GIMP :: Change The Default Font
Feb 28, 2012The default-font in v. 2.6.8 is "Sans". I do not see anything in 'Preferences' that allows for changing the default to another font.
View 1 RepliesThe default-font in v. 2.6.8 is "Sans". I do not see anything in 'Preferences' that allows for changing the default to another font.
View 1 RepliesIs there a simple way to change the default font from Felix Tilting to Verdana in Photoshop CS5
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the default font in Illustrator CC?
View 10 Replies View Relatedhow do you change default font in illustrator cs4 on windows 7 operating system
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm on MAC OS 10.7.4, I'm using CS6 and I want to change the substitution font. But I don't want to do it manually to each line of text.. I have 2000 single page pdf files that use gotham font and I need to change 1 word. I do have gotham font by on my computer it's called gotham-htf. Same thing really.. but illustrator changes all the layout to myriad, and breaks it into 300 mini lines of text per file. I don't want to manually rechange everything 2000 times.
There's gotta be a way to set the default substitution font no?
I open an older document from an unknown source. A warning pops up that I have no substitute for the font, which is Helvetica90ms-RKSJ-H. I go to the "change font" window but am unable to substitute this font for the one on my system, which is Adobe Helvetica. If I try change the character style options default, it defaults right back to Helvetica90ms-RKSJ-H. If I manually change each bit of text (there are dozens in each document, and 200 documents), then copy/paste the fonts into a new document, the new document becomes corrupted and I can no longer choose the font on my system (Adobe Helvetica).
I have even tried an interim method of copy/pasting, by copying to the Windows notepad. That should lose any and all formatting. But when I copy it back to the Illustrator document, it becomes corrupted with Helvetica90ms-RKSJ-H.
I mainly use GIMP to create or alter memes for Facebook. The default fontfor text in 2.8 is Sans, just as in previous versions. However the type isnot Sans, but something similar to Courier (old typewriter type). Is theresome way to correct this fault and restore Sans as the actual font?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been using Xara for a very long time. I have recently started a side business generating signs and banners and continue to use Xara as my primary graphics editor, but I've discovered a tiny issue and I'm hoping there is some way around it. The Font Size live preview slider is limited (for some reason?) to sizes less than 32pt, and the font drop down list starts getting coarse after 24pt and tops out at 72pt sizes. Since most of what I'm doing involves text sizes larger than 72pt and much larger than the 32pt the slider allows, both of those options for adjusting font size have lost their usefulness.
Is there any way for me to adjust the values for the slider and/or for the drop down list to allow larger numbers? I realize I could use a scaling factor and layout my signs as a fraction of their intended size, but then I have hope to remember to change the scale when I import it into my sign cutting software or run the risk of wasting vinyl, so that would be my last choice.
Surely I can't be the only person who uses large text?
Also, any issues with exporting text into EPS and getting a change in the case of the text? If I export "This is Text" as an EPS file, when I import it into my sign cutting software, I sometimes get "tHIS IS tEXT", but if I import the same EPS into Xara it looks normal. Not sure if that is Xara or the sign cutting software (LXi Express Expert edition)... Until I figure that one out, I make sure to convert text to editable shapes before exporting it...
Is there a way I can set this with a switch appended to the "...gimp.exe" shortcut? Or any way that I can set it at all?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn GIMP 2.8, I'm having an issue with font settings not sticking with copied layers.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Click the text tool, then click the canvas.
2. Type the word "Cow".
3. Double Click the word "Cow" and set it to a fancy font, pink, and 24pt.
4. Select the "Cow" text layer and duplicate it.
5. Move the duplicated layer down. You now have two "Cow" layers in a pink, fancy, 24pt font.
6. Double click the word "cow" in the copied layer to highlight the word "Cow".
7. Type "Chicken" over the word "Cow"
Expected result:
The text is now "Chicken" in a fancy, pink, 24pt font.
Actual result:
The text is now "Chicken" in the default font.
In order to keep the font you want, you have to insert the new text after the first letter of the existing word. ie: "CChickenow", then remove the extra "ow" from the end, then remove the "C" from the beginning. This is very tedious and frustrating.
I am aware that you can set a default font to whatever you want (except making it bold by default?). But, if I copy a layer and type over it, it's because I wanted to copy the appearance of the layer, not start over with a new one. Is there a setting I can change? Or is this a known issue with text editing in 2.8?
If it is possible to change the default font used when inserting a symbol in mtext. e.g. the centerline symbol.
At the moment the font used is isocpeur and I would like it to be Romans.
How do I change the default font that is used for printing "Photo Info" in the Print Module? The only option I can find is the Font Size option, but what determines the default font that Lightroom uses to print the photo info?
As far as I can tell there is no way to change the "Photo Info" color to something other than black, is this correct?
How can I change the default point size of the numbers that the dimensioning tool generates? Right now it is defaulted at 24 pt. and i have to manually select and change to 10 pt all through my drawings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need it in 3 different colors, and 3 different fonts. So far when I try it doesn't work.
I can do the first word in one layer and open up a second layer for the next few words, but as soon as I start typing the second word, the first one becomes the color of the second word.
I can't change the default colors anymore. I mean the default foreground and background colors. I can change them to whatever color I need, but whenever I open GIMP they always start in some combination I had once a few weeks back.
I thought before that I was able to change it simply by going into the preferences and telling it to save the tool options are they are right now. But at some point my default colors got changed, and I can't change it back. Every time I open up gimp the colors are wrong. I can't find the correct option to change the default.
I'm using the Save for Web plugin:
is it possible to change the default settings somehow? I tried to check in the settings file but found nothing useable .
How to change the default tool settings in Gimp?
When I open Gimp, I want all selection tools to have antialiasing turned off, all thresholds set to 0, default brush set to 1 pixel, and erase tool set to hard erase.
How can I achieve this? (I use gimp for pixel drawings.)
How to use a photo behind cut out text and everything was going fine until I tried to add text and change the color. The text is invisible even though I changed the color to white and the box resized itself really small and I can't see anything even though I set it to 150 px.
Try to unchecking the 'dynamic text' button but I don't see this button anywhere in my text tab.
I have never been able to successfully use GIMP for anything because of this problem with adding text. I have had 2 versions, Windows and Linux. Right now I am using it with Pangolin.
Is there any way to change the format that's the default save. I don't use .xcf and prefer to use png or jpg. Why do I have to export them instead of simply save? Why did they change it in this version?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI adjust lots and lots of pix for our ebay auctions. Many items have at least 5 pix so they have the same file name but with a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. at the end of the file name to distinguish them from each other. Example: eapgcompote1.jpg , eapgcompote2.jpg etc..
The problem that I have with Gimp is every time I save/ export a pic Gimp does not save the last export location and last modified date nor does Gimp offer the ability to select from previously saved items like in PhotoShop. I have to go thru about 5 steps in order to save each pic.
Is there a way I can change the default file format from .xcf?
For example, I open a jpeg, crop it and try to save, but if I then try to save it as a jpeg I get a message telling me I have to 'export' first.
I know the Gimp isn't Photoshop but in Photoshop you get the option to choose the file extension at save or save as without the added step of exporting.
Is there a setting somewhere that allows me to choose as this messing around exporting from .xcf is a real drag when you're editing a lot of images. Plus you can end up with extra, unwanted, .xcf files.
Is there a reason why the Gimp defaults to .xcf for every file edit? It seems unneccesary when all you're doing is a simple crop etc.
Again Photoshop opens, allows edits and then saves in the original's file format, which does make for a more efficient workflow. Plus it doesn't default to .psd for every edit.I'm using Gimp 2.8 with Fedora 17 64bit and will now boot into Windows to work more efficiently in Photoshop till I can find a way to change this in Gimp.There doesn't seem to be anything in Preferences relating to file formats/extensions.
I just installed GIMP. My experience is with office suites, like WordPerfect and Sun Open Office.
First, is this the official forum for
I need to edit a GIF image file. I have it loaded and converted to RGB. I cannot find anything on any menu about edit a GIF file. It is basically a horizontal rectangle with text on the left and a color on the right, and I just need to replace the text and change the font, without disturbing anything else. It needs to "fit" back into a webpage afterwards. As far as I can see, there is only one layer, if that makes any difference.
Is there a way to change the transparent background view which is by default the gray checker. I'd like to make it for example blue.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I make a text, and if I like to change the font style how can I do this with out having to click on the new font,
every time I choose a different font I have to click on that font, and if I don't like I have to click on a different one
I like to do it like in Flash MX I move the pointer over the list of fonts and may text change the font style with out click on it
I know it is suppose to open the last font you used when you launch photoshop but I have never used Myriad Pro in my life, no offence to neither Robert Slimbach nor Carol Twombly. The font I primarily use is the Sans. There is no reason I should have to reset my font every time I launch. Why would this not be an option in the preferences? Photoshop CS6.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe just upgraded from '12 to '13, I am trying to find ways to set a font to default, but am unable to find a way that fits how we operate here. My boss likes to do things a certain way, so I have to make sure whatever I do falls within his parameters.
Anyway: I have read a number of articles about people saying to just change your template settings and save it. We don't, however, use a template. I guess we could start (if he let me), but all we do now is copy another x-ref or architecture page or what-have-you, save it in a new file, and go from there.
I also think I may have messed up my computer by trying to use fontalt. Now every time I start my machine up, it asks me to specify the fontalt. How to turn that off?
But the main thing: is there a way to get a default font setting to affect all of our files at once? If I go to "style" I can change every page at a time, but that gets lengthy. Was assuming there should be one change that does everything.
wats the default windows font (the one for folders etc.) is it system?
i am working on a project and need this to continue
we've been having with this upgrade is that our font - which had been some version of architxt.shx - has been set back to simplex. And we don't really use templates at all... when making a new drawing all we do is copy an old one. I'm getting the gist that templates are an under structure to the drawing, but I wouldn't be able to tell you which template informs all of our drawings, because quite simply we don't use and have never changed one.
Is there some way to globally affect all of our drawings - both new and old - so that everything is using the same text? I believe my coworker did something with a path/string in the options menu, but I don't know what, and am not about to mess with that without some definitive belief that I'm doing the right thing! Currently, if I want to print out a set in the font we want, I have to "style" change every single drawing. Obviously, there's got to be something better.
how to change the default font for new documents, but how to make it so that you have a preferred default font that overrides Myriad for any document you open. Is that even possible? I receive files from many different sources and most people just stick with Myriad. I need to change that font constantly in documents to Helvetica Bold and want the type tool to just stay there unless I manually change it myself.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you make Illustrator CS5 default to a font other than Myriad Pro. Say, like maybe Arial? This is the wish of a student in a classroom.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have had this problem since I loaded CorelDRAW X6 (64-bit) in June, 2012 but was busy learning all that was new since the ancient version running on my equally ancient Windows98 machine. Up until this point, I have tried all of the directions in the manual, this forum and on the website which includes, "Save Settings As Default". (These instructions do not differ from those I use in the old CD package only where I make them.)
These are the steps taken:
Open CorelDRAW X6 starting a new file.
Go to "Text Properties" Docker & choose the font, size, etc.
Under Tools, select "Save Settings As Default", close CDX6.
Technically, these steps should have saved the new font with associated choices for all future files until I change them again, but it does not. When I open a new or existing file, my new font changes do appear on the Text docker so I choose the outlined A on the toolbox bar, my choices are still showing on the Text docker and now, also on the Property bar. As soon as I click on the workspace where the flashing cursor awaits input, the text properties change to Arial, 24 pt, which has appeared since I first loaded the package. Should I redownload and reinstall the software? If so, where are the preference files so I can save them?