Illustrator :: Way To Mask Text With A Shape Without Rasterization

Oct 29, 2013

is there a way to mask text with a shape (ie text inside a square that gets clipped off if it goes off the square's boundry) without rasterization? All illustrator seems to want to do is to make a clipping mask the opposite way with the square being put inside the text. When I try to do it the other way it claims that is too complicated and will mess things up.

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AutoCad 2D :: Shape / Text Mask

Mar 6, 2013

In vectorworks, you can mask or fill a shape so that whatever behind the shape will be mask. I find it extremely useful compare to Autocad where I have to keep trim and extend for every change.

see picture

As for the text, the dimension text can do color fill where you can fill with background. is it possible to do the same for a multiline text ? I'm not familiar with any coding or add-in so if I have to use them for mask .

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Illustrator :: Using Rectangles To Mask Another Shape?

Oct 1, 2012

How can I take a shape with a gradient like in the attached image, and make it so other shapes like the series of rectangles mask the gradient so the gradient only shows through the rectangles?

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Illustrator :: Convert SVG With Filters To AI Causes Rasterization

Sep 30, 2013

Working: Opening any normal SVG file in Illustrator -> saving it as AI, exporting as PDF, printing, anything. Behaves as expected.
Not working: Doing the same with a SVG file that uses filters. If the svg was not created in Illustrator (with preserved editing capabilities), it will remain rasterized in Illustator, no matter whan format you convert it to, export it to, or if you try to print it.
If you however remove the filters from the SVG, create a new AI file, paste the SVG inside, and then import or recreate the very same filters from inside Illustrator, then everything will work just fine. Clearly there's nothing wrong with neither the filters not the rest of the SVG, but just with Illustrators SVG importing capabilities (dealing with SVG filters).aside from manually importing/recreating the SVG filters from inside AI? And when does AI plan to add decent support for importing SVG created in other programs?

1. Download this SVG: URL...
(disclaimer: not mine. You can also use any other SVG with filters, as long as it's created outside of Illustrator).
2. Open it in AI.
3. Export to PDF, zoom in -> it's rasterized.
4. Create a new AI file, paste the SVG in there, manually re-create/import the SVG filters.
5. Export to PDF, zoom in -> WORKING.

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Illustrator :: Traces Of Shape After Using Opacity Mask And Importing To Photoshop

May 22, 2012

OS X lion
I created this logo in Illustrator. I made my basic shapes with a pen tool, put a vector grunge texture over the top of the shapes and then used "make opacity mask" to get my grunge effect. As you can see in the screenshot of my illy it is all very clean and looking like it should. When you open my other picture you can see that once I transferred (cmd+copy cmd+paste) the logo into PS you can now see faint lines of where the shapes used to be *highlighted in red*. I also tried placeing the .ai file in ps but got the same effect. I am using all pantone colors on the logo, both documents are set to 300 dpi....err I cant think of anything else. PS is in RGB, Illustrator is in CMYK (but using Pantone)

How do I get my logo to look as good in PS as it does in Ilustrator?

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Illustrator :: Why Does Shape Made Using Clipping Mask Disappear When Merged

Feb 14, 2013

I have a pretty simple design. Some text and shapes all expanded and turned into outlines. I have one shape that was created by using a clipping mask. I am putting a vector distress pattern over the whole design (like I usually do and it works fine) well I merge them together and everything is completely fine except the shape created with the clipping mask it disappears..
more info: i actually released the clipping mask and I am still having the same problem with this object, it disappears when merged with the vector distress pattern.

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Illustrator :: Clipping Mask Not Working - Shape Filled With Solid White

Sep 10, 2012

I have created a compound path in illustrator and when I try to make a clipping mask, rather than revealing the image behind the path, the shape is filled with solid white. I am able to successfully make the mask using one shape or the other, but once I create the compound path, I just get this white fill.
I am in CS5 on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard). See screenshots below.
The two shapes still separated.

The compound path.

After I make the clipping mask.

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Photoshop :: How To Automate Global Vector Shape / Mask And Path Transfers To Illustrator

Sep 19, 2013

Using: WIN7, Adobe CS5, PS, AI
When I need to move a project from  Photoshop to Illustrator, I need an automated way to prep shape and vector mask items for export--preferably preserving the structure and layout that already exists as layer names and order, character and paragraph settings, and of course global registration. My scripting is limited to recording actions, so I need to find an existing script or get coached on this. Any recommendations?
I have googled and waded through numerous forum posts trying to research this on my own, so I know about the ability to export my path collection, but that's usually inapplicable in reality. It only deals with vectors from the Paths palette. In Photoshop, I use the Paths pallet to store master and WIP paths, but all the working paths are either shapes or vector masks--or active type layers. Often enough that it's become an issue, I'll need to move the whole project to Illustrator. Obviously, the process has issues; I'm not expecting the rastor layers or Photoshop styles to carry over, but I see no reason why I can't capture text, shape and vector mask elements.
They all have a vector component, but simply opening a PSD in Illustrator flattens (badly) the layers. I select the "Convert Layers as Objects" but have yet to see it extract editable text. I'm not sure if it even attempts to do anything with vector shapes or masks. I've got a process for moving a project one element at a time, using registration marks--but this requires turning text into shapes most of the time, especially if I am trying to preserve kerning and leading crucial to the layout. Maybe I just have not found the right info, and there is a way to transfer editable text without losing character and paragraph settings.
For now, I'd be happy to stop wasting time doing a ton of conversions and renaming by hand, just so I can preserve the work I've already invested.
One suggestion, posted under a multiple path export question, was to use scripting... but no one explored or explained how to go about it. I'm not asking for the impossible, however. I simply working out my own solution: if there is no application method for transferring the elements, try to script a method to prep those elements for export. Before I even attempt to reinvent someone's wheel, I am putting the question out there:
I kept at it and managed to open my current project PSD in AI with text and shape/mask vectors successfully--not as cleanly as I'd hoped but the relative positioning of things was acceptable. I am still interested in hearing people's suggestions on better ways to transfer work from one tool to the other, though. I know this is going to come up for me again and again.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Scale Shape Layers Layer Mask Independent From Shape

Sep 25, 2012

In Photoshop CS6, when you have a shape layer with a layer mask, and the two are not linked together, and the layer mask is selected, you should be able to scale the layer mask independently of the shape. What actually happens is the shape gets scaled and the layer mask stays untouched. In fact, even if you option-click on the layer mask to show the mask by itself, and then try to scale it, you still end up scaling the shape instead of the mask. Even if you go as far as to make a pixel selection of the layer mask and attempt to scale the pixels, the shape still gets scaled and the layer mask still stays put! Unbelievable!
This works correctly in CS4, but not in CS6 (don't know about CS5).

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Photoshop :: Use A Text / Shape Layer As A Mask For Another Layer

Jul 17, 2012

I can't figure out how I can use a text or shape layer as a mask for the layer below. See the example attached and you will know what I mean. (I created the example with simply cutting out the text outline from the white box).
I need the text to be a mask and I need it to be editable as text. Don't know if this is possible, experimented with clipping masks but I cant make it work.

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Illustrator :: Adding Stroke To Text With Clipping Mask

Oct 2, 2013

I want to add a black border around the text so it accentuates the text.
I have made a rectangle and added black text on top of the rectangle and applied a mask and inverted and clipped the rectangle and text.
I tried to release the mask and apply a black stroke on the text but when I remask and apply clipping and invert the stroke turns the same color as the text.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Clipping Mask With LIVE TEXT

Jan 9, 2014

I'm currently working on a project in which I have a background that has a large text layer above it. What I want to do is create a sort of "dynamic" clipping mask that essentially subtracts the shape of the text from the background yet remains editable as text in case I need to change the word or font.
However every way I've tried so far as been met with the backgrounds instead being constrained inside of the shape of the text...which is NOT what I want.
How can I do this while still having the text able to be edited?

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Illustrator :: How To Make Clipping Mask With Text And Vector Pattern

Jan 6, 2014

Im making a logo for a client and am having a nightmare of a time trying to properly use the clipping masks in illustrator CS5. I copied and pasted the  logo I made behind itself with a different color just for a drop shadow-like effect. And now I'm trying to apply this diagonal line pattern I created over top the "shadow" I made to give it some texture.
Here's an example of what I'm going for, only imagine the line pattern on the text instead of banner.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Create Clipping Mask On 3 Separate Text Objects

Jan 9, 2013

I have created custom text, so that each letter in my 3 letter word is a separate compound object.
Now I have made a filled (with gradient) ellipse and rectangle behind the text to create a clipping mask with all 3 text objects. (see image1) However, when I select all the objects and select: object>clipping mask >make, it only mask the one letter, which is the one on top. (see image 2)
However, when I group the 3 letters together, it does not create a clipping mask at all, it shows nothing... (see image 3)
How do I ake all 3 letters be in the mask?

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Illustrator :: How To Create Cut Out Text From A Shape

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to create cut-out text from a shape.
I would like the shape to look like an enlarged outline of the text, I have done this by creating outlines of the text, clicking on off-set path which has created my desired effect.
I would then like to cut out my original text from this off-set path using the pathfinder tool but it does not let me do this.

This is the desired effect that I would like.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Background Mask (Text Mask) Editable In 2012?

Mar 22, 2012

how to manipulate the size of the wipeout for a text mask. 

Simply selecting the masked text in C3D 2011 provided pick boxes at the four corners of the wipeout, making it very easy to manipulate the size of the wipeout box.  I'm hoping to do the same in C3D 2012, but the wipeout seems to be treated like a block and lacks the pick boxes.A system variable maybe?

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Illustrator :: Fitting Text Inside Shape

Sep 26, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to fit a text inside a shape and to align it exactly to the shape borders, I was trying to play with the justification panel under the paragraph link but couldn't make it work,

I was trying to fit my text inside a shape look like the number 7 so eventually when a viewer see it they can recognize the number 7 without a stroke - only by the text insize the shape, above is an example of what happe when I try the same with a circular shape - I would like the test to fit in nicely filling the entire circle.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Align Text With A Shape

Aug 14, 2012

How i can align vertical center and horizontal center a single line text to a shape (in vbs) ?

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Illustrator :: How To Place Some Text Inside A Shape

Oct 24, 2010

I select a shape and choose file > place to place some text in it, though the text does not display, the stroke also disappears indicating that it seemed to do something.

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Illustrator :: Paste A Shape Into Text Field

Jul 5, 2013

I am trying to do a quite simple thing in Illustrator that I used to know. But, I forgot how to realise it. Back in the days, on Illustrator CS2, I was able to paste a shape/brush/symbol (one of these) into a text field using the Type on a path tool. What I want to achieve is that I got a shape that I would like to use as a character so that I could paste it on a circle stroke. I don't want to use the brush to use the shape/brush as a stroke color because then the shape won't rotate to fit the circle correctly. The only way I am able to get the result I want for now is using the Rotation tool by putting the shape's rotation axis on the middle of a background circle's axis but this is pretty approximate as a method.

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Illustrator :: Subtract Some Outlined Text From Larger Shape

Aug 30, 2013

Sometimes I have to subtract some outlined text from a larger shape. Usually I just select the shape, and the text group, and execute a compound path. Works fine.
Occasionally, this method is not so convenient If I need to knock out additional outlined text into an object that has already been compounded with some other elements. For this, I use the Shape Tool, minus-ing out the additional text,
What I've noticed is that as I do this, the process gets slower and slower as each path is minus'd out with the Shape Tool. Eventually it can take as long a minute or more to remove more areas. Then I discovered something. I uncompounded the final result to discover that the Shape Tool creates hundreds and hundreds of duplicate paths. And very specific duplicates at that. Here is what I discovered:

I can only draw the conclusion that there is something seriously wrong with this tool. Surely all those extra path copies hidden within the resulting compound path can't be right.

If you'd like to download the AI6 version go here: [URL]...

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Illustrator :: How To Create Text Names Within A Number Or Shape

Feb 28, 2013

I would like to learn how to create a print design for college hoodies. I get asked all the time but it takes me a very long time to do it. I am sure there is a quicker way in illustrator.
I want to create a design like this image. I am using Illustrator CS 5.1 right now.

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Illustrator :: Creating Outline Around Text Or Objects That Follows Their Shape

Jan 5, 2013

I have tried the offset path, however it gets too large.  I am looking to keep things simple but need a bit more definition that just a simple outline will give.  On this particular image I am looking to create an outline or fill shape behind the words and pistol but wanting to keep roughly the same shape. 

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Illustrator SDK :: CS5 - How To Convert Shape Of Text Frame To Rectangle

Nov 16, 2011

How can I convert the shape of textbox to rectanglebox and fill any desired color into it? Can any API do so?
Here are steps that I follow in illustrator to convert the shape.

1. Create a textframe.
2. Select, choose "effect->convert to shape" menu-item.
3. Create a new fill from Appearence palette(Window->Appearance).
4. Fill the desired color from color palette(Window->Color).
I want to obtain the same result using API.

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Illustrator :: Editing Mask Path Transparency Throws One Out Of Mask Mode

Dec 30, 2012

While creating various circular masks with a radial gradient from white to black, whenever I change the blending mode of the mask path Ai will throw me out of mask mode into layer editing mode. Since this is on a large document of ~2Gb file with multiple artbords for large poster & UI refresh speed is slow, this has become quite frustrating. Is this normal Ai behaviour?

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Illustrator :: Clipping Mask On A Layer Is The Entire Document Covered In A Mask?

Jan 27, 2013

Level: Newbie   OS: Win7 64bit   Ia: Cs6
Once I use a Clipping Mask on a layer is the entire document covered in a mask?
And/or is all the artwork from then on inside the mask?
I've read about how to add and how to remove art from a mask. I've read about how to make and release and lots of other things.
So, then I went and found a lesson that contained the use of a Clipping Mask.
I am suppose to Select the main shape and "just" copy it and move it down (doesn't say rather to Paste in front or back but I assumed in back ~ not that it has mattered thus far)
However, while making the main shape I used Gradient Mesh and used an Offset to create a "replica" and so when I go to Select the main shape the mesh is selected and so when I Paste (in back ~ seems most logical) and then move it down the details such as the colors of the Gradient and other such things are visible in front ~ ??
So, I have been trying to abate my problem in lots of different ways.
I have tried using the Pen tool to draw behind the main shape, I've tried making a New Layer and placing it above and below and inbetween the main shape layer, I've tried adding the artwork to the Mask ... I've tried everything I can think of and I've been through many an article in the manual and FAQ's to no avail.
I suppose, what I think I need to know ... is, how ... how on earth do I draw behind this main shape? Am I not able to do it because I am not getting behind the Mask?

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Illustrator :: Text Drop Shadow Falls Behind Backing Shape?

Nov 16, 2012

I have 2 layers, a text layer on top, and a shape behind it.  When I add a drop shadow to the text, the shadow shows up BEHIND the shape, instead of on it.  If I choose mode "Multiply," then it shows up in front but is way too big. 

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After Effects :: Animate Mask Shape In CC?

Aug 24, 2013

I see path, feather, opacity, and expansion. I want to edit the shape.

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Photoshop :: How To Transform A Mask On Shape Layer (CS6)

Aug 8, 2012

I've unlinked the layer mask from the shape layer, and made sure the layer mask thumbnail is selected in the layers palette.
If I do a cmd-t on OSX to transform, Photoshop (CS6) selects the shape layer path to transform instead of the mask layer, even though the mask thumbnail is still selected and even if I have a marque selection.Is this a bug?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Custom Shape Transparency Mask?

Jul 17, 2013

I need to make an object or group transparent towards its borders.

In particular, I drew a red heart and gave it a yellow contour with 20 steps, imitating a gradient. So the heart looks like it has a gradient (from red to yellow) towards its border. 

Now I need this heart to also be transparent towards the border. The transparency should begin somewhere in the red part and slowly mask everything and it should end just before the outer border, which should be completely transparent.

The radial transparency tool does not produce good results, because the heart borders are not uniformly transparent. I need a mask exactly of the heart shape.

how to do it inside CorelDRAW?

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Photoshop :: Custom Shape Gradient Mask

Jul 1, 2004

is there any way in photoshop cs to create a gradient mask inside of a certain shape, so that the gradient is black on the edges and turns white when it reaches inner parts of the shape?

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