Illustrator :: Adding / Merging Non-intersecting Elements
May 29, 2013
I know this was possible in CS3 but since CS4 I think it has been deleted. I'm Struggling with the following:
- Let's say I have 5 elements that are NOT overlapping. I know that it was in possible in CS3 to "add" these together so that you'd have 1 element that was completely editable. You could for instance put an object on top of the elements > use the pathfinder to delete a part, and all previous 5 elements would be edited (because now it was 1 element).
- If I try this by doing this the same way as I used to in CS5, this doesn't work anymore. No matter how hard I try to join the non overlapping elements it doesn't work in CS5. If I do the exact same thing as described above I'll be left with the same 5 elements and the deletion will only happen in 1 element.
Was this something that was altered in CS4? And if so, how do I do it now?
It also includes some editted type that intersects with more editted type. I really to need to combine them to a single line without the intersection of the half "x" and the top serif of the "g". I included a project file.
PS: I had attempted to use the Pathfinder Unite command, with no success. URL....
I have different colored circles that intersect. I want the intersection to be a transparent combination of the two colors. How do I highlight just the intersection to do that?
I've been looking high and low for this and I can't seem to find an answer. I have two paths, some text and a line going through the text. I want to be able to keep the part of the line that intersects with the text, and leave the text intact. All of the "Pathfinder" modes seem to either not keep the intersecting part, or delete the rest of the text also. Is there something I'm missing?
When I have multiple pictures up, how do I keep two pictures from merging when I move one of the pictures to the side? I would like to turn this feature off.
I've managed to make two different backups and none of them have got all of my photos, are there any ways two merge them?
I'm considering writing one of them over the other, but I'm not sure what happens. One of the other solutions I can come up with is to upload the pictures to Revel, delelig all photos, import the other backup and try to sync with revel again. Will this work?
To make it extra complicated, I want to move all my pictures to a new system.
Each time the program saves a file & backs it up it appears to assign to each picture a unique number that isn't on your original picture. This must mean that each picture is somehow linked to the catalog file. Is this correct?
If this is so does this unique number stay with that photo through every version of PSE?
If this number stays unchanged (providing you haven't modified the photo) is the following possible?
I have found an earlier hard drive that has some partial & complete backups from earlier versions of PSE. I know that some but not all pictures on these backups are duplicates of my current catalog & some aren't. What would happen if I just tried to past the older backups into the newer catalog? Would Windows 7 64, bit accept the data but warn you the some pictures are duplicates & allow you to just paste in the pictures that aren't?
Is there any better way to get these older pictures into the current catalog?
I want to merge multiple images using PS Elements Editor/Organiser for Mac - when I click 'expert', then 'enhance' then 'photomerge' then 'Panorama' as suggested in 'Help' I get this error window.
I'm trying to use one image as a background for another image. I can make a layer on one image, and a layer on the other. But I can't see how you maerge the two?In Pshop you simply select it all then copy and paste and you have 2 images in seperate layers, but Elements doens't work like that.
I'm designing a map in Illustrator CS5. Any way to merge 2 paths (roads) which have text attached, so they seamlessly blend together. I've tried using a compound path but this doesn't work with text added. I need to be able to easily change the roads direction/shape without having to use different layers.
Usually when I'm working with files from other artists, I do select all -> merge and select all -> make live paint group and this usually reduces the paths / file size quite a bit (I have to merge because it combines all the layers into one flat shape rather one on top of another). However, I have some dinosaur illustrations like the following:
When I do a merge on these illustrations, it increases the file size by 5 times! I tried doing paths -> simplify, but even if I slightly decrease the %, the drawing gets skewed.
Why this file might be blowing up when I merge it and what I can do to fix it? These illustration really isn't anymore complicated than other illustrations I've been doing, and while they've been reducing in size when I merged, this one hasn't.
I would like to crop heads of people in certain photos, and paste or align them with bodies in different images.
I've tried isolating the head or face using the Quick Selection Tool, and then Image/Crop, but I cannot get a clean edge; it's surrounded by an angular border, no matter what I do.
Is this impossible to do with curvy shaped image elements?
I have six photos which are aligned and distributed equally and linked so they move as one. I want to center this group on the page but as soon as the background layer is selected, each photo piles onto each other with a mind of its own. Tried everything I know (which isn't really very much). It will work if I merge the group, but I don't want to do that.. I am using Elements 12 with Windows 8.1.
I have created a layout in Illustrator (CS6) and seperated the individual images I require into named layers. My intention is to export as a Photoshop file (keeping all the layers), then using 'Script' in Photoshop to 'Export layers to files..', so I can get automatically save all the elements in the layout as individual transparent png.
When I export the files as Photoshop a warning comings up saying that 'some layer have been merged' and then when I open this file in Photoshop, all but a couple of text layers have been merged into 1 layer. I think it's something to do with the transparencies set in Illustrator but don't know how to resove this.
If it can't be resolve in the method I am using at present, my only other option is to switch off all but 1 layer in Illustrator and export this layer as a png, but as I have many elements to the layout (including on and off states) and this is just one layout page of many, this manual way of export the files will take me forever!
I can stop these layers from merger into one layer when exported to Photoshop, then any way I can automatic export the layers I have set up in Illustrator, as transparent pngs in a simular way I can in Photoshop.
i have 2 square shapes on my artborad. each square shape has its own gradient fill. i would like to merge these 2 shapes to form a single shape. not a groupe of shapes, but a single, flattened (compounded?) object.
the gradient of the first square includes a zero-alpha. the second image is the two shapes simply layered, but i want to basically flatten them together to form one shape.
what steps are involved in merging these shapes to form one shape so that their gradients are unaffected by merging with the other?
I'm having trouble merging paths. I'm combining the multiple paths with arrows to make the 3D effect (which is on all of them obviously) flow as one instead of on top of eachother. When I use the compound path command it reverses all my arrows and I have no way of changing them back without releasing the compound path (which puts them back to their original state of being on top of eachother)
Do i use back up, export or copy/move .i want to have just i merged set pf files with no duplicates and no omissions . then i will just run one version in organizer as its so much easier.
How do I project the Proposed Road Level information from Road_1 at the intersection of Road_2 (Alignment_GA.jpg) onto the Start of the Profile for Road_2 (Alignment_Profile.jpg) to give me my tie in start point?
How do I obtain the exact change of the intersection Point? How can i extend Road_2 onto the horizontal curve of Road_1 so i know they exactly intersect?
I am trying to create an arc between two intersecting circles whose start and end points are at x and y dimensions on the two circles and whose arc is defined by the tangents of the two intersecting circles.
I am trying to create a CAD drawing for the construction of Paddle Pop sticks. It is the basic shape of the Magnum sticks, but it is tricky because it has a 140 diameter taper, from the top of the jig to the bottom. I am trying to make the circle attached to the shape of the stick, and the Sweep the circle around the shape. But when I try to sweep it around, it says "The sweep results in a self-intersecting circle". I am using AutoCAD 2012.
P.S. I have attached the .dwg file so that it makes more sense.
I am trying to modify a hoop instead of having a half circle, i half to cut the hoop short and add a flange, instead of starting over, is there a command I can use that I can create a flange and join the hoop and flange at the intersect..... the hoop was made using the fold feature...
I am a beginner with AutoCad software, and I am currently using Civil 3D/Map 3D 2009.I imported a shp. file containing property information (owner, area, address, etc), and also imported an alignment row as a sdf. file. The row is a closed polygon.
My goal is to intersect these two types of data so that I end up with information on the number of properties affected by the row.
Is civil 3d 2009 capable of doing this? If so, how? I found a youtube video on using the 'Offset Alignment' command with Civil 3D 2010, however, is not the same for 2009.
Im trying to write a routine in based on Fenton's examples from 'Zero to 3D in 60 Minutes'. the routine uses a filter set to select all 2D polylines in a document then a test is needed for each polyline to establish whether it is a loop, which can then be extruded into a solid or it is a non loop, where the operation will need to be an extruded surface, or if the polyline is a non-loop.
So far my code will pick up every 2D polyline and try and extrude it, but i need to catch the non-looped entities to handle them with an extrude surface method or if self-intersecting polylines, to either drop them and not cause an exception or process them in another way.
What entity attributes or methods should I use to perform testing to establish this loop and non-loop existance of the polylines to achieve this. I work with both C# and
i want to write text which will be partially on top of another image layer, just like in attached photo i want my text color to change to white or something in overlapping part for visibility (like "i" is partially over the image and part over the image is white and rest is color of font choosen.
is there a command or workflow to split all intersecting surfaces? currently we build surface models and split manually or open in autocad, explode, overkill, breakall, then export the lines for rebuilding in an FE package.
Ideally we would like to export straight from inventor with one hit i would like to do the 5 splits below the EOP marker automatically
is there a command or workflow to split all intersecting surfaces? currently we build surface models and split manually or open in autocad, explode, overkill, breakall, then export the lines for rebuilding in an FE package.
we would like to export straight from inventor with one hit
I have been working on this project for awhile, trying to get it to extrude. The top drawing of the shape is when I created it, still as lines and arcs. The bottom pices are what I have broken it into and joined as polylines for extrusion. The top most piece of these is the one I have been working with, with no solution found. The 3 smallest of these pieces do extrude, but I need all of them to extrude as they are all different heights.
Once this extrusion problem is solved, the rest is just unioning it together and to the rest of my project. I have tried exploding them, overkilling them and joining them again, I have tried the boundary method I have found on forums, nothing is working. I have gone through with a fine tooth comb on the top most section and made sure there wasn't anything extra. I have tried using pedit on it, and many of the commands say you can't do this on a closed polyline. If its a closed polyline, why won't it extrude? I could find anywhere where it was "Self intersecting curves" like the error says when I try to extrude it.