I create a file in .ai (small logo for document headers, mostly text), save type to outlines, save an .eps version and import into MS Office Word, save as a PDF and the image comes out with jagged edges. PNG comes out blurry and faded in PDF (it's fine in Word). So I need to make my image available for a Word header for a document that will be saved as a PDF.
How to export the .dwg file to Microsoft WORD as a base/background for further word processing on top? Is there any direct way to convert the file that can use in WORD?
On one PC (CS6, MS office 2007) I can select a line, press ctrl+c, flip to ms word, press ctrl+v and the line shows up. Then the line looks like it was created in word. It is also possible to edit the line in word now.
On another PC (Adobe CC, MS offise 2007 if I do it the same way the following text shows up in word:
I have a hard drive containing hundreds of Illustrator (AI) files, however they have been saved all over the place!I want to...
1) do a search for all AI files containing the word "invoice" (case-insensitive) 2) be able to copy those files to a new location (preferably in one large drag-and-drop copy action).
I am currently running Windows XP with Adobe Illustrator CS3.
I believe it is called merge?? I am new to illustrator and am working on learning new tricks, I have come to a road block here.
Here is a set up:
I have font image with a tail connected to the font, Inside the tail i have another font that i want to weld, merge or whatever you call it so that when i remove the letters it is for say burnt into the tail so when i print it there will be no color. ( I am screen printing t shirts) see image for more details basically I want to screen print the image below in black, and keep the cafe hollow so it will take on the color of the shirt.
I've designed a logo for a client using Illustrator CS6. There is the 4-color version in CMYK .eps as well as 1-color, 2-color, and KO versions. Everything looks and acts as it should and will no doubt be perfect for offset printing (my main area of experience). However, once delivered to the client they were anxious to put them into use and immediately dropped the 4-color version into a word document and made a pdf for email distribution. When I received it I had to groan, the colors had shifted to the obscene.
My guess is that what the client needs is a set of the logos that are converted to RGB. I'm also thinking that since the logos might be re-sized for various uses, keeping the art in the .eps format (as opposed to a raster format) makes sense. Is that true?
Is there an easy way to convert the original CMYK eps files to RGB within Illustrator?
On printing setup or save file , it got show the words on the photo 1 & 2. But when i print it out , the words are missing but number is still there as shown on photo 3..
I use Adobe Illustrator CS4 in a MAC. I want to establish a chemical formula MO3- with Illustrator. It seems that I can only first type NO3, and then set 3 as subscript, afterwards I input -, and set it as superscript. But in this case 3 and – are not consistent in the horizontal position.
So I am wondering how to set up subscript and superscript to the same word at the same time?
I am exporting a table - save from Excel to PDF. Open in AI and export to EMF. The word 'Difficult' in one column comes out 'Dif cult' in every occurance. It worked with a different table one time last week but now happens with every table I attempt to export. I even went to an extra step of saving the PDF to AI and then exporting to EMF. Same results.
when i add a text to and make it full justify, it leaves lot of spacing and some lines have more spacing between words than other in short it does not look good , how can i make it proper looking
I need publishing a PDF from a Word document full of diagrams created with Adobe Illustrator CS6. My diagrams are all vector. I am free to export them anyway I like. My Word doc has many cross-references, footnotes and Endnote references and a large table of contents. It is a few hundred pages long, with around 50 diagrams. I would like to preserve the original quality of the vector art and the intra-document clickable links.
Each step in the process has multiple possible paths, and each path often many options. There are 3 steps:
1) Export from Illustrator to: .ai, .pdf, .eps, .wmf, .emf optional 1b) Convert (eg. use Acrobat to convert .ai to .doc, .eps or .ps)
2) Import to Word: drap and drop, file cut and paste, insert picture, insert object, insert object linked to file, PDF Reflow (Word 2013). I tried them all.
3) Publish to PDF from Word. Many different paths... - Print to PDF: I have AdobePDF, PDFCreator, NovaPDF printers installed - Save as... : Save as->AdobePDF or Save as->PDF or XPS - Plugin toolbars: Acrobat->CreatePDF, NovaPDF->Save as PDF, PDF Architect->Convert or - Save as .doc and convert with Adobe Acrobat.
I have tried many different permutations. There are 4 possible errors: E1 - The diagrams are converted into bitmaps. E2 - The diagrams are 'linearised' - curves are converted into chains of linear sections E3 - The diagrams are corrupted - text missing, characters changed, dotted lines become solid lines etc. E4 - Hyperlinks are lost.
Here are some results of my tests. I see no difference so far between Word 2007 and Word 2013. Results below stand for both.There is no difference between Word->Acrobat->CreatePDF and Acrobat->Convert Word to PDF.Illustrator -> AI -> Acrobat -> Word almost works, but diagrams are corrupted in various ways (eg. dashed lines become solid).When export from Illustrator as EPS level 2, EPS level 3, EMF, WMF and PDF and get different results depending on the path to PDF:
No links preserved: Word->Print to AdobePDF: Good: eps2, eps3, emf Bad: PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Print to PDFArchitect: Good: eps2, eps3, emf Bad: PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Print to PDFCreator: Good: eps2, eps3, emf Bad: PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Print to NovaPDF: Good: - Bad: eps2 (E2), eps3 (E2/E3), emf (E3), PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Toolbar->PDFArchitect: Simply prints with current postscript printer. One of above.
So, only the "Word->Print to PDF" pathways provide good quality vector diagrams, but none of these preserve intra-document links.
I have: - Adobe Creative Cloud CS6 (Illustrator, Acrobat etc. all latest versions) - Word 2007 (latest version (SP3 12.0.6683.5002)) - Word 2013 (Office 365 latest version) - Access to a Mac with Word 2011.
I inherited a document (yes, you heard correctly) that was designed in Adobe Illustrator (I have the CC version). This is a 10 page document with a lot of text and fake tables. Why the original author used AI for this document but now, I wish to convert this document into a more appropriate tool.
I don't know, perhaps I shouldn't be surprized that AI doesn't have much in the way of text based exports (except PDF and pure text)... PDF isn't ideal because it outputs blocks that are out of order, making it difficult to copy and paste into another editor.
Ideally, my preference is either HTML, MS Word, FrameMaker, Robohelp, CHM, or Dita. Is there a super-secret method to export an AI document into one of those formats?
Just changed to Illustator CS and now when we save with Tiff preview (opaque) and the graphic is imported into Word on a Windows box there is no preview (just a blank box). The file prints correctly. The preview shows ok on Word on a Mac. Anyone have any ideas?
I have create an excel file with a description and a hyperlink.With this way the user is able to open all the file that was able to open in only one excel.So far everything is OK.My problem is this. Have added 3 new lines for 3 different adobe illustrator files.When the user makes a click in the hyperlink open the adobe illustrator but is empty.They don't opening the file that has added in the hyperlink. (It happens only in the .ai files all the other files .pdf - .doc - .jpg opening without any problem)
I use windows XP with SP3 and adobe illustrator CS4
When using the perspective grid tool and type, I have a word on the right side of the grid in perspective, and I want to make a shadow of this word flat on the bottom grid. (Like how a tall building casts a shadow flat on the ground)
I tried using the shear tool to do it but it is a bit tricky getting it just right. There must be an easier way to do it within the perspective tool grid.
When I type the word and align it to the bottom grid, how do I rotate it whilst still being aligned in perspective on the bottom grid?If I try and rotate the word using the selection tool it rotates off axis so it is no longer laying flat on the bottom grid.
Words placed on the bottom grid always read from the left vanishing point - I want the word to read from the right vanishing point so it aligns with my word on the right grid wall.
I'm using an iMac and Illustrator CC. I created a text area box. I want to place text from an outside Word document into the area box. When I go to File>Place and locate the text file, I click on Place. When I'm returned to my Illustrator CC document, the original area box is deselected and my cursor is loaded and ready for me to drag out a new area box. Shouldn't the placed text fill the original area box?
Is there a way to insert a Ai graphic into msWord and the graphic text still be searchable in msWord? I would like the text in my Ai graphic to be searchable once the graphic is inserted in msWord. I have tried different Ai exports, but all come into msWord as pictures. Is there a way to keep the Text Layer in my Ai file searchable in msWord.
I wrote the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" in Times New Roman regular 12 pt. in Illustrator CS2. The file was saved as a pdf at "press quality." I wrote the same sentence with the exact some font in InCopy CS2 and exported it as a pdf at press quality. As shown in a zoomed-in screenshot from the respective pdfs, the text from Illustrator (top example below) is slightly different than the text from InCopy (bottom example below):
Is it just an unavoidable artifact of the way pdfs are rendered? I realize it's a minor gripe, but even slight bugs/features like this would never be tolerated in a professional publishing environment. What am I not understanding about vector images and/or pdfs?
What I want to do is, make a roll-over button the will take me to the website of my choice, I went into Photoshop 7 and then went to
( SAVE FOR WEB ) and went thur all the steps to save it as a .HTML . Then went into MICROSOFT WORD to use the roll-over button.
This is were my problem starts, I go into INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE and then find my roll-over button that I just made, Then I go to INSERT the .HTML roll-over button,, and A ERROR comes up saying....A ERROR HAS OCCURED WHILE IMPORTING THIS FILE.
What am I doing wrong. It has a number of files to choose from, but none of the seem to work..some of them are..( ENHANCED METAFILE, WINDOWS METAFILE,JPEG FORMAT,PNG,WINDOWS BITMAP,GIF,COMPRESSED WINDOWS ENCHANCED METAFILE.......)
Like I said ,it`s my first webpage and not sure where the problems is, I would like to have a roll-over button, so that