I'm not sure what I did in Illustrator, but my ellipse/rectangle tools are "off." All make a slanted shape, as if I created a normal ellipse then rotated it. They are also very narrow no matter how I draw them. There is a small symbol showing up while I draw them. It looks like a small vertical line connected to a small horizontal arrow.
Been using Illstrator for over 7 years now, and never really wanted to ask this question, but I have to now. If I draw a sqaure using the rectangle tool, it shows a cross in the centre, and if I draw one using the pen tool, there is no cross. Is the cross there to merely show the centre or does it have a different purpose in showing it's a different property? Also, if you want to recreate this, make sure you are in Outline View (⌘/ctrl + Y) .
Since the location of an ellipse is extremely difficult to predict, would it be possible to make the ellipse tool behave like the Text tool?
That is, when you have created the ellipse, have a 'handle' appear next to it so you could move it to the exact location desired. Maybe even a selection box that you could modify its shape and rotation as if you had selected it.
The other feature I would like to see is constrainment of all drawing tools (brush, pencil, color change) as is done with the Line/Curve tool. Hold the Shift key to keep the line straight.or is there some way in which these features already exist?
There seems to be way too many tools in the tools panel for me. Many of them I will rarely, if ever use. Is there any way I can rearrange or remove some of them? It would unclutter the screen immensely.
I have an interactive board with tools (such as pen or eraser) which I want to integrate with the AI. The typical scenario woulld be as follows: the user lifts the pen from the tray, the pen event will me mapped into selecting Pencil Tool from AI toolbar after which the user can add freehand annotations to the AI document.
Is there an API which would allow me to map abailable hardware tools with relevant AI tools? Is there an example which would demonstrate such integration?
Which is an ellipse which I happened to draw a line inside of. My goal is to be able to join the line with the ellipse so I can make it part of the shape, then I'd like to chop off the top of the ellipse (the part on top of the line).
So I have a friend who creates business cards and logo's with elipses and she's running into a problem. She has currently got the trial version of Illustrator CC and while she can create the elipses just fine, she can't seem to get the text to follow the curve.
She does have the right tool correct? Illustrator can do what she wants it to do correct? If so, is it an issue of usage ignorance or could it be that the trial simply doesn't have this feature?I recommended the Illustrator as the right tool but I want to make sure it will do what she's wanting to do.
1) I'm trying to do is to create an ellipse that has less steep curves at its corners (essentially making it a little more rectangular). I realize that if you create an ellipse, then use the direction tool, you can pull on the guidelines to make the curves less steep and achieve the affect I want. However, I was wondering, is there a feature when I can just enter in an amount and it will adjust all four corners to that amount without me having to fineagle with the direction tool?
2) Is it possible to create my own custom type of elipse where when I use the ellipse tool, and drag it out to make an elipse, it will already have these corners that I'd like?
In the above image, I have four symmetrical corners of an ellipse which I'm trying to join together into one ellipse that is perfectly symmetrical. I am trying to line up the anchors perfectly (one corner at time) and then do a join, yet the result is always slightly off. I've been selecting the two points I want to join and using Path -> Average, then Path -> Join to do this, yet as mentioned it's not coming out precise.
I'm trying to draw a circle and an ellipse so that the ellipse shares exactly two points of contact between the two paths (not centered).
This is seemingly impossible with the tools provided since, if you draw an ellipse normally, with the anchor points of the ellipse on the circlular path, there are four points of contact, which means the two paths overlap.
I've tried revolving a line segment that goes from the edge of the circle to the middle of the circle (not center) with similar results.
Drawing the ellipse first doesn't work either.
Astute Graphics has a plug-in, Subscribe that would almost work, except it only draws circles, not ellipses.
Am I overlooking someting extremely obvious, or am I correct to say that illustrator can't do this? I'm using CS5. Maybe this is something that is fixed in CS6 with a snap to path option?
I'm trying to snap a circle created with the Ellipse tool to the grid. However, the center of the circle won't snap to the grid, it's always the edges.
My circle is 4.7mm and my grid is 10mm with 2 subdivisions. How to get the center of a circle to snap to the grid?
I have 4 layers (background, layer1, layer2, layer3-text). They fill all 300 x 600 pixels that comprise the .psd/future image. What I want to do is use a rounded rectangle to encompass all of the other layers, so that the surrounding pixels (around the rounded rectangle) are transparent.
I want all of my current layers to be the content of a rounded rectangle.
I have a rectanlgle the same size as the artboard. I added a 2px border around the rectangle. It is centered vertically and horizontally to the artboard. When I save it as a PNG(save for web) the border gets cut off.
How can I prevent this? I am using illustrator CC(64)
I'm using Illustrator CS4 at work and am rather new to it, so I'm feeling my way along. I'm modifying and working with a file created by someone else. I'm trying to save a document of multiple objects to JPG, using Save to Web & Devices. There's a white rectangle in the document that I can't seem to include in the saved file. Other objects are included without problem, both clipping to the artboard and saving the whole document. I've tried grouping the rectangle with similar adjacent objects, and also tried "locking" them. I even tried creating a new rectangle over top of the existing one. No matter what I try, it just won't grab that rectangle along with the rest of the objects. It doesn't seem to be in a separate layer.
The issue I am having is trying to draw a rounded rectangle and it becomes a perfect circle. I was wondering if this warning below has anything to do with that. I have a project for school that needs to be in by tomorrow and I can't proceed until I find the answer to my problem.
Illustrators Options:
I am using Illustrator CS6 in the options field under the version catagory.
Warning: Saving to a legacy format found may cause some changes your text layout and disable some editing features is read back in. Also any hidden Appearance attributes will be discarded.
Only fonts with appropriate permisssion will be embedded.
This is what I see when I try to save in Illustrator options.
I'm working with Illustrator cs4. I am making a flyer to be printed and saved as a PDF. I have drawn two rectangles with the Rectangle Tool as part of the simple design. I colored them and then applied the Water Paper effect from Effect> Photoshop Effects - Sketch. My boss would like the rectangles to be a different color. When I change the color, the effect is no loner visible, except on the very edge of the shapes. The effect still shows up in the appearance panel under fill, though. When I change the color back, the effect is once more visible. I can add the effect to all rectangles drawn in this color. All rectangles drawn in other colors will not show the effect on more than the very edge of the shape. What in the world have I done to make this happen?
I create a new illustrator document (Illustrator CS5 - v15.1.0), in that document I create a rectangle with the rectangle tool (fill: white; stroke: black); I save the document (.ai-format; create pdf compatible file active). The file size messures 3.2 Mb. Why is that? It's just a simple rectangle with 4 points…
This is probably quite simple but the answer eludes me. What I want to do is to create a borderless coloured rectangle (which I can do!), then drag text over it and cut the text out so it leaves the original rectangle with transparent text if you know what I mean.
I can easily do this in PS with the magic lasso but obviously I lose the quality when re-importing it back into AI.
So, I'm creating a logotype. It consists of a black rectangle and then there is some white text on top of it. However, when I save the file as pdf, the whole file is transparent.
How can I explode a rectangle to 4 individual lines? i need illustrator equivalent to autocad explode function. I searched a lot on net, couldn't find it. I tried expand command too.
How can I build a 3d sphere shape with a rect hole in it (simil to pacman)? Something like this, but with a real 3d shape (so I could change the perspective having all the shades and lights etc...):
I am designing a brochure and have added a rectangle with a different colour stroke but I only want the stroke to be on the top and the bottom of the rectangle. How do I remove the sides? I have tried just selecting the side stroke with the direct selection tool and then hit delete but it deletes the whole rectangle, stroke and fill.