Illustrator :: How To Snap A Circle Created With Ellipse Tool To Grid
Feb 23, 2014
I'm trying to snap a circle created with the Ellipse tool to the grid. However, the center of the circle won't snap to the grid, it's always the edges.
My circle is 4.7mm and my grid is 10mm with 2 subdivisions. How to get the center of a circle to snap to the grid?
I would like to draw a Circle with the Ellipse tool and then add a Vector Mask
next i would like to Duplicate the layer and then select the Vector Mask Thumbnail in the layers panel so that when i select the Pen tool the Intersect Shape Areas is available
however, i cannot seem to get the Vector Mask to be available it is always grayed out no matter what i try to do.
i am trying to add a "glossy" effect to the circle by using the Pen tool to draw a shape through it horizontally and then up and around the top of and joining/closing it so that i can add a white>trans gradient.
I'm trying to draw a circle and an ellipse so that the ellipse shares exactly two points of contact between the two paths (not centered).
This is seemingly impossible with the tools provided since, if you draw an ellipse normally, with the anchor points of the ellipse on the circlular path, there are four points of contact, which means the two paths overlap.
I've tried revolving a line segment that goes from the edge of the circle to the middle of the circle (not center) with similar results.
Drawing the ellipse first doesn't work either.
Astute Graphics has a plug-in, Subscribe that would almost work, except it only draws circles, not ellipses.
Am I overlooking someting extremely obvious, or am I correct to say that illustrator can't do this? I'm using CS5. Maybe this is something that is fixed in CS6 with a snap to path option?
When I drag around vector points of paths they are not constrained to the pixel grid, when the option "Snap Vector Tools and Transform to Pixel Grid" is off. This is the behavior I expect.BUT: When I drag whole paths, they snap to the pixel grid, no matter what. I even have snapping completely disabled.
This is particularly annoying when eg. creating a path for a zipper. I first make a path for the inside of the jacket or whatever, then I make one notch for the zipper and copy it over and over again for all the notches. It's very troubling when these elements snap to the pixel grid, because it's very unprecise then.
Is there away to turn off "Snap to Grid"? You find it under View - Perspective Grid - Snap to Grid. I can turn it off by clicking on it to turn off but it won't stay turned off. I tired to go into my preferences to see if you can keep it off in your setting but I do not see it. A lot of discussion boards talk about in the Transform window "Align new objects to pixel grid" and that is turned off.
making things snap to the pixel grid and in return destroying the ability to align things and rendering the pathfinder tools useless
Try this: New Document for Web (with Align New Objects to Pixel Grid on)Draw a perfect rectangleDraw a perfect ellipseUsing Align to Selection, try aligning the rectangle and the ellipse to their top-left cornerZoom in as far as possible, note that the paths are NOT aligned. Even try manually aligning the two paths by their X and Y co-ordinates, and you will see they snap back 0.5px Repeat the above steps with Align New Objects to Pixel Grid off, and see how things use to actually align...
While I do understand you have done this to try to create pixel-perfect graphics, there has to be another way.. Back in CS4, I had a work-around for the pixel-perfect problem. It involved applying a graphic style with a transform properties of -0.5, -0.5 to individual paths or groups. The reason this worked was that it did not affect the actual co-ordinates of the path and allowed me to snap my paths to whatever I wanted..
Cannot make snap to grid to work, tried the following and while trying I came across another issue. If align to pixel grid is unchecked when opening new documents then snap to grid does not work, but the smart guides don't work either. They appear only when the align to pixel grid is rechecked in the transform panel. Now no snap no smart guides either.
Is there another option other than in preferences for the snap to grid to work or the smart guides to work?
Also, I set my grid to lines every 10mm subdivisions every 1mm and my keyboard increments to 10mm so why then does my 10x10mm no stroke no fill square move 11mm with each keyboard stroke? Set this up so that the object would then snap to the grid, but it does not, whether or not the align to pixel grid is checked or unchecked either way it does not work.
Latest lion latest illustartor update, in the wishful thinking that it would fix it, but still have the same problem.
deleted the cache too still nothing.
p.s I do not know what changed, but it used to work before
Working with web icons, and I can not get some things to line up with each other. Either to the left or to the right. I've shut off snap to pixel grid in transform palette.
I guess I created a file with Snap to Pixel Grid turned on.Can't figure out how to turn this off.Created a new file without Pixel Grid Snap enabled and pasted the art into it...still had trouble with aligning points correctly. how to turn off Snap To Pixel Grid?
How can I snap the center of an arbitrary symmetrical object to the grid? For instance the center of a circle or rectangle. According to this discusssion it's not possible: [URL]
How can I define a reference point in an arbitrary object or in a group of objects and snap this to the grid?
I have set up a 20x20 pixel grid and I want to easily try out a few mockup layouts. No matter what I try, Illustrator simply does not snap to grid. I have to zoom in really close to align each shape.
Surprisingly it does not snap to guides either, leaving me completely hopeless. I have snap to pixel on and all objects are set to align to pixel grid.
I have my grid set to 10px (with subdivisions set to 1). Snap to Grid is enabled. I had "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" checked when I created the document.
When I draw an object, it will snap to the 10px grid as I am drawing it. However, when I go to move the object around, it will not snap to the grid at all. In Photoshop and Fireworks, this was a piece of cake, but in Illustrator I've never been able to get this to work, nor find a solution for it. The only way I can kind of get it to work is to set my grid to 1px, but I really don't want to be zooming in that far constantly when moving things around.
For what it's worth, this is happening in Illustrator CC, but I've had this same issue with older versions as well.
When using the perspective grid tool and type, I have a word on the right side of the grid in perspective, and I want to make a shadow of this word flat on the bottom grid. (Like how a tall building casts a shadow flat on the ground)
I tried using the shear tool to do it but it is a bit tricky getting it just right. There must be an easier way to do it within the perspective tool grid.
When I type the word and align it to the bottom grid, how do I rotate it whilst still being aligned in perspective on the bottom grid?If I try and rotate the word using the selection tool it rotates off axis so it is no longer laying flat on the bottom grid.
Words placed on the bottom grid always read from the left vanishing point - I want the word to read from the right vanishing point so it aligns with my word on the right grid wall.
want to translate my vector illustrations to charts for cross stitch kits. Using the grid tool, but the lines aren't equally spaced? I have a 100cm x 100cm document at the moment, with 1 cm making a 'stitch'. I want a grid that is 100cm x 100cm, made up of 1cm x 1cm squares for simplicity. Then be able to print the design out on the grid.
In Illustrator CS6, Strokes are automaticly rounding to the nearest whole point size, and shapes I place in a given location are snapping to a grid that I can't seem to find anywhere. All my snaps are turned off, as well as "allign to pixel grid", and I can't seem to find anything in preferences or the transform or object panes that would affect these things. How do I disable both things?
I have a user and when he's in sketch mode he trys to draw a line but it keeps on snapping to a grid. Both snap and grid setting are switched off. I can't find any settings he has different from my own set-up so I'm finding it hard to fox this problem. FYI, this user is a bit of a problem and tends to change settings without even realising he's doing it.
Snap commands in X6? I can not get the snap to grid to turn off. The button is off and the setting is set to off in options. Objects seem to snap all over not just to the grid. And the grid snap seems to be out of alignment-I cant seem to get objects to snap exactly to the grid.
The same files reopened in X5 are fine. This started with yesterdays install of 6.2. leaving X2 completely unusable.
I'm looking for an option to adjust the grid size and to snap-to-grid.
For some purposes, you can find a way around this, but it is a pain when working on a project that requires perfect precision.
The topic has been brought up before, but I'm hoping to hear of any news on the possibility of implementing it. I don't assume there has been made any plugins to cater this need since earlier posts on the matter, so I'm hoping to persuade developers to implement the feature in a new version of instead.
If you need to know more specifically what I'm looking for, then it's basically what you have in Adobe Illustrator or any decent 3D modelling software you will ever come across. It would work pretty much exactly like the grid already in place, except you would not be limited to working only with individual pixels, but rather groups of pixels as you zoom further out. The grid would preferably have thicker lines every 5, 10 or 15 lines, etc. for user to position the various elements.
I'm using Paint.NET 3.5.8 on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.
While editing small (16 x 16) images, I noticed that Paint.NET used a grid with a width of 2 pixels. Selection rectangles snap to this grid, as do paste operations.
How can I specify the grid width or disable this snap to grid effect altogether?
I'm able to create an ellipse with the select tool, create a path from it and then add a text "along the path". Unfortunately I can't specify on what position of the arc/ellipse the text should start (left-upper corner, middle, right upper corner, etc.).
how to join line or polylines with ellipse arcs or circle arcs and now.. I give up! Here is my problem: What I would like to draw can be compared with a pear: a succession of circle arcs ellipse arcs and maybe polylines. Once the profile done, I was planning to use REVOLVE or (EXTRUDE + FLLET) to finish my drawing... the problem is that I can't join 2 ellipse arcs from different ellipses (which means neither with a circle arc. How would you proceed to draw a pear?
I have been using the radial filter with no problems.Now it will not display the circle or ellipse. it seems to be working as when I try to do the circle and it will not show but if I change the exposure or any of the setting it does do that.
Have I accidently changed something or a setting to cause this .
I'm making a logo for someone by hand-drawing a font I made up. But because I was having trouble drawing a perfect letter 'O', I'm using the "Circle/Ellipse" tool to do it. I drew an 'O' with that tool that's almost the right size... and I wanna draw another one just a little shorter... but I can't figure out how to place the completed new shape directly over the old one.
I don't know where to start the action with the tool! The completed shape always ends up in the wrong place. How to get my finished shape to complete just where I want it to? (Re-sizing the shape won't work because that changes the thickness of the line I used for the letter 'O'.)
I'm working on a sticker with a Big Ben style clock on it. I've created it using the 2-point perspective ability in Illustrator. Unfortunately, I've decided that I want it to feel "taller" than when I started, so I need to shift the perspective. However, when I use the Perspective Grid Tool and adjust the ground or horizon line, it only adjusts the grid, not the artwork. Is there a way to have the artwork adjust with the grid so that I can move the artwork around in 3D space to find the right perspective?
I get how you control the number of columns and rows and size of the grid, but how do you control the size of each individual cell? The Skew? Wasn't able to do get it the size I want with that so far.
I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.