InDesign :: Autosize On Linked Textboxes?

Apr 2, 2014

I want to use Autosize on textboxes formatted by an object style. I use the textboxes for continuous numbering, and therefore the number inside will change if a box in the middle is removed.
I have tried, but somehow the autosize does nok work properly when linked. It does not update automaticly, and nor if I re-apply the object style. I have tried with coloumn break or tab as a divider between numbers, but none of them work.

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InDesign :: Change Text In Multiple Textboxes

Mar 27, 2014

I've got a document on 24 pages. On each pages I've got a textbox with the exact same text, formatting etc.It is already set up to easily change the formatting on all boxes at once, but what if I want to change the text? Do I have to manually change it on each page or is there a clever and easy way to set the textboxes up to change the text in them all at once?

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InDesign :: Autoflow flows All Pages To Textboxes On One Page?

Feb 4, 2014

I'm working on a document with tables, and when I ask it to autoflow, using the Shift- Click, after the first table, the rest of the tables are on one page, with long cylindrical text boxes, instead of the pages with large textboxes on them. 

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InDesign :: Using Linked Indd Files With Interactive PDFs?

Apr 8, 2014

I am trying to export an interactive PDF from an indd file that has multiple linked indd files. Within the linked files, I have URLs and a few forms.
I was able to get a URL to work on one linked indd file. The rest don't seem to work.Am I doing something wrong? Or is it just that an interactive PDF only works with one indd file at a time?

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Paint.NET :: AutoSize New Images To Fix Window

Oct 12, 2012

I'm about to start a project where I create a family calendar for 2013. If I get it done in time, it will be what I give out for Christmas presents this year.

I have about 300 images that I want to fill in a grid 4 across and 4 high so that I can get 16 images per month. That won't use all 300 images, but I'll be able to pick the best of the bunch.

Anyway, the image sizes range from 258x235 (WxH) to whopping 5616x3744 (WxH).

If I make each of grid sizes very, very large so that I can fit the largest image, I suspect I'll have problems with RAM and the project will be very slow.

If I make each of the grid sizes very, very small, then every time I try dropping a larger image onto the project, it's going to try stretching the canvas to fit the image or I'll have to struggle with squishing the images smaller.

I have image resizing tools, but they typically do not generate the kind of quality I like from Paint.Net.

Is there a technique so that dropping a file that is too large into a region will shrink the image to fit the canvas ...or magnify an image that is too small?

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InDesign :: Text Wrap Not Working With Linked Text Box

Feb 24, 2014

First I am a new user of InDesign so it might just be me. I am trying to use text wrap and it works fine with a text box. When I try to do the same thing on another page with a link text, text wrap does not work.

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AutoCAD VB :: Right Click Menu On Form To Copy And Paste Text In Textboxes

Dec 23, 2013

I'm a creating a Right Click Menu on VBA Form to copy and paste text in Textboxes. I have got the code to work on one textboxt named "TextCat" in the Mouse up event. I would like to be able to use the same code on all textboxes (some in frames) on a form without having to duplicate this long bit of code and change the textbox name multiple times for every different textbox mouse up event. .

Here is the code for a textbox "TextCAt" mouseup
Private Sub TextCAt_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Right Click MenuDim Pt As POINTAPIDim ret As Long If Button = 2 Then hMenu = CreatePopupMenu() AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING, 1, "Cut" AppendMenu hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 3, ByVal 0& AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING, 2, "Copy"

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Illustrator :: Images Linked On MAC Not Linked On Windows In CC

Jan 25, 2014

My designer has created an Illustrator file on his Mac that has linked images.  When he sends me the all the files and I open the ai file in Illustrator CC on my Windows PC, I need to re-link the images. One image can't be found at all.
However, if I open the file in CS4 it finds the linked files no problem.
Is this some bug in Illustrator CC for Windows?

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Photoshop :: Duplicating Multiple Sets Of Separately Linked Layers Results In All Layers Being Linked Together

Mar 11, 2013

I found an old thread from 2011 about the same problem and the mod reported it to the devs, but as far as I know no solution has ever been offered.(maybe in cs6? we are still using cs5)For one or two layers it's no problem to do it manually, but with say 40 layers with corresponding linked layers we need a better solution.

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Photoshop :: Linked Shadows?

Oct 12, 2007

I have two layers. One has a drop shadow and one an inner shadow.

When editing either one, it is affecting the other. If I move the angle, it changes the angle for the other layer's shadow. I can not see why. How can I determine what is causing this "linked" effect?

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Photoshop :: Linked Text?

Jan 31, 2005

When browsing web, ifound info that said using shift key whilst you edit text properties, to change all currently linked layers.

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Revit :: Linked CAD Linework

Oct 22, 2013

I am having trouble with the linework reading properly. I link a CAD dwg. to my revit model and once its in my model the linework doesnt read as it does in autocad. I have dashed or hidden lines in my CAD plan and once I link it in revit they show up as solid. I am thinking it has something to do with the LTscale in autocad?

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Revit :: Linked DWG Disappears

Jan 10, 2012

Having issue with linked DWG which disappears arbitrarily? It is still linked and the visibility of Imported categories is set to ON, but DWG is not visible in a view. When we were linking it we set Current view only (so we can not see this DWG in other view than in the particular one).The solution is to remove DWG and link it again..What may cause it is that we copied the DWG into all levels because it contains floorplans of all levels. In every level we moved the DWG into correct position and it is working for a while. We did not find a moment when it disappears .

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Revit :: Linked CAD Keeps Rotating

Jun 8, 2012

I'm having a real issue with Revit that I can't get my head around or find documentation on.
I have a model setup and linked a DWG file. The DWG is a topo survey drawn in real co-ordinates.  The DWG is linked center to center then then I moved and rotated it to suit the orientation of my new building in Project North. See image 01.
I've then aquaired the co-ordinates from the DWG.
I've change to True North and rotated the view. See image 02
All seems to be OK. If I detach and re-attach this DWG using the shared co-ordinated it ends up in the correct place so I've started work on my model. 
However, I've noticed that when I close and re-open my model or force ther DWG to reload it shifts position and rotates so I have to detach and reattach. See image 03

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Illustrator :: Linked Files In AI CS4?

Sep 25, 2012

When I try 'placing' an image into a AI document, it appears to be embedding the file [be it a psd, tiff, jpeg etc]. Why would it of stopped linking the file?
I spotted this because in my Layers palette it says 'image' or the file name next to the thumbnail, as appose to 'Linked File' like it always has done. And in my Links palette, I've got the odd looking icon [I'm not sure what it is] on the RHS. Why would AI be embedding the placed files all of a sudden, have I clicked something?

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Photoshop :: Modifying Linked Images

Jan 14, 2013

I'm making a booklet (in InDesign) that will have a few pages filled with collage-type visuals that I'm planning on making in PS. I'll be using a few low-res images that a photographer has given me but hasn't yet retouched, converted to high-res nor color profiled - but he will need to see my collages before being able to retouch them. I was wondering if there was a way to relink placed images in PS the way you can in Illustrator, but after rasterizing the images (since I'll be needing to lasso-cut into them to make the collage happen)?
Basically, what I'm doing right now is creating a canvas, placing two JPG images saved as TIF for testing, selecting "Edit Content" and cutting into them with the lasso, saving and switching back to my canvas. The modification is applied and correct, but when I select "Replace Content" and choose the same test file from its original source place (as I would do when the photog hands me over the retouched image), the relink removes the data I've just created and just inserts the full-sized image, thus destroying my "collage".
What am I missing here?

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AutoCAD LT :: Images Getting Linked Into Drawing

Jun 11, 2012

Ive made a drawing on autocad and have imported in .png images into my drawing. Though the images show up on my computer once I email it they dont show which obvioulsey means that there not linked to the memory in autocad just from the to link the images in?

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Photoshop :: Merging Linked Layers

Aug 9, 2004

Im wondering if anyone out there knows of a way to merge linked layers into a new layer, i.e. i have 4 shapes i want to put a stroke around but i still want all 4 layers can i create a new layer copy from the 4 shapes without copying each layer twice?

as of right now i merge the layers drag it into to another document then i undo my merge and drag the merged copy back into my working works but gets kind of annoying...

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AutoCad :: How Packages Can Be Linked To Other Software

Nov 14, 2011

Describe the advantages and of producing drawings electronically using CAD compared to manual drawings and sketching. When describing the CAD packages used in architecture, mention how they can be linked to other software that can aid the design process of construction.

I've done the first part, not so sure about the second part:

" When describing the CAD packages used in architecture, mention how they can be linked to other software that can aid the design process of construction."

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3ds Max :: Material Scaling In Linked Models

Jan 20, 2013

I'm using Max Design 2013 to render Revit models.

Linking the RVT file into max works well and all materials are scaled visually as expeected. The problem comes with replacing materials.

I'm working in Metric files in MM.

As an example I've got a wall in Revit with Brick, Common material attached, The image file used is Brick_Non_Uniform_Running_Burgundy.png which is 5 bricks wide x 16 brick courses tall. When rendered this look correct on the model.

However, I;ve I drop another Autodesk brick material onto the wall in Max the scaling is messed up. When I've noticed is that the scale on the Bitmap in Max of the Revit material is 3.33mm x 3.89mm The scaling of the bitmap of the Max material (same numbers of bricks) is 1016x1187mm.

Whats going on between Revit and Max that causes this behavior?

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3ds Max :: Linked AutoCAD Linework Has Too Many Vertices

Jan 9, 2013

I'm having an issue whenever I link an AutoCAD dwg. I model everything in Max but use AutoCAD line-work as a guide. As of Max 2013, when I do this, I notice that every line linked is divided into six segments. I tried re-loading the linked file setting curve steps to "0" but still no change.

The linking goes well, no problems at all neither at first nor at re-loading time, but it is quite annoying to have all these extra vertices when I'm modelling over the CAD lines.

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Revit :: Linked CAD Not Showing In Other Views?

Jul 18, 2011

I linked in a dwg floor plan and it shows on the first floor but not in the 2nd floor or any others views. I thought as long as you left "current view only" in the Link CAD Dialog box unchecked it should show in all views.

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Revit :: Controlling Linked Layers

Dec 22, 2013

Using Revit 2014, I link in a dwg file.  I open a view and using V/G overides for Imported Categories, I turn off the Acad layers I don't want to see.  Then the next time my dwg file is updated, the V/G will remain the same and I won't have to reset the layer views. Now I duplicate this view for additional views I need in my project.  But I need to apply a different View Template to each view.  This destroys the original V/G settings that I had set up for the dwg file.Is there a way to set up my linked file so that it retains the layer on/off settings through each update and lock it.  Then I can apply different View Templates to introduce other characteristics without altering the desired layer settings.

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3ds Max :: Distortion When Rotating Linked Geometry?

Oct 4, 2012

I have a robot model, and because he is a robot, he has a simple FK link structure. All the fk links work fine, except the wrists. when i rotate the wrists i get a skewing of the geometry of all the children below the wrist, and in the rotation gizmo on screen.

the are no link constraints in the hierarchy panel, and it is definately something to do with the fk link because if i unlink the wrist from the forearm it rotates normally.

the children rotate normally indepant of the wrist collectively and individually

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Revit :: Linked Lines Not Straight

Mar 5, 2013

I'm linking CAD files. The lines come in jagged. I think it is more of a graphics problem.

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Illustrator :: Could Not Find Linked File

Mar 2, 2013

I have been using adobe for 4 years and I have never had this issue. Anytime I create a new design and save and then try to re-open it ( after I have moved logo or background pic I used to a new folder) it gives me this error. It also does it if I try to open up something on my computer at home.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Could Not Find The Linked File

Dec 5, 2013

Why do I get "could not find the linked file" when opening a file in CS6 that has no such problem when opened in CS4?

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Illustrator :: Linked Images Not Showing?

Nov 29, 2012

We're running Illustrator CS4 across a suite of 12 Macs on OS X 10.6.8.  Over the last couple of weeks, several accounts have been hit with the same problem, that linking an image in an Illustrator document will not show the images, but just a bounding box.  The link information is correct, but I've found no way of getting the image to show, aside from embedding it.  Furthermore, saving a document in this state will cause Illustrator to crash when trying to reopen the document.
We use network accounts for the Macs, so all installs are local on each machine, but users access their profile directly from our server.  Therefore, all links reference a location on our network and not the local drive.  However, there does not seem to be anything wrong with the installs as the issue is with accounts and not the individual client.  Once the issue occurs for a user, it occurs on any Mac they log into, while unaffected users can use any Mac without issue.
Our network has run in this state for a year now and the problem has only surfaced recently.  I've tried clearing user's preference files relating to Illustrator, but this has had no effect.  It's also random when creating a new user on the network, as some will have the issue and others not, despite all being created with the same set of default preferences.

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Illustrator :: How To Remove A Linked Image

Jan 23, 2009

I have an illy file that has several "linked" images.

Some of these I wanted to keep and have embedded.

However, I would like to delete two in particular...which the images are no longer available or desired. But I see no way to do this.

I have tried to go to outline mode/wireframe view... and there are no boxes indicating where these images should I can't delete those.

The two images that Illy keeps asking for when I open the file have a red ? to the right of the image names.

How can I permanently get rid of these?

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Illustrator :: Linked Images Are Not Visible?

Jul 25, 2012

I created a document with linked images. (png and psd files). Although all pathes and filenames are the same and even when i klick on edit original files i se them in photoshop i do not see them in illustrator. even if they are on top level.

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Lightroom :: Files Not Linked Anymore

Jul 15, 2013

I have one folder out of many where the photos all of a sudden don't show up when I click on that folder, If I go to the hard drive where the photos are they are all in the folder most are Nikon Raw files.  O I thought let me try to re import them well the photos show up but they are greyed out like an already imported file is. how can I get these photos that lightroom % thinks are already imported to show up in the library.

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