CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Macro - Changing Character Or Textbox Background Color
Mar 13, 2012
I think I need to change the cdrTextPropertyFill using cdrTextPropertySet. If you look at the Property Manager Window with Artistic Text selected go to the 5th tab (format). On the bottom is background color: with two drp downs. One for textbox background and one for character background.
I would like to be able to change these settings in a macro. I think this line is finding the text on the graphic, now I need to change the background.
I have taken some pictures with my camera, I cannot adjust the white balance of the camera, so the pictures come out with a slight grey background. I want to change that to a white background.
I saw a macro that does this a while ago, but I could very well be wrong. If it doesn't already exist, I am not even sure if it is possible, so I thought I'd ask the Macro Masters here!
Lets say I have a page fill of objects/shapes/text with all sorts of different colors.
I select the black color (or whatever color) but would actually like to select ALL colors other than the black color that I have selected.
So, if I have a page with Black, Red, Green & Blue shapes, I select an object colored black, the macro would then select ALL objects/text on the page that are NOT black.
I have attached a free macro to change the text color of cells in a table. Without the macro there is currently no way to select more than one cell and change the text color.
The macro allows the user to either:
click on a table (to select it) and then apply a new color to ALL text in the table; or choose a new color from the macro from, select some cells in a table and then apply that color to the text in those selected cells
Please note in step 2 it is important you choose the new color first and then select the table cells. If you do it the opposite way around, while choosing a colour you will deselect the selected cells and apply color to all of the text in the table.
My CorelMacros.CreateColorSwatch macro has stopped dumping the swatches into whatever blank Letter-sized document I have open (which is how it used to work) and instead it is creating a new document, at 4.25" wide x 7" high, and dumping the swatches into that. Using Pantone Solid Coated, but it's doing this regardless of what palette I choose.
There is no option in the Macro's dialog box to alter or even instantiate a page size, and I cannot find in the code of the macro where to set this variable.
I have a client who is waiting for a flyer design i did. So i created a christmas flyer. It looks nice with christmas colors and all. When i go to convert it into a jpeg in photo paint, the green changes to lime green and the other colors change as well. To florescent vibrant type. This just started happening recently. When i played around with settings, i saw something about RGB, CMYK (which dulls everything).
it is possible to change the background color of the application window ?
I would like the whole area outside the drawing window (the drawing page) to be grey, so that it can be clearly distiinguished from the actual drawing page, which is white, with a shadow line around the drawing page.
The company i work for has full dye sublimated uniforms. our customer base would really like to use photographs on their shirts but we are unable to control the colors. We have a color palette that our factory uses to color match everything. how do i change colors in photoshop (channels) to match our color palette in corel so that there is consistency and the images don't appear washed out or flat.?
I dobbleclick on fill-color icon in lower right side of the screen to change the fill-color. But no dialog-box appear. But if I try to click anywhere in Corel after this I just get a beep. Looks like there is a dialog-box outside screen or something.
I use Corel Draw X5 while at work and to do the particular task needed I have to have the stroke set to COLOR: RED, and WIDTH: HAIRLINE, MILLIMETERS. How to set the program to jump to these settings as a default upon opening all files.
I have a curve fill with K100 and 50% transparency placed on top of a solid color background. [TOP]But when I turn the proof color on, or export as CMYK JPEG, or PDF, the result is as below. [BOTTOM]
I've been using an older version of Corel Draw and Photopaint for years on end (Version 10 on win XP). A recent hard drive crash has moved me to the latest version of CDR/PP (X6)in Windows 7/64.
I'm amazed to see that Photo Paint hasn't changed dramatically over the last decade - most of the tools and options are where I am used to finding them. However, one function of the latest build of PP.
I do a fair amount of video editing and I use PP to create .tga files with transparency for the timelines. In version 10 of PP, I would create an object, say a red arrow for example, >mask create from object>image / paper size / background color to red> save as .tga. The background color would appear as red and would become transparent when I changed the image properties in the video timeline to "straight unmatted." Having control of the background color is important for good transparencies in video as any fringes will blend with the objects. The issue i'm having with X6 is that no matter what I do, the background color saves as white, which causes a halo when transparency is applied in the video timeline. How to change the background color when saving a .tga?
I am making a logo design to be printed on a t-shirt. When I make the logo I am making it on an 11” x 8.5” paper size. The logo is not rectangular. When I save the logo as a pdf file, the page background is showing. I also convert the pdf file to a jpg file and the white background shows. I went in and changed the page background to No Background, It did not work. I went to Options>Page size and turned off the Show Page Border, it did not work.
when I switch tab once at the end of the line sits the line break outside of the paragraph text frame..The background color so then runs out of the frame.A wish at left line intent (or right) it should be possible to fill these also with the background color and a function that assigns every second line is a background color..
What I am trying to do is check if a shape does not match a known set of values. If it does not it will run code where the "If msgbox" is at. What I have works if my line or object has a Cyan outline. The issue I am having is when it is checking a line that is any other color that doesn't have Cyan = 100, it errors out.
Below is what I am trying to use.
Sub Start() Dim s As Shape Dim sr As ShapeRange ' ActivePage.Shapes.All.CreateSelection Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange For Each s In sr If s.Type = cdrTextShape Then GoTo s_A If s.Outline.Color.CMYKCyan = 100 Then GoTo s_A If MsgBox("dude", vbOKCancel) = vbCancel Then GoTo s_B s_A: Next ss_B:End Sub
I'm having trouble writing feet & inches in Corel CD12 drawings. Feet are a single straight quote and inches are a double straight quote. But CD12 swaps a typographic quote for the single straight quote ('). The double quote can be QuickCorrected to straight quotes (inches), but not the single quote (feet).
how to shfit one character to the left or right in a word ? Character spacing feature is all I see here, but it adds a space between all the letters. Highlighting one character does not do the trick either......
I have tried to use the Macro recorder to record the keystrokes as I get the dimensions from the top of the rectangle to each line of text & from the edge of the triangle to each line of text. Unfortunately the recorder could not record.
Is it possible to design a macro which can be used to get the dimensions as required ?
Is there maybe a macro for styles (either text or graphics) that
1. connects objects assigned with a style, to that style LIVE? eg, altering the style properties, automatically all objects assigned with that style will adopt those changes too,
2. offers LOT more configuration options than the current default CorelDraw styles options
Using the code from "MakeMeACircle" macro. How can I modify it to "InserCircle"? I have it working now but only if the shape is square and aligned to the bottom left of the page. If I move the square anywhere else and run the macro the "Ellipse" is created outside the square and is "squished" instead of a perfect circle.
Who knows maybe there's a macro that already exists to insert a circle inside any shape?
Sub InsertCircle() Dim sr As New ShapeRange Dim x As Double, y As Double, w As Double, h As Double Dim dLeeway As Double ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch If ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub sr.Add ActiveSelection.Group sr(1).GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h 'adjust this property ####################################### dLeeway = 0# 'distance to sides 'adjust this property ####################################### sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(x - dLeeway, y - dLeeway, w + dLeeway * 2, h + dLeeway * 2) With sr(2): .OrderBackOne: .Fill.ApplyNoFill: End With sr.Shapes.All.Ungroup End Sub
I have been upgrading to X6 from X5. I wanted to install a CorelDRAW macro called "Function Plotter", written by Alex Vakulenko, into X6. When upgrading from X4 to X5 I just manually placed a certain file (Plotter14.gms) into the Draw GMS folder in the program directory. Then back in CorelDRAW X5 I choose Tools > Options > Customization > Commands in order to place an icon in the toolbar, making access to the macro. It worked back then. However when I try the same procedure in X6 it doesn't work. I can see the file under "Commands" and place an icon, but nothing happens when I press the button. Maybe it has something to do with 64 bit, which from what I can see in this Forum causes a lot of trouble (scanner drivers, plugins, etc)?
This macro is extremely important for me. I have tried contacting Alex, but with no success so far. In the meanwhile I need to install X5 again..
I'm writing a macro that will take a .cdr file, import it, and then do something with it. When I first run the macro, I would like an "open file" browser to pop-up so that the user may navigate and specify which .cdr file to import.
Most imported designs are 100%. I'd like a code that at a push of a button reduced to 10% or any other setting i can change it to. Reason being, we all use different scale modes and sometimes artwork is huge. I need to shrink it down.
Is this possible w/o manually typing in the values?
I use the supplied macro in X5 to convert CDR to EPS which works fine for me, but my only problem is sometimes fonts default since some of those CDR files are not created on the same PC I use the macro.
Is there anyway to get the Font Matching dialog box displayed, so that I subsituute to a font of my choice rather then it use other fonts?