Illustrator :: Prevent Fill From Disappearing Where Closed Path Overlaps Itself?
Jan 30, 2013I have a stringy object which is a single closed path. The fill disappears where it overlaps itself. Can I prevent that?
View 4 RepliesI have a stringy object which is a single closed path. The fill disappears where it overlaps itself. Can I prevent that?
View 4 Repliesi want to have multiple offsetoutlines on a closed or non-closed path. with "offset path" i can make only one additional outline but i need multiple?
i searched all over the net for answers with no success.
I draw a shape with the paths option using the shape tool,
ive selected and highlighted a visible normal layer at full opacity in normal blend mode.
right click the path and choose fill path... I have a colour selected already,
nothing happens...?
After placing an Illustrator file in Photoshop as a Smart Object, then double-clicking the object in Photoshop to edit it, the only swatches that remain in the Swatches panel are global ones. All the other swatches have been removed. (This is with the embedded file that opens; the original is unaffected.)
I assume this is by design, but any way of preventing it from happening, other than tediously changing every swatch to global before doing the embedding? And yes, I can always re-load the swatches afterwards, but that's also an extra step I'd like to avoid.
This is all CS6 in Windows 8.1.
Do I need to create a closed path first? Don't know how.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am developing a plugin for Illustrator CS5, 6. I have a scenario which requires the plugin to place a text frame inside a closed path art. How can I calculate the proper destination coordinates? The path art can be a curve or a rectangle, any shape. I need to place the text frame inside the path such that no part of the text frame overlaps the boundaries of the path art.
I looked at the forum and found the following thread: [URL] .....
Here, its stated that the method AIPathfinderSuite::DoFrontMinusBackEffect of the API did the required task. I tried the same but couldn't get it to work.
My first preference is to use the Illustrator SDK, not any third party libraries.
I'm using Illustrator CS6.I'm working with closed paths on an illustrated character. I have a leg overlapping a body for example. The leg is essentially a 4 sided shape but I only want a stroke on 3 sides. On the 4th side I don't want a stroke on it so that the leg blends with the body. I first thought about using the shape builder tool to merge the 2 shapes to see what that would look like but they won't merge for some reason.
Then I tried to use the width tool to drop the stroke on the 4th side down to a 0 width for the side I want ... but that didn't work I can change a closed shape so that a section of the shape has a different stroke colour (i.e. none!) from the rest of the shape?
Draw closed paths with the Pencil toolSelect the Pencil tool.Position the tool where you want the path to begin, and start dragging to draw a path.After you’ve begun dragging, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS). The Pencil tool displays a small circle (and, in InDesign, a solid eraser) to indicate that you’re creating a closed path.When the path is the size and shape you want, release the mouse button (but not the Alt or Option key). After the path closes, release the Alt or Option key.You don’t have to position the cursor over the starting point of the path in order to create a closed path; if you release the mouse button in some other location, the Pencil tool will close the shape by creating the shortest possible line back to the original doesn't for me. after i start drawing and i hold the option key, it goes to drawing a straight line. i don't hold the key till after i start drawing lit says.
same thing with the connect two paths. holding the command key doesn't change the behavior of the pencil tool.i'm guessing there is no way of remapping the 'smooth tool' to option again? or was it moved to another hotkey?
I've made a pattern brush that I'm using to simulate a woods line for a boardgame map:
Shown above is the unstroked bounding box as well. To use this brush, I draw an outline of a woods mass with the pencil tool, then apply the brush and Expand Appearance. At that point I'm hoping the brush sections will join into one closed path so that I can fill it with a woodsy green, but instead the fill gets applied to each section of brush independently:
The join points seem fine - it's not like the two ends of the brush don't line up at all: EDIT - Actually, that's not just one point in the middle there - that's the ends of both paths lying almost on top of each other. It's possible to separate the two and then ctrl-J join them. Problem is, I want that single path automatically.
So how to get Illustrator to treat the resulting path as one closed path instead of a compound path?
I'm using Illustrator CC. When I draw an outline with either the pencil tool or the paintbrush tool, I can't fill it in with color, even though the path appears to be closed. The "fill" square has a red diagonal line through it and won't switch to a color.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen converting a vector or Illustrator file (such as a logo) into a shape layer any gradient fill is lost. Is there no way to ensure the gradient fill is converted across or is this a matter for a future release of After Effects?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I pick 'User defined' under Pattern, I lose the Angle and Spacing boxes. If I insert a hatch with the default settings of 0 degrees and 1 unit, then double-click on the hatch to bring up the Hatch Creation panel, the boxes are displayed and I can set them to the values I want. This first happened in 2012LT and continues in 2013LT - how to prevent the boxes disappearing?
Dell Precision T1600 Xeo
nVidia Quadro 2000 - driver: AcadDM11.hdi
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
2013LT 64bit
I have a banner that I got from a vector eps file.
Now what I would like to do is fill the white background of the outline path...
See my image
I rarely want my Compound Paths to have voids where overlapping takes place, but sometimes (and it seems random) I get voids anyway.
The Attribute Panel options don't seem to do anything.
I've been having a problem in illustrator for the last couple of days that I haven't had before. It doesn't just happen with this graphic, it has happened with other objects, even happened with a circle yesterday. It doesn't happen to all objects on the artboard though, just particular ones.
I've drawn these shapes with the pen tool, but the stoke and fill aren't aligned aligned with the path that I've drawn. It's causing issues when I resize (see image below) and also when I align. It aligns the path correctly but because that image doesn't match the path it looks wrong.
I'm looking to do a simple 3D ribbon with text mapped onto it.
Using the pen tool I made a line with slight curves to it, then 3D > Extrude/Bevel.
The end result added 'volume' to my ribbon. See here:[URL]....
The parts with Green X's on them are what i'd like to get rid of, so that it's basically a wide ribbon with minimal 'thickness'.
I'm using Illustrator CS5 on Windows 7.
I made a path and filled it with black. When I zoom in to make anchor adjustments, the fill and the path outline are offset making it very difficult to adjust and align filled paths. This happens all the time.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I use the pen tool to make a path with a fill, the fill updates immediately and correctly, but the path highlight (which usually displays as long as I'm working on a given path) only shows up when I hover my cursor above the path itself. Also, and this is a lesser issue, Illustrator's splash screen displays "Tryout." It came with CS6 MC, and none of the other apps are in trial mode.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have this path that I got from Shutterstock. No matter what I do with it, it's got this green fill on it. So if I apply a grey fill to it, the grey fill is put on top of the green. If I remove the fill completely, the green fill is still there.
Maybe the person who made it applied some kind of magical unremovable fill color to it or someting?
I've ungrouped it, checked that there's no effects in the appearance panel, and of course checked that there's no outline on the path. I've also tried releasing compund paths. There's no opacity mask or transparency modes. Nothing worked.
When I pull a regular 2-color photo from the web and use the tracing option, selecting ignore white, then expanding it into a path, it will not fill correctly. Instead of filling the object created, it fills the entire photo area of the original image. URL....
In the video, you'll notice that the fill option after expanding is marked with a "?".The goal here is to, after expanding, fill ONLY the image of the cursor.
I'm trying to create a script in CS5 mac os10.6.8 that will change the fill color of selected pathItems. I need a simple script that will change a selected pathItem to cmyk values 2,3,15,0. I will then select this script and implement the action in a batch of 600 files.
I wish this process could be recorded as an action but when I record the action "add new swatch" I have to manually input the cmyk values, which will take forever for a batch of over 600 files.
I have closed polyline:
Polyline rectangle = new Polyline();rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomLeft, 0, 0, 0);rectangle. AddVertexAt(0, rectangleBottomRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.AddVertexAt(0, rectangleTopRight, 0, 0, 0); rectangle.Closed = true;
How can I make it like a hatch(to fill it up)?
I was working away and just before I was getting readly to print when I found that my arrows where not filled.
I check the arrowheads and it is set to "closed filled. And the text is ok.
I have had this happen before but the text was the same way. how can I fix this?
Once a path is closed, how do you break it open? And while I'm at it: I have a vector mask. I want to draw another vector shape and subtract it from this vector mask. How would I do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to swap which side of a closed path - inside or
outside - masks a fill layer?
Let's say you draw a closed path with pen tool and then add a solid color fill layer which will be masked by the path so that the inside of the
path gets the color - what if you want the color on the outside instead,
how do you do it?
Is there any way to make vector text bear the characteristic of "closed path data"? Perhaps prior to, or after, applying the text in PSP? I am trying to import files from Corel PaintShop Photo Pro into MotionStudio 3D.
I am able to bring in vector objects created, but is there a way to make it so that vector text works also, by making vector text "closed"?
I would like to apply a gradient inside closed path with black at the outside transitioning to white at the center. I
View 2 Replies View Relatedbrushstrokes.png
I've noticed that sometimes when I use an artistic media brush around a closed path, I can't change the brushstroke color without filling the path with that color; see the attached file for an example. I thought that was just unfortunately the way it was.But today I watched Jeff Harrison's video tutorial [URL]...about making a custom brush. He applies it to a closed path, and then, to my surprise, he changes the color and it just changes the color of the brushstroke.
I followed the tutorial, made the brush, applied it to a rounded rectangle, all fine. However, when I changed the color, the center of the rectangle filled with the color as well as changing the brush color, as it always has for me in the past. So what's wrong? Do I have some setting somewhere set to the wrong thing? (I don't have Fill Open Curves checked.)
I traced an image earlier, expanded it then wanted to change the line colour. For some reason I couldn't get this to work even though I've done it in the past. So, I used the magic wand to select the line then dragged it into my new document and changed the line colour.
Now, I want to change the fill on certain sections, however when I change the stroke it changes the colour of the line and when I change the fill it changes the color of the line.
I've created a complicated polygon (hundreds of nodes) with the Paths Tool and am trying to fill it. When I select the Bucket Fill Tool, I get a tiny little error message at the bottom that reads: "Cannot modify the pixels of layer groups". Now then, I do have a Layer Group in the Layers tab to collect text items, but this is a Path in the Paths tab (which I thought was separate).
I have tried switching the path from Stroke to Selection, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
In the past, I've used Fireworks (mainly), Photoshop, and Illustrator with varying degrees of success.
I spend 12 hours a day in illustrator and some functionality seems to simplistic and ultimately annoying.I'm using Windows 7 64bit. Adobe Illustrator CS6
1. Please auto switch between Stroke fill and fill when I select text. 99% of my time is spent only using fill on text. I would rather manually switch to Stroke when I want to add a fill to it rather having to switch to fill each time.
2. Same for Stroke, from point 1.
3. Add an auto layer for Guides. When I am using the Scissors tool, the majority of the time I don't want to cut my guides up, I would rather instead cut up the shape below it. Again manually changing the layer to select the guide would be preferable.
4. I personally never use the Eraser tool and I switch to the Scissors Tool. Without fail every time I launch Illustrator I have to switch from the Eraser Tool too the Scissors tool. Please add cookies or something so I don't have to always switch to the Scissors Tool.
5. Move "Align to Pixel" toggle somewhere outside a file menu.