshows that eventually get exported to a DVD (but that's another story).
Additional information, when I render the slideshow, it looks like LR4 exports using the native executable (no spawned subprocesses), but LR5 spawns a separate process to handle the export/rendering process.
Executable: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5SupportDynamicLinkMediaServerdynamiclinkmediaserver1.0amecomman d.exe
Options: --port=50015 --ip= d1 m0 --source="D:AAAAAppDataLocalTempslides_export04A7BAA7-5CE4-416E- 9625-E1971F4A7E83.lrcat" --sourceid=bff43513-e0ff-4178-a7c1-54abdfa19386 "C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5SupportVideo Export PresetsH-1920x1080-2997.epr" 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1211250228 1313424203 "" "" "" 0 "V:MP4Vacationslah-blahfilename-goes-here.mp4" 793856f3-1cc5-4a25-adb2-4de660c3aef5 0 104654592000000 128
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Nov 28, 2013
For some reason images in the library module aren’t as sharp compared to the develop module. If I’m in develop images are nice and sharp but as soon as I select the library you can see the image quality drop and image becomes less blurry!
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Mar 3, 2009
When using the adjustments brush to locally increase exposure(for example) it seems that not all pixels are covered. In the red display of the selected zone you can see black spots all over the zone that are not selected even after repeated use of the adjustment brush. The result looks like heavy noise and is pretty bad. I must say it gives the impression that it happens with "low light" pictures only!? Windows/XP3, Lightroom2.2
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Mar 1, 2013
My prints are getting clipped no matter what I try to do. I am losing approximately 1/8" from all sides of the finished print. From what I can tell, the picture is actually printing larger than the specified size.
This is my process:
In the Develop module I am cropping to the desired aspect ratio using LR presets, then going straight to the print module. My printer is an HP Photosmart C4780. In the Print module I set my margins to 0 and cell size to 4in x 6in. The picture on the screeen looks exactly how I want it to print. I go to Page Setup, select my printer, paper size (borderless 4x6) and orientation, click OK. Then to Print Settings, select the HP paper I am using, click borderless, click save. If I click "scale to fit paper size", I still lose approximately 1/16" on each side. Under Image Settings, I deselect zoom to fill. I have tried selecting it but still experience clipping. I have tried moving the margins in by fractions of an inch and I seem to recover some of the image, but its a long trial and error process that I feel I shouldn't have to do.
A 4x6 test print on regular 8.5x11 paper measures 4-1/8" x 6-1/8". The print layout in LR clearly says 4x6.
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Nov 10, 2011
Does the watermark only used for images to be used for web base or put your watermarks on the actual printout?
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Dec 15, 2011
how to get rid of the border on 5x7 prints. i've removed them before but can't seem to remember what i did to get the full 5x7 print.
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Mar 21, 2013
I use the print module extensively and have a large collection of "saved prints".How can I search this list by name ? (My saved prints names include date and original picture name) Browsing the collection in grid view is not very practical.
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Jan 20, 2013
I print using Lr 3.6 and seem to never get on paper what Lr shows on screen. A case in point is that if I print with no (zero) borders specified in the Layout section of the Print module I get a print which is identical to the one I obtain when I set the left and right borders to non-zero values (e.g. 2mm). This is even though Lr's screen does show no borders in the first case and the expected borders in the second case.
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Aug 24, 2013
I print out of Lightroom, monitor and printer calibrated with Colormunki. Soft proof with the paper profile looks fine (whether the manufacturer's or mine).
Print into jpeg file - looks fine..Print to printer with identical profile - colors don't match. It makes a significant difference whether perceptive or relative is chosen in color management, but in both cases colors just don't match. Perceptive - colors look completely different, relative - most colors are good, but deep black shadows for example are dark grey instead of black.
Printing the colorsamples for the colormunki - all colors look perfect.I've spent a fortune meanwhile on paper and ink..
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Oct 1, 2013
I have profiled my monitor and my printer. I can print from photoshop and prints match my display. When I print out of lightroom, they are not even close. I use the same printer profile and the program manages the color.
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May 27, 2013
I have used LR 2 in the past with Windows 98 and an HP Photosmart Pro B9180 shooting with Pentax k10d using DNG files and printing with few or no problems with minimal developing. I am now trying LR 4 with the same printer and camera but with Windows 7 and with little or no changes in developing the prints are very dull and almost black. I have the latest driver updates and am have the printer letting the application manage the color with the correct setting in profile.
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Dec 1, 2013
I am trying to print an US Letter sized print, no matter what I do in the page setup and print settings, it still comes slightly off center, top and bottom are goo, but the print area is offset about 1/8" to the left?
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Aug 10, 2012
OK. So how do I print a 4x6 borderless print on my new 7510 Photosmart? My only options seem to be a 4x6 tab print. What gives?
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Oct 28, 2012
I watched Matt Kloszowki's LR killer tip on borderless printing and followed his instructions but my 4x6 print only fills about a 40% of the paper and I'm not getting the full image. I added a border to outline the edge of the =print whic I scanned. What do I need to do to print the full image?
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Jun 3, 2012
I have 9 copies of the same image with a different develop preset on each one so to compare. How do you get Lightroom to show the preset used on the image when viewing in lightroom and when you print, how do you get the preset name included on the print so you can tell which preset is on each print? At present I have to note the preset down and then write each preset name on each photo to show I know what was used.
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Mar 22, 2013
I am currently running win 7 64 with lightroom 4.3and an Epson Stylus Pro 3880 networked. I also have a HP 2610 as local. When printing to the Epson I get print with a lot of red to the point it looks pink or purple. This is with the color management driver set to custom and color management turned off or vice versa with color controlled by printer. If I print to the HP colors look great. I have tried different paper outputs with no luck. I also have the same problem in CS5.
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Aug 20, 2012
URL>...I suddenly have an odd problem that I originally thought was monitor-related. I'm using a MacPro, 10.6.8, with a Mac 24"HD monitor for palettes and an NEC PA241W for color. Both monitors were calibrated last week.
I have CS4, but I work in CS3 simply because I like the old interface better. I opened a file I was working on Friday onto the NEC screen and now all of the colors, especially the reds, are muted/shifted to orange. It looks fine on the Mac monitor. It was immediately apparent because the shot is of a red Ferrari that now looks brick-orange. I recalibrated the NEC but no luck. Called NEC and we ran every possible test and scenario, still no good. we both thought to load the same file into CS4 and looks fine! I check every color setting, the proof setup and the profile between both versions and they're the same. So what is making the CS3 version suddenly look off?!! The only thing I can think of is that there must be some setting in CS3 that got overwritten/corrupted/changed between Friday and today that is now preventing the NEC monitor to see some kind of profile that the Mac monitor sees.
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Oct 19, 2008
I installed Photoshop Extended CS4 64bit. I opened a 24mb PSD file, there is some text with some outer glow when I move it I get redraw. CS4 just feels sluggish compared to CS3. My system is not that bad, e6600, 4GB, 8800GTS 640, Vista Home Premium x64.
I have updated to the latest drivers for my GPU. I am considering just a reformat and install.
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Jun 17, 2008
I have a wide format scanner, an HP Designjet 4200(815mfp), that can save scans in .pdf format. When I click on the properties tab of one of these .pdf's, this is the info: Application: CTX PDF Producer: PDFlib 4.0.3(Win32) PDF Version: 1.3. I am using Photoshop 6.01(6.0 with patch installed, provided by Adobe as ps601up.exe) running under Windows 2000.
When I open one of these .pdf files with Photoshop a message appears at the bottom of the screen while the file loads, "rasterizing file" as the file loads. The image that then appears on the pc's monitor is greatly degraded from the scanned image, lines and text are jagged and blurry; and even if I make no edits whatsoever and print it immediately from Photoshop the quality of the printed image is horrible, as if the resolution has vastly declined. If I open the same .pdf file with Reader, the image appears in the high quality that it ought to, and Reader prints it in high quality as well. I am definitely in Photoshop not Imageready when this happens, and it is not affected by any change I make to the resolution in the "Rasterize Generic PDF Format" box that appears whenever I first open one of these files.
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Nov 26, 2008
I use the hand tool to "slide" and image under CS3, the image movement is very smooth and without a glitch. If I use the same hand tool under CS4, the image movement is jumpy and erratic. There does not seem to be any "use hardware acceleration" option as is available in bridge.
I find this makes it rather difficult to move the image quickly and smoothly while I edit a large image looking for flaws (for example, dust spots on scanned negatives).
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Mar 27, 2014
The photo itself will be the right size. But it sits in the middle of a 13x19 page, with massive margins. Other than when I actually want to print to 13x9, I have to pass off to another program to do the job.
Running LR4 in Snow Leopard. Epson R2880, latest driver.
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Nov 24, 2012
I'm a long time LR user (currently LR 4.2), but just recently started producing a series of limited edition prints that include a graphical identity plate centered below the image. As LR insists on having to scale the identity plate, the result is that I can never produce a print where the text appears crisp and sharp. Rather there's always some perceptible softness in the text.
I'm using PhotoShop to produce the graphical identity plate and have produced it in the exact dimensions as it should appear beneath the print. When I bring it into the LR print module, however, it immediately scales it to 100% of the page size so I'm left with no option but to select a scaling % that most closely represents the original size.
Is there a solution to this? I only recently purchased PS CS6 and am thinking I should probably be doing this within that application, but honestly I'm just more comfortable in LR. For this print, I have the page size set to 20" x 30" and the cell size containing the image at 16" x 24". I think I know the correct process to duplicate this within Photoshop, but verify the procedure if LR isn't up to the task.
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Mar 20, 2014
Yes, my monitor is an LCD and it is bright. It is not a proofing monitor. It was calibrated. I've been printing B&W from LR on an Epson printer (r1900 & r2400). I know proper color management. Turn off Epson Color Management, let LR manage color with the correct icc profile
Obviously I can do trial and error, brightening the photo until it looks correct.My thought is, is there a way I could print on one page Thumbnails or like in the film days strips with different "exposures." Then with one print I could pick how much of an adjustment is needed?
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Apr 13, 2013
I upgraded to win 8 64 bit and neither Canon nor Ilford have updated their software but I dont know whether that is causing red/orange to be printed as green.
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Dec 9, 2012
Will 32GB RAM have noticeable benefit compared to 16GB? Reason I'm asking is that I've just built a new PC: 3770K, 32GB RAM, SSD for OS and programs, SSD for scratch, Caviar Black for storage, etc but unfortunately Windows 7 Home Premium only allows 16GB RAM! I have Windows 8 Pro which I could install giving me access to full 32GB but only really want to do this if 32GB will offer tangible benefit to Photoshop.
Would love to hear from those that actually have upgraded from 16GB to 32GB.
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