InDesign :: Prevent Character Pairs From Automatically Changing To Glyphs When Type?

Feb 5, 2014

I haven't changed my preferences or upgraded the software, but suddenly my "ci"s are changing to "a"s with a tilde over them, and my "ek"s are changing to "fi" ligatures. I've looked in my preferences and settings and cannot see where to control this.

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InDesign :: How To Automatically Prevent Widows / Orphans

Feb 28, 2013

I constantly create multi-languaged leaflets within InDesign CS5 and the one thing I often find is that I constantly have to revisit the entire document to prevent widows (or orphans - whatever you call them) at the end of a paragraph.
Is there a way to setup within my paragraph style to prevent, lets say, anything less then 10 characters at the end of the paragraph?
I am aware of using the White-Space non break command, but the amount of text I have to visit I wondered if it could be setup in the first instance and prevent widows appearing at the end of a paragraph.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Combining Two Dotted Pairs Into A List Of Dotted Pairs

Jul 17, 2013

I am trying to add dotted pairs to a list of dotted pairs one at a time in a loop, but I cannot get through one iteration.

The pseudo code is basically
(while (/= nil readline) (if = 0 count (setq 0list (cons 8 readline f))
(count = count + 1) (else (setq 0list (append 0list (cons 8 readline f)))
(count = count + 1)

The program gets the layer name from a text file and makes a dotted pair out it. When it iterates for the first time it puts the dotted pair into 0list. When it iterates the second time I want it to take the next line make a dotted pair and append 0list.

I keep getting error:bad list and I am assuming it is because it is trying to append 0list which only has one dotted pair in it and is technically not a list. I am not sure.

I have like three different versions of the same code I have tried. Any way to read a layer name from a file make a dotted pair and add the dotted pairs to a list of dotted pairs one at a time that would be amazing.

I get the reading and making a dotted pair part. I just can't get the dotted pairs to add to a master list.

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InDesign :: How To Find A Character At The End Of The Line

Feb 26, 2014

How can I find a character “-” at the end of the line in Adobe Indesign? I do not want to be at the end of the sentence/paragraph, but the line.

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InDesign :: Edit Custom Bullet Character Styles

Nov 11, 2013

how to create a custom bullet using the bullet character style and configure it as needed. The issue I have is that I can't edit or delete a custom bullet character style once it is created.  When I create a custom character style, it doesn't preview so I'm sort of guessing on things like baseline or vertical shift and things like that, so it is trial and error and then I end up with a bunch of extraneous character styles. What I really want to do is edit an existing one - is there a way to do this and I'm just missing it? And if not, can I at least delete the extra character styles?

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Photoshop :: Prevent Adobe Application Manager To Install Downloaded Software Automatically?

Jun 15, 2013

I used Adobe application manager to download a trial version of photoshop cs6, but I need to install it at another time. Adobe application manager instead installs photoshop immediately.

How Can I prevent Adobe application manager to install downloaded software automatically?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - How To Type Special Character Like Degree Symbol

Feb 1, 2013

Assume PS CS6. I cannot find an easy way. I have tried Character Panel, select the superscript and type letter o for degree symbol. But how to get it directly?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Multiple Type Layers Causes Character Palette

Aug 15, 2012

Select one type layer, as you can see below, the character panel reflects the setting correctly:
Select TWO type layers, with the exact same character attributes.. what happens?

It should say in the image above 36px/52px, not 12.16px (.16 px? Really?) and 17.56.I haven't the foggiest idea where that even comes from.
But the result for all photoshop users is that they have to individually change all the layers individually..I was hoping character styles would work, i have yet to figure out how it even works, i've tried multiple times, it just doesn't do anything to the selected type.

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Revit :: Default Character Set Of The Exported Type Catalog File

Apr 17, 2012

who knows the default character set of the exported type catalog file from revit 2012?
I need to export some families containning  chinese parameter names from revit, and found broken character ??? only.
what should I do?
or if any workaround for me to display the context correctly? I'm using notepad ++ rather than notepad.

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Illustrator :: How To Prevent Text Movement When Changing Alignment

Dec 14, 2012

when I align a piexe of text to the right, the text moves to the left..I'm changing the alignment, NOT the position.Ok, if I have 150 different texts, every single text moves to the right. This is because all the text are imported, so by default they are left aligned. So I have to re-align every single text's postiton again, one-by-one, to put back in it's place.Is there a way to prevent this annoying  behavior?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Type Tool - Copy / Paste Special Characters From Character Map?

Aug 17, 2012

Windows 7; Photoshop 13 (CS6).I am typing some text in a new layer; no problem so far.  I need to insert some special characters that are not on the keyboard, e.g.TōkaiThat also was not a problem; I copied the character from the Windows Character Map.
Now I want to copy/paste more special characters from the Character Map, e.g.
☏ (U+260F) or
✉ (U+2709)
Now all of a sudden this does not work; the pasted characters appear in Photoshop  as a boxed X.The font I have been using was Arial, but when I pasted these Unicode characters, the font automatically changed to Myriad Pro.  Changing the font back to Arial does not alter the boxed X.
I took these Unicode characters from the Character Map using font Arial Unicode MS.  That font does not appear in Photoshop.Questions:are there any Unicode fonts available in Photoshop?is there any other way to paste such characters into Photoshop? 

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InDesign :: How To Stop ID From Trying To Automatically Load The Fonts

Aug 2, 2013

In our workflow, we have a few users who are doing design work on Windows installations of IinDesign CS6 (2 in WIndows 7 and 2 in Windows 8).  On all four systems, we have noticed that when we open files from packaged folders that contain the Document Fonts folder, that InDesign slows to an excrutiating crawl, which makes working on the document near impossible. We've narrowed down this behavior to the AdobeFnt14.lst file that seems to be a result of InDesign opening the file using the fonts in that folder without being told to. Deleting that file will temporarily fix the problem, but InDesign recreates it when you open the corresponding document and then you have to delete it again.
We use Universal Type Cient for our font manager, but as far as I know, we didn't install any font auto activation plugins.
Other than deleting the font folder, we've not been able to figure out how to stop ID from trying to automatically load the fonts. We'd love to just turn that "feature" off so that we don't have the hassle. I'd rather have fonts missing and turn them on using our font manager, than have ID slow to an impossible crawl whenever we open archived files. How to stop ID from automatically loading fonts from a document fonts folder?

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Photoshop :: Changing Character Settings Results In Random Value

Jun 26, 2013

I'm at work and i'm getting this terrible bug where modifying a value for one of the Character settings result in some random large value. So far it happened for Font Size, Line Height, Character Spacing and Base Line Shift.
It seems this issue has been around since CS6 was released, with dates ranging from Early 2012 to early 2013. This greatly impacts my work production.
Just want to see if other issues were relevant and its true that when you transform the text, the character scaling goes wonky. So is there a solution to this yet? This issue has been around since early last year.

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Photoshop :: Can CC Use InDesign Type Styles

Dec 7, 2012

Indesign is a great tool to create responsive sites and obviously handles text better than photoshop. Being able to import text styles from indesign in photoshop would allow me to quicky rebuild comps in photoshop for my developers.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Macro - Changing Character Or Textbox Background Color

Mar 13, 2012

I think I need to change the cdrTextPropertyFill using cdrTextPropertySet. If you look at the Property Manager Window with Artistic Text selected  go to the 5th tab (format). On the bottom is background color: with two drp downs. One for textbox background and one for character background.

I would like to be able to change these settings in a macro. I think this line is finding the text on the graphic, now I need to change the background.

ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@type = 'cdrTextShape'").CreateSelection

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InDesign :: Export To EPS Results In Broken Type?

Mar 5, 2014

I typeset long documents which often include several hundred labeled photos and illustrations. Much of our art is created off-site, but we label the figures in-house. In the past, this has been done in Illustrator, but I prefer to do it in InDesign.
Exporting an InDesign document as an .eps results in fractured type. Opening the .eps in Illustrator, a single word is now comprised of random groups of letters, and some of the characters are outlines. In the Export EPS dialog box, I've tried every combination of options under "Embed Fonts" and "Data Format." Is this a bug, or are .eps files created from InDesign not intended to be fully functional in Illustrator?
As an aside, InDesign files placed within InDesign documents often cause the program to crash when exporting to PDF. Perhaps that is a subject for another post, but it's basically the only reason I export InDesign files as .eps (so I can re-link the offending .indd file to the .eps and export to PDF). I don't really want to open InDesign-created .eps files in Illustrator -- I'd rather simply place the .indd as a link -- but sometimes it's expedient, and I'm curious as to why the type becomes fragmented.
InDesign CC
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks

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InDesign :: Selection And Type Tools Not Working In CC For Mac?

Mar 5, 2014

I have just recently downloaded InDesign CC (I use Mac OSX.9.2) and got the World Tools plugin to typeset in different languages.
However, I am having trouble using the selection and type tools. In about the first half of the file, the type tool displays the pointer/dashed box/I-beam icon and doesn't put the cursor in the text when I click on it. I can't click to select text as I should be able to, and if I try to click and drag, all I do is end up creating another text frame. But in about the second half of the file, the selection and type tools work the way they should.
When I click and hold on the type tool, the cursor changes to the crosshairs icon for creating text frames and the "W: H: " dialogue box for text frames appears.
How can I get the tools to work properly in the entire document?

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Illustrator :: Cursor Automatically Changes To Type On Path Tool?

Mar 27, 2013

Is there a way to disable this function?
I regularly have to edit text within a grid of lines in illustrator. I can replace/edit text zoomed out, but when I try the cursor automatically changes to the type on a path tool. I then have to zoom in, edit text, zoom back out thousands of times a day. It would save me a bunch of time if I could set the type tool to ignore paths and only select text.
I could take the grid of lines on the files I'm working on and send them to back and lock them, but I am dealing with tens of thousands of files, and it's just not practical.
Any way to get rid of type on a path, or at least prevent Illustrator from automatically switching to that tool when I hover the type tool over a path?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Table Automatically Changes Data Type Properties?

Dec 8, 2010

I've created a table (a door schedule for example).The data cell type properties is "general". The door # is "001". When I type this in, it switches to just "1" and the type is swiched to "whole number." Same for another cell with a number in it, it switches the cell type on me and I don't want what it switches to. Every time I try to switch it back it doesn't do anything.

How do I stop it from automatically switching, or at very least let me override?

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Photoshop :: Placing PSD In InDesign - Colors Changing?

Feb 9, 2013

I am creating a book cover in Photoshop and placing it in InDesign.

I am using 3 spot colors and converting the image to a gray scale, then using a tritone.

When I place it in InDesign, the color changes.

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InDesign :: Changing An Existing Doc While Still In Trail Mode?

Apr 21, 2014

Do I have permission to do this? Trying to change copyright date in Footer.

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Photoshop :: Existing Type Layer Replaced By Text With Other Type Layer Text Upon Changing Properties?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer.
I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.

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InDesign :: CS6 Crashes When Changing Layout From Portrait To Landscape

Mar 19, 2014

I've got A4 document and when trying to switch from portrait to landscape it just crashes. Is there any other way to do this than from File/Document Setup?

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InDesign :: Crashing When Changing Paragraph Style Settings?

Apr 2, 2014

I am working on a document - about 100 pages, mostly text with a couple of images.
Unfortulatly Indesign keeps crashing when I change the settings in the paragraph styles. eg changing the indents on a list item, or the amount of space before on the body text.
I am on Indesign creative cloud, and Mac Version 10.9.2

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Lost All Tooltips And Glyphs

Mar 5, 2012

I needed to check some vehicle turning movements against my design, so I started Civil 3d from the AutoTurn icon.  As I was working I noticed that I don't have any Tooltips anymore.  I've checked the global tooltip settings in the Civil3d settings, and the Autocad options, and also the tooltip settings for individual objects. 

I also found that the glyphs which should appear when snaps are turned on aren't visible, although the snaps do work properly.  Once I had finished with the vehicle checks I shut down, and then restarted from the Civil3d icon but the behavior hasn't changed back to normal.  I've also tried repairing the installation - next step will be a full reinstall.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Degrees Of Freedom Glyphs

May 16, 2013

If there is a way to change the size of the 3d glyphs which display the degrees of freedom of parts within an assembly ? I need to alter them to be slightly bigger.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Publish Stamp Changing Automatically?

Nov 1, 2012

Just as of a week ago, it was brought to my attention that my publish stamp has changed to "C:usersjoshuaappdatalocal empacpublish_3412Gi1.dwg" (for example) even thou the location on the drawing I am working on is located on a server, which is normally H:/...../.../...../   Could this be from a adobe pdf driver? I dont know what changed this,

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Table Cells Automatically Changing Format

Mar 7, 2013

I have this table that's reading my table style.  All cell formatting is set to General and middle center justification.

When I type in a number the formatting automatically changes from General to Whole Number and upper right justification.  When I type in letters everything it fine.

Why using numbers changes the formatting?  In the textstyle I have changed the cell formatting to Text but that doesn't work. If I select the table, right click and choose Remove Overrides it moves the numbers to Middle Center as set in the style.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Dotted Pairs With Variables?

Apr 2, 2012

So what I'm trying to do is make a selection set that will only select a specific dimension, as I don't know the exact placement as it varies depending on the size of the part. I know what the value will be, but again the value depends on the size of the part, but one of the items earlier in my program is I get the Hole Spacing, which the dimension I need to select is Half of the Hole Spacing. Here is what I'm trying:

 where HALFBOLTSPC is a variable that takes the Bolt Spacing and divides it by 2.

When I do a run selection in Visual LISP, I get the following:


 But what I was expecting to get was:

((1 . "10.00""))

 As my test case is using 20" Hole Spacing which means half the hole spacing is 10.00". So is there another way to do this? OR what do I need to do to get it to recognize the Variable and give the value instead of the Variable name?

If needed: AutoCAD 2013 User using Visual LISP for editing LISP and DCL files Also I have AutoCAD 2011 currently still available for us, but we are using AutoCAD 2013 for 99.9% of AutoCAD use

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Show Degrees Of Freedom Glyphs On A Sketch

Dec 12, 2011

This page mentions the degrees of freedom glyphs, but it doesn't say how to show them, and I couldn't find any ribbon button or context menu item that mentions them.

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Illustrator :: Trial Version Doesn't Show Glyphs With No Unicode

Nov 14, 2013

I have a trial version of Illustrator and am finding that glyphs with no unicode are not accessible.  If I double-click on the glyph, I get a blank space or a question mark.  Is this a function of the trial version?

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