Firstly, I'm using Illustrator CS6. I'd like to round a specific corner of a shape (a rectangle to be specific). I've seen in other posts that the CornerEffects.jsx script should work. But every time I select my rectangle, go to File > Scripts > CornerEffects.jsx I get this pop-up.
Using Inkscape, I can easily create an hexagon with rounded courners. The result in below in yellow (the right hexagon). It's possible to see that not only the corners are rounded, but the entire shape is (the lines around the hexagon aren't completely straight). I am now trying to acheive the same effect with Illustrator CS6, but I can't find out how. The closest I got is the white hexagon below (on the left). The corners are rounded but the lines are straight.
How can I create an hexagon identical to the one in yellow above with Illustrator?
I'm working in Illustrator CS3. Recently the program has begun to do something I have never notice before. If I use the round corner's filter: Filter>Stylize>Round Cornors then every box I create after using it has rounded corners that I cannot get rid of. Things drawn with the pen tool also have rounded corners I cannot get rid of. The only way to stop the problem seems to be to open a new document and then the tools are set back to their default without automatically rounding corners.
Who do I use the rounded corners filter on a single object at a time and not get to automatically be applied to all subsequent objects created.
Is it possible to find the value of the corner radius of the rounded corners for a rectangle that was created with the Rounded Rectangle Tool. This if for CS4.
I have a rounded corner rectangle in a template that I am working on..I would like to extend the vertically but keep the rounded edge dimensions the same as I extend vertically.
Right now I extend the rectangle but the edges also extend.
All the default arrowheads are sharp corners. I need to make an arrowhead that looks sort of like Arial Rounded, where the arrowhead itself is rounded at the point and on the ends.
I have an image that I created with rounded corners that sits on a transparent background. But when I save it the picture (jpeg) always comes out a rectangle without rounded corners (with a white background). How can I save it with rounded corners?
Modelling a solid in AutoCAD 2008, I am a " good enough " user of AutoCAD in 2D ( at least for what I need ) but almost a beginner at 3D modelling.
I can't get a cube corner rounded. The portion of the corner that is to be subtracted from the box is defined by three arcs, each one at a different face, you can see more clearly what I mean if you see the attached file:
I'm trying to learn illustrator cs2 on my own and am having some issues with a few basic functions. I am drawing shapes using the rectangle, ellipses and trying to join them together. How do i trim 2 lines together to make a corner. I would like to cut off the exess at the ends by cutting to the other lines. I know this seems basic but I can't figure it out. In the end I want to make a figure using all the drawing tools ( pen, line, shapes etc) and have the outline just one feature.
I have Photoshop elements 2.0 for mac and have read your "Making round corner rectangles in Photoshop" I think that Elements must not have the this option. I'm missing the paths (Create Work Paths Tool) (Vector Shape tool) Everytime I use the "rounded Corners Rectangle tool" It makes rounded corners but it does it in reverse.
I takes away the middle of my photos instead of the outside of the photos. I can't seem to reverse this or invert it. I tried clicking in invert and nothing happens. It just always takes away the center of the photo. What can I do???
I'm trying to make a rounded-corner box with a gradient-style border. Obviously, the straight sides of the box are easy to create the effect for, but not so the rounded-corners.
How to I get the gradient to follow the curve - to blend from the curved edge - rather than just giving me a linear gradient as if I was doing it from a rectangular corner?
I tried some other gradient types, there didn't seem to be anything that did the trick.
I'll try to attach a quick test file, if it lets me, to illustrate what I'm talking about. Note how the gradient cuts out diagonally across the rounded corner rather than curving and following the corner around.
Or is there a different way to create this kind of border?
I am working in cs6 for Illustrator and Photoshop. I would like to make a rounded rectangle with an inner border. The area between the two borders I would like to add a decorative paper that I created in Photoshop. The large center remains white. I've tried clipping it, but apparently did not do it correctly. How to accomplish this?
I am trying to make the hands of a clock with a small red rounded rectangle near the top. But as I rotate the shape the lines are no longer straight. The hands of the clock are invisible but a bounding box for the small rounded rectangle. It won't stay straigh either. I have tried everything I can paths, etc.
I have a banner heading that is more or less outlined text. I want to give all the corners a rounded corner and at the moment would just do it all by hand, one at a time. So I want to go from a to b:
But I would like to find an easy way to make all corners the same diameter regardless of the angle too.
I draw square. The 1st point and last points are left-top and finally set 5 points.The direction is clock-wise and made closed path.To get smooth-curved polygon shape, I used API 'PointsToCurves'.But, the first and last points are connected by cornered (not smooth) point. Here's result.
Maybe, I must set that square is closed path, to API, but it seems to be no parameter to set.So, I want to know how to get smooth corner shape every corner.I use SDK CS5.
I need to have an image appear as full screen initially and then reduce in size and sit top left of screen so that it remains visible, whilst other images come and go across the remainder of the screen.
However I'm tired of having all my sites being so square... so how do I round the edges at the top & bottom header & footers. Here would be one simple example: ....
I am trying to make some trim work to go on a project of mine. Im using a shape then tryig to extrude down the curve is there a way to make the corner tight or a plugin to make trim work easier. you can see in the first image what im trying to make and the second my curve and what i get when im done.
I am trying to get my drawings into revit but I am stuck on getting the basic form of the building in Revit.
Since I am using slanted walls I need to work with a Mass but I can't get the mass look like my idea. The picture I attached is a simple screen capture of Rhino with the outline of the building.
I have a flat drawing of the earth on its own layer and, through shading, would like to make it look rounded. Painting over it with the brush tool at a low opacity might be one way to do it, but is there an easier way?
Filter > Distort > Diffuse Glow came close to the effect I want, but Spherize was off the mark. Anything else I can try?
I'm building a flash site and i'm trying to make that nice smooth and rounded outline (just a simple dark grey line with rounded edges) to put in the background
I cannot seem to do this! I feel very stupid, as i'm not actually bad with photoshop. I've made a 750x450 photoshop file and just cant get it to look nice.
Does someone have a simple method for this? How can i do it to the very maximum size that will fit on the 750 450 doc?
the perfect example is of the main flash part of the macroedia site here here
We work on animal designs for our jewelry. We would like to make lines going around the designs like a frame that would look like a rounded wire or pipe.
Handcrafted unique jewelry created in animal, wildlife, flower and western designs.