AutoCad :: Drawing Rectangles To Specific Dimensions?
Aug 27, 2011
As advanced as my AutoCAD skills are I don't know how to specify the dimensions of a rectangle or square yet. How to know the prompts I need to follow after typing the 'rec' command in?
I have a drawing with so many rectangles in one layer. i want the sizes of those rectangles( ie L x B) is there any way to get the sizes of a rectangles from autocad and paste it into excel.
When I go to draw a box (rectangle or square) and I enter in exact dimensions or coordinates it is 1/16" off. I have checked my ortho (which is drawing straight) and my UCS. What else could it be? I am using Autocad 2014 and only drawing in 2D.
How to I draw a Rectangle without it being filled? Makes me a little pissed that its not in any obvious place for me to find, I'm used to older versions of Photoshop.
Is there a way to crop to a specific dimension? I have a 3888x2592 image and would like to crop it to 2400x1600. Problem I am having is I can get it to 2388x1589 or 2420x1619 or finally after many tries (over a minute of attempting) got it to 2399x1599. Is there any way to FORCE it to a specific dimension?
Also, on export I know you can resize an image, but are you able to apply a resize within lightroom itself?
I have an 8-bit image, 4800x3000 px, res 300 40.2M in size. I need to reduce it to 125K max, 640x480 px max, res 72. I must be doing something wrong because my result has lost all clarity.
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe? or 2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
Using Photoshop CS5 and Windows 7. How do I get a photo file (jpg) to print at specific dimensions? For instance, I have a file open in Photoshop and it's dimensions are: width-3872 pixels and height-2592 pixels. I want to print and have the print size be 10 inches by 8 inches without distorting the image.
I am looking to cut some pictures out with the specific dimensions of 960x350. I am using the cropping tool (free form), but it does not show me what the dimensions are as I drag it across.
Anyway to set a crop to that size and then I can just move it around the picture till I have it just where I want it?
I have a set of drum scans of medium format film images. The pixel dimensions of the scans vary slightly. But they all consist of images of the same frame size, with borders around the image (scanned film outside the image.) All of the scans were done at 4000 pixels per inch, at 100 percent.
For example, the pixels dimensions of one scan is 10492 x 6907, another is 10390 x 6968, and another is 10483 x 6976.
I want to crop all of them to 10200 x 6738 pixels. I want to delete the cropped pixels, and I do not want any scaling to take place. I want to preserve the original metadata (the scanner model, pixels per inch, etc.); in other words, I want to modify the files (or copies of the files), not create new files. The print size does not matter.I've tried several approaches, and none of them let me do what I want:
1.) Manually cropping each scan individually does not give me the control that I need for cropping to precise pixel dimensions.
2.) Creating a Crop Preset with the desired pixel dimensions doesn't work because using it results in scaling (I think.)
3.) Using Canvas Size doesn't work because the borders in the scans are not equal on all four sides. I need to be able to move and position the image inside the crop area.
4.) Using New, and Place… allows me to create a Canvas Size with the desired pixel dimensions and resolution, and move the placed images; they will fit without scaling. However, this results in a new file being created, and therefore the metadata is lost.
I'm trying to create an album design that has a grid effect with all the images I have. But how to put specific dimensions on each layer..I've tried the image size option but its not working - do I need to free transform and try to figure it out dimensions free handed?? Surely not?
If you can imagine U2s Achtung Baby (Or at a long shot: Exile On Main Street) That is where I'm headed (or TRYING to head rather) with it.
I need to find a way to add "perspective" to grouped objects that include a bitmap and other drawn objects. I can convert everything to a bitmap in needed. What I need this for is I engrave this grouped artwork onto drinking glasses and I have to adjust the artwork for the differences in the diameter of the glass. I need to be able to set the width of the top of the artwork with a numeric value and the bottom with a different numeric value.
An example of the problem with the engraving is that if I wanted to engrave a one inch square half way down the glass I would have to make the top of the square 1.1 inches wide and the bottom of the square 1.2 inches (the math is not right with this example) so a trapezoid turns into a square once engrave on the tapered glass.
The image below shows a sample of the artwork I need to engrave. The right side image is an exaggerated example of what the artwork would need to look like to work right once engraved. I could only adjust the black ring but not the text or image in the center. The third image is to show a trapezoid.
I have an image received from a client in .eps format. I need to get it into either a .gif or .jpg format AND the final file MUST be .8 inches x .3 inces, AND no more than 10K in size. How can I save it with these dimensions/constraints and not lose resolution? What I have tried - export to .jpg (file is 5 inches x 3 inches), export and change resolution to 100ppi (image is nearly the right dimensions, but blurry). The tools I have are AI and PS both version CS5
I am using Photoshop Elements 10 on Win 7 PC. I am trying to print multiple copies of one image on a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper? The images are artwork for buttons (to be used in button-making machine) so the dimensions must be exact on the duplicated images. When I select Picture Package, the images are resized to fit the dimensions in the picture package. When I select Contact Sheet, the images are resized to fit the number of columns I selected. Neither is acceptable. How can I repeat the same image on a single piece of paper without having the system re-size the image? I know that I can manually create a new PSE file and manually insert the images into this file. This is what I have been doing as a work-around.
Am trying to insert a drawing to specific coordinates, till now i did this part of coding; though this is executing but the drawing is not getting to coordinates specified
I have updated our Company TB and Border and was now working with the Line weights of our layers. I placed our TB into the directory so when we do File -> New, we can select our TB. My problem is when I open it up, I get an error dialog box about a Conflict Styles (error shown below). Where exactly do I save our Library styles so that when I open up our TB, my pre-selected lineweights, layers, etc... load up?
If I am drawing in 3D and I want to draw a line with a specific angle, how do I choose the plane that it is drawn in? Cos whenever I specify an angle the line is drawn in the horizontal plane
I was wondering if there was a way to always make a specific drawing open when AutoCAD starts. For instance when you start it, the file that always opens is acad.dwt
I was wondering if there was a way to make it open a drawing you might be working on. Then you always wouldn't have to click so many times to open it and find the folder it was in and so on. You start AutoCAD and there it is when AutoCAD starts. You can get right to work and not have to look for it.
Have a specific drawing that the crosshair in the Y direction is broken (sse attached image). Exacctly in middle of screen this problem was seen also in older autocad releases (R2008)
The UCS is world and PLAN view is set, the screen is OK the display card + driver is OK. The weird thing is this is only in this dwg and even if it insert it to fresh dwg in comes good.
I have a drawing that I've been working off and on now for a couple of months and is particularly large (48MB). I have finally put togther a concept in it which took me two days and when I tried to RENDER, AutoCad crashed. All is still when until I tried to reopen the drawing, AutoCad loaded the drawing until 99% and froze. I tried the .bak and that crashed AutoCad. I also tried the .bak from an hour earlier and that didn't work. Here are the steps I've taken so far:
-Opened drawing and .bak(s) in TrueView, converted to Standard, Opened the drawing in TrueView (no problems) and tried to open in AutoCad....same old issues.
-Tried inserting drawing as a block in a new drawing (crashed AutoCad)
What I can do? Everything opens fine in Trueview?? I can resort to older files but that would be difficult. Below are my computer specs.
Intel i7 980X Extreme GeForce 460GTX SLI x 2 PC3-10700 12GB Windows 7 64bit Pro AutoCad 2011
I use Cad for Mac 2011. I made this "3d"-wire drawing to find out the angles of an object. Now when I make an angular inquiry the value given is right. When I try to put in an angular dimension it does not work. I put in a screenshot here to be more clear. This is the situation viewed from southeast:
Agular dimension.jpg
So, the angle I want to put the dimension to is the one between the red lines. When I choose "Angular Dimension" and then pick the two lines the dimension is automatically put on the two white lines next to the red lines. While the verteces of the dimension lay on the picked red lines the arrows point to the white lines and the value given also refers to them.
I would like to ask a question about dimensions in 3D drawing being placed on one plane. I have a 3D drawing, and when I draw a dimension, it gets placed by the program on the XY plane. The dimensions do not stay along the dimensioned objects. see the attached picture. For example, you draw a line from [1,1,1] to [3,3,3] and then dimension it. The dim line is placed to [1,1,0]-[3,3,0] instead of along the line.
Is there a way of having different size dimensions on the same drawing? when i go into Annotate, then dimensions and change text size it changes all of the dimensions. in other cad packages i've used you can change selected text and so on a drawing you can for example you can have some text at 100mm and some at 25mm.
The template location and file is stored in variable clienttemplate (and is not the standard template path set under options). All works okay except if I close the new drawing, when I return to the previous drawing that was current when the new drawing was created (i.e. the drawing that the routine was run from). I get the following error:
I assume this has something to do with the original routine not closing/finishing before switching to the new drawing. This is the last line of the routine:
In autocad 2011 ... I am looking for some sample code to delete all blocks with specific names in a multi layout drawing. There may be multiple blocks with the same name.
This is what I have so far ... this code collects the objects and loops through the layouts and the blocks ... if it finds the text "REVBLK" in the block name ... I want it to delete the block ... it does delete some of them but not all of the blocks ...
Dim E1 As Object Dim ATS As Variant Dim EA As AcadAttributeReference Dim objLayouts As AcadLayouts Dim LayerNextNo As Integer Set objLayouts = ThisDrawing.Layouts LayerNextNo = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.TabOrder
I'm trying to reposition dimensions in a drawing through the API. The output of my code seems to indicate the method is working, but after it runs the drawing is unchanged. Here's the code (in VBA):
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheet As Sheet Set oSheet = oDoc.Sheets.Item(1) Dim oLdim As LinearGeneralDimension Dim oLeaderNote As LeaderNote Dim oDimLine As LineSegment2d ' Dimension Line Dim oStartPt As Point2d ' Dimension Line Start Point Dim oEndPt As Point2d ' Dimension Line End Point
Looks like it moved my vertical dimension left, but it doesn't actually do anything. Is this not a viable method for repositioning a dimension?
I created a sketch then tried to retrieve dimensions in a drawing from the sketch. When I used the retrieve function, no dimensions appeared. I made sure that the box in the Application Options under the Tools tab was checked for retrieving all dimensions upon placement. I have tried numerous ways to retrieve the dimensions, and while I can place them manually, I really need to be able to retrieve all at once as seen on the sketch.
I have been able to use the retrieve function before on files that I downloaded from a website so I know to use the function.
I'm attaching a file which I am having trouble retrieving dimensions. I am using Inventor 2013 educational version.
I am unable to see the dimensions that I measure using power dimensions as per the attachment on the drawings itself. If i want to see it, I have to select the green line, and right click and select the line and select standard as the dimension style. I did not have to previously do all of this.