Illustrator :: How To Merge Or Flatten Set Of Objects
Jun 20, 2013
I have this image, which came in the form of a jpeg or similar pixelated format, and I opened it in AI CS5 and did a live trace to vectorize it. it came out with a billion points. I had to add some "shading"--the black facets of the diamond--so I direct selected the facets I needed and then filled them black. Since then I've been trying to make the whole damn thing one shape so that I can put a stroke around only the outside of the diamond, but haven't been able to figure out how to do it. While I definitely started out with a diamond that was mostly white, with the outline in black, it is acting as if there is a black outline base layer with some white layered on top. I also don't know how that happened. I understand that I could use the pen tool and redraw this easily--that's not the point..
I came across this site a few weeks ago and was happy to see that a community like this existed. I am new to CorelDraw and have been playing around with it because my friend just bought a Roland GX-24 vinyl cutter and I wanted to make some designs for it. I, however, am overly experienced with Photoshop and not enough with CorelDraw, but would like to balance that out.
I came across my recent predicament when I exported my CorelDraw image into Roland CutStudio and it wanted to cut all the underlying curves from each layer, instead of the black and white image as it appeared. I wasn't surprised this happened because I couldn't figure a way to join/ merge the curves before I exported, but I was still hopeful that it might cut the image as it appeared.
This first object is a blade layer and as you can see from the picture, when selected, its curve goes right through the other spiral object. How can I merge these curves? As it stands right now, I can't even figure out a way to select the two of them at the same time, let alone join the curves.
....and vice versa in this picture, the spiral object when selected goes right through the blade
....and in the foremost layer of the image when selected, the curves also continue through the spiral
Here is a picture of the current layers for this whole image. The front layer I paint bucket filled numerous portions of it with white so it stuck out above the bottom two other layers, so all the fills make it a group of 161 objects, and the next layer is a group of 2 objects which are the spiral and the blade from the first 2 pictures.
My question is how can I merge or join all the curves in the entire image, essentially flattening the whole image as it appears?
I'm working on a logo and I need to merge three objects into one and then apply a gradient. I have a circle, a ring around it and a line that connects the circle and the ring. How do I merge these three objects? I've been looking around the intenet but not found out how to do it..
I have a vector shape with a gradient fill. I then gave it a gradient stroke as well, but I wanted to edit the stroke separately so I expanded the stroke from the fill. Now I have 2 objects; my shape and the separate stroke as it's own shape. This seemed necessary to be able to use the gradient tool on the stroke to manually move the gradient.
Now, I would like to merge these back into one layer, so when I go to edit the points to all move in one direction, they all move together without going all wonky.
Is this possible? Or have a screwed myself over by expanding the object?
What's the difference between merge layer and flatten image?Especially in terms of saving the image. I understend that flatten image simply takes things down to one layer but what is partucularly different about merge?
The other thing is is it possible to distort just a portion of an image rather than the whole thing. Say for example to lengthen someones neck only? The only way I've found is to cut a selection then move things around leaving a gap that has to be filled using clone etc. Is there some way of stretching and compressing just portions of the image?
I am new to Illustrator (CS5, Mac OSX)..I made a logo which contains several gradients and transparencies and it is meant to be printed for several purposes.If I don't perform a manual flattening of my artwork (Object > Flatten Transparency) and just choose to save it as as a .pdf with the high quality print preset, will the printed product look as I am seeing it on the pdf?
The color mode on the original .ai was set to CMYK from the beginning at 300 dpi resolution and all, and the final image on the pdf looks all right, just as I want it to be... but I am unsure if saving as a .pdf will automatically flatten all transparencies and effects on the artwork.
Unfortunately the logo is for a client who's on another state, so I cannot see for myself the printed product. I've already encountered several bumps along the way with this client and I want to make sure the file I am about to send will not be rejected.
Well I sent my design work (used illustrator CS4) to offset printer and it came out one picture dropped. The offset printer says beucase "the pdf was not flattened". How should I "flatten" the PDF?
I have an illustration that I created where objects are overlapping eachother, what is the best way to get just the oulines with out a lot of copy/paste/knock out? It takes a while and to me it seems there should be an easier way. I've attached a pic to explain what I'm talking about.
I have a few files that I need to flatten clipping masks on and for some reason they just won't flatten. It either keeps the mask after flattening or just blows it out completely as if no mask was created. I can't seem to pinpoint what is causing it as sometimes it works and other times it does not. I'm trying to attach to show an example but I'm getting an error of doesn't support property or method?
I need to have my file in EPS, so I need to avoid transparency or avoid vector illustration because some part of the image rasterize. I still didn't find a way, how to make it, but I can see illustrations, which are vectors and saved in EPS and the effect drawned there MUST be done with transparency.
I created a simple file, where there is a gradient on the background in layer Bg nad another layer Glow with circles. The circles are made by gradient which goes from solid colour to a fully transparent one, so it can join the Bg nicely.
This is how the circles' gradient looks like.
This is the scene.
When I want to save it I select all the transparent objects and all the objects which touch the transparent one. In this case, it is everything in the scene. Then I press Flatten transparency and apply it with following setting. Anyway, every setting (higher ppi) I tried failed.
The result: Illustration full of images -> rasterized -> failed.
Just for example take this illustration - it had to been done with transparency, but it is still a vector graphics! [URL]
I am getting white lines around anything with a drop shadow or outer glow after flattening the transparency in Illustrator CS6. The only thing I have found that remedies this is to rasterize all objects with effects. Is there another way with out having to rasterize the transparencies?
I am teaching myself Illustrator CS6 and have just created a complex image on one layer (contains about 145 different elements).
I now want to simplifuy the image so that I can use the 'knife tool' to cut and move a segment of the image (imagine an expanded pie chart).
I know how to convert the image so that instead of just one layer with multiple paths... I can have every element on its own seperate layer... but I can't find a way of flattening the layers in to one simple image.
I just upgraded by CS to 5.5 here in the last couple of weeks (I had purchased it prior to 6 being launched). Any way, I've noticed on some ads I create, when I save as an EPS and then go to "flatten transparency" that sometimes it is taking elements and darkening the photo/graphic underneath. For example, I have an ad that has three starbursts with drop shadows overlaying some photos. When I select the "flatten transparency" function, it is darkening a portion of the photo underneath.
Running a script to open up files and convert to another type. When it gets to a TIFF type file a dialog window titled 'TIFF Import Options' is opening. This windows has an Options column that contains two radio selections for 'Convert Layers to Objects' and 'Flatten Layers to a Single Image'. How would I open the file with the 'flatten layers to a single image' set?
Is it best to flatten my images once I get them completed or is it better to keep them in psd format with the layers intact. What are the pros and cons (other than file size of course).
How does one remedy this Adobe error message? "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too small to use." This one always gets me. I'll spend more time trying to find the object in question. This has happened in almost al versions, but this time it's CS5.
Why cant I save a cdr job with all the merge fields setup so that next time I open the file I can go straight to 'merge to new document'.
So Ive set up a 10 to view raffle tickets job. Inserted 20 numerical merge fields, positioned, resized, applied font size color alignment etc etc etc.. Takes ages..... So then merge to a new document, works nice and I can save it fine.
There are a hundred reasons why i may have to close the 'master' merge file before the job has been successfully printed. It may be a repeat print job.
Any which way I really dont get why the live merge data fields are lost on closing the file.
There are 3 elements there. the top of the clap board was placed before i started tryinbg to create the slanted dashes that are on the average clapboards. The white dash was skewed using Object > Transform > Shear. Then i attempted to rotate it to fit.
I need 4 of these skwed white squares / trapezoids on the top along with 4 to match on the top of the larger potion of the clapboard. I do not want to eye it as it will be a part of a logo.
What would be the best method to use?Is there a way to draw the 4 rectangles on top of a perfectly horizontal long black rectangle and skew the white dashes at the same time?Is there a way to skew based on the dimensions of the longer black rectangle?
Whenever I try to trim or merge a gradient it only divides it, but when it's solid it works. Why? I'm trying to trim/merge some artwork with a lot of gradients and it's making it impossible. Any way to do this with gradients. Here is an image of what I'm talking about showing it working with solids, but not gradients.
Is there a way to draw a single line so that it appears to overlap like in the example below (right), instead of appearing to merge like it is doing as circled in red (left)?