Using the Roland GX-24 plotter to cut vinyl and the Illustrator print to plotter plug-in, the program refused to cut rectangles. (with the exception of lower case i's) This includes Capital I's, lower case l's, hyphens and rectangles using the rectangle tool.
All other letters have no issue cutting. So long as they're not a single rectangle. This anomaly was experienced using several files, tested on old and new. So its not an issue with the file.
How can I take a shape with a gradient like in the attached image, and make it so other shapes like the series of rectangles mask the gradient so the gradient only shows through the rectangles?
When drawing rectangles a symbol ( verticle line with arrow pointing to left ) is below and to the right of the cursor, The rectangles are drawn at an angle. How do I draw them horizintally?
Why is my rectangle tool leaving a trail of rectangles and not creating just one? Did I bump a setting by accident. How do I get the rectangle tool back to normal?
I have an excel file with thousands of rows, each with a column for the x-coordinate, the y-coordiante, the height, and width of a rectangle. I need a script that will ask me to select the excel file, read the excel file, and create rectangles from each of the thousands of rows. I'm working in a windows environment and have Illustrator CS4. Any scripts out there that might give me a start?
I used some white rectangles to change the shape of black letters on a white background. Now I want this combination of letters & rectangles to be just letters when I select them etc. (make the white rectangles blend with the background and still have the shape they left on the letters) How can I do that?
Let me start by saying I am not an AutoCAD wiz by any means. I have AutoCAD LT 2013 at my work and for the last year I have used it with no issues same as I have for the last 10 with previous versions.
This morning I came in and I cannot pan with my scroll wheel or double click the scroll wheel to zoom to extents. I have tried checking the settings for the wheel for pan and zoom and they are both at "1"
Whats even more frustrating is now all of a sudden I cannot enter dimensions for rectangles and other items with the small boxes that usually show up next to my item on the workspace (20" - "tab" - 12" - enter to get a 20x12 rectangle for example).
I have gone through every option section; I have tried rebooting my computer; I have looked at the settings for the mouse and nothing seems to do anything.
I use the rectangle tool to draw two rectangles where I use blending options to set opacity to 0 (no fill). But when I draw the second rectangle the first one disappears. How do I see both rectangles at the same time?
Another thing. How do I change linesize for the borders for the rectangle?
When I erase in Photoshop part of a drawing, gray rectangles appear. How can I eliminate them? In other words: every time I erase something, text or drawings, those gray rectangles appear. Is there a way to erase something leaving that part just white, so there I can write or draw whatever is needed?
When I hover over the menu commands in Photoshop or Illustrator (both CS2), white rectangles appear behind the Menu Commands and so cluttering the otherwise nice GUI. As I experienced this before on another computer but still have no clue what is going wrong could someone give me a clue what's going on here? I am using Windows XP Service Pack 2.
How to I draw a Rectangle without it being filled? Makes me a little pissed that its not in any obvious place for me to find, I'm used to older versions of Photoshop.
I have a drawing with so many rectangles in one layer. i want the sizes of those rectangles( ie L x B) is there any way to get the sizes of a rectangles from autocad and paste it into excel.
I want to loft two rectangles using arc as a path , but i cant , 1st i cant draw the arc in 3d so i draw it in "Front" view , then i cant loft the rectangles using that arc as an path -"The selected entities are not valid" , maybe because i draw the arc in "Front"(bottom left), but i cant draw it in 3d?!! Here it is some screen shot:
When I start drawing a line from a specific point in the drawing and type in the dimensions via DYN - relative coordinates work like a charm, but when I start a rectangle from the same point and type in the dimensions (via DYN) it wont work.
It does not change when I set dynpicoords to 0 or 1. Nothing else happens when I type @ or # or nothing as prefix.
Google suggests that there is no option other than to delete it and then redraw..
Is it possible to modify a rounded rectangles radius in Photoshop but I find this a big time waster as I'll then have to redo all the colors and strokes and all other changes i've made such as perspective and so on.
I was working on a document, with rounded rectangle shapes. I was able to edit them in the properties panel. Photoshop crashed. I restarted Photoshop. After reopening, the document was recovered
But now I can no longer edit the rounded rectangles. The properties panels looks different and the options are gone.What happened?What can I do to bring them back?
When I go to draw a box (rectangle or square) and I enter in exact dimensions or coordinates it is 1/16" off. I have checked my ortho (which is drawing straight) and my UCS. What else could it be? I am using Autocad 2014 and only drawing in 2D.
Is it possible to adjust the radius of the rounded rectangles after you have placed the rectangle on a layer?
am moving from Fireworks. In fireworks, you had a drag handle to quickly and easily adjust the radius for all or individual corners. I can't seem to find that funtionality in Photoshop.
I have found how to create the rectangles and adjust the radius before I place them in a layer, but not after.
II have been creating rectangles using rec and because it is a polyline I get the "midpoint" nodes which I need to keep. I often have to modify these by increasing their length or shortening them, large numbers of them at times. Currently I have to select each "midpoint", of the rectangle, one at a time in order to change all of their lengths at one time.
1.jpg 6.jpg
I am trying to find a faster way to select the "midpoint" of several rectangles or some other way instead of the individual method that I have been using. I've tried trim, extend, and stretch. Maybe there is another that I am not considering.
Trim removes the bottom line completely and retains only 3 sides so this doesn't work. 4.jpg.
Extend does the same thing and stretch works very different than what I am trying to do.
As advanced as my AutoCAD skills are I don't know how to specify the dimensions of a rectangle or square yet. How to know the prompts I need to follow after typing the 'rec' command in?
I create a surface. Then add a point file. The Surface boundary shows up but I see no contours or triangles. If I 3drotate and esc from that command I can then see triangles.
I need to show contours, or better yet colors, to provide a good visual of the existing ground.
Using guides, I can create slices of multiple rectangles intersecting each other. For a web, I may have one picture on the top and multiple items below. If I use guides, the top picture gets cut into multiple pieces. Is there a way to merge them back into one piece? I probably can create a new guide on with only the top, but it's an extra step and the HTMLs from 2 attempts are not compatible with each other.
I am having trouble in CS6 with selecting a portion of my photo, with any of the tools- quick-selection, lasso or magnetic lasso.
What happens is that once I have completed my selection, I get strange rectangles of 'marching ants' throughout my selection. These show up as different colours on the layer mask as well. When I first used quick selection it worked properly.
I am having a problem plotting any viewports that are not set to 2D wireframe. All viewports set to 2D wireframe plot correctly but anything set to hidden of conceptual plots as a black square.