Illustrator :: How To Translate Some English Words Into Hindi
Jan 22, 2013
I want to translate some English words into Hindi in Illustrator. But almost everytime I do so, the spelling changes to an incorrect one in Hindi. I would like to know how to avoid this. I use google translate first to translater the word, then copy and past the word into Illustrator. I then change the font to Devanagiri Sangam MN so the Hindi characters are displayed instead of the ascii code when pasted.
I'm using ID CC ME. Much of my work contains a Hebrew word or pharase within an English sentence. Using the standard method to switch to Hebrew in Windows 7 usually give me the Adobe Hebrew font (and I think sometimes Myriad Hebrew). Is there any way to predefine which Hebrew font will be used when making the switch when I want a different font used? I know I can (and do) set a character style for it, but then I must first switch to Hebrew, then type the word or phrase, then use the character style to change the font (it doesn't usually work if you set the character style before switching to Hebrew), then change the character style back for the rest of the text.What is the simplest way to get the Hebrew in the font I want?
I was trying this Printing Merge many times. I noted that I could run the Printing Merge only with English Words because when I tried other languages such as Chinese and Khmer. Most of my words became error, so I really couldn't use it as needed. Is the Printing Merge used only with English?
On the contrary, I used to use the Printing Merge in MS Word. It works with all languages. I want to use the Printing Merge in Coreldraw 12 beside English.
I used some white rectangles to change the shape of black letters on a white background. Now I want this combination of letters & rectangles to be just letters when I select them etc. (make the white rectangles blend with the background and still have the shape they left on the letters) How can I do that?
i am creating a logo for a friend. I have an image that I drew, made transparent and then 3d. I want to save it as a pdf or jpg or png and when I try it, it eliminates the transparency effect.
Below is what it looks like when saved in PDF and any other format.
Currently working on a PowerPoint styled animation.I've parented the source text of 5 text layers to 1 text layer so I can easily alter the text. It is essential that I have 5 identically texted layers.
My requirement isn't much: To assign colors to individual words without having to separate those words into different layers.
What would be the best strategy on the usage of data set to translate our product packaging. It's quite complex as we have several languages on the same packaging. Moreover, we have different text sources that would require to be translated in different sets of languages.
I have already looked into the data set and I tried to get familiar with it. How to create the data set and how to name the different variables knowing that there are different source texts for a particular region (region means a set of languages) and other texts for another region... The idea is to export this into one XML file with well identified elements that can be split with a tool, sent for translation according to their region then merged back into one single file to be imported back into illustrator
Region 1: en-US text 1 text 2
fr-FR text 1 text 2
de-DE etc...
Region 2: en-US text 3 text 4
ru-RU text 3 text 4
Region 3: etc..
It seems that the formatting such as bold, italic and so on is not exported into the data set which is quite embarrassing.
I have a document with a single layer and a single group (GroupItem) in that layer.
Unfortunately, I didn't create the .ai file, so I don't know exactly what is in the group; however, there appears to be a bunch of complex clipping masks and gradient effects, etc. deeply nested within it.
I've successfully scripted a few tasks like resizing the group with no ill effect... in other words, this works as expected:
However, as soon as I try to move/translate/reposition the group, all the effects/masks seem to go wonky, I've tried all of the below with no success (200 is just arbitrary as a test):
I have no problem moving the group around on the document with my mouse... all the effects/masks are still nice and clean, so I'm confused as to why I can't do the same thing via JavaScript.
I want to get similar transforms with rotate and translate as I get it with the Transfommation Effect on multiple copies. But somehow the rotation of the Filter puts a different transform than doing it with rotation in js. With js the copies get rotated around a center, that is on the same level for all objects. With the filter the translations seem to have an different origin/direction. I dont get the logic how to get the same output with js.
For a couple of weeks ago, I started in a new school were all the students got Adobe Creative Suite CS6. The problem now is that all the programs are in Swedish, my home-language and I want it in English do to all tutorials and such on is in that language. Is there anyway to change the language in Illustrator to English? (I have already done it in Dreamweaver and Photoshop and everything is working just fine but I cant find for Illustrator)
The dictionary in the Character Palette always defaults to English USA in CS6. I have changed the setting Preferences > Dictionary and Hyphenation to English UK, but the Character Palette doesn't change, even though the setting remains changed in Prefs. I have opened each of the New Document Profiles in ..AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Illustrator CS6 Settingsen_USx64New Document Profiles (Windows 7) and changed the language in the Character Palette to English UK, and it STILL goes back to English USA!
Out of the blue, my type tool has been acting funny in Illustrator CS6. Generally my text boxes or bounding boxes are outlined in blue. However, now they are black. I'm not sure what instigated the change. Now I am typing in illustrator and it won't show any spaces between words.In the character pannel, the kerning is set to auto and tracking is set to 0. What are these black text boxes of death?
How to change the spell check in Illustrator CC to check spelling using UK English spelling permanently.
So everytime I start a new document or even open an existing document and go Edit- Check Spelling it will check the spelling as UK English not USA English?
so naturally our keyboard layouts are Danish.But there's a fantastic shortcut in Illustrator, that only works with the English layout. Basically - make a square and place a pattern in it. If you rotate the box using 'R' you rotate the entire box and the pattern. But if you hold the 'button next to 1' (tilde in some parts of the world, console in other parts) and then press 'R' it will only rotate the pattern and not the box.
However, that only works with the English layout.. what is the name of that function, so I can set up the shortcut manually or change the keys needed for the shortcut?
I have a brochure that was supplied by a client that I have to re edit to fit more text.I cannot get words to break causing gaps in text.I switched hyphenation on and of, word break on and of without any change in text.
We are trying to convert some text to a Hindi font a translator sent us. It is installed correctly on PC and shows up in Corel X5. When you convert it, it says it is the correct font in object mangar but appears a row of boxes? The font is Kruti Dev 010.
I'm having in CS6..I have a text block with a couple of styles in it (headings have one look, body copy has another). Here and there, some words are on bold. When I select some bold words and change the color of them, some other bold words in some other paragraph also change color. Not all bold words... just some. The behavior is unpredictable, so the exact words that get changed will vary, but once it starts to happen it won't stop. When I try to manually fix the other words (hopefully I noticed them before my client!) and change them back to black, sometimes that change reverses the color on the original words too. Sometimes not; it's like the effect is sometimes two-way and sometimes one-way. It becomes a real logic puzzle sometimes, a maddening game where every change affects something else and you can't find the combination of actions that will do the simple thing you want.
I haven't noticed it happening with non-bold text, but that could just be coincidence.
When this happens, the only fix seems to be to rebuild the text from scratch in a new text box. (Copying it all and re-pasting it does not seem to work—unless possibly I paste into a different document entirely.)
Do you folks have any ideas on how to get Photoshop to work properly with Unicode Hindi or Bengali fonts? The conjuncts get all broken when I paste in text, short vowels attach to the next consonant instead of the previos, and so forth.
I'm new to AutoCAD and have made a 3D model of a specific mounting bracket.
Now that I have the 3D model, I want to 'translate' it to a 2d layout so I can put some dimensions in it and bring the drawing to a local mechanical engineer. Here's the file of the drawing:
I'm trying to translate an AutoCAD 2013 Drawing into MapInfo format. I want to retain the 'Object type:' Geometry properties for each line but only get the default line geometry properties. How to link the 'Object type:' Geometry properties to the lines for translation? The drawing author called them 'civil 3d pipe network objects'.
when I transform my edit into an after effects composition from the premier timeline the text layers all come over as black solids and the text content is lost.
I don't give two hoots as to your no doubt legitimate technical reasons for this, but the bottom line is that it sucks, it's a waste of my time and effort and it just seems like a simple thing that you should have implemented from the ground up when building the dynamic linking between AE and PR.
Is there an expected timeframe for the issue to be addressed?
Just to explain my typical workflow a little, I'm an editor/motion artist, so it's very frequent I'll lay out all my picture assets and text objects on a video edit timeline alongside vo and music, and once I'm happy with the flow I move the timeline over to Ae to commence animation for tv commercials, political spots, advocacy work, whatever.