Illustrator :: How To Create Cut Out Text From A Shape

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to create cut-out text from a shape.
I would like the shape to look like an enlarged outline of the text, I have done this by creating outlines of the text, clicking on off-set path which has created my desired effect.
I would then like to cut out my original text from this off-set path using the pathfinder tool but it does not let me do this.

This is the desired effect that I would like.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Text Names Within A Number Or Shape

Feb 28, 2013

I would like to learn how to create a print design for college hoodies. I get asked all the time but it takes me a very long time to do it. I am sure there is a quicker way in illustrator.
I want to create a design like this image. I am using Illustrator CS 5.1 right now.

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Paint.NET :: Create 3D Metal Shape With Text

Apr 29, 2012

How to create 3d metal shape and then add text to the shape

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Create Text That Follows A Shape

Jan 14, 2013

I've just watched the video based on Elements 10 showing how to create text that follows a shape etc. However, I don't get the submenu for the Type tool to enable me to do this.

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Photoshop :: Create Text Inside A Path Or Shape In CS6

Feb 7, 2013

Is there a new way to fill a shape or path with text in CS6.
When I create the path I can put my text tool "over" the path & my cursor switches to a curved line through the cursor, but when I place the cursor "inside" the path it just goes back to regular cursor & if I click inside it just starts a new (regular) text layer.
In older versions as soon as I placed my text cursor inside the path it would switch to the text cursor inside parenthesis. And thus type inside the path. That doesn't happen anymore. 

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GIMP :: Create A Logo With Some Text In The Shape Of A Circle

Mar 16, 2012

I'd like to create a logo with some text in the shape of a circle or maybe a horseshoe.

What's would be the best way to do this? I've tried creating a path in the shape of a horseshoe but can't work out how to add my text to it.

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GIMP :: Create Big Shape (hexagon) Using Some Text Repetitively

Feb 20, 2011

I want to do something similar to what is in the attached file, where the numeral 4 has been obtained using filled circles, with the size of circles increasing as the closeness to the numeral, and the biggest circles within the numeral.

I want to create a big shape (say a hexagon) using some text (say 1's) repetitively. i want this done in such a way that the 1's within the hexagon are the boldest, and those outside have varying thickness, with the farthest 1's being the thinnest.

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Illustrator :: Create A Funnel Shape In CS6?

May 21, 2013

I am trying to create a funnel shape in Illustrator that is divided up by levels. For example a funnel shape with six different levels. I have uploaded an example, when I have tried to use an image trace to get the basic shape the lines aren't sharp they are often bumpy and not straight. How to create a sharp funnel image?

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GIMP :: Use Path Tool To Create Shape Of Text Line

Mar 19, 2013

I use the path tool to create the shape of the text line I want to curve. I enter the text I want with the font, colour, etc, and select text along path. The text goes where I want it, but no matter what I have tried, the text colour along the path (my curved text) is always red and it doesnot look like the font in my text area. I can change the font / colour of the original text which works great, but the text along the path doesn't seem to change.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Icon With Transparent Shape Inside

Feb 17, 2013

I would like to create a vector icon with a transparent shape inside it, like in this image below:
So everything should be transparent except of course the dark grey area...
Below is a link to my AI file if you want it:
AI File

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Illustrator :: How To Create Outlines To The Shape Of New Path Not Original

Jun 7, 2013

After using the path tool to create offset path and increasing the size of a letter. when creating an outline of that new letter the outline remains the same as the original. How do I create outlines to the shape of the new path not the original??

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Illustrator :: Create Shape With Round And Square Corners?

Feb 4, 2013

I haven't used illustrator for a while so I'm really stuck on soemthing that should be simple.
I want to create a shape that has round corners on the bottom and square cormers at the top.

I have created two shapes, one with round corners and one with square one.
I was hoping to put them together then use the pathfinder to unite them but this then make the round corner square.
Is it possible to unite shapes with different corners.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Kidney Bean Shape Using Shapes Or Strokes

Jul 21, 2013

Is there a way to make a kidney bean shape in illustrator?  There must be an easier way then the way i'm trying to do it.  can you not just create a hot dog shape and some how move a point in the middle to make it go kidney?

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Illustrator :: CC - Create Compound Shape With Pathfinder Does Not Produce Any Results

Jan 9, 2014

Win7 Enterprise  64 bit
Illustrator CC 17.0.1 64 bit
After placing an image into a new document within Illustrator. I trace the image and expand it. from there I attempt to Alt-click on the unite shape mode to create a compound shape.
No results...the compound shape is not created.

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Lines And Shapes In Order To Create One Final Shape

Nov 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a star icon with lines through it. I used the star shape builder tool and then the line segment tool, but the lines are not being recognised as part of the star shape. For example, when I try to turn the star, the lines remain in the same place. This is pretty much exactly what I am trying to make, but I can't form the segments into one cohesive, editable shape.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Blend Or Gradient That Doesn't Reach Edge Of Shape

Jan 29, 2013

I am creating a shape that looks like a pill a rectangle with two circles on the ends, if you will. But it's all one shape. I want a gradient or blend (what exactly is the differnce?) that has a white middle and dark gray edges. The white goes along the pill horizontally but the dark gray is above and below this white "line" but the rounded edges of the pill shape are the dark gray. I'm using CS6.

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Illustrator :: Way To Mask Text With A Shape Without Rasterization

Oct 29, 2013

is there a way to mask text with a shape (ie text inside a square that gets clipped off if it goes off the square's boundry) without rasterization? All illustrator seems to want to do is to make a clipping mask the opposite way with the square being put inside the text. When I try to do it the other way it claims that is too complicated and will mess things up.

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Illustrator :: Fitting Text Inside Shape

Sep 26, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to fit a text inside a shape and to align it exactly to the shape borders, I was trying to play with the justification panel under the paragraph link but couldn't make it work,

I was trying to fit my text inside a shape look like the number 7 so eventually when a viewer see it they can recognize the number 7 without a stroke - only by the text insize the shape, above is an example of what happe when I try the same with a circular shape - I would like the test to fit in nicely filling the entire circle.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Align Text With A Shape

Aug 14, 2012

How i can align vertical center and horizontal center a single line text to a shape (in vbs) ?

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Illustrator :: How To Place Some Text Inside A Shape

Oct 24, 2010

I select a shape and choose file > place to place some text in it, though the text does not display, the stroke also disappears indicating that it seemed to do something.

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Illustrator :: Paste A Shape Into Text Field

Jul 5, 2013

I am trying to do a quite simple thing in Illustrator that I used to know. But, I forgot how to realise it. Back in the days, on Illustrator CS2, I was able to paste a shape/brush/symbol (one of these) into a text field using the Type on a path tool. What I want to achieve is that I got a shape that I would like to use as a character so that I could paste it on a circle stroke. I don't want to use the brush to use the shape/brush as a stroke color because then the shape won't rotate to fit the circle correctly. The only way I am able to get the result I want for now is using the Rotation tool by putting the shape's rotation axis on the middle of a background circle's axis but this is pretty approximate as a method.

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Illustrator :: Create Multiple Expanding Outlines With All Points Equal Distance To Original Shape?

Feb 21, 2013

Here's an extremely simple example.. It works with a circle or a square, obviously because it has the same height and width. The problem is when you have irregular shapes, (or in this case, an oval). I know I've seen solutions to this in the past, but I just can't think of how to word this question and find them again.
I know you can create multiple strokes for an object in the appearance palette, but I'm looking for something more effective than just having colored stroke > white stroke > colored stroke> white stroke > etc.
Here's a couple examples of the kind of effect I'm looking for.

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Illustrator :: Subtract Some Outlined Text From Larger Shape

Aug 30, 2013

Sometimes I have to subtract some outlined text from a larger shape. Usually I just select the shape, and the text group, and execute a compound path. Works fine.
Occasionally, this method is not so convenient If I need to knock out additional outlined text into an object that has already been compounded with some other elements. For this, I use the Shape Tool, minus-ing out the additional text,
What I've noticed is that as I do this, the process gets slower and slower as each path is minus'd out with the Shape Tool. Eventually it can take as long a minute or more to remove more areas. Then I discovered something. I uncompounded the final result to discover that the Shape Tool creates hundreds and hundreds of duplicate paths. And very specific duplicates at that. Here is what I discovered:

I can only draw the conclusion that there is something seriously wrong with this tool. Surely all those extra path copies hidden within the resulting compound path can't be right.

If you'd like to download the AI6 version go here: [URL]...

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Illustrator :: Creating Outline Around Text Or Objects That Follows Their Shape

Jan 5, 2013

I have tried the offset path, however it gets too large.  I am looking to keep things simple but need a bit more definition that just a simple outline will give.  On this particular image I am looking to create an outline or fill shape behind the words and pistol but wanting to keep roughly the same shape. 

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Illustrator SDK :: CS5 - How To Convert Shape Of Text Frame To Rectangle

Nov 16, 2011

How can I convert the shape of textbox to rectanglebox and fill any desired color into it? Can any API do so?
Here are steps that I follow in illustrator to convert the shape.

1. Create a textframe.
2. Select, choose "effect->convert to shape" menu-item.
3. Create a new fill from Appearence palette(Window->Appearance).
4. Fill the desired color from color palette(Window->Color).
I want to obtain the same result using API.

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Illustrator :: Create Wavy Line (zigzag Feature) - Outline Shape And Fill With Solid Color

Aug 11, 2013

I would like to create a wavy line (the zigzag feature is not exactly what I need here) to outline a shape and then fill it with a solid color.
This is approx what I want; however the undulation needs to be more round and less peaked.

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Illustrator :: Text Drop Shadow Falls Behind Backing Shape?

Nov 16, 2012

I have 2 layers, a text layer on top, and a shape behind it.  When I add a drop shadow to the text, the shadow shows up BEHIND the shape, instead of on it.  If I choose mode "Multiply," then it shows up in front but is way too big. 

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Photoshop :: Live Shape Properties / Create A New Shape To Replace Old

Sep 18, 2013

Since the release of Photoshop CC the "Live Shape Properties" has basically chosen when it does and does not want to show up.... sometimes I even create a new shape to replace the old one and it STILL does not show the live shape properties... how hard is it to make sure the options are available at all times? I opt for a discount since this is a half working application and the features you highlighted barely function...

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Align Shape And Text Object At Center Of Shape?

Jan 14, 2012

I'm creating a logo that consists of the word DIFFERENT in text and a shape, a dot (an ellipse) that I want to appear above the I and be vertically aligned with I.

How can I do this?The problem is that I can't see how to identify the point in the text - the centre of the I - to act as the target. I can't seem to get any of the Snap to Object tools to work.

I feel that I should be able to mark a specific point anywhere on a shape or an object and use those points to align.

I suspect that I could achieve the effect that I want by splitting the text characters up into individual objects, than I can align them more obviously but then I set up some other issues with kerning.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Text Within Shape While Precisely Keeping The Shape's Outline

Nov 11, 2011

I'm working with CorelDraw X3 and want to fill text into a round shape, while keeping it's exact outline. Hence, cutting of parts of words and letters is fine with me as long as the shape is well-defined. Unfortunately when filling paragraph text into a shape, the automatic line breaks lead to a quite irregular shape regardless of font size.

As workaround I arranged a mask in front of background and text but this requires a square paragraph text which is larger than the background. Since paragraph text obviously cannot be cropped with other objects I made the mask size bigger and filled it white. When exporting my document as image everything looks neat, but there must be a better way to do this in CorelDraw itself?

I tried converting the paragraph text into artistic text and cropping this, which works fine for a few words and a small object. But I'm talking around 1000 words here, and trying to crop this artistic text leads to very random cropping results. I guess such a large number of objects and knots is too much for CorelDraw to handle!?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Embossing Text / Shape To Cone Shape Using Wrap To Face

Nov 26, 2013

I want to engrave the text 'TEST' all the way around this clonal object. When I use the emboss tool, selecting the option 'wrap to face,' it gives me an error message that the "face selected is not tangent to the profile plane."

I am using a work plane that is offset from the XY plane. I included a screen shot and the file that I am using (Inv. 2014)

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