InDesign :: Insert End Of Paragraph Mark Before Any Superscript Number
Apr 22, 2014
I am formatting a Bible for a client. The text was provided with verse numbers before each verse, but each chapter is one long paragraph. Now the client has decided they want each verse to begin a new paragraph. How can I globally insert an End of Paragraph mark before each superscrpt verse number?
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Feb 24, 2014
Paragraph styles do not show up when I open the panel. If I say "download" from the pulldown menu, it takes me to my c drive. I don't know how to access the paragraph syles.
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Mar 15, 2014
Is there a way, maybe by script, to have a paragraph style include some default text?
For example, if I assign an empty paragrahp the Note style, It would display as formated, but would include the string "NOTE:"^t (i.e. NOTE: with a tab character following).
or perhaps the style Caution might display as formatted with the word caution in all caps underline (CAUTION) followed by a forced line break (^n).
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Mar 23, 2014
I have big document with a lot of headers and subheaders that I need to move around. It's too big of a job to do it manually so I want to use paragraph styles for this but I can't seem to find where to set this. Is it even possible?
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Mar 1, 2014
I was working with a lot of text, using the trailing space attribute on the toolbar. This appeared (along with leading space and other attributes) whenever I selected a text object.
How can I get it to appear again?
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Feb 18, 2014
I trying to use GREP within a paragraph style to bold the title of a listing at the start of a paragraph. I want to limit it to the first set of quotation marks, and leave any other characters within quotes in that paragraph un-bolded.
I used the expression below, which i thought would start at the beginning of a paragraph (^), left quotation mark (~{), any character, any number of times (.+), followed by a right quotation mark (~}), followed by a space (s), zero or one times, shortest match (+?).
Unfortunately, it bolds everything through the next right quotation mark.What can I add to the expression to restrict the GREP to find just the first set of quotes? These would be titles that may have multiple words or numbers in the title.
“Images,” a 90-minute comedy-drama with music “dealing with real life issues, which is common to all, this play moves us and heals us all in an entertaining way,” says the Rev. Janet Jones. Presented in honor of Black History Month. Written and directed by Carmen Davis of Head of My Life Productions. A.M.E. ZION CHURCH, 584 Bloomingdale Rd., Rossville; 732- 939-2885 or 718-356-0200. Feb. 8, 2 p.m. ($20 at the door) and 5 p.m. ($25). The latter show offers a post-show reception and meet-andgreet with the cast.
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Apr 2, 2014
I am working on a document - about 100 pages, mostly text with a couple of images.
Unfortulatly Indesign keeps crashing when I change the settings in the paragraph styles. eg changing the indents on a list item, or the amount of space before on the body text.
I am on Indesign creative cloud, and Mac Version 10.9.2
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Aug 24, 2013
I know how to insert basic one line text but i dont know how to insert a large paragraph or a page of text?
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Apr 8, 2014
I finally paid one of those conversion companies to convert this QuarkXPress file that I was working with to InDesign, since InDesign seems like such a better program. Everything seemed to transfer over smoothly, and I have now been editing this document in InDesign. Unfortuantely, after a bunch of new edits, I realized the one thing that didn't seem to transfer over was the index. The old Quark file had an index with about 900+ entries in it. Is there any quick way to add all those entries back without having to go through the document and highlight the text manually, one by one by one? That would take forever. Pretty much everything that's gonna be indexed is after a paragraph marker of the paragraph style called "gray box."
Also, since each entry is bold, it was set up as having a paragraph style named "title." If IND could find anything with that style and add it as an entry, that may make my job way easier? Or will I be stuck selecting text over the next day and manually adding entries?
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Sep 1, 2013
for example:
How can I insert a hyperlink in the word:"answer for points"?
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May 18, 2013
Currently when I create a new layer within an image, and set the horizontal and vertical size using “inches” instead of “pixels,” and display the image at 100%, it shows 10 tick marks in the ruler to equal 1 inch.
I want rulers in my image to be scaled at 1/8”. Therefore, it should show 8 tick marks in the ruler with each tick mark (incremental unit) to represent the 1/8” scale. Example: 4 tick marks would equal ½”.
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Jan 9, 2013
i need to mark all of my dimensions with a balloon number or make a PPAP "bubble" print. i only know how to use balloon dimensioning for Sub Assy's.
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Apr 21, 2014
I have only just downloaded indesign and I have completely forgotten how to insert a picture box?
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Feb 7, 2014
My table function is greyed out. How do I insert a table?
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Mar 14, 2014
I have an ID-book made out of 10 InDesign documents. Everything is fine, but one thing.
One of the chapters (#4) is made out of two ID documents: "chapter4a.indd“ and "chapter4b.indd". The chapter number, which is automatically given by the book, is correct: 4. But the numbering of the next below level (4.x) is wrong. In the file „chapter4a.indd“ I have the sub-chapters 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. But in the „chapter4b.indd“ it starts yet again with 4.1 instead of 4.4.
Where is the mistake?
Merging the two ID files "chapter4a.indd“ and "chapter4b.indd" into one is not an option, unfortunately.
Is it possible to let the sublevel chapter number (4.x) continue after the ID-document change or does it start always at ".1" once again because it's in a new document?
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Apr 15, 2014
My InDesign document has a total of 55 pages. My page numbers are set up in a master. Some of the pages display the page numbers correctly: "Page X of 55" but others do not "Page X of 43". Why is it unable to detect the correct number of pages?
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Feb 12, 2014
I've opened an older InDesign document (I don't know with which version it was created) and found odd little number/letter "coordinates" [Example: 21W(13)] displayed beneath each and every text box in the document. They are the same color as the layer they inhabit, they don't disappear when I turn off invisibles, they move with the text box, they don't appear under image boxes, and the numbers are all different but the "W" always follows the first number. After some experimenting I learned that the number in parens refers to character count. I can't figure out what the "number/W" signifies. I've searched all over the web for information about this and found nothing. I've checked preferences, palettes, settings, views, etc. and also found nothing. I've worked in InDesign since its inception and have never seen such a thing. The styles in the document are all messed up, I'm wondering if these numbers are causing the problem. Can they be shut off? What are they? Does this have something to do with InCopy?
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Mar 4, 2014
In Word you can do a search for an indefinite number of words between quotation marks. I don't see a way to do that in indesign. If I choose a wildcard character it'll give me only one character between quotation marks. I need to find anything I've put between quotes. anything from a word to a paragraph. Is there a way?????
I've found this grep code that will find any text between parentheses and it works, but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to change it to quotes.
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Oct 10, 2007
If I would like to compose a booklet in Corel Draw, how can I insert page numbers ?
I know the use of Master Layer. But contents on it will remain unchanged for all the pages. However the page numbers should auto increase page by page.
Adobe InDesign or pagemaker is useless infront of Corel Draw. But the problem of Footer (page numbering) has to be resolevd. So that Corel Draw will replace InDesign or related book work softwares.
how to add page numbers.
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Feb 1, 2013
I have an Inventor drawing which contains multiple sheets. One of the sheets is a drawing of the master assembly. Another sheet is a drawing of a part that is in the master assembly. This part shows up multiple times. I'd like to have a text box or something in the part's drawing that I can put: "Quantity: [Quantity]" where [Quantity] is the number of occurances of the part in the master assembly. I've been searching for a while and can't find a way to do this.
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Sep 22, 2012
Can the "Basic Paragraph" style in Paragraph Styles be modified? How is this done?
I can bring up the Paragraph Styles Options diaglog by double clicking "Basic Paragraph" in the Paragraph Styles panel. I can also modify it, for example, by changing the font family. But when I click OK to save it, it creates a new style and leaves "Basic Paragraph" unchanged.
I know that the Basic Paragraph style can be modified in InDesign, but I don't see how to do it in Photoshop.
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Dec 3, 2013
I have excel tables that contain 4 columns of data.
The Y co-ords pf the required object
The X co-ords pf the required object
The rotation of the required object
The object number
What would I need to do to insert a block at the coordinates to the rotation shown then have a leader with the point number labeling the block (but the text not be rotated to the angle of the main block.
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Nov 11, 2013
it's my job to create drawings for patent applications, and These drawings usually consist of multiple pages with one or more drawings on each page. Each of these drawings has to be given it's own unique identifier (for example Fig. 1, Fig.2 etc).
In the process of designing a complete patent application it is often necessary to change the order of figures around and/or add new ones, remove old ones and so on. Now we get to the macro part.
What I need is a macro that identifies an artistic text placeholder (let's say <figures>) and replaces it with a text that says "Fig. x", x being counted upwards starting from 1. In essence I need the macro to count how many times it has already replaced <figures>, and insert the correct number. After the macro has done it's work I want every placeholder replaced with "Fig.1" or "Fig. 2".
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Jun 15, 2012
how I could replace all the "#" in a photoshop layer with the number sign superscripted? I have about 15 to 19 player names on a layer like this #99 Wayne Gretzky #11 Mark Messier etc.
The # looks funny and is bulky. I know how to change one at a time but am looking for a global solution.
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May 31, 2012
Im having a hell of a time with PS. If I superscript something (I do alot of retail price points) and then make a new type layer, it automatically defaults to superscript instead of defaulting to the normal font. This happens every, single, day. I finally got fed up and I bef of you a solution if you could. OS and Version below.
Photoshop is current on 12.0.4 x32
Mac OS X 10.6.8
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Jul 20, 2013
how to write subscript and superscript in autocad?
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Feb 14, 2013
I find myself typing quite a bit of text that has the ® and ™. Many times the font, when it has that typed, is too big, so I have to use the type panel with the flyout menu to then change the character to superscript. In InDesign there is a keyboard shortcut for this. Is there ANY way to do the same thing in Illustrator?
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Dec 26, 2012
How to set the characterization of the superscript and subscript "position, size, .... I would prefer to make it like M.S" in illustrator CS6?
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Apr 18, 2011
I use Adobe Illustrator CS4 in a MAC. I want to establish a chemical formula MO3- with Illustrator. It seems that I can only first type NO3, and then set 3 as subscript, afterwards I input -, and set it as superscript. But in this case 3 and – are not consistent in the horizontal position.
So I am wondering how to set up subscript and superscript to the same word at the same time?
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Dec 27, 2012
I'm getting a weird underline placement on SuperScript text. It should be right up under the "99". Can't change it, even if I use the Node Edit tool.
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Mar 28, 2012
How to “synchronize” the ‘layout number” with “sheet number”?
As in most cases, the arrangements of “lay outs” reflects the way they are regularly printed, then how could we renumbering the sheets such that the first lay out takes number 1, the second lay out takes number 2,…and so forth.
For example, in the screenshot below, the
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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