InDesign :: How To Set Default Hebrew Font For Words Within English
Mar 18, 2014
I'm using ID CC ME. Much of my work contains a Hebrew word or pharase within an English sentence. Using the standard method to switch to Hebrew in Windows 7 usually give me the Adobe Hebrew font (and I think sometimes Myriad Hebrew). Is there any way to predefine which Hebrew font will be used when making the switch when I want a different font used? I know I can (and do) set a character style for it, but then I must first switch to Hebrew, then type the word or phrase, then use the character style to change the font (it doesn't usually work if you set the character style before switching to Hebrew), then change the character style back for the rest of the text.What is the simplest way to get the Hebrew in the font I want?
I want to translate some English words into Hindi in Illustrator. But almost everytime I do so, the spelling changes to an incorrect one in Hindi. I would like to know how to avoid this. I use google translate first to translater the word, then copy and past the word into Illustrator. I then change the font to Devanagiri Sangam MN so the Hindi characters are displayed instead of the ascii code when pasted.
I was trying this Printing Merge many times. I noted that I could run the Printing Merge only with English Words because when I tried other languages such as Chinese and Khmer. Most of my words became error, so I really couldn't use it as needed. Is the Printing Merge used only with English?
On the contrary, I used to use the Printing Merge in MS Word. It works with all languages. I want to use the Printing Merge in Coreldraw 12 beside English.
I am trying to use the 'Corsiva Hebrew' font on my mac (osx 10.5 - gimp 2.6.8) without any luck. The font works in other software like openOffice for instance.
I am using AutoCad 2012 Educational Version / Autodesk Design Review 2012 and DWG Truview 2013 and am unable to see Hebrew font within a drawing. The file title is in Hebrew and shows correctly when I open the file within any of the programs listed above, but any Hebrew text within the figure displays/prints as question marks?? I do have Hebrew as a font on my PC and have no issuues within other programs (Windows, MS Office 2010, etc.). As I need to edit the figures and text for Israeli clients, how can I get the Hebrew font to show??
In Word you can do a search for an indefinite number of words between quotation marks. I don't see a way to do that in indesign. If I choose a wildcard character it'll give me only one character between quotation marks. I need to find anything I've put between quotes. anything from a word to a paragraph. Is there a way?????
I've found this grep code that will find any text between parentheses and it works, but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to change it to quotes.
Is there any way to convert a drawing using the Asian Bigfont.shx font back to English? The font can be changed, but the characters remain un-readable. Mostly ? and letters and symbols but no words. It seems like it needs to be translated, and not just converted, but it is not displayed in any form that could be translated.
Currently working on a PowerPoint styled animation.I've parented the source text of 5 text layers to 1 text layer so I can easily alter the text. It is essential that I have 5 identically texted layers.
My requirement isn't much: To assign colors to individual words without having to separate those words into different layers.
I used some white rectangles to change the shape of black letters on a white background. Now I want this combination of letters & rectangles to be just letters when I select them etc. (make the white rectangles blend with the background and still have the shape they left on the letters) How can I do that?
I keep trying to package an Indesign file for print, it seems to have everything present but I keep getting a window that says: "Cannot copy necessary font(s)'. It hasn't happened before.
Every time I place text into the InDesign document it is automatically converted to Arial Unicode MS Bold with underlines. I want to turn this off, but can't figure out how.
In Indesign (cs4): When I have marked the textbox and wish to alter the font, I have the last couple of days experienced that I click on the new font I desire, but the font does not change. I have to close down Indesign and then I can change the font. ... for a while, then it happens again, and I have to close down Adobe again. (there is plenty of space in the textbox, that is not the problem). (I have had this CS4 for many years, and not till this last week have I had this probem).
I keep running into this issue in InDesign. I never notice the issue until I go to package it, but I will outline all of my fonts, and when I go to the packaging screen it will say I still have 1 font in the document. It is always Minion Pro (the default). After investigating further, it always seems as if a text field has been "attached" to a shape. Once I delete the shape, when I go to package it it says there are 0 fonts.
So this causes all sorts of problems when I'm packaging because I can't outline the "minion" font because its not actually there (I've tried selecting the shape and clicking outline, but it wont let me). Also the only way around this I have is to delete the shape, and completely rebuild it (which is impratical for many reasons).
how to delete the type? (I have also tried Type on Path > Delete and its greyed out and won't let me choose that option)
Someone sent me a zip drive with links to fonts used in the original document being worked on, how do I link the font from the files saved on the zipdrive?
I use certain ttf font for creating documents in office products as well as in Adobe Products like InDesign. Since there is a newer version of that font available, I uninstalled the older version in Windows -> Control Panel -> Fonts folder an installed the newer version of that font.
Now all office applications as well as some Adobe applications (PS, Illustrator) show the new font from the fonts menu. But InDesign refuses to deal with that font. InDesign still shows the old version. Therefore I checked the fonts folder of InDesign. But this one is empty. How can I convince InDesign to accept the new font?
Is there a way, maybe by script, to have a paragraph style include some default text?
For example, if I assign an empty paragrahp the Note style, It would display as formated, but would include the string "NOTE:"^t (i.e. NOTE: with a tab character following).
or perhaps the style Caution might display as formatted with the word caution in all caps underline (CAUTION) followed by a forced line break (^n).
I am placing a Word document into InDesign CS6, and no matter what options I choose in the import options, the font styles are not imported into InDesign At the same time, InDesign CS3 imports all the styles perfectly from any Word file.
When I export in indesign cs6 pdf file (I made a digital flipbook and I want to upload it on my website) there is a white default color in the background. Is there a way to get rid of this white default color or make it transparent in indesign?
I'm having in CS6..I have a text block with a couple of styles in it (headings have one look, body copy has another). Here and there, some words are on bold. When I select some bold words and change the color of them, some other bold words in some other paragraph also change color. Not all bold words... just some. The behavior is unpredictable, so the exact words that get changed will vary, but once it starts to happen it won't stop. When I try to manually fix the other words (hopefully I noticed them before my client!) and change them back to black, sometimes that change reverses the color on the original words too. Sometimes not; it's like the effect is sometimes two-way and sometimes one-way. It becomes a real logic puzzle sometimes, a maddening game where every change affects something else and you can't find the combination of actions that will do the simple thing you want.
I haven't noticed it happening with non-bold text, but that could just be coincidence.
When this happens, the only fix seems to be to rebuild the text from scratch in a new text box. (Copying it all and re-pasting it does not seem to work—unless possibly I paste into a different document entirely.)
I know it is suppose to open the last font you used when you launch photoshop but I have never used Myriad Pro in my life, no offence to neither Robert Slimbach nor Carol Twombly. The font I primarily use is the Sans. There is no reason I should have to reset my font every time I launch. Why would this not be an option in the preferences? Photoshop CS6.
We just upgraded from '12 to '13, I am trying to find ways to set a font to default, but am unable to find a way that fits how we operate here. My boss likes to do things a certain way, so I have to make sure whatever I do falls within his parameters.
Anyway: I have read a number of articles about people saying to just change your template settings and save it. We don't, however, use a template. I guess we could start (if he let me), but all we do now is copy another x-ref or architecture page or what-have-you, save it in a new file, and go from there.
I also think I may have messed up my computer by trying to use fontalt. Now every time I start my machine up, it asks me to specify the fontalt. How to turn that off?
But the main thing: is there a way to get a default font setting to affect all of our files at once? If I go to "style" I can change every page at a time, but that gets lengthy. Was assuming there should be one change that does everything.
we've been having with this upgrade is that our font - which had been some version of architxt.shx - has been set back to simplex. And we don't really use templates at all... when making a new drawing all we do is copy an old one. I'm getting the gist that templates are an under structure to the drawing, but I wouldn't be able to tell you which template informs all of our drawings, because quite simply we don't use and have never changed one.
Is there some way to globally affect all of our drawings - both new and old - so that everything is using the same text? I believe my coworker did something with a path/string in the options menu, but I don't know what, and am not about to mess with that without some definitive belief that I'm doing the right thing! Currently, if I want to print out a set in the font we want, I have to "style" change every single drawing. Obviously, there's got to be something better.
how to change the default font for new documents, but how to make it so that you have a preferred default font that overrides Myriad for any document you open. Is that even possible? I receive files from many different sources and most people just stick with Myriad. I need to change that font constantly in documents to Helvetica Bold and want the type tool to just stay there unless I manually change it myself.