Illustrator :: CS6 Path Not Aligned To Stoke Or Fill
Jan 9, 2013
I've been having a problem in illustrator for the last couple of days that I haven't had before. It doesn't just happen with this graphic, it has happened with other objects, even happened with a circle yesterday. It doesn't happen to all objects on the artboard though, just particular ones.
I've drawn these shapes with the pen tool, but the stoke and fill aren't aligned aligned with the path that I've drawn. It's causing issues when I resize (see image below) and also when I align. It aligns the path correctly but because that image doesn't match the path it looks wrong.
Using CS3 on a new system, but still on Windows XP. I want to stroke a path. I make a path with the pen tool, make sure the path is selected and when I try to use the "stroke with brush" thingie in the path palette, as I move my cursor over the stroke with brush icon a little no-go crossbar thingie appears there telling me it can't be done. Read a few forum messages on stroke with brush problems - this lead me to check that "spacing " was selected in the brush palette for the brush I am using and it was. Pretty new to CS3.
I made a path and filled it with black. When I zoom in to make anchor adjustments, the fill and the path outline are offset making it very difficult to adjust and align filled paths. This happens all the time.
When I use the pen tool to make a path with a fill, the fill updates immediately and correctly, but the path highlight (which usually displays as long as I'm working on a given path) only shows up when I hover my cursor above the path itself. Also, and this is a lesser issue, Illustrator's splash screen displays "Tryout." It came with CS6 MC, and none of the other apps are in trial mode.
I have this path that I got from Shutterstock. No matter what I do with it, it's got this green fill on it. So if I apply a grey fill to it, the grey fill is put on top of the green. If I remove the fill completely, the green fill is still there.
Maybe the person who made it applied some kind of magical unremovable fill color to it or someting?
I've ungrouped it, checked that there's no effects in the appearance panel, and of course checked that there's no outline on the path. I've also tried releasing compund paths. There's no opacity mask or transparency modes. Nothing worked.
[URL] and I don't know how to get the stroke around the blue circle, to be on the outside rather than in the middle? It should say "Stroke---(square with blue)---7 pt---Outside" in Apperance, but mine doesn't say Outside.
When I pull a regular 2-color photo from the web and use the tracing option, selecting ignore white, then expanding it into a path, it will not fill correctly. Instead of filling the object created, it fills the entire photo area of the original image. URL....
In the video, you'll notice that the fill option after expanding is marked with a "?".The goal here is to, after expanding, fill ONLY the image of the cursor.
The outside of the stroke curve is smooth, but the inside is really bumpy and rough, even though there are only three anchor points. It prints that way too; it's not just the monitor.
I'm trying to create a script in CS5 mac os10.6.8 that will change the fill color of selected pathItems. I need a simple script that will change a selected pathItem to cmyk values 2,3,15,0. I will then select this script and implement the action in a batch of 600 files.
I wish this process could be recorded as an action but when I record the action "add new swatch" I have to manually input the cmyk values, which will take forever for a batch of over 600 files.
Trick to keeping objects aligned with a helix when using an associative path array? The animation below demonstrates the problem where I can't seem to keep the "treads" on a spiral stairs aligned with the center of the helix. (fewer objects accentuate the problem)
Im brand spanking new to Illistrator, andfor my first project decided to re-make my logo for my small minecraft server, since my origional was such poor to make what I wanted, the problem im having is when I change the size of my grouped image it creates grey lines between the rectangle shapes, There is no gaps, if you zoom in as far as you can they disappear.I exported the image as PNG and they still percist, attatched (Top right finished origional size I made it)
I found out I could "rasterize" my selected content like in video editing "render", I had to do this to "finish" a vector image, any more information on a better workflow.
My stroke when drawing shapes is center aligned. When measuring the shape it measures from the outer edges of the shape's stroke and not from the center as usual. I dont know how to change the settings back to measure from the center of the stroke of the shape. As I said, the stroke is adjusted to the center align option...? (using Illustrator CS5)
I traced an image earlier, expanded it then wanted to change the line colour. For some reason I couldn't get this to work even though I've done it in the past. So, I used the magic wand to select the line then dragged it into my new document and changed the line colour.
Now, I want to change the fill on certain sections, however when I change the stroke it changes the colour of the line and when I change the fill it changes the color of the line.
I made this shape perfectly on the pixel grid with 'Snap to Grid', 'Align to Pixel Grid', and 'Show Grid' on. Every anchor is perfectly placed (i.e. not in the middle of a pixel) but for some reason my X and Y cordinates say it's off by half a pixel. When I change the .5 to .0, it unaligns my object. Why is it doing this? There is an example below of what it's doing.
I've created a complicated polygon (hundreds of nodes) with the Paths Tool and am trying to fill it. When I select the Bucket Fill Tool, I get a tiny little error message at the bottom that reads: "Cannot modify the pixels of layer groups". Now then, I do have a Layer Group in the Layers tab to collect text items, but this is a Path in the Paths tab (which I thought was separate).
I have tried switching the path from Stroke to Selection, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
In the past, I've used Fireworks (mainly), Photoshop, and Illustrator with varying degrees of success.
I spend 12 hours a day in illustrator and some functionality seems to simplistic and ultimately annoying.I'm using Windows 7 64bit. Adobe Illustrator CS6
1. Please auto switch between Stroke fill and fill when I select text. 99% of my time is spent only using fill on text. I would rather manually switch to Stroke when I want to add a fill to it rather having to switch to fill each time.
2. Same for Stroke, from point 1.
3. Add an auto layer for Guides. When I am using the Scissors tool, the majority of the time I don't want to cut my guides up, I would rather instead cut up the shape below it. Again manually changing the layer to select the guide would be preferable.
4. I personally never use the Eraser tool and I switch to the Scissors Tool. Without fail every time I launch Illustrator I have to switch from the Eraser Tool too the Scissors tool. Please add cookies or something so I don't have to always switch to the Scissors Tool.
5. Move "Align to Pixel" toggle somewhere outside a file menu.
If you create a symbol that is pixel perfect, exit out of the symbol and go back in, the pixels bleed into each other because the pixel grid is not aligned correctly. Instead it is aligned to the global document grid which the symbol content is not placed in. It makes no sense to align the pixel grid to the global coordinates when the content by definition is not present in it.
This makes it impossible to use symbols to edit pixel perfect objects because any editing other than the original creation does not display pixels but pixel bleeds.
This is a valid bug in Illustrator CS6. Please specify:
1. Do you understand what I am specifying? If you do not I will provide images as I wish to resolve this functionality. 2. Specify if it has been fixed in Illustrator CC. I do not have an available Win7 installation to test CC but if it is I will acquire one.
I've recently upgraded to Photoshop CS5.1 and I've encountered that the pen tool will only let me fill in one path at a time. Older versions of Photoshop would fill in all the paths at the same time so I don't see why the pen tool would be capable of doing that in a newer version.
I am using old Photoshop 7 because honestly, it has always filled every minor need of mine. Normally, I'm not doing much more than creating simple display placards, but this new project has me stumped. I am creating a simple layout for a device that will be silkscreened. The screen will be exposed using what I am creating in PS7, printed on a transparency.
The problem I am running into is with the text dithering. I found a tutorial that explained selecting the layer, then using Layer>Type>Create Work Path to generate a path around all of the text on the layer. I am now attempting to fill this path with solid black. When I select the path in the palette, the dot to fill the path is grayed out. I found an app note that stated when text is active, this is not an option. I tried disabling the text layer, but it didn't work.
I am using a layer mask to hide/all on a another gradient/pattern. I can use the gradient tools and preset okay to achieve an effect of it blending out horizontal or spherically etc.. (depending on which preset) is set. However I want to blend on my path which is custom made.
I know Xara provides a range a built in gradient fills (e.g. linear, spherical etc), but does it have the ability to have a gradient follow the edge of an object?
When i use the pen tool to make a shape and then select fill path, i choose a colour to fill the path with, but it fills the whole page accept the shape. Is there a setting that needs turning off or anything like that!?