Im having a hell of a time with PS. If I superscript something (I do alot of retail price points) and then make a new type layer, it automatically defaults to superscript instead of defaulting to the normal font. This happens every, single, day. I finally got fed up and I bef of you a solution if you could. OS and Version below.
Photoshop is current on 12.0.4 x32
Mac OS X 10.6.8
how I could replace all the "#" in a photoshop layer with the number sign superscripted? I have about 15 to 19 player names on a layer like this #99 Wayne Gretzky #11 Mark Messier etc.  The # looks funny and is bulky. I know how to change one at a time but am looking for a global solution.
With other software in the past, I have been able to set a default substitue font for a specific font not in my system, but I cannot see how to do this in Illustrator.  Another designer uses the same font as me, but his computer has labeled it differently, so every time I open a file in which he has used that font, Illustrator says the font is missing. instead of having to go in and manually change the font every time I open a files he has worked on, I would like to set Illustrator to automatically change the font on opening.
I am facing some problem with few font series. Like the series of fonts called "Heavenetica" has turned italic.
Nothing happens even if I click Italic option again, I tried un-installing and re-installing the fonts, but still the same. The same fonts work and look fine in other software.
I recently upgraded to windows 8, this problem was not there in corel X6 in windows 7.
I find myself typing quite a bit of text that has the ® and ™. Many times the font, when it has that typed, is too big, so I have to use the type panel with the flyout menu to then change the character to superscript. In InDesign there is a keyboard shortcut for this. Is there ANY way to do the same thing in Illustrator?
I use Adobe Illustrator CS4 in a MAC. I want to establish a chemical formula MO3- with Illustrator. It seems that I can only first type NO3, and then set 3 as subscript, afterwards I input -, and set it as superscript. But in this case 3 and – are not consistent in the horizontal position.
So I am wondering how to set up subscript and superscript to the same word at the same time?
I am formatting a Bible for a client. The text was provided with verse numbers before each verse, but each chapter is one long paragraph. Now the client has decided they want each verse to begin a new paragraph. How can I globally insert an End of Paragraph mark before each superscrpt verse number?
I'm getting a weird underline placement on SuperScript text. It should be right up under the "99". Can't change it, even if I use the Node Edit tool.
I want to see "resent" fonts when choosing, be able to type letter to get down the list quickly, group similar fonts, etc. Maybe have a magnifying glass attached to cursor to see fonts better.... Why have this not been done?
Once I installed windows 7, while I WAS using PSE 9, I had the tiny font problem. I stopped using PSE for 2 years. I just installed PSE 11. Though better, the Font is still way smaller than I would like. Maybe it's just tougher for seniors? Can they not make the font adjustable? I was told there is no way to increase the size of the font?
It used to be that I very rarely used fonts within CS5 but recently I have. I realized that all of the fonts supposedly included with CS5 are not available via my drop down menu.  I then found these fonts in Windows/fonts so I copied all of those fonts into Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts. These unavailble fonts are now listed in that folder but are still not available via the dropdown menu in PS CS5.  I've recently read that the fonts don't really even NEED to be in the Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts folder and that PS should actually make all of the fonts in Windows/Fonts available via the dropdown menu. Yes, I have restarted PS after copying the files and also tried rebooting my PC after copying the files. The fonts are still not available via the drop down text menu within PS even though all of them are now in both locations.
I have put some new fonts into C:/windows/fonts and they have come up in other programs e.g. Microsoft office but they are not showing up in photoshop.
i am using vista home premium with SP1 and it is 32bit and photoshop cs4.
never knew there has a font folder in the user profile for Gimp until I wiped my user profile and moved all patterns, gradients, brushes, etc I have been putting in the program folder to the user profile folder because I read on here that it is better to keep all that stuff in the user profile folder of Gimp... my question is, what is the difference between installing your fonts into the system and placing them into the fonts folder in Gimp (besides all programs being able to use them)?? I've been installing all my fonts into the system I wanna use in Gimp... is it better to use the font folder in the Gimp user profile or to install them into the system?
how to get Gimp to only showfonts from the user/fonts file rather than the vast amount of system fonts.
I think you should read the original mail again. Hint: "system fonts not shown" is not the problem, but the desired outcome.I have accidentally read a "not" into the original mail, thus it became "to get Gimp to *not* only show fonts from the user/fonts file"
The configuration to check is the fonconfig settings then, for example the the global, system-wide fonts.conf file. It may contain references to the global font directories, for example /usr/share/fonts/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. URL....
If you comment those out, then you can (and have to) add all font directories in GIMP's settings, for example.
I have a situation where the default behavior of my rectangle tool (or any of the other shape tools) is now different. I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.5 running Illustrator CS5. It acts as though the option-shift keys are pressed, so whenever I draw an object, it draws from the center point and the dimensions are constrained, so i can only draw a square or circle, not a rectangle or ellipse. Additionally, whenever I use the selection tool, it clones the object I drag, and also constrains the positioning, so i can only drag in a 0, 45 or 90 degree angle (or multiples thereof). It's as if my option-shift keys are permanently pressed (if I actually press option-shift, the behavior persists). I tried using a different (brand new) keyboard, tried throwing away preferences, and the problem remains. I also tried booting up Illustrator CS4, and the weird problem showed up there! This behavior just started happening spontaneously. I couldn't think of anything weird that happened (a crash, a new plug-in, etc.). I can't find a preference that sets this behavior either.
If I'm creating a Photoshop PDF in order to keep the type in vector format, will the font then be embedded in the PDF? I'm not rasterizing the type since I want it to stay vector, but then I'm worried that if I share the file someone else will have trouble with it. I made a Photoshop PDF yesterday that I needed to share -- I just sent the font along with it. I knew it would probably ask for the font if they attempted to edit it in Photoshop -- but if they just printed it from the PDF maybe it would be embedded? Acrobat is listing it as an embedded subset, but I don't see how it can be embedded if the editing capabilities are still there.
Can I add fonts to photoshop? There is a font that I really like but there is nothing like it in photoshop. It's called de-generation, and it looks like this
I donwloaded some fonts of the web and saved them to the fonts folder in common files. But when i go to Photoshop the fonts are not listed on the fonts list. I'm using Photoshop CS3 Extended.
There seem to be certain fonts which are used often these days for rebrands/refreshes (i.e. Gotham, Myriad, etc). So which 'contemporary' fonts do you think no designer should be without?
I constantly have this problem of fonts cos I design with a PC and most of my print beareaus use MACs. I understand the Postscript issue but is there anyway around it as it is quite frustraiting. I have tried transfering to illustrator and converting to out lines but then it only looks great with particular fonts and I cannot use small sizes.
I'm working with PhotoshopCS on a Mac and, for some reason, my fonts only go down to the letter "T". I'm trying to access "Verdana" but no fonts after Times Roman are appearing... Does anybody know what the deal is or how to fix it??