Illustrator :: Flatten Layers To Create Simplified Image?
Sep 18, 2012
I am teaching myself Illustrator CS6 and have just created a complex image on one layer (contains about 145 different elements).
I now want to simplifuy the image so that I can use the 'knife tool' to cut and move a segment of the image (imagine an expanded pie chart).
I know how to convert the image so that instead of just one layer with multiple paths... I can have every element on its own seperate layer... but I can't find a way of flattening the layers in to one simple image.
Running a script to open up files and convert to another type. When it gets to a TIFF type file a dialog window titled 'TIFF Import Options' is opening. This windows has an Options column that contains two radio selections for 'Convert Layers to Objects' and 'Flatten Layers to a Single Image'. How would I open the file with the 'flatten layers to a single image' set?
Illustrator cs6 - I have used image trace to create a 3 colour image of a photograph. Is there a way to create layers based on the three colours? (One layer for each of the three colours)
As a very long time user of Paint Shop (back to the early JASC days) and using the program primarily for producing bmp and jpg files with lots of graphics, an irritation in later versions has been the need to 'flatten' the layers periodically while working on an image. In past versions (don't remember how far past) one could set defaults such that you automatically worked in a single layer. I don't specifically remember how this was done (only that it could be done) and have not 'rediscovered' how to do it in my current X3 version and assume it will be the same in my (on order) X4. Is there a way to default into single layer work?
BTW: I strongly second the dislike of the graphite color scheme so certainly hope X4 gets 'fixed' to allow one to get rid of it.
I also note that after using the pop-up that appeared in X3 startup to order X4, my X3 became inoperable and had to reload it!
I am trying to use Create Simplified part and during the creation process..I downloaded a model of a FD breaker off the Eaton Website in .stp format. I am simply trying to get a .ipt file of the model for my layout model.So the steps I did:
1- Open .stp file
2- Save .stp file as an .iam inventor file (ignore the prompt box "this is not a part file", that is from my logic rule for a part file)
3- once saved in inventor format, I click the simplify tab, select create simplified part, select a name and directory and press save
4- the .iam saves into a single part, BUT it is saved as sean.ipt, not the part number I assigned earlier and it is saved to the directory C:Users, not the directory I assigned in the dialogue box earlier.
Why does it do this every time I "dummy" down an assembly to a single .ipt file?
I'm trying to create a simplied part of a conveyor. It's not too big yet, just over 7000 occurrences - see attached. Yesterday after about 5 hours I crashed Inventor (2014) and tried again. Eventually I let my PC run through the night and this morning it had completed the task. To save took almost 2 hours, producing an *.IPT of just over 830MB. When I restarted my machine (to free the RAM again) I could not open, getting a serious error.
The old shrinkwraps seemed to work way better. I need to create a "dummy" model which breaks all links to the originals assemblies so no one can tamper with it.
My specs:Inventor Professional 2014, 64 bit edition, I've got an HP Z400 desktop which is a 3.2GHz Processor with 4 cores, 12 GB RAM. NVIDIA Quadro 4000 graphics card.
I am building a logo and as a part of that I want to have an image of the earth like the Mozilla, firefox logo, but I need a complete image of the earth to start with.
how I would go about creating such an image. Should I start with and actual photo of the earth? What kind of filters should I research to create a globe similar (though not necessarily the same colour) to the firefox logo.
I need to open a 4 page PDF that was originally created in word in Simplified Chinese. But when I open the PDF in Illustrator with Simplified Chinese open, some of the characters change. My client in the past has had success outlining the chinese before she sends. But it is no longer working for some reason. How can I match what I see on the PDF without having to convert it to a rastered image.?
Why in the heck do Macs show layers in a PDF that are HIDDEN at the time of saving if "Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers" is checked is checked -BUT- PC's don't??
I just proofed a business card with my boss accidentily showing him some type on a layer that was hidden. He approved it. Now I have to make a bunch of type set up in very tight margins work in production.
We are using corel x6 how can you flatten layers we are having print issues. We have a new plotter and does not recognize layers in corel and prints all black. We use many scans in our work. If we combine layers would it pile all scans on top of one another .
I was hoping this feature would be added in X6, and in retrospect I should have asked about this before they released X6 :S
When exporting to PDF in Corel it would be great if there could be an option to get rid of the layers. The problems with layers in PDF it uses a lot more resources and when I combine 20+ PDFs together it barely opens on slower computers. Also, my clients can see what my layer names are in the PDF and I would prefer if they couldn't.
Would it be possible to have an option that allow color picking to pick document's pixel's color, rather than current layer's color with its opacity ?
I really never want to pick a color from a single layer. I always want to pick the color I see, and without its opacity, the one that result from the blend of all layer on the document's pixel on which I pick the color.
I came across this site a few weeks ago and was happy to see that a community like this existed. I am new to CorelDraw and have been playing around with it because my friend just bought a Roland GX-24 vinyl cutter and I wanted to make some designs for it. I, however, am overly experienced with Photoshop and not enough with CorelDraw, but would like to balance that out.
I came across my recent predicament when I exported my CorelDraw image into Roland CutStudio and it wanted to cut all the underlying curves from each layer, instead of the black and white image as it appeared. I wasn't surprised this happened because I couldn't figure a way to join/ merge the curves before I exported, but I was still hopeful that it might cut the image as it appeared.
This first object is a blade layer and as you can see from the picture, when selected, its curve goes right through the other spiral object. How can I merge these curves? As it stands right now, I can't even figure out a way to select the two of them at the same time, let alone join the curves.
....and vice versa in this picture, the spiral object when selected goes right through the blade
....and in the foremost layer of the image when selected, the curves also continue through the spiral
Here is a picture of the current layers for this whole image. The front layer I paint bucket filled numerous portions of it with white so it stuck out above the bottom two other layers, so all the fills make it a group of 161 objects, and the next layer is a group of 2 objects which are the spiral and the blade from the first 2 pictures.
My question is how can I merge or join all the curves in the entire image, essentially flattening the whole image as it appears?
I'd like to use boxes to punch holes into the layered artwork below them. I want the result to look exactly like this image, but with the white boxes being transparent holes.
This seems so simple, but I can't find any combination of layers/pathfinder tools/compound shapes/or clipping masks that will produce this result. No matter what, I end up losing part of the artwork (usually the topo lines and the black bar).
I have Illustrator files of some fairly complicated schematics that I will be bringing in to Flash. The layers are already well organized and named so I would like to select particular layers, hit a "create symbols" button and have all of the selected layers turned into separate symbols that have the same name as their layer name. I would even be willing to code something to do this but I can't find any information about how it can be done.
I know that I can import an Illustrator file into Flash and select layers that I can then make into movie clips but again, I have to manually select the layer, tell it to be a movie clip and then give it an instance name. I would be happy to try to automate that process as well but haven't found any info on how it can be done either.
how I can batch create symbols from my existing layers?
I'm presently making assets for an ipad app in illustrator i create all the layers as indidvidual assets then export as a layered psd...i've found that when i open this in photoshop some of the assets are 1 pixel out....which is an issue(for our developer) when you are making ipad retina assets and convert these to non-retina which are half the size.
Any way of mananging this so I deliver even number pixel(on the x axis) assets so they are easily halfed - which in turn doesn't create more work for our developer.
i'm using cs6 suite. my preference is to create the assets in illustrator rather than photoshop
Often times when designing a logo I create different versions and variable options on layers. This can result in several layers in one Illustrator file. Is there an easy way or an existing script that will allow me to (with one click) create a multi-page PDF consisting of all the layers within my .ai file? The current method is turning on each layer, performing a save-as (PDF), then turning off said layer and turning on the next layer and repeating the task and so-on-and-so-forth, etc … It becomes tedious and quite often I save over the previous version, forgetting to re-name it or forget to perform a save on a certain layer. I have never written my own script before but am not opposed to trying, where do I begin?
I can't figure out the proper commands to fill out and complete the script below. What I am trying to do is:
- Create a new document using one of the Profile presets (or have the New Document dialogue open so I could select the profile, size and bleed) - Make 3 layers, each with a diferent name - Create a rectangle the size of the artboard on the bottom layer, with a swatch stroke and no fill - Create a rectangle the size of the bleed on the middle layer, with no stroke or fill
Like I said, I haven't gotten far at all. I've read through the basic scripting guides and I'm just not understanding all of the language needed to string things together.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator" make new document set topLayer to make new layer ¬ at beginning of document 1 with properties {name:"Vector"} set bottomLayer to make new layer ¬ at end of document 1 with properties {name:"Through Cut"} end tell
I'm trying to flatten an image with a gradient. This was originally a RAW image. My photos keep having this "C" with circles around it (as seen in Photo 2).
I've been using Ps for a while, but i don't really know an efficient way to flatten just 1 layer. 1 way is to put the layer by itself, but this takes time. Is there another way to do this? The effect would be changing an effect (fx tabs, strokes etc) into part of the image, so that part of the effect could be removed.
I've been printing my images and even with a calibrated monitor they come out darker than what's on my monitor. I'm using the proper printer and paper profiles and got to wondering if my problem might be that I'm printing the psd. In essence, before saving it I just print the image once I've made adjustments to layers, etc.
How would you remove traces of a shadow in an image?
e.g. Let's say I have an image of a sheet of metal with a hole in it. Obviously, in a 2d image, it looks like a hole because part of edges of the metal will be shadowed where the hole is. But how would you edit the image to remove those shadows?
The reason I would need to remove those shadows is because I am importing the image into a game engine, and the bump map will be handling the shadow effects.
I am trying to flatten an image in Photoshop while keeping my transparent background. When I flatten, it gives me this white background instead.
I've seemed to of figured it out. what I did was>merge all visible layers(except for the background layer),>command and click on the layer to select all>flatten image>command j>deselect> and then delete the flatten layer. this gave me the transparent background I was looking for."
I'm using a Windows 7 icore7 machine. The file I'm working on is composed of six layers: 1) a masked Levels layer; 2) a masked Noise layer; 3) a masked Hipass layer; 4) a convert to BW layer; 5) a copy of the background layer; 6) the background layer. All the eyes on the layers are ON.
When I Flatten Image the contrasty look I've created with the Levels adjustment layer AND with the Hipass layer disappears and the flattened image no longer exhibits those qualities - in other words it reverts back to being soft, low contrast.
All the eyes are ON.
I tried various combinations of MERGE VISIBLE and the same thing happens.I swapped Hipass for Unsharp Mask and for Smart Sharpen and even more weirdness happens - These filters have no effect at all.
Say you have a flattened image, a solid background and text of a differrent colour.
If you wanted to change the colour of the text is there some trick to simultaneously changing the pixels around the letters with slightly different hues (because of the antialiasing) into a relative colour?
i have attached a gif image of a letter zoomed in to give an example.
If you wanted to alter that text to say red could you do it?