Someone recently asked me to print out a huge color print of a picture that is 100px wide in jpeg format. I know enough to know that if I enlarge the jpeg, the quality will be poor at best. What is the best way to enlarge a jpeg. Conversion to vector based??
I'd like to convert this drawing that I made in photoshop (with the pencil tool) into a vector image for use with flash but everytime I try to live trace the image I wind up with something that's got 1000 anchor points or rounded edges. Is there a simple way to convert this image without manually retracing it?
It's imperative that the image keeps hard edges and simple colors. I'm trying to go for an 8-bit look.
I have the adobe design premium package so I can use any of the applications therein.
I have a logo that I created for test purposes at a lower resolution. Is it possible to take the active selection of the logo and create a vector from it without having to manually trace over it with the pen tool or adobe illustrator (I do not own illustrator). If I could do this within Photoshop that would be my preference.
I have a logo that was scanned from a letterhead , and I want to be able to trace it using photoshop and convert it to a vector image. Whats the best way?
I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).
I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?
Any one know how to convert text into vector shapes in Pshop. I'd like to do this without interfacing with Illustrator, as that is what I do now. I'd like to take Illustrator out of the equation.
I'm looking to add a company logo to a poster design i've created in illustrator. But the company logo they've asked me to include on the design it too small & pixelates when stretched (as you may we know).
I'm trying to get round this problem... is there a way of scanning in the logo and importing to illustrator and converting it into a vector image to fit the desired size of my design?
So... I am a bit of an amateur and have been shooting all of pictures in jpeg format. I use Lightroom 4 and Photoshop Cs6 for editing them. I am finally making the switch to raw format. I would like all of my pictures to be in raw or dng to work better with lightroom, so here is my question. Is it possible to convert jpeg fies to raw or dng? Would it be a stupid idea to batch convert all of my jpegs into raw format? Is it even possible?
I have completed a project with lots of layers and saved as a psd file including all the layers. I then flatten the image and save it as a jpeg. The jpeg doesn't look at all like the original psd. this is the only file I have ever had that has done this. no other files are currently doing it. Just this one important days to complete file.I work with Mac OS 10.6.8 Photoshop CS6 - Raw file to begin with. Never had this issue.
I can't seem to convert mulitple raw files to jpeg in elements 12. I did it a couple of times in elements 9 and it worked but it's not working in 12. Is there something I need to do differently?
I have edited certain photos in Photoshop Elements 11 (using the Expert guide for advanced editing techniques)and for some reason, these photos were converted to a psd format.
Now I cannot seem to be able to upload these psd photos to an outside Photo Album provider. all my jpeg photos upload fine but not the psd ones.
I've been converting pictures from raw to jpeg and copying for transfer onto usb. After transfer I try to open the file in the organizer and it's missing
I shoot in RAW but for some strange reason Elements 10 has started to convert the files to JPEG. For example, if I open the file in iPhoto the file extension is shown as RAW. If I then import the file into Elements Organizer and then subsequently try to edit that file it shows the file extension as JPEG! Previously a RAW file would automatically open for editing in Camera Raw so I have clearly altered something somewhere!
new to illustrator and im trying to convert a digitally generated pdf. into a vector format/file without the pixel data. I have drawn up a logo/font (in autocad as thats what i know) and made a pdf from it to send to a printing company that only deals in vector format. i can import the image and get a trace of it but the frames add radii to corners and im having trouble isolating the vector/trace result to make a seperate file from (to send off)
so, its there an easier way to get a vector file from my pdf image
I'm trying to Extrude my logo in After Effects CS6 to appear 3D. My understanding is I need to import an Illustrator file (.AI) in order to "Creat Shapes from Vector Layer". I'm having trouble opening a .PSD and then saving it as an .AI. The file is empty when I open it in After Effects.
I've been working on converting a vector into a shape and am having no luck. I've done this before and have had no problems. I import my vector .ai into AE as a comp (sequence tickbox not selected). Once I've got it in, I drag to the project, then click layer > create shape from vector layer. My shape populates at the top, my .ai file is off and what is just one of the three colors, along with the shap. I've checked the the shape's contents, every group has the correct fill with the correct blending mode.Also, I've tested other logos with the same results--one color displays while the others don't. I'm working with "ray-traced render engine" And, I've reset my preferences.
In the 3 images I have included you will see the original jpeg I sent to someone, my "vectored" image and the final "proof" that was returned to me. I am familiar with the "plastic" effect to get the 3-D looking raised areas, but I can not for the life of me even get my live trace to make a vector in similar colors here.
It has become quite a pain as I am looking to be able to do these designs on my own. btween the jpeg and the final "proof" jpeg how to make the vector to send off for production
Suddenly I can't save my PSD files as JPEG file without CS6 wanting to turn them into tiff files. Keeps prompting me to to choose from a drop down menu as Maya or Amiga files.
I've checked to be sure my file is set for 8 bits and srgb. Not working with video files of any sort. In fact, I've tried saving past PSD files as JPEG and it's giving me the same iff prompt.
I'm taking the time to edit some of my nicer/older outdoor photos that were taken in jpeg format in Photoshop CS3 and then on to printing with an Epson 3800. I've been told that files I want to print I should make sure that I'm set to an RGB color space (1998), get icc profiles for paper, have photoshop manage colors, etc.
This is all going great! However, I've recently read online that to truly show the full potential of one's photos, those jpeg's should be converted to a TIFF file format...especially when printing (I'm now taking everything in RAW format, but I still have to take care of some of these nicer jpeg's).
Have done several prints comparing same photo in jpeg & tiff and tiff definately is higher quality. questions concern some of the settings in CS3 when I chose 'Save As' - 'Format' = tiff. Code:
I am creating an image in photoshop that a printer is going to use to make a postcard to advertise my website. He needs it in 300dpi resolution in order for it to print correctly. I have already created the vector image that is in 300dpi res, but need to add photos to the image. He said that everything needs to be in 300dpi resolution, including the photos that I add to the image.
I already have one photo that is in jpeg format that is at 300dpi, but I did not create that. I scanned in a photo at 300dpi as a tif file, and would like to convert it to jpeg while preserving its 300dpi resolution. I have tried everything in Photoshop that I know (which is not all that much) to try to accomplish this task, but to no avail.
Completely new to graphic designs, how to properly use CorelDRAW for anything. I am attempting for the first time to convert a bitmap logo to a vector image.
I am able to upload the image into CorelDraw X5, but after that I am just guessing along as what to do and ultimately accomplishing nothing more than frustration.
I want to make macro for converting Vector RGB to CMYK. So I did New Macro Project > New Module > Start Rec. > Converted some vector RGB to CMYK > Stop Recording .
Then use same macro to other but it didn't work like photoshop action. VBA basic knowledge, So any easy method can some one know which can be use as macro. Or the proper method to do it.
I need to convert a layered psd file to a vector file but have never used illustrator (cs5). Looking for the steps I need to accomplish this? It is a logo I've created that is all white on a transparent background. I'm on a mac, OS 10.7.4
I have a friend who does drawings on paper that he wants to get scalable. The high-level path appears to be scan the image and run autotrace in AI.
As I look at online articles, some suggest taking the raster into PS to erase the pencil marks and ink the image. My friend does the inking on the paper before the scan.
I have some experimenting to do with autotrace settings, but I can see right away that some of the lines on the image vary in width in both PS and AI. And, no matter how good his inking is, there is still quite a bit of "noise" along the lines. His inking also leaves quite a bit of variation in line width. What he wants is a constant width.
My question is: if you want a line to be of constant width and you have a scanned image to work with, which tool (PS, AI) and what technique is best to create the result.
One thought is, rather than try to clean up the line in either tool, the better approach might be to draw a new line using the scanned image as a guide. My concern is that the line won't be smooth if done by hand.