Lightroom :: 4 - Color Images Randomly Converting To B&W?

Jul 14, 2013

While working in LR 4, after several hundred edits for no reason it started converting the images to B/W? Seems to be some sort of glitch, they are color then change to B/W?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Is Randomly Destroying 5DMkIII Raw Images

Nov 29, 2012

I recently acquired the 5DMkIII and after I import the RAW images into LR 4.3RC, LR will, apparently randomly, divide an image into rectangles and color it with psychodelic colors.  Out of about 700 images from my last shoot, it has only happened to 3 or 4, so far.  But it can happen immediately upon import or on a subsequent viewing/developing of the images.  It seems to happen at the time I click on the thumbnail to view or edit the image.I have inserted a sample.  This is an image of a hawk on a post (the bird is in the center of the image).  Theoretically, I can reimport the image from the CF card and hope it doesn't happen again (assuming I haven't reformated the card).  Is this an issue with the camera or LR?  It began happening on the Mark III images.  I've used 7D, 40D, and XT before this with no problem. 

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Lightroom :: Importing Images From Camera - Randomly Does Not Display Thumbnails

Jul 12, 2012

LR4 seems to have a bug when importing images from a camera where it randomly does not display a thumbnail of the image before invoking the import process.  Usually it is whole blocks of images following a few that are properly shown.  Perhaps it is dropping the communication link to the camera early?
Furthermore, once the images are imported, different images are not displayed in the thumbnail panel with filters off.
I have been doing identical import procedures on all previous versions of LR without any similar behavior.
Macbook Pro 10.6.8
LR 4.1
Canon EOS 40D
iPhone 4s

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Is Converting Images To B&w Upon Import

Oct 29, 2012

My lightroom 4.2 installation just started automatically converting all my images to b&w on import.  It looks like is applying a preset, but the develop settings are set to none.  I can open the image with the canon raw file tools, and with Picasa in full color no problem.

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Lightroom :: Converting 72dpi Images To 240dpi When Creating A Web Gallery

Mar 3, 2013

have never discovered an answer to this one.  currently using LR4 and have previously used LR2 and 3 with the same issue.
my PP workflow is essensially for the web, so I save images at 72ppi for web viewing and yet when I create a web gallery with LR it converts each image to a print resolution of 240dpi.
that's right.  changes from ppi to dpi.  go figure.
even if ppi (points per inch) is exactly the same as dpi (dots per inch), why the heck is LR making the change and how can I prevent that change from occuring?

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Randomly Place Images On Page?

Apr 9, 2012

I would like to know if CorelDraw has a way to randomly place images on a page. They need to be on a angle and going up on right and up on left.

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Illustrator :: Why Does Color Swatches Disappear Randomly

Dec 2, 2011

I have a MAC and use CS4.Sometimes when I use illustrator my color swatches are there and easy to access, change colors or values.Other times I have no color swatches in my color window, and no slider bars in the color slider window (No values can be adjusted/ no bars to adjust)
Only if I use the drop bar on the color box(top right) and change to CYMK or RGB, can I change the color.

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Photoshop :: Images Randomly Take Chunk Out Of All Layers And Background Turn Black?

May 28, 2013

I've only just started having a problem with Photoshop. I'm running it on Mac OSX
My images will randomly take a chunk out of all layers, and the background will turn black where it was originally white. In one case all the layers on my canvas were distorted by a checker pattern of bright colours. All the images I am currently working on are in RGB mode which were hand drawn black and white images that were scanned.
I'm not sure what is going on but closing the image without saving and the closing photoshop and even restarting my computer doesn't seem to fix the problem.

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Lightroom :: Pictures Randomly Vanish On IMAC

Dec 27, 2011

I’m moving pictures from my old HP LIGHTROOM to my new iMAC LIGHTROOM and have discovered that my pictures tend of vanish from both, so that I’m left completely  unsure if any picture I move to or import into LIGHTROOM on my iMAC will be there permanently. I’ve experienced this software instability in LIGHTROOM on my PC and was hoping if I moved to the iMAC the problem would be resolved, but I see it is an inherent  and significant bug in the LIGHTROOM software. I’ve had the entire contents of the catalogs on both my PC and iMAC disappear requiring me to re-import the pictures (resulting in even random duplications} and to reenter and re-annotate metadata for thousands of pictures.  I have searched in vain for any satisfactory explanation, most of all from Adobe, what might be going on here and how to prevent or alleviate the problem.

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Lightroom :: Camera Profile Options In LR3 Have Randomly Disappeared?

Aug 13, 2012

I opened up some photos to edit this evening, and have discovered that the camera profile options are gone.  All that is available are the two ACR ones.  I shot with the same camera and lens as I have before (Nikon D40 and 50mm), and I double checked, and I shot everything in RAW.  I don't know what's going on.  I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, and have LR 3.6.  I would really like to use Camera Standard and Camera Vivid. 

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Lightroom :: Filter All Images By Predominant Color?

Jan 27, 2012

I have 30.000 photos accumulated over the years, several are useless (too dark, too bright).I need to delete them.
How can I select all the images which are either too dark and/or too bright?
Mathematically this would be relatively straightforward: filter images where the majority of the pixels are black / white.

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Lightroom :: How To Filter All Images With 16 BIT Color Depth

Sep 25, 2012

is there a way in LR (or bridge) to filter all images that are saved as 16 bit images.
i noticed i have a lot of scanned photos/slides that don´t need to be in 16 bit TIFF format.8 bit is enough for them and would save me a ton of HDD space (even when most of them are LZW compressed).
but i need a way to find them in my 80000 images that i can make a further selection which of these 16 bit  images i can convert to 8 bit.

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Lightroom :: Slideshow / Can Set A Specific First And Last Photo And Have The Rest Play Randomly

Mar 21, 2013

In a slideshow, can I set a specific first and last photo and have the rest play randomly.  This is different from an identity plate as an intro screen.

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Lightroom :: Sort By Rating And Color Label For Images?

May 13, 2013

I can select a rating and a color label for my images, but I can not sort by rating and color label. when I click on the filter drop down, color label is not one of the options.  how do I get both ratings and color lables as an option to sort with.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Images Unmatched Color Schemes On Different Previews?

May 21, 2013

After I've exported through LR 3 I am getting different tone qualities only with two different image viewing windows. The picture attached shows the example of the image on the left opened with Windows Photo Viewer is brighter red tie and bluer suit while the one on the right is opened with Microsoft Photo Editor is more darker red and purple suit. The one on the left is the correct image.

This is also happening when the photo is sent through an inventory management system we have. I am exporting with 600 x 1200 jpeg resize 72 dpi at sRGB, 100 quality, and jPeg mode in File settings.

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Lightroom :: Upgrading Catalog To LR5 - All Color Labels On Images Are Stripped

Jul 20, 2013

My Lr4 calalog has all my color labels but when upgrading that calalog to Lr5 - all color labels on images are stripped and I see the label default (Red - Delete, etc)
I went into the Roaming - Adobe - Lightroom folder and found "Label Sets" but I fear what is in there is the Lr5 stuff
Question: How can I get all my Lr5 catalog images to have the same color labels as my Lr4 catalog?

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Lightroom :: 4 Convert Black And White Images To Color Upon Import?

Jun 16, 2012

How do I turn off this feature and reverse the images back to the way I shot them?

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Lightroom :: Why Thumbnail Border For Images Of Different Color In Grid View?

Mar 26, 2013

Why is the thumbnail border for some images a different color in grid view?  Please see the attached image.  I can't figure out why the image on the left is a lighter gray than the two in the middle.  The far right image is lighter because it is selected.

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Lightroom :: Imported Images Black / White Not Color As Shot?

Jan 8, 2014

When importing images from a CF card, they are imported black/white, not color as exposed. Previous imports were normal color.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Renders Images With Dark - Green-yellow Color-cast?

Sep 29, 2013

The fresh install of LR 5.2 renders all images - RAW and JPG - throughout the program with a very dark, green-yellow colorcast. The only place where images appear normal is in the Import dialog, while the thumbnail mode is active. Apart from that, every program module features this annoying reproduction. Here are some supporting screenshots (red rectangles are from me):
Import screen - thumbnail view - OK:
Import screen - preview - NOT OK:

Library view - NOT OK:
Strangely enough, if I export the picture to JPEG - without any modifications - the image appears normal again:

 LR version: 5.2.1, 64b (tried the 32b version too, same error)
OS: Windows 8, 64bit
Camera: Canon 40d, imported images are RAW.

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Lightroom :: Images Imported 0 Some Ruined With Blank White And Color Banding

Sep 28, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 4..i've been importing my RAW images from my external harddrive. Some show up in the catalog as ruined with a blank white section and color bands.  I've checked the actual image on the external hard drive and it is fine. I've deleted the ruined files from the LR catalog, then re-imported those problem ones... still come in as white with banding.  I've even tried deleting them from the catalog, then from the hard drive... then back onto the HD from the camera, then back into lightroom. Some look ok until I look at then in loupe view and the same problem happens.  Mean while the images on the HD and on the camera's CF card are fine.

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Lightroom :: Why Doesn't Bridge Recognize Color Labels That Applied To Images

Apr 15, 2013

I used to mark images yellow in LR if I needed to do further work on them in Photoshop.  Once exported as jpegs, I'd open them in Bridge and sort for color labels.  In the last year or so, Bridge stopped seeing those labels.  It doesn't work in CS4 or CS6.

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Lightroom :: Not Import The Color Label Data Assigned To Images From Within Bridge

Dec 17, 2013

I've tried this several times, but it doesn't work. Lightroom CC will import metadata and even star ratings, but it won't import the color label data assigned to the images from within Bridge. How can I get that information to be imported?
In other words, working in Bridge CC I assigned star ratings and color labels to a folder full of JPG files. When I import those files into Lightroom CC, the images, metadata and the star ratings are imported, but no color label data was imported. None of the images have color labels when viewed in LR. They still retain the color labels when I view the files in Bridge CC, but they don't appear in LR.

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Lightroom :: 4 Flash Web Gallery - Color Space On Selected Images Appears To Be Changing

Jun 19, 2012

The color space on the selected images appears to be changing when I use the Lightroom flash gallery in the web module of LR4.1. This stays the same when the gallery is uploaded. In previous version of LR I have seen color changes in the web module but they have been corrected (and correct) when the gallery is uploaded to the 'net.
I have read that this was (previously) a problem with the flash gallery specifically becuase it was not colour magaded, but I understood that this had been corrected for LR4. As far as my use is concerned it's actually more problematic now than it has been previously.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Converting Images To Vector

Feb 1, 2012

white space.png

I'm just starting to explore converting images to vector in CorelDRAW and am running into what, I hope, is a rookie problem.

There is white space between the lettering below the main logo image and I'm wondering how to make it transparent like the rest of the background.

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Photoshop :: Converting Images To SRGB For Web

Jul 3, 2008

I'm having a bizarre, when I try to convert any color profile from Adobe RBG to sRBG to ensure better viewing colors on the web. I actually go through the process twice to confirm that I've done it -- I convert the image's color profile to sRBG under the "Edit" drop-down menu, then I double check to make sure that sRGB is selected when I go through the "Save for Web" option under the "File" drop-down menu. The converted images still look muddy when posted online, and it always puzzled me why when I open them up again in PS, it tells me that the image has no Color Profile, and I need to assign it one. I would just ignore the message, thinking it didn't apply because I had already done it twice previously. The other day, I opened up one of my twice-converted sRGB images and when prompted, assigned the profile to sRBG a THIRD time. Finally the image came out perfectly on the web. Now whenever I make that third sRGB conversion on web images, the profile remains permanent. This just makes no sense to me. I should only have to convert the profile once.

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GIMP :: RAW Images Converting To TIFF

Oct 27, 2011

GIMP 2.6.11 WinXP

I've been opening my RAW images in Irfanview, converting them to .tif images, and then opening the .tif images in GIMP for processing, but I've been getting a pop-up window (see screenshot) that says:

"Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution': Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."

What does that message mean?

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Photoshop :: Scanning Images & Converting To Vector

Oct 26, 2006

I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).

I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?

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Photoshop :: Fuzzy Objects When Converting Images...

Jul 28, 2008

I have had trouble that all of my images are fuzzy when i convert any image from any program in photoshop. i do not ahve an preset filters running to my knowledge,

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Photoshop :: Converting Scanned Text To Images

Jan 21, 2008

I have scanned in a document and need to change it to digital art. Since I haven't been able to find a suitable font to match it exactly, I am thinking I'll have to do it by hand.

A sample of the text is below. Should I use the pen tool for this? Or some other tool? I would be glad if you could point me in the right direction. As you can see, the document's blurry so I can't just use a marquee.

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Photoshop :: Scanning Images & Converting To Vector

Oct 26, 2006

I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).

I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?

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