Illustrator :: Get The Stoke To Be On The Outside?
Feb 28, 2013
[URL] and I don't know how to get the stroke around the blue circle, to be on the outside rather than in the middle? It should say "Stroke---(square with blue)---7 pt---Outside" in Apperance, but mine doesn't say Outside.
The outside of the stroke curve is smooth, but the inside is really bumpy and rough, even though there are only three anchor points. It prints that way too; it's not just the monitor.
I've been having a problem in illustrator for the last couple of days that I haven't had before. It doesn't just happen with this graphic, it has happened with other objects, even happened with a circle yesterday. It doesn't happen to all objects on the artboard though, just particular ones.
I've drawn these shapes with the pen tool, but the stoke and fill aren't aligned aligned with the path that I've drawn. It's causing issues when I resize (see image below) and also when I align. It aligns the path correctly but because that image doesn't match the path it looks wrong.
Im brand spanking new to Illistrator, andfor my first project decided to re-make my logo for my small minecraft server, since my origional was such poor to make what I wanted, the problem im having is when I change the size of my grouped image it creates grey lines between the rectangle shapes, There is no gaps, if you zoom in as far as you can they disappear.I exported the image as PNG and they still percist, attatched (Top right finished origional size I made it)
I found out I could "rasterize" my selected content like in video editing "render", I had to do this to "finish" a vector image, any more information on a better workflow.
Using CS3 on a new system, but still on Windows XP. I want to stroke a path. I make a path with the pen tool, make sure the path is selected and when I try to use the "stroke with brush" thingie in the path palette, as I move my cursor over the stroke with brush icon a little no-go crossbar thingie appears there telling me it can't be done. Read a few forum messages on stroke with brush problems - this lead me to check that "spacing " was selected in the brush palette for the brush I am using and it was. Pretty new to CS3.
The black lines would be the pen paths (curved shapes) with a brush stroke, but then I would like to select an area of all those pen paths lines (like you for example do when using marquee tool) (in the example green color) and fill the path lines with for example green only on that selected area and the rest stays black in this case and only the lines would be filled, so not the white space between. I kind of did it in Illustrator using scissor tool, but cutting all the paths takes a lot of time and precision so I thought there might be a better, easier, more precise way to do this in photoshop. how to accomplish something like that?
The panit effects viewport flickers several times per second while sliding the stoke or brush parameters in the attribute editor. It blink once when holding down the Alt button or press the "redraw panit effects view" button in the view port. It seems like it's keeping redrawing for every change related to the parameters, and this problem is just in the panit effects mode.
Currently using Throttlestop to overclock i7-2600 to its turbo state and setting the priority of Illustrator to realtime and the affinity to the first 4 cores. Also, the system has 16gb of RAM installed and is set up as Raid 0 on 2 250gb 7200 rpm hdd's. Even during the most stressful tasks the cpu usage never goes past 13-14%, which is half of one core. The system is completely idle except for 1% in use by various system tasks. Is there a reason as to why Illustrator is throttling itself?
I currently need to convert some of my tshirt designs to ai or esp format so they can be printed. I have discovered the trace tool as to fix the problem you get with the lines when you import a psd file to illustrator. What I am still struggling with is keeping transparency of the background.
I did manage to create a ai file from png with a transparent background, but now I cannot seem to replicate it. Also I find it difficult to see IF the BG is transparent since its always white (instead of the grey blocks). atm I check by adding a layer in illustrator and paint something to look if it shows under the original layer.. seems a bit silly.
I've read that importing the png files should solve the problem, but I can only manage to keep transparency when saving as a png, which is not what I need. btw (may be the reason of my failure) I import the psd file and select flatten, since the psd files often contain many layers and I couldnt get the trace tool to work.
So I have a few questions which you might be able to answer; I sort of know the difference between ai and eps, but I dont see any reason to save as eps, is this correct thinking (taking into account I can deliver them in both formats)?What would be the easiest way to convert psd or png files all with transparent BGs to ai? Is using the trace tool efficient and a good choice to fix the problems with the picture caused by importing psd to ai? should I 'always' use the "place" function to import?
What is meant with "text to curves" and "line thickness to paths"?
I have an unopened, sealed CS2 but the box says that it runs on OSX 10.2-10.4. I don't want to open it if it won't run on my OSX 10.8.2. Is there an upgrade that will permit me to use the application?
Anyway, ive been working on this logo for a client.
After several revisions, we called it complete.
Now.. the thing is, i made the logo in photoshop but he prefers the logo in Illustrator format. Whats the best way to save the file so i can open it up and probably edit it in Illustrator?
Does anyone have Adobe Illustrator? If yes, what do you think about it... I am thinking of getting it to play around with the graphics etc.
if I bought the download of Photoshop Elements CS2 from the adobe online store, I suppose I still have to buy a full version of Illustrator right, and not just the upgrade since they are different programs?
Using the Roland GX-24 plotter to cut vinyl and the Illustrator print to plotter plug-in, the program refused to cut rectangles. (with the exception of lower case i's) This includes Capital I's, lower case l's, hyphens and rectangles using the rectangle tool.
All other letters have no issue cutting. So long as they're not a single rectangle. This anomaly was experienced using several files, tested on old and new. So its not an issue with the file.
Illustrator has been performing fine since install (01/22/14). Performed Adobe update and now it will not open at all. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the extension manager. I have no plug-ins installed.
I'm designing a user interface for iPad (Resolution: 1024x768, DPI:132). Setting the resolution is a piece of cake but when I change the ruler unit to Centimeters, it shows the screen about 36x27cm which is not right (iPad screen is 24.3x19cm).
Illustrator calculates these lengths based on the DPI. But when creating a new document the only available DPI's are: 72, 150, 300 (File > New > Raster Effect). I know that Illustrator is a vector design program but there must be a way to set the DPI to an arbitrary value.
How can I have a 1024x768px artboard in Illustrator that is 24.3x19cm? (DPI=132)
I recently designed a logo for a client that included both a gradient and transparency. I flattened the transparency, expanded the strokes and embedded the text before saving a copy of it in .eps and another in .pdf (PDF/x-1a:2003)
When I opened both files in Preview, I found these two problems:
I didn't have this problem when I saved the file in other formats (.jpg, .png) Also, while I'm here, is PDF/x-1a:2003 preset optimized specifically for printing?
I have architectural detail drawings in pdf. In photoshop CS6 I can invert them but the quality drops, it becomes pixilated. I want the background to be black and lines/writings to be white. How can I achieve this in Illustrator CS6?
I want to make a graphic to be placed on a web page that can be automatically styled in different ways using CSS. The problem is that when I export an SVG from illustrator, the SVG code is stripped of IDs/classes and so the CSS script won't function.
Some background: I work in a group of artists who make graphics in adobe illustrator and we need the ability to take these graphics and restyle them for different contexts. The restyling needs to be done fast.
So far I have tried naming elements on each layer, and I am choosing the Style elements selection in the CSS properties drop down menu
There is a lot if support for using the new versions of illustrator to provide the CSS code to copy and paste into a CSS document but I have not had luck finding support for getting a CSS-ready file out of illustrator
Is there a workaround or plugin that will allow illustrator to export a 'semantic' SVG graphic that can be styled using CSS?
I create a file in .ai (small logo for document headers, mostly text), save type to outlines, save an .eps version and import into MS Office Word, save as a PDF and the image comes out with jagged edges. PNG comes out blurry and faded in PDF (it's fine in Word). So I need to make my image available for a Word header for a document that will be saved as a PDF.
I created a psd with transparent background with smart graphics in 1 PMS color, I need ot place the psd in illustrator, how do I keep the PMS colors in the psd when I place the psd?
How can I run Illustrator without Java? Is there a Java-dependent plugin I can turn off, a resource I can delete, or some way to coax it into performing the function I bought it to perform?
(I will not be installing Java on my machines. I wish Adobe had told me that the software I bought was reliant on obsolete middleware.)
I've been using Illustrator to draw certain parts of illustrations-like surgical instruments in a drawing otherwise done by hand or in Photoshop-through many versions of Illustrator. CS3, CS5 and now CS6. And I'm having trouble now making use of the old, saved instrument files because it's impossible to "join"lines in them. There may be other problems as well, but that one is the biggie right now. Is it understood that old Illustrator files will be difficult to manipulate in newer versions of the program? I would have thought that a vector file is a vector file, etc. I have older versions of AI, but there's an activation issue I have to sort out first. SHOULD I be able to work with older files in AI CS6?
I created a repeating pattern. I made the artboard the exact size of the art. I zoomed in and there are no gaps around the edge. I saved it for web and devices png8 and the top has a gap with transparency showing through. When I use it as a web page background, there is a white stripe showing. I've tried twice to resave it but get the same gap.
I'm trying to upload the two images using the camera icon but nothing happens after I select the image and click the "insert image" button. Again, I've tried twice without a different result.