I am trying to modify a hoop instead of having a half circle, i half to cut the hoop short and add a flange, instead of starting over, is there a command I can use that I can create a flange and join the hoop and flange at the intersect..... the hoop was made using the fold feature...
I need to trim a part that intersects with many other parts in several different sub-assemblies - on an angle.
**Attached is an image of my problem.
Split tool is disabled. It is only usable once I drill down into the assembly/part - it will not select the other cutting objects higher up the browser stack.They become ghosted.
What I need is a tool that projects intersection lines. Does Inventor have something like this? Standard projection lines on the part is not working because the cutting objects are not 90 degrees angled to the part to be cut.
This may be easy,.. I am just not seeing a way to do this with out a bunch of work-a-rounds.
I have made one part out of 4 different sections. And now I'm trying to combine it into one solid. My thought process was: if I make a derived part out of them it'll automatically make it a solid part. But I'm still having separate surfaces where two should have been united.
I was told there is a way to combine the lengths of the same spec pipe you use in an assembly, all pipes I use is from the content centre and I just can't seem to find how to make it one pipe with the length of all the pipes added together in the parts list.
I have uploaded two images to gimp and have made minor changes to parts of each image (erased). Now I want to combine those changed parts in one image. How do I do that?
is there a command or workflow to split all intersecting surfaces? currently we build surface models and split manually or open in autocad, explode, overkill, breakall, then export the lines for rebuilding in an FE package.
Ideally we would like to export straight from inventor with one hit i would like to do the 5 splits below the EOP marker automatically
is there a command or workflow to split all intersecting surfaces? currently we build surface models and split manually or open in autocad, explode, overkill, breakall, then export the lines for rebuilding in an FE package.
we would like to export straight from inventor with one hit
I have a rectangular chute, tapering in width and height, and intersecting, at an angle, with a round duct. I can't seem to find a way to determine the cut-out in the round duct.
Because the chute tapers projecting the size onto a flat plane to then project onto the round duct doesn't work.
I want to create a solid using VB and loft definition.
I creat each time different planes that have a constant distance in x dimension and a steady rotation each time φ (deg).
On each each plane i sketch the same profile and that is happened for 360 deg.
The problem is that Loft is not made because a line of the profile must follow a line tragectory and all other points must follow a circular tragectory. Also, there is a problem from 180 deg to 360 because there is intersection of profiles.
The result must be a solid similar to snail shell but all the same solid, as a cylindar whith a half sphere in the bottom.
In regards to sweeping, what does the title of the post mean (self intersecting paths or loops are invalid for this operation). I have a 3D sketch consisting of 1 straight line, one spline with 4 points dictated by 'points' and an arc. All have tangential constrains to each other and I am looking to sweep a circle along this path to create a bent wire. I don't have anypictures or files as it is a stand alone computer at the moment.
We build ASME chambers that have ports and tubes that intersect at various angles. When these tubes intersect at a standard angle, center on I have no problem creating the sheet metal layouts for the tubes. The attached PDF shows one intersecting at two differnet angles, off axis.
he sheet metal layout fo the tube part? I have modeled it pretty well, I just can't figure unfolding the tube portion. The head is a buy out item, we have that.
I have to ascertain two things ultimately, the hole size/layout (easy) and the tube (stumped).
I am working on Sweeping three helix profiles around a cylinder to create a screw thread. When I sweep the profile, Inventor gives me the error messages:
"The attempted operation would create a self-intersecting surfaces. Try with different inputs".
"The attempted operation did not produce meaningful intersection edges from the face-face intersection. Try with different inputs".
However, this is exactly what I need to create the helix profile I require and eventually increase the size of the Extrusion Sweep profile to 80mm. When I increase the sweep profile to 80mm I get the same error message about the self intersecting surfaces.
I am working with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011, 64bit, 8gb RAM, Windows 7, Intel Core i7-2860QM.
I am trying to replace a custom part - created from a content center part - with a copied part with a different name. (I am using the replace tool in an assembly.) However, Inventor is not replacing the part with the part I pick but rather the content center version of it.
On the main sheet of my drawing I have the overall Parts List. Shows almost all parts except for the few that we don't want to list. On the second sheet I inserted a Parts List to show only parts that are shown in a detail on that page, made the rest non-visible.
On the main sheet there is an item (#13) that has a QTY of 3. Two of those Three are optional parts. What I'm trying to do is insert a custom part into the Parts List, give it an item number of 13A and put in the description "OPTIONAL", then do an Override in the balloon to show 13A.
I get it in the Parts List, Apply it, close it, save the drawing. Looking at the Parts List, item #13A is there, but item #14 is gone. I go back into the Parts List and 13A is there and there's a blue box around the item # and the description. I uncheck Static Value and number 14 shows up (item # and the description).
Then I go over to sheet two, open that Parts List and it lists 13A at the bottom with all the info I added in sheet one and it's non-visible. Go back to sheet one, open the Parts List and there is no 13A to be found.
I am working on an assembly that is designed around a box (bounding box) that could change size. I modeled the bounding box and placed it in a new assembly file. All other parts have been created within the assembly by referencing that bounding box with starting work plane and project geometry.
The problem comes in when I change the bounding box dimensions. The work planes for each additional part, which were defined by the faces of the bounding box, do not move when the sides move. Also, my projected geometry is not updating correctly. This is a simple box, with all 90° corners. So, all associated parts (at this point) are just rectangles.
My parts list on my idw do not update when I make changes to the model. Specifically, I have deleted a bolted connection on my design and replaced with a different components but the parts list table does not update - all I see is a lightning bolt in the browser next to the parts list but I cannot update it here.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I was using virtual parts to add nuts and bolts to a drawing in 2013
I can make a VP bolt in the assembly, no problem, set it's size, weight, etc.
In the VP itself, there is no option for number of bolts I want it to emulate. For arguement's sake the weight was 1 pound per bolt (they are big bolts).
I can go into the BOM and say quantity 60, hit done and save the assembly.
If i open the drawing, the parts lists shows 60lbs for the 60 bolts total - which it should when summing the weight.
The problem is the BOM/assembly. If the weight of my assembly (without bolts) is 10,000lbs, the assembly sees the VP weighing 1lb and says the total weight is 10,001 lbs. Am i going to have to pattern a fake part to get this to work right? Shouldn't the total weight take into account the quantity set in the Bom??
Is there a way to display the density of materials that are assigned to varius parts in the parts list on a drawing? I don't need the mass of the parts I just need the material density to show up next to their respective parts.
For example, if I have a part with [steel mild] material assinged to it (no matter the size) I need a column in the BOM on the drawing to show: 490.684 lbs/ft^3. "Worry when there's something to worry about."
I have an assembly with a lot of purchased parts. I need to create a buy out list for purchasing. I've done this many times in the past and have a template set up for this purpose.
So now the problem, In this assembly, I have subassemblies showing up on my parts only parts list.
One of the subassemblies cinsists of two purchased parts. Both parts are set to purchased in the Bill of materials. If I do a parts only list on this assembly, it works as expected, showing two purchased parts. However, if I put that assembly into a higher level assembly, A parts only parts list shows the assembly instead of the individual parts.
What instances is it necessary to combine 3d sketches with 2d sketches, I have used this combination a few times where I have to build rectangular frames then apply frame generator to the sketches to construct the frame members. I was told when I originally had training on Inventor 2013 that 3d sketches should be avoided where possible.
I have a .idw that I'm trying to make a parts list on. I select parts list and highlight everything. There are two screws that are not showing up on the parts list. I cannot select them manually either. It's acting like they are not there. Even if I do a complete parts list (adding the assemblies parts into one big list), they still don't show up.
How can I select these parts? What is wrong with them that they do not show up in the parts list?
I have been working with an assembly today where it is ideal to mirror parts and have figured out how to reuse the parts rather than create new parts. Now I find that when the parts are mirrored, they ate not retaining the mates. Where do I find the setting so they either retain their mates, or prefferably retain the mirror so that if I move the origional, the mirror moves as well?
I regularly generate models which have a front end (body) of a known shape but differing in size, to a back end (shank) again of a known shape but differing size.
So, is it possible to take pre-drawn blanks of both front end (body) and back end (shank) to join them up to create a new model/part? I'm assuming it's combine bodies but I'm not sure how it works!!
How do I project the Proposed Road Level information from Road_1 at the intersection of Road_2 (Alignment_GA.jpg) onto the Start of the Profile for Road_2 (Alignment_Profile.jpg) to give me my tie in start point?
How do I obtain the exact change of the intersection Point? How can i extend Road_2 onto the horizontal curve of Road_1 so i know they exactly intersect?
I am trying to create a CAD drawing for the construction of Paddle Pop sticks. It is the basic shape of the Magnum sticks, but it is tricky because it has a 140 diameter taper, from the top of the jig to the bottom. I am trying to make the circle attached to the shape of the stick, and the Sweep the circle around the shape. But when I try to sweep it around, it says "The sweep results in a self-intersecting circle". I am using AutoCAD 2012.
P.S. I have attached the .dwg file so that it makes more sense.
I am a beginner with AutoCad software, and I am currently using Civil 3D/Map 3D 2009.I imported a shp. file containing property information (owner, area, address, etc), and also imported an alignment row as a sdf. file. The row is a closed polygon.
My goal is to intersect these two types of data so that I end up with information on the number of properties affected by the row.
Is civil 3d 2009 capable of doing this? If so, how? I found a youtube video on using the 'Offset Alignment' command with Civil 3D 2010, however, is not the same for 2009.
Im trying to write a routine in VB.net based on Fenton's examples from 'Zero to 3D in 60 Minutes'. the routine uses a filter set to select all 2D polylines in a document then a test is needed for each polyline to establish whether it is a loop, which can then be extruded into a solid or it is a non loop, where the operation will need to be an extruded surface, or if the polyline is a non-loop.
So far my code will pick up every 2D polyline and try and extrude it, but i need to catch the non-looped entities to handle them with an extrude surface method or if self-intersecting polylines, to either drop them and not cause an exception or process them in another way.
What entity attributes or methods should I use to perform testing to establish this loop and non-loop existance of the polylines to achieve this. I work with both C# and VB.net.
I have been working on this project for awhile, trying to get it to extrude. The top drawing of the shape is when I created it, still as lines and arcs. The bottom pices are what I have broken it into and joined as polylines for extrusion. The top most piece of these is the one I have been working with, with no solution found. The 3 smallest of these pieces do extrude, but I need all of them to extrude as they are all different heights.
Once this extrusion problem is solved, the rest is just unioning it together and to the rest of my project. I have tried exploding them, overkilling them and joining them again, I have tried the boundary method I have found on forums, nothing is working. I have gone through with a fine tooth comb on the top most section and made sure there wasn't anything extra. I have tried using pedit on it, and many of the commands say you can't do this on a closed polyline. If its a closed polyline, why won't it extrude? I could find anywhere where it was "Self intersecting curves" like the error says when I try to extrude it.