I'm having a bizarre, when I try to convert any color profile from Adobe RBG to sRBG to ensure better viewing colors on the web. I actually go through the process twice to confirm that I've done it -- I convert the image's color profile to sRBG under the "Edit" drop-down menu, then I double check to make sure that sRGB is selected when I go through the "Save for Web" option under the "File" drop-down menu. The converted images still look muddy when posted online, and it always puzzled me why when I open them up again in PS, it tells me that the image has no Color Profile, and I need to assign it one. I would just ignore the message, thinking it didn't apply because I had already done it twice previously. The other day, I opened up one of my twice-converted sRGB images and when prompted, assigned the profile to sRBG a THIRD time. Finally the image came out perfectly on the web. Now whenever I make that third sRGB conversion on web images, the profile remains permanent. This just makes no sense to me. I should only have to convert the profile once.
How does Photoshop CS3 convert from Gray to sRGB in Save for the Web? Every time I use Save for the Web with a Gray scale image, it makes it too dark. While trying to reproduce the results, I found that a Dot Gain of 30% matched its conversion the closest. Does Save for the Web assume a Dot Gain of 30% for the conversion?
This would definitely be a very poor assumption if so. Currently, I have a Dot Gain of 15% in the Color Settings dialog box. As far as I can tell, there's no setting in Photoshop, or Save for the Web for that matter, to set these types of conversions; hence, the reason my Gray scale images are coming out too dark.
I am an artist doing digital paintings on Photoshop CS3. I drew an outline of my drawing in one shade of blue and realized the color profile was in sRGB.
I have now converted the psd document to color profile Adobe 1998.
When I start to put color in, underneath the blue outline layer -will the colors be of Adobe 1998 quality? (I plan to do gradients/blend colors and eventually print my work out. I have heard the colors can look choppy when done on sRGB mode) .
I have a 16 bit, ProPhoto tif file in .psb format. My question is, if I convert it to sRGB and then back to ProPhoto will I get the original ProPhoto colorspace or will it be lost? BTW, does the same hold true for converting in .dng?
I recently changed pc and monitor causing a damn problem with those color spaces! My monitor is a Dell u2412m and by default it's setted on:
Now when I open a RAW file with ACR and choose sRGB as color space the result is this:As you can see, most of the photo presents black shadows. If I save the file and I open it with windows image it's perfect. Indeed, if I choose ProPhoto for monitor and for the photo the visualization is fine:
I must change the color space in sRGB or even RGB before save the final image so I really would like to se a real preview of it in photoshop instead of saving it first. So the problem occurs when I save to RGB (less artifacts) and sRGB (lots of artifacts!). I can't understand this because I'm using the same color space as default for my monitor.
The pc configuration is:Intel i7 3770 Ati HD7870 driver Ati 12.11 beta RAM 16gb
I'm saving JPEG or TIFF images (in Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB) with the "save for web" and with the "convert to sRGB" option checked ... then after opening them in Photoshop again, their color spaces turn to "untagged RGB". What should I do for getting sRGB images from the "save for web" dialog?
I was given the follwoing info. but not sure it answers fully - it still doesn't resolve the problem of converting to CMYK with the icc profile. I think this might be an option if the profile is loaded into the colour setting (colour settings under edit menu as oposed to convert to profile and its convert to profile I have been trying to action. Am I missing something straightforward?
you can do batch process in Photoshop
-There is a fast and easy method to batch convert many RGB photographs to CMYK files by using Photoshop
-Please open an image, then open the Action Tab (Window > Actions)
-Please click 'Create new action' button, name the action in the text field and click the 'Record' button.
-Now it is recording, so select 'Image > Mode > CMYK Color', then hit the 'Stop' button in the Action Tab.
-The action is now created ready for the next step.
-To batch convert a folder of images, just select 'File > Automate > Batch' and the following window opens.
-Choose the 'Convert RGB to CMYK' action from the drop-down list, choose the source folder where your images are stored, then choose a destination folder where Photoshop will save the converted images.
-Click the 'OK' button and the batch process will start. How fast will depend on the number of images that need converting.
-The action you created will be stored, so you only need to perform a new batch process the next time you need to convert a batch of images.
So, after many trials and studying websites that take images seriously on different monitors I'm considering giving up trying to get converted sRGB images from my wide gamut monitor to look good in my browser. Sure if you convert to sRGB, in a wide gamut setup, the image will look good on old monitors.
BUT it won't look good on the new ones. Nobody talks about that. It really seems that some of the high end coporate sites are already converting to adobeRGB and putting images on the web that are converted to AdobeRGB and not sRGB. The photos look great in my browser on my wide gamut monitor and those sites' photos seem washed out on the sRGB monitors I used on the same sites.
There is no way for me to know for sure sinced the images are untagged but when I download them and apply the AdobeRGB profile to them, it looks just like in the browser. The sRGB profile washes out the image. Look at [URL] ....
I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).
I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?
I have had trouble that all of my images are fuzzy when i convert any image from any program in photoshop. i do not ahve an preset filters running to my knowledge,
I have scanned in a document and need to change it to digital art. Since I haven't been able to find a suitable font to match it exactly, I am thinking I'll have to do it by hand.
A sample of the text is below. Should I use the pen tool for this? Or some other tool? I would be glad if you could point me in the right direction. As you can see, the document's blurry so I can't just use a marquee.
I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).
I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?
I have started to capture only RAW images from my Sony NEX 7 camera. However, I wish to be able to send JPEG images to my friends ( prior to RAW editing ). How do I convert/copy my RAW images to JPEGs using PSE 11?
I am looking for a procedure to make sketch drawings out of digital photos using Photoshop. I have read some postings on this website, but they were based on using a Mac so the commands were not the same on my version. Please note that these sketches will be of technical matter and not people (if that makes a difference?).
My PSE11 will not recognize/convert RAW images from new Nikon D7100 despite trying to download PSE update. Have had NO prior problem with RAW using D80.
I have been using Duotone with my photos, but since the other day, everytime that I process a photo this way, when I convert then back to RGB mode, the dark (black) areas of the photo become a kind of bitmap of red pixels. I have tried with many different photos from RAW or JPEG files and I get the same result with all of them.
This is an example of the issue. The original is on the left. What may cause this? The photo looks good in duo tone. It is when converting to RGB when the corruption happens.
I want to batch convert the above. I know i can convert one image at a time. If not can one recommend a batch conversion program which is safe to use and free from viri and malware.
I've been opening my RAW images in Irfanview, converting them to .tif images, and then opening the .tif images in GIMP for processing, but I've been getting a pop-up window (see screenshot) that says:
"Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution': Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."
My lightroom 4.2 installation just started automatically converting all my images to b&w on import. It looks like is applying a preset, but the develop settings are set to none. I can open the image with the canon raw file tools, and with Picasa in full color no problem.
I have a series of images that I want to all look as if I'm viewing them through coloured glasses. I have a particular shade of green in mind.. so I have the colour hex code. How do I do it?
While working in LR 4, after several hundred edits for no reason it started converting the images to B/W? Seems to be some sort of glitch, they are color then change to B/W?
I am working on a file that has some shapes with gaussian blurs. Everything appears fine until I save it and reopen the file to see that each of the objects with a blur has been converted to an embedded link as a raster image. Is there a setting that I need to change to preserve the vector shapes with the blur effects?
I created some images in illustrator. Saved the images as a .tff. Put the images in a Word.docx. Looks great. Convert the word.docx to a pdf and my images have jagged edges. I have anti-alaising check in my preferences but still the image looks bad.
have never discovered an answer to this one. currently using LR4 and have previously used LR2 and 3 with the same issue.
my PP workflow is essensially for the web, so I save images at 72ppi for web viewing and yet when I create a web gallery with LR it converts each image to a print resolution of 240dpi.
that's right. changes from ppi to dpi. go figure.
even if ppi (points per inch) is exactly the same as dpi (dots per inch), why the heck is LR making the change and how can I prevent that change from occuring?
I am having problems trying to produce an image with reflections. I have been doing it in the past with Xara4. My procedure is to take a number of images, create copies of them, flip them then add transparency once they are in place as refelctions. These are all placed onto a dark background; reflections are stretching beyond the background at this stage. And in the past if I select all, then Arrange>Combine Shapes>Intersect Shapes then I can have the whole image without the transparent regions of the reflections. My plan is to have the background transparent and save all as a png to preserve the transparency on web. But it doesn't seem to happen in my latest attempts. Instead at the Intersect Shapes stage I get a tiny part of the background as my final image....
What the difference is between RGB and sRGB? Any website links that explain the whole colours/printing side of things in detail that would be handy as need to touch up on this knowledge.