Illustrator :: How To Merge Two Vertices

Aug 5, 2011

"Join" command works but that's messy if the vertices are in the same location..
Is there any "Weld Vertices" command or equivalent like you see in 3D programs?

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Illustrator :: Attach Line Vertices To Other Objects Centres?

Jun 6, 2013

Is it possible to attach the vertices of a line to the centres of various objects so when I move the objects the line vertex attached to that object's center moves with it?
And what is a vertex called in Illustrator? It seems I'm using the wrong name for vertices.

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Illustrator :: Remove Vertices Keyboard Shortcut As Opposed To Delete?

Aug 16, 2013

Is there a way to remove selected vertices with the keyboard, without deleting them and the section of line they once represented?
All the key combos I've tried just delete the line section and vertices, when I really just want to remove the vertices.
I realise the > tool can do this but that's painfully slow when there's a bunch of them.

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Illustrator :: Get Miter-joined Vertices On Unfilled Right Triangle With 3 Different-colored Sides?

Mar 6, 2013

I want to create a right-angled triangle (just the three sides, no fill) where each side is a different color (say red, blue, and green). For generality, let's assume it's a scalene (rather than isosceles) right triangle. I want the weight of each line to be about 3pt. (But I guess that's not a crucial number. Let's say I'd like the sides to be 20 or 30 pts thick, for the thrill of it.) I know how to draw the three lines of specified width, make them different colors, and arrange them into a triangle. My problem is how to make the vertices (corners) look miter-joined rather than have them overlapping each other, which obviously looks terrible and like something an infant drew in Microsoft Paint. ;-) If I join the 3 paths into a single shape, they all become the same color, so I'm thinking I have to keep it as 3 separate lines (paths). The only solution I can think of is: Instead of drawing three lines of 3pt weight, draw three extremely thin rectangle shapes (about 3pt wide), one of each color, and rotate/position them so that they form the sides of a right-angled triangle. Then go in and do some visual surgery at the vertices to make the vertices look miter-joined.

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Illustrator :: Merge Is Not Working

Jan 15, 2014

In Illustrator CC Pathfiner>Merge is not working, will not unite two objects of same color, and actually changes color of the top object!

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Save A Print Merge File With Merge Data Field

Feb 26, 2013

Why cant I save a cdr job with all the merge fields setup so that next time I open the file I can go straight to 'merge to new document'.

So Ive set up a 10 to view raffle tickets job.  Inserted 20 numerical merge fields, positioned, resized, applied font size color alignment etc etc etc.. Takes ages.....  So then merge to a new document, works nice and I can save it fine. 

There are a hundred reasons why i may have to close the 'master' merge file before the job has been successfully printed.  It may be a repeat print job.

Any which way I really dont get why the live merge data  fields are lost on closing the file.

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Illustrator :: How To Trim Or Merge Gradient

Oct 16, 2013

Whenever I try to trim or merge a gradient it only divides it, but when it's solid it works. Why? I'm trying to trim/merge some artwork with a lot of gradients and it's making it impossible. Any way to do this with gradients. Here is an image of what I'm talking about showing it working with solids, but not gradients.
<a href=[URL].....><img src=[URL]....></a>

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Illustrator :: Strokes That Appear To Overlap Rather Than Merge?

Jan 10, 2014

Is there a way to draw a single line so that it appears to overlap like in the example below (right), instead of appearing to merge like it is doing as circled in red (left)?

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Illustrator :: Why Swatches Not Used Merge Into Document

Aug 2, 2012

Do color swatches 'stick' to an  Illustrator file even after you delete them? I have to use the same spec box on all my documents to relay info to my printer which is in it's own Illustrator doc. BUT when I copy it and paste it into any file I am working on Illustrator always asks me about merging the swatches even tho there is only ONE color being used in my spec box file. My printer is losing patience b/c they think my files are a mess when I send them but my swatch pallet is clean and tidy on my end!

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Or Flatten Set Of Objects

Jun 20, 2013

I have this image, which came in the form of a jpeg or similar pixelated  format, and I opened it in AI CS5 and did a live trace to vectorize it. it came out with a billion points.  I had to add some  "shading"--the black facets of the diamond--so I direct selected the  facets I needed and then filled them black.  Since then I've been trying  to make the whole damn thing one shape so that I can put a stroke  around only the outside of the diamond, but haven't been able to figure  out how to do it. While I definitely started out with a diamond that was mostly white, with the outline in black, it is acting as if there is a black outline base layer with some white layered on top.  I also don't know how that happened.  I understand that I could use the pen tool and redraw  this easily--that's not the point..

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Illustrator :: CS3 - How To Merge Layered Images

Jul 1, 2009

Possible to merge layered images in Illustrator CS3?

I'm used to doing it with Photoshop. I thought the merge in Pathfinder would work but apparently not

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Artwork Correctly

Jun 5, 2013

I created a piece of artwork for a t-shirt. The artwork is on the top layer and the t-shirt outline is on the bottom layer.  How do I merge the two layer so that all the artwork outside of the t-shirt lines disappears? I don't want to see any of the artwork that sits off the t-shirt.  I have been trying to do this with Pathfinder but I am not having success.

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Illustrator :: CC - Cannot Merge Two Closed Paths Into One

Mar 21, 2014

In Illustrator CC my merge command  doesn't seem to be working correctly. Instead of merging two closed paths into one it seems to be trimming them, or slicing them. I stupidly thought it was an update to the feature and have been trying to get my head around using it but I've just shown my colleagues and they assure me it's not right.

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Illustrator :: Merge Complex Shapes From Transparency?

Sep 3, 2012

I am using Illustrator 16.0.1.
I have extracted a svg model from a PDF map, which leaves me with a lot of complex shapes that are not optimised.

For example, these shapes are all composed of a lot of unneeded sub shapes. When trying to merge them together via Pathfinder > Merge, I get :

Is there a way to clean up those shapes from transparency, to get the smallest possible amount of points?

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Illustrator :: Merge A Number Of Images Overlaying Each Other?

Oct 12, 2012

merge a number of images overlaying each other then using compound paths to make one image.

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Illustrator :: Unable To Merge Points Islands?

Dec 9, 2012

I know that to merge different sections they have to be on the same layer / sublayer then you should cut them so they merge or rather it's not closed.  That is exactly what I did and the little gap you see in the image, I can't get those two to merge together as one seamless object ?

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Illustrator :: Merge Objects And Apply Gradient To Them?

Jan 22, 2013

I'm working on a logo and I need to merge three objects into one and then apply a gradient. I have a circle, a ring around it and a line that connects the circle and the ring. How do I merge these three objects? I've been looking around the intenet but not found out how to do it..

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Objects And Retain Fill

Oct 30, 2012

I am using Illustrator CS6
I have a vector shape with a gradient fill. I then gave it a gradient stroke as well, but I wanted to edit the stroke separately so I expanded the stroke from the fill. Now I have 2 objects; my shape and the separate stroke as it's own shape. This seemed necessary to be able to use the gradient tool on the stroke to manually move the gradient.
Now, I would like to merge these back into one layer, so when I go to edit the points to all move in one direction, they all move together without going all wonky.
Is this possible? Or have a screwed myself over by expanding the object?

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Multiple Slices Into One Object

Jun 27, 2012

I have a logo for an organization I volunteer for that I guess was originally made in such a way that it consists of a large number of "slices" on top of each other. I don't mean slices in the same meaning as the tool in Illustrator, but rather separate, horizontal objects on top of one another that together form the logo. They are not overlapping but have common anchor points.
Here is a crop of the logo file: [URL]....
How do I merge these slices into one object? I'd like to clean up the logo and the paths are quite hard to modify as it is

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Illustrator :: Action To Merge Swatches Works In AI CS5 But Not In CS6

Nov 12, 2012

I had recorded an action to merge selected colors in Illustrator CS5 but after switching to CS6 and loading the action it did not work. I also tried recording it a new but that did not work either. I can merge the colors if I manually select the Merge Swatches option from the flyout panel nested in the Swatches panel.

Currently I am running Mac OS 10.6.8.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Merge Swatches No Longer Functions As Action?

Mar 5, 2013

My coworkers and myself have recently updated to Illustrator CS6, but one glaring issue we are currently dealing with is the loss of this feature. Manually invoking the 'merge swatches' command from the swatch panel options does still work, but when trying to assign this function into an action, the action simply does not work. This was possible in CS4 (not sure about CS5), so I am left to conclude that this may be a bug in the software?
I have also tried to utilize the javascript and applescript API, but short of re-writing the entire function from scratch, this functionality does not seem to be implemented natively through either.. One thought I did have was to replace one swatch's color information with another selected swatch's information, but this seemed only to update the swatch it'self and not the artboard as well.

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Or Unite Specific Parts Of Different Paths

Nov 9, 2013

i am stuck with filling my path, i don t know hot to merge, or unite specific parts of different paths, I hope the picture explain it better, i want to fill the area marked orange with solid color. I am using Illustrator CS6.

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Illustrator :: Align Small Arc To Corner To Merge It Into Larger Shape

Mar 8, 2013

I'm trying to use Smart Guides to align a small arc to a corner so I can merge it into a larger shape. Well, I've grabbed my arc on one of the anchor points and I drag it to the larger shape's path but no snapping, no "path" or "intersection" labels show up. I've got all the options for Smart Guides checked off and I've got Snap to Point enabled but still no luck. It makes precise alignment a guessing game.

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Two Shapes In Order To Delete Specific Paths

Feb 5, 2013

I have two shapes overlapped (a circle and a star be to be exact). A triangular are of the star is overlapping the circle.
How can I merge the two shapes in order to delete specific paths? Thus creating a pie-like shape (circle, with the triangular section cut out of it).

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Lines And Shapes In Order To Create One Final Shape

Nov 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a star icon with lines through it. I used the star shape builder tool and then the line segment tool, but the lines are not being recognised as part of the star shape. For example, when I try to turn the star, the lines remain in the same place. This is pretty much exactly what I am trying to make, but I can't form the segments into one cohesive, editable shape.

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Illustrator :: Merge 2 Paths Surrounding Hand Drawn Imported Vector?

Sep 17, 2013

I've created a hand drawn vector in Adobe Ideas and imported it into Illustrator CC. I've used a basic example below to test this method, but I want to be creating more complex hand drawn vectors in the near future. You can see the same line in the 3 images below. The third image shows a close up of the line where it's surrounded by 2 paths. Any way that I can merge the 2 paths in the third image into 1 path?

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Illustrator :: Change Opacity Of Multiple Colors After Performing Live Paint Merge?

Jan 9, 2013

I recently created an illustration where I need muliple colors on 1 document. I did a command + a to select all, then I went to object->live paint->make. After I added my colors I tried to change the opacity on a few of them, but the opacity for the entire document changes. Is there a way to get around this.....or do it right?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Killed Merge Layers / How To Merge Layers

Sep 4, 2012

For what I need Photoshop for, I use CMD-E all the time to create raster graphics from vector shapes. I often use this feature to combine shape layers to create buttons.  So, this completely destroys my work flow. The only work around I've found is to create an additional raster layer to merge with the vector layers. 

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3ds Max Modeling :: Why Won't Vertices Connect

Aug 15, 2013

Why won't these vertices connect?

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3ds Max :: Unable To Use Fillet On Vertices

Jul 22, 2011

I can't use fillet on some vertices? For example go to create panel and choose shape then draw a rectangle , choose fillet and try to fillet the last vertex (number 4). it doesn't work!.

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3ds Max :: Combining Vertices / Edges

Oct 27, 2011

I have attached a pic of the problem in question . I am new to 3ds Max and am following a tutorial on YouTube in order to model a car. As you can see in the picture I need to combine the two vertices circled in red and the edge lines which are highlighted yellow. I cannot figure out how to do this. In the video the guy just snaps the vertices together using the 'Snaps Toggle' tool and boom there is no gap between the polygons.

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