InDesign :: Paragraphs Look Different Even Though They Share The Same Style?
Apr 10, 2014
I am trying to get my paragraph styles to all be uniform. I imported a template and have multiple text boxes on multiple pages. I deleted pretty much all of the paragraph styles to start fresh. But for some reason, the style that I want to use is in text box 1, and then in all the other text boxes it is a different style. I have created a new style but when I click on it when the text is highlighed, it changes, but that one text box doesn't seem to ever match.
Why does InDesign CS5.5 not justify paragraphs via style sheets setup to do that? And when is Adobe to going to learn about what designers actually do when formatting a book? It's implausible that after all these years they still leave us with so many extra mouse clicks and time wasting searches for things that are very simple to program.
I am working on a document - about 100 pages, mostly text with a couple of images. Â Unfortulatly Indesign keeps crashing when I change the settings in the paragraph styles. eg changing the indents on a list item, or the amount of space before on the body text. Â I am on Indesign creative cloud, and Mac Version 10.9.2
I finally paid one of those conversion companies to convert this QuarkXPress file that I was working with to InDesign, since InDesign seems like such a better program. Everything seemed to transfer over smoothly, and I have now been editing this document in InDesign. Unfortuantely, after a bunch of new edits, I realized the one thing that didn't seem to transfer over was the index. The old Quark file had an index with about 900+ entries in it. Is there any quick way to add all those entries back without having to go through the document and highlight the text manually, one by one by one? That would take forever. Pretty much everything that's gonna be indexed is after a paragraph marker of the paragraph style called "gray box."  Also, since each entry is bold, it was set up as having a paragraph style named "title." If IND could find anything with that style and add it as an entry, that may make my job way easier? Or will I be stuck selecting text over the next day and manually adding entries?
I have a long document with text variable running headers along page edges. Behind each running header on the Master Pages, there is a black band. I want the color black to change to several different fill colors, when the running header changes, to define different "sections."
It's one document, no separate chapters or sections, at this point. See attached image.
Is there a way to tie the fill color of these colored bands to the running header so that it changes when the running header does? I think what I'm looking for is a way to make a variable object style (fill) to be triggered by the running header change. I have no experience writing scripts, but am willing to try. Plan B will be to unlink the master items and manually recolor on each page.
I'd like to create a few paragraphs that have the same treatment as the one I have attached. Â The key thing is to have the first letter of the first word of each line line-up under each other so that the left margin creates the appearance of a straight line. Â I did the attached having each line in it's own text box, transforming them to an identical angle and then lining them up on the left side. Â Is there a way to do this to a whole paragraph? I know I could just transform a whole paragraph to a different angle but the first letter of each line would not line-up with each other and create a straight line.
I've been playing with the text styles and my text boxes are getting closer to the format that I want. There easy to read in the preview section. But the spaces between paragraphs looks to big, so I want to reduce it.
Corel Draw has a docker for paragraph formatting where we can place spaces above or below a paragraph.
I want to sort paragraphs in alphabetically order for a glossary. If this is possible I will glad to know. If that can't be undone in coreldraw, how to export text for ms word. When i copy and paste in word 2013 it loose all formatting. I try paste special but there is no option for keep formatting. My all glossary text is type in paragraph frame.
I have numerous MText paragraphs that I need to combine into a single piece of MText. I want the paragraphs preserved in the final piece. I've found some routines that can combine pieces of MText but I don't know if they preserve the paragraphs.I have DotSoft Toolpac but it doesn't seem up to the task. C
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1 WIN 7 64 PRO HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB RADEON 6450, 1 GB
I am looking for a way to change the text style used by a table style with Visual LISP.  So far I have been able to get the IAcadTableStyle object from the acad_tablestyle dictionary, but there is no property for text style.  Is this even possible?  Code and results are below.
I read that it's not possible to import a style (styxml file) into the style editor through the API, there is no dedicated command.
However I'm wondering if there's a a way to have the internal name corresponding to the button as we can do for the ribbon buttons (there's a sample code which does this).
So is it possible ot get the internal name of a button inside a dialog box (style editor here) or is it really hopeless to think I can import a style with a macro ?
I am trying to change the default label styles for AddSegmentLabel under general styles using .NET...
Dim X As Autodesk.Civil.Settings.SettingsCmdAddSegmentLabel = CD.Settings.GetSettings(Of Autodesk.Civil.Settings.SettingsCmdAddSegmentLabel)()
X.Styles.LineLabel.Value = strChildStyleName ... says name does not exist
X.Styles.LineLabelStyleId.Value = oidChildStyle ... "The type of objectId is wrong"
If I manually change it to a child style and then check the values, they are the same as what I'm trying to set them to. If you use a "parent" style then these both work. Am I doing something wrong or this another limitation? Â Civil 3D 2013 - Windows 7 Pro 64 - Dell T3500 - Xeon 2.67 - 24gb - Quadro 600
I am working with a template, that doesn't allow me to change the dimension style. In the project the Use Style Library is set to Read/Write. I have created my dimension style, at this point just a copy of the ANSI standard with a text size difference. I went to my template and set that syle as my default, and saved it. Now the fact that it doesn't automatically update the drawing I had alreadycreated is a nuisance, however if I creat a new drawing, the style has reverted to a different standard, that is not even the ANSI default. If I right click a dimension and change the dimstyle to what I saved it does update, but if I try to change the style again it defaults to a random dimstyle, AND changes the style even if I hit cancel. So... the question is how to make the changes stick?
I have recorded an action to create a transparent image on a batch of photos. Next I ran the image processor using the File/Scripts/image processor. When running the action the error message occurs no matter how many ways I attempt to modify the action. Error: The object "Style "Shape Style"" is not currently available.
I then look in the action window to check and under the steps Make Fill Layer: Style: Shape, Style 1 appears but I can't delete it. This one error message makes it impossible for me to image process a batch of photos with a watermark on them.
Windows 7; Photoshop CS6. Â I have a printer/scanner that is attached on another (Windows XP) machine on the network. I have no problems seeing and using the printer over the network, but is there a way that the scanner can be shared as well?
I’ve just produced a short video, intended for Youtube, but in the ‘Share – create video file’ step can find no options to produce an mp4 file in 16:9. My preferences were set to 16:9 right from the start and all the material is either originally 16:9 or cropped to 16:9, so it would be nice to produce the video as 16:9. I tried a few other file type options that I thought might be suitable for uploading but can’t find anything on offer that would produce a small file size in 16:9.
My rig is a laptop with two GB of memory and an Intel celron 900 processor. I am modeling out a building and have begun adding light sources. This has put a huge drag on my laptop, and I can barely move the viewport. is there a way to share the load via backburner or something else with a much more powerful rig?
I've created some tool palettes I want to share across a network. After loading the tool palettes at a work station, I have to manually update the images for the blocks. Is there a way to have this done automatically?
I'm running VideoStudio Pro X5. I spent all day yesterday on a little project and wanted to get it to youtube afterward. Unfortunately, none of my share options seem to be working! I've tried creating a disc, creating a video file, and uploading directly to youtube, but after everytime I try, I get an error message and VideoStudio closes out. I tried with the demo of X6 as well. The error message says APPCLOSE and gives the dump file, I believe.
I have been using this great and just now I lost the ability to open a share module. I can see the module but there are no options in the module so I am unable to do any share with it. What happened to the share module and how do I get it back? Also while looking at the I clicked on the capture module and it is not showing any option either. It looks like I have lost these. So now I can neither capture or share. The edit seems to be working but not the others. I have rebooted the computer and that did not work.
My video won't share as a MPEG-4 HD. Here are the steps I take:
1. Click the "Share" Tab 2. Click "Create Video File" 3. Click "MPEG-4" 4. Click "MPEG-4 HD 5. Select the destination folder for the output 6. Click "Save".
The progress shows 0% and the progress bar goes away after fifteen seconds. I am sharing it as an MPEG-4 HD file because it will be placed on Youtube by someone else. I've probably done four of these projects the same way and they execute just fine.
Here's some more informtion:
Brand: Dell Laptop HDD: 464GB; Used Space 153GB; Free Space 311GB Processsor Intel(R) Cor (TM) i7 CPU Q820 #1.73GHz 1.73GHz Ram: 8GB System Type: 64 Bit Operating System Pen and Touch: Pen and Touch is available through 80 touch points The video is a WMV2, 24 bits 1024 x768, 29.982 frames/second; Audio is windows media audio version 4, aspect ratio is 1.33 x 1.00. It is editable.
Here's how my timeline looks:
can i select a portion of the shadows? i mean i open a photo , -> select ->color range ->shadows (i can select midtones and highlights) well now i have selected all the shadows my question is , now i have all the shadows selected , can i select only a portion of the shadows? i mean the shadows more close the the black , in short , the more deep shadows ? or can i select the portition of the shadow more close to the midtones ?