Illustrator :: Permanently Save CS6 Preferences?

Jun 11, 2012

Each time I open Illustrator, I have to open preferences and go through changing everything back to the way I like it and it's getting really old. How can I permanently save these settings? I've read this article: [URL] .... but I think it's for older versions because I couldn't find the Adobe Illustrator Preferences file, and even if I did I wouldn't know what to do with it. I'm on Mac OSX.7. I previously used CS4 and it saved my preferences the first time permanently.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Change Default Preferences Permanently

Aug 26, 2012

where the preferences are saved for items like in the postscript tab. Automatically increase Flatness

Auto increase Fountain fill steps. Optimize Fountain Fills

Confirm to DSC

As far as I can see the default behavior for these should be ON, it used to be this could be saved as the Defaults until after version 9, now they turn off. However is there any reason to ever have them off? I think not but just in case there is I will allow as to leave them there for people to turn off.

Yes I am aware I can save those settings as Print styles and have in fact got 2, one with crop marks enabled and because crop marks are 100 % CMYK unless greyscale is chosen I have one with no cropmarks so Xerox doesn't charge me color clicks on mixed black and color prints. Of course one has only to forget to use one of these 2 preferences to have all the problems associated with not having those items checked such as dropped out complex items.

While I am at it another default should be NOT to treat all objects as filled - the first thing needed to be changed during a install. I can however live with it as is as it is not a item that needs to be changed with every job.

As I see it the most common reason for Adobe users to complain about Coreldraw is the problems that come by not having Auto Increase Flatness as a default postscript behavior and their not knowing to turn it on.

And while I am at it an addition for creating PDF's would be the option of creating as a Bitmap, this being the preferred proofing method so providing a proof doesn't provide the artwork to the client, it could also be a useful method of supplying Web artwork.

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Illustrator :: Can't Get Panels And Preferences To Save With MacBook Pro

Sep 11, 2013

I can not get panels and preferences to save using Illustrator CS6 on a MacBook Pro. When I close out of AI the settings/preferences don't stay.

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Illustrator :: Change Preferences To Automatically Save Files To Legacy Format?

Mar 24, 2014

I started at a company and I have a computer with CS6, while everyone else in the office has cs5.

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Photoshop :: How To Save Preferences

Aug 30, 2012

I am preparing to install a new hard drive in my computer and I don't want to lose all of my preferences.  How can I save these to reload after the install? I am using Adobe CS4 Extended v. 11.0.2 on a WIN XP Pro sp3 machine.
Also, will my preferences carry over to Adobe CS6 Design & Web Premium?
P.S. My current hard drive has suffered two crashes already so I'm hoping to get the hard drive switched over as soon as it arrives (next day or 2). 

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Photoshop :: Why Won't CS6 / CC Save Preferences

Jun 28, 2013

Each time I open Photoshop, I load an image and use my scroll wheel to zoom and I have to go back and re-do my preferences.  No preferences are ever saved. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Cannot Save Personalized Preferences

Sep 22, 2013

You can save so many tpersonal settings in CS6 and earlier versions, but you cannot save personalized preferences. Every crash requires tedious rebuilding ones personal preferences.Why can't we save our preferences?

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Photoshop :: How To Save General Preferences

Mar 22, 2012

I want to have a workspace specifically for pixel art, and do not want to have to reset all of the general preferences when I want to create a pixel art file.  Is there a way to save the general settings?

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Photoshop :: Cannot Save Files Or Preferences?

Oct 26, 2013

I'm getting the USheetSelection.cpp : 260 : REQUIRE failedin the error log and I can't save anythingI haven't changed anythingbut my list of recent files has disapearred CS6 extended photohop not working I have reset the preferences file but it still happens I reinstalled photoshop but it still happens
My error messages are:could not save because the file could not be found
and upon exit: could not save Preferences because of a program error.

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Photoshop :: Can’t Save Preferences Message In CS6

Feb 6, 2013

Could not save Preferences because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder.
Get me past this message. Nothing I have read applies exactly to eliminating this infuriating message. How do I get past, “Can’t save preferences message” in PS CS6?

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Photoshop :: Can't Save Preferences Because File Is Locked?

Oct 12, 2012

I just had to reinstall after a wipe of my Mac.  Program opens, I can use it, but when I quit it I get this message: Could not save preferences because the file is locked or you do no have the necessary privilieges.  Use the "get info" command in the Finder to unlock or change permissions on the file or enclosing folders.
I went into Applications, right clicked on the CS5 icon, which brought up the "get Info" box.  At the bottom, under Sharing & Permissions it says I have custome access; Me: read & write

System, read & write
Admin, read & write
everyone, read only
On the "everyone" the only choices I have are read only, write only or no access.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Personal Preferences Don't Save

Feb 23, 2009

One of my users has modified the application options, (switched of grid lines, and minor grid lines), applied them, and worked on his project. When he exits Inventor, and re-starts it, the application options go back to basic default, (i.e. Grid and minor grid lines appear). I've checked the Read/Write permissions of The Program files folder, the program files x86 folder, and the path in his my documents folder, and all are OK.

I exported the application options, after tweaking them, and if I import that exported file, everything does as we expect, i.e. grid and minor grid lines are switched off.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Open And Save Preferences

Apr 3, 2013

I'm taking the Basics training coarse and while doing exercises something changed in my Open and Save preferences.  As far as I know I didn't do anything to make the change.  It used to be when I clicked on the "Open File" button a window with a visual tree would open on screen and I could visually go through my files, opening sub folders until I found the file I wanted.  The "save" and "save as" buttons worked the same. 

Now, instead of the window with visual map, I get a command line where I'm asked to type in the destination and name of the file. 

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Illustrator :: How To Permanently Replace Myriad With Helvetica

Jan 27, 2014

AI CC on MacOS 10.9.x.The default font is Myriad.  Surely this is not hard-coded, and can be changed. I want Helvetica instead.
I know about changing the default in existing profiles and creating new profiles with my choice of font.  Not enough!  I want to change the underlying default, the one that is used when no profile is active. 
When is no profile active?  Apparently this occurs when I drag a JPG onto the AI program or Dock icon.  The import works fine, puts the JPG in a new AI document --which is exactly what I want to do-- but activates no profile.

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Illustrator :: How To Permanently Add Swatches To The Swatch Panel

Jun 21, 2012

I've looked everywhere for this answer and have found very little. What little I have found had to do with Windows, I'm on a Mac running Illustrator 5.5. This has bugged the crap out of me forever, how do I permanently add swatches to the swatch panel?

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Photoshop :: Crashing Whilst Printing - How To Save Preferences

Nov 11, 2013

How do I export and import preferences? I need to trash them often because PS is crashing when I try and print. Suport only gave me this instruction and couldn;t figure out a solution - just trash my prefs.

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Illustrator :: Change Spell Check To UK English Permanently AI CC

Jul 21, 2013

How to change the spell check in Illustrator CC to check spelling using UK English spelling permanently.
So everytime I start a new document or even open an existing document and go Edit- Check Spelling it will check the spelling as UK English not USA English?

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Illustrator :: How To Permanently Delete A Color From Layer Options

Oct 25, 2012

Is there a way to permanently delete a color from the layer options? Let me explain. When you open Illustrator or add layers the program seems to randomly select an "edge" color. So when you click on an object the outline is highlighted in that randomly selected color. Now I know that you can double click on the layer and get the layer options pallet and then select what ever color you want. But I have been using AI for over a decade and the straw has finally broke the camels back. If yellow shows up one more time….

I see I can make my own colors but can I delete yellow and half the other colors, from the pallet, for ever?

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Illustrator :: Permanently Showing Paths Without Stroke Or Fill

Aug 31, 2012

Returning to Illustrator after not using for a long time.
How can I permanently show paths created for example by the pen tool when I create them with no fill or stroke attributes - for example a set of contours?
If I set the view to outline (control + Y it does this but puts them on a white background meaning I can't see underlying layers.

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Illustrator :: Change Default Text In CS6 Permanently For Every New Document Or Import?

Feb 27, 2014

My work involves importing in new documents and formating them correctly. We have a specific font style that is different than the original font. Illustrator cannot read those fonts, so it defaults to Myriad Pro in the original text size. Since it is changing it from Myriad Pro to Arial, I don't really have a problem with the global change that this would have.
I already have the [Character Styles] options set up for a template, but this does not work on new documents.
We are on Windows 7 with CS6.

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Illustrator :: Way To Import Preferences In CC

Aug 12, 2013

Is there a way to import preferences (e.g. saved workspaces, keyboard shortcuts) in Illustrator CC? I just upgraded from CS6.

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Illustrator :: Brush Won't Keep Preferences CS6

Dec 16, 2013

Everytime I try to use the brush, it automatically becomes uniform, 5 pt round. I change it to what I want, and as soon as I use the brush, it jumps back to the old settings. How can I change the settings and have them stay so I can create multiple strokes in succession without having to go back and change each one? It's so frustrating.

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Illustrator :: How To Trash Preferences In CS3

Mar 10, 2013

I cannot seem to remember how to successfully trash the preferences in Illustrator CS3 PC platform. I tried moving the preferences folder, but I think there is one other thing that needs to be done..

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Illustrator :: Resetting Preferences In CS6?

Jul 26, 2012

Im trying to reset illustrator Preferences with the shortcut option+command+shift   but its not working, it worked with photoshop but with illustrator its not working why ?
also in CS6 where to find illustrator Preferences file to delete them in case short cut dont works

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Illustrator :: How To Migrate Preferences From CS5 And 6 To CC

Sep 19, 2013

I have a substantial library of symbols, brushes, and swatches that I've been carrying along with me since CS3.
I just installed Illustrator CC (among other apps) and I was wondering if there was an easier way to migrate all that stuff into the new version besides dragging files into folders like I've had to do in the past.

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Illustrator :: Can't See Preferences Dialogue Box

Jan 26, 2011

When I click on the button, the dialogue box does not appear and the program is locked up until I hit escape.  Before I do that it "pings" when I click elsewhere.

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Illustrator :: Trash Preferences At Startup?

Dec 16, 2013

I've had to trash my preferences for Illustrator recently and used the Cmd-Opt-Shift-Ctrl method.
I've been a little confused that there wasn't any alert confirming that I wanted to trash the prefs.
confirm that Illustrator DOESN'T give this alert dialog when trashing the prefs?

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Illustrator :: How To Delete Preferences In Mavericks

Feb 7, 2014

I'm using Adobe Illustrator 15.0.2 (CS5) on my iMac which is running Mavericks (OS 10.9.1). In the past, I've simply trashed my plist files in my user's Library's Preferences folder. I did this and it doesn't seem to work. I'm not computer savey enought to do any programming work without very clear instructions. I see that people have talked about the difficulty with doing such things in Mavericks.

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Illustrator :: Preferences Menu Not Accessible

Jun 5, 2013

the preferences menu is not accessible when pressing ctrl+k or the "preferences" on the top menu bar

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Illustrator :: Restoring Default Preferences?

Dec 8, 2012

My adobe manual suggests restoring default preferences before each tutorial by deleting AIPrefs in the appropriate folder. While I have done so succesfully before, for some reason it does not work this time.  Panels, etc are still in place, even after restarting my machine.

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Set Preferences For Large List View

Jul 1, 2013

I have all my symbols named and catagorized in alphabetical listing. Whenever I open a new symbol library it alwasy reverts to large thumbnails. These thumbnails are usually too small to see the small differences between different shirt types. Also I have trouble with white symbols being hard to see.
Anywho obviously I can just switch it to large list view and then its fine. But I'm getting annoyed that I have to do it every time I open a new symbol pallet. Its like 1 more task that I feel like this several hundred dollar software should be smart enough to do for me.
I've looked in preferences to no avail. How or if you can set the large list view as a default for opening libraries. Brush, symbol or otherwise?

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