Photoshop :: Scanning Images & Converting To Vector
Oct 26, 2006
I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).
I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?
I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).
I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?
I created this horror movie poster for my Media Studies work at college, and I felt quite proud of it so I thought I'd scan it on to my home computer to put on myspace or something, but I scanned it using MS Paint and the image size came up really large so is there a way I can scan the image to the size it's supposed to be on Photoshop?
There's no import option or from what I can see there isn't.
How can I scan multiple photos on my HP Photosmart 7520 scanner into Photoshop Elements 11 without scanning them one by one. I want to place multiple photos on the scanner and have the software select the multiple images and place them in separate files for processing.
I am making myself a logo in photoshop. I have made all the letters that will be used, but they are all seperate entities as most of you who have used vectors know. I would like to interconnect the letters, as well as an angel I have made to go above the letters. My question is, how can I join two seperate vector images into one vector image. For example, joining a letter E with a letter D. I wonder if theres a way to do this without having to delete part of each image and then re-draw, which is a pain. Sorry if this isn't really clear, but its hard to explain.
Someone recently asked me to print out a huge color print of a picture that is 100px wide in jpeg format. I know enough to know that if I enlarge the jpeg, the quality will be poor at best. What is the best way to enlarge a jpeg. Conversion to vector based??
I'd like to convert this drawing that I made in photoshop (with the pencil tool) into a vector image for use with flash but everytime I try to live trace the image I wind up with something that's got 1000 anchor points or rounded edges. Is there a simple way to convert this image without manually retracing it?
It's imperative that the image keeps hard edges and simple colors. I'm trying to go for an 8-bit look.
I have the adobe design premium package so I can use any of the applications therein.
I have a logo that I created for test purposes at a lower resolution. Is it possible to take the active selection of the logo and create a vector from it without having to manually trace over it with the pen tool or adobe illustrator (I do not own illustrator). If I could do this within Photoshop that would be my preference.
I have a logo that was scanned from a letterhead , and I want to be able to trace it using photoshop and convert it to a vector image. Whats the best way?
Any one know how to convert text into vector shapes in Pshop. I'd like to do this without interfacing with Illustrator, as that is what I do now. I'd like to take Illustrator out of the equation.
good procedure to scan pages from a book on a flatbed scanner and edit the resulting file in Corel Photopaint (PP).
My situation is the following: The book contains text as well as images. The final image, after scanning and editing in PP should look good when printed on my simple desktop B&W laser printer but also look well when placed in a document for viewing on the computerscreen. The latter require colors.
My experiences so far: Usually I scan from PP using 600 dpi, to make the text look good on print. Often I get text prints which are not that nice, because in the rasterization which is taking place when my image is printed on my laserprinter in B&W it contains white pixels in the text sections. I can see them when using my 8x Horizon magnifying glass. I guess it is because I need to use pure black in RGB. What are the optimal color settings for my document? (Color Management setting ...). What I usually do when editing the images in PP is that I want to remove the often greyish areas around the corner of the page and make the text stand more black and crisp. To do so, I out-mask the images to not destroy them. Then in the Image Adjustment Lab window I use the "Select White Point" and "Select Black Point" to make the background behind the text white and to make the text more black. Sometimes I also use "Contrast Enhancement". Afterwards I sometimes use the "Invert Mask" tool to improve the images a little.
I am interested in the best settings for my document (Color Management) and a working process which means my scannings and editing can be accomplished in a decent time with a relative high degree of quality.
new to illustrator and im trying to convert a digitally generated pdf. into a vector format/file without the pixel data. I have drawn up a logo/font (in autocad as thats what i know) and made a pdf from it to send to a printing company that only deals in vector format. i can import the image and get a trace of it but the frames add radii to corners and im having trouble isolating the vector/trace result to make a seperate file from (to send off)
so, its there an easier way to get a vector file from my pdf image
I'm trying to Extrude my logo in After Effects CS6 to appear 3D. My understanding is I need to import an Illustrator file (.AI) in order to "Creat Shapes from Vector Layer". I'm having trouble opening a .PSD and then saving it as an .AI. The file is empty when I open it in After Effects.
I've been working on converting a vector into a shape and am having no luck. I've done this before and have had no problems. I import my vector .ai into AE as a comp (sequence tickbox not selected). Once I've got it in, I drag to the project, then click layer > create shape from vector layer. My shape populates at the top, my .ai file is off and what is just one of the three colors, along with the shap. I've checked the the shape's contents, every group has the correct fill with the correct blending mode.Also, I've tested other logos with the same results--one color displays while the others don't. I'm working with "ray-traced render engine" And, I've reset my preferences.
Completely new to graphic designs, how to properly use CorelDRAW for anything. I am attempting for the first time to convert a bitmap logo to a vector image.
I am able to upload the image into CorelDraw X5, but after that I am just guessing along as what to do and ultimately accomplishing nothing more than frustration.
I want to make macro for converting Vector RGB to CMYK. So I did New Macro Project > New Module > Start Rec. > Converted some vector RGB to CMYK > Stop Recording .
Then use same macro to other but it didn't work like photoshop action. VBA basic knowledge, So any easy method can some one know which can be use as macro. Or the proper method to do it.
I need to convert a layered psd file to a vector file but have never used illustrator (cs5). Looking for the steps I need to accomplish this? It is a logo I've created that is all white on a transparent background. I'm on a mac, OS 10.7.4
I have a friend who does drawings on paper that he wants to get scalable. The high-level path appears to be scan the image and run autotrace in AI.
As I look at online articles, some suggest taking the raster into PS to erase the pencil marks and ink the image. My friend does the inking on the paper before the scan.
I have some experimenting to do with autotrace settings, but I can see right away that some of the lines on the image vary in width in both PS and AI. And, no matter how good his inking is, there is still quite a bit of "noise" along the lines. His inking also leaves quite a bit of variation in line width. What he wants is a constant width.
My question is: if you want a line to be of constant width and you have a scanned image to work with, which tool (PS, AI) and what technique is best to create the result.
One thought is, rather than try to clean up the line in either tool, the better approach might be to draw a new line using the scanned image as a guide. My concern is that the line won't be smooth if done by hand.
I'm attempting to convert the following Image to vector using Illustrator CS6: URL.....
I've been messing around with Live trace for a few days, but every time I try to convert it to Vector, it destroys my gradient, and converts my Pantone to CMYK.
URLs.....What I need to do, is convert to vector while keeping the gradient, and pantone colors in the graphic to prepare for screen printing.Before anyone says "you don't need to use vector for screen printing". We run Corel X4 on our transparency machine, so I need to convert to vector, and keep the halftones fine, as well as keep the pantone color book.It doesn't need to be a "quick" way to do just needs to be done.
I scanned my signature into my computer as a TIFF file. I then edited and cleaned it up in Photoshop. Then I placed it into Illustrator and turned it into a Vector file. The problem with this though is that there are vector paths around the perimeter of the signature and not down the middle of the letter strokes as would be if I had made it in Illustrator. Is there a way that I can still make this happen?
I just converted it back to a tiff file becuas the vector lines were turning into double lines in places. I just enlarged them enough that it hid any gaps and then converted it into a tiff file to have another try at it. Would much rather work with one line though.
I'm fairly new to Illustrator and have been going through a lot of tutorials on using the program with the goal of converting a number of paintings into vector artwork.
I can't seem to find any techniques for shade and color what I have so far.
Here is the original, which I used as a tracing template:
And here is what I have managed to do so far in Illustrator, exported as a PNG:
How would I go about achieving the blend of coloring in the front blue wave? I have tried gradient meshes, but they don't handle the curves of the waves very well.
Any tips on the techniques I could use to color this artwork.
Whenever I use the Trace option to convert, the result is an image filled with closed objects. Because I use vector images with a laser machine, and because the laser cuts everything it reads, the "double" lines (shared lines of the objects) get cut as many times as they appear. So I have to go in and break apart and delete segments & this goes on for days. I've tried welding, but welding makes one of the objects disappear completely. I've tried changing from cdr to svg, exporting & importing, hoping it would simplify, but that doesn't work either. Is there a way to have the bitmap converted to simple lines instead of overlapping objects?
how I go about taking this complex graphic full of various lines to one simplified and united line drawing? We want to take and cut a vinyl window application. The white in the logo is what we want the vinyl to be. The gray only indicates the window.
When converting a vector or Illustrator file (such as a logo) into a shape layer any gradient fill is lost. Is there no way to ensure the gradient fill is converted across or is this a matter for a future release of After Effects?
I have two vector art images that need to be composited in a simple After Effects comp. One is a backround plate and the other is a vector of a person. The person slide in and the backround will go out of focus with text on top.
I did a mock up and the backround plate looks flat as it should. The backround plate is complicated but it does not any texture to it, all solid colors. I am looking for any tricks that can be done in Photoshop to give it a bit more dimension. I know their are alot of extrusion and 3D filters in Photoshop but I that experienced working with vector art.
Been searching tutorials but I probably am not searching the right things. I would like to give this backround plate some pop.
I've created an irregular shape with the pen. How can I cut a part of it with a selection? And what do I have to do before using the paint bucket to paint this?
I'm having a bizarre, when I try to convert any color profile from Adobe RBG to sRBG to ensure better viewing colors on the web. I actually go through the process twice to confirm that I've done it -- I convert the image's color profile to sRBG under the "Edit" drop-down menu, then I double check to make sure that sRGB is selected when I go through the "Save for Web" option under the "File" drop-down menu. The converted images still look muddy when posted online, and it always puzzled me why when I open them up again in PS, it tells me that the image has no Color Profile, and I need to assign it one. I would just ignore the message, thinking it didn't apply because I had already done it twice previously. The other day, I opened up one of my twice-converted sRGB images and when prompted, assigned the profile to sRBG a THIRD time. Finally the image came out perfectly on the web. Now whenever I make that third sRGB conversion on web images, the profile remains permanent. This just makes no sense to me. I should only have to convert the profile once.