Illustrator :: Why Does Paintbrush Tool Refuse To Apply Strokes
Aug 26, 2013
My paintbrush tool does nothing more than place a hairline path along where I've drawn. I've tried editing the stroke settings, changing brushes, ect, nothing is working. This isn't actually limited to just the paintbrush tool, but all of my drawing tools. I'm just baffled about why Illustrator is absolutely the most user-unfriendly piece of software I've ever drawn in.
There is one elementary thing about Illustrator CS6 that I don’t understand. Do the following:
-Select Pencil Tool. Make three strokes at random and select them. -Apply a brush to them, for instance a Calligraphic Brush 5 pt. Oval. -Deselect the strokes. -Doubleclick the same brush on the Brushes Panel in order to edit it. -Choose Preview to see changes. -Change the brush size to 20 point. The three strokes will change in size, as they are supposed to. -Click OK. A warning dialog box appears. Click Apply To Strokes.
Now what happens? THE CHANGES DO NOT APPLY TO THE STROKES. They turn back from 20 to 5 pt. Why? Try, on the other hand, to make the entire procedure without selecting Preview. Now the process runs perfectly; the change to 20 pt. is applied to the strokes. My question is: why does Preview spoil the process?
I have drawn a shape using the Paintbrush tool's new smooth fidelity with a 3 pt stroke. But when I go to use the Varible Width tool it want allow me to modify the line.
I'm trying to paint on an image and when I mouse over where I want to paint I get the "prohibited" symbol and can't paint. I opened other .jpgs and was able to paint with no problem. Is there a type of file that you can't use the paintbrush tool on?
Whenever I draw an integral sign (using paintbrush tool) for those math savvy people know that the symbol is an elongated "S".
I am writing a document using the paintbrush tool because I want to convert hand written notes into PDF using illustrator because there are alot of scientific illustrations.
When I write math notes and write the integral sign the following appears in the image below. It is like half of the end of the elongated ends become "half-filled" instead of one nice vector stroke (see image below). How do I stop it from doing that ?
I am fairly new to Illustrator. I am trying to trace an image using the brush tool. I can get some lines in and for some reason the brush tool begins to revert to fill none effectively just making invisible lines. I have the parent image on its separate layer and the line art on another layer. Layers are unlocked. When I use the brush it will look as if it is deleting/erasing what is shown on both layers. The brush tool is effectively erasing what is there already instead of drawing.
I tried searching for a couple days now and the best I could find is this: [URL] ...
I tried everything mentioned in the thread and it still isn't working. In fact I think the OP in that thread never really solved his issue too. I can barely even get my line art down.
I scanned an image that I want to trace, but it won't let me use different strokes with the pen tool? I don't have any layers locked and the strokes are all loaded, it just won't let me use them on that image.
I've been making my drawing with the pencil tool obviously. After I make a stroke, I continue it with the last anchor point. But sometimes when I do that, the previous stroke disappears completley. Why is that?
On a Mac -- CS6..All of a sudden my document windows refuse to resize. I was sent an Illustrator file by another artist and now all windows only open to the size of his window. Can't change any of them.
Tried restarting the program twice and thought I reset my preference.
If there's a way to change the tool that opens with to be something besides the paintbrush. My first few actions after opening the program are, invariably:
1. try to make a selection. 2. undo the black line I've just put through the middle of whatever photo I was editing. 3. choose the rectangle select tool.
Would LOVE an option to be able to specify the "on launch" default tool, and I can imagine others would like this as well.
Is there any way to apply transparency to a color when using the recolor artwork box? I am dealing with a lot of puppet warp and gradients so it would be nice if I could use the recolor artwork box, instead of looking for all the colors manually.
As you can see from the screenshot, there is a lot of colors to go through.
When I use the paintbrush tool, If I try to click "basic" and the straight line it simply does not do it no matter what, it reverts to 3pt round. Can you not use the basic setting on the paintbrush? Only the pencil?
I should be able to apply an effect to a line that has been made with the line tool. Why is this not working?I thought that maybe I might have disabled Effects somehow, but I can't think of anything.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I have CS5 at work (CS6 at home is what's giving me an issue) and I could paint away for days if I wanted to, but with CS6 it randomly cuts out in the middle of using it.
I can't draw with it like this. It's basically what the title says, when I draw a blue line shows up until I release the mouse button and then my stroke appears.
For the life of me I just can't duplicate this look where their is three strokes happening to this text. Is there an easy way to do this in Illustrator? It's not something that I like, but it's the client.
I have a ready drawing but I just noticed that it is a bit to small: is there a way to scale everything (objects, grid, artboard) except the thickness of the strocks and arrowhead if any?
I can do all this separately (objects, then grid, then artboard) but it would be nicer to scale everything at once.
I have no problem dividing objects using the "divide" tool in the Pathfinder palette, but I was wondering if there was a way to divide brush strokes?
For example, let's say you wanted to paint three brush strokes right next to each other, but not overlapping. Is there a way to select all three strokes and then divide them so no one stroke resides over another, they would be completely separate of each other.
I have a problem that consistently occurs in Illustrator CS4 on Leopard that only presents itself when I try to outline paths in dxf files opened in Illustrator that I think have been supplied from and Autocad type software.
I get the unknown Error: OSEG and only some paths outline.
The only way I have found to fix it is to outline paths individually till I find the culprit path or paths and and either find the point in the path that is causing the error and remove it (which can be time consuming), or just delete the path all together and re-create a replacement. It seems to me there is a problem with Illustrator being able to handle certain path information it encounters that is causing the error.
I have been doing the same thing in all versions of Illustrator since the very first version that supported opening dxf files (so quite a few generations of Illustrator, pre CS I think) and this is the first time Illustrator has presented the problem with these types of files specifically.
I drew some strokes and then I was busy on another part of my image then when I looked back at the other part half of my strokes were not visible. Im not sure why. They are still there because I can select them and I can see them in outline mode but they are invisible in preview for some unknown reason. The stroke hasnt changed and the layers are all visible. I restarted and they came back.
Is there a way to draw a single line so that it appears to overlap like in the example below (right), instead of appearing to merge like it is doing as circled in red (left)?
I am using a charcaol brush on a stroke in CS6 and when I pick a gradient it just turns the color completely black. The gradient works if I make the stroke basic though. I am guessing it is not possible for whatever reason? I also tried to recolor the artwork but couldnt find any gradient options in there.
I suppose a workaround would to maybe make a duplicate of the stroke, make it a basic shape and blend the 2 or something?
got an out of the blue commission for a t-shirt .... now I'm getting a crash course in Illusrator. Been using it all of one day.
Here's the trouble though - when I use my brushes to make actual brush strokes, the resulting paths look "grainy" - like they aren't vectors/paths.
From what I understand, even drawing freehand with the brush should produce vectored lines - and I can play with points within those freehand brush strokes. But when I zoom out, the strokes I drew with the brush look almost "pixelly", while the ones done with the pen tool look nice and smooth (I should note this is a custom brush that I made, butt the other paths that I've applied the brush to look fine).
Is this normal? Should I resign myself to having to go back over everything using the pen tool (there's a lot of fine, irregular line work)? Or is there some setting of the brush or special key that I'm missing?I know it's small, but you might be able to see what I mean where the main vertical line meets up with the angled line. The near-vertical is brushed in, the angled one is a path with brush overlay....