Illustrator :: Slicing Is Not Correct Pixel Dimensions
Jan 1, 2013
I am sizing illustrator artwork to be specific pixel dimensions (ex: 294 x 76 px). I slice by "making" slice (object/slice/make). I then export by saving for web & devices. When I then preview the artwork I see the file size is 295 x 77px the wrong size by one pixel. all artwork is expanded prior to being sliced so there are no drop-shadows or effects messing with the slices sizing.
Illy CS5  For the sake of a clean test: I create a new doc, using the New Document Profile: Print.  Select Rectangle Tool, click on artboard, type in 300px for width. ENTER.  In inches, it measures as 4.1667in. Why?  I expect it to be precisely 1in.  Also, if I punch in 300pt, it comes out to be 4.1667in as well.
The pixel dimensions in Illustrator CS5's Info panel are wrong.I have a web layout in Illustrator that I'm transposing into Adobe Muse, using Save for Web and Devices. Â I want to use the X and Y coordinates and the dimensions of the objects in Illustrator to place them correctly in Muse, so that all the elements scale to the right size. Â The Illustrator artboard is 960 pixels wide and the layout fits the artboard. Similarly, the site width in Muse is 960px wide.The measuring units are in pixels in Illustrator, but something very strange is going the Info panel, a grouped object - a logo - is described as 16383 pixels wide and 211px high. Â It's simply not possible, not least because the logo is taller than it is wide. But when I measure it with the ruler tool, it tells me that the logo is 136px high and 122px wide. Â The problem only applies to this grouped object and it's not because it's grouped with some other thing that is 16383 pixels wide - the bounding box fits precisely round the logo when it is selected.
I don't work in PAL very often but I need to export material that will be SD letterboxed. When I set Smoke to those settings (720x576- letterbox) the result doesn't seem to look correct. So what the correct pixel aspect should be for PAL SD?
I opened a jpg image in PS CS2, and opened the Image size panel. I found the following: Width 2304 px., height 1728 px., doc size 32" x 24" at 72 px/in, and Pixel Dimensions 11.4M.
Can anyone explain the relationship of the pixel dimensions to the other data, i.e., how the pixel dimensions are calculated.
In this panel the pixel dimensions show is 4,50M . I would like to know How the "Pixel Dimensions" is calculate ? This 4,50M confuse me because my file size is 1,2M.
I'm using CS5 on Windows. I created a photoshop file using the International Paper settings A4, which is 297 by 210 and 150 pixels per inch. Â I've used the whole area around the document but I left around a 5mm margin around the edge of the document. When I come to print the document does not appear to be scaled correctly in the print preview, and then when I come to print on A4 paper measuring exactly 297 x 210 a large part of the image is chopped off at the bottom. Â Why Photoshop seems to indicate it is a 297 x 210 file but when it comes to printing it is not scaled correctly?
My quest: if your in a different layer working on adding walls for eg. You want add a dimension to that wall. When I hit DLI, How do I make sure that the dim i just entered goes directly to the DIM layer instead of the wall layer.
Hovering over a row of thumbnails, I swap the full size photo following this code : Â var photo = new Image(); photo.src = 'images/'+fileName; // parameter of the function console.log(fileName+' L= '+photo.width+' H= '+photo.height); sym.$('toile').attr({ width: photo.width, height: photo.height, src: photo.src }); Â The full size photo swaps, but retaining the dimensions of the first one (initially on the Edge stage). Â Even more puzzling, as you can see in the following screen capture, sometimes I can get the correct photo.width and photo.height (even if it isn't correctly assigned to the 'toile' element), and sometimes those values are zero ! And I feel so lost that this seems random.
May be it has to do with loading delay, asking the width and height information before it is available ? Should I necessarily preload the images ?
I have always struggle with resizing images for use as avatars. I just never seem to get the right size, pixel and resolution combination for the best result.  I usually start by entering the pixel parametrs, then use "trial and error" until I get a file that fits the given constraints and they are often too small, or too grainy. What is the workflow? Where do I start and how to I end up with the best result? The "Pixel Dimensions" don't seem to reflect the file size. Is the answer in the popup that asks for small, medium, or large file size?
Most of the images I work with need to be saved at screen resolution (in my case that's 72 or 96 dpi).
In past versions, I'd load an image, usually 300 dpi, and when I resize the image (Image -> Resize), the default resolution was always 72 dpi. All I needed to do was set the new pixel dimensions that I wanted, and I was done.
In X5, the resize box is showing the actual current dpi of the picture I'm trying to resize.
Is there a way to set X5 so that the Resize function always defaults to a specific resolution (i.e. 96 dpi)?
Is there a way I can see the pixel (not inches) dimensions in the document status bar without having to alt click it, and also see pixels in the info pallete.
Is there any way of getting the pixel dimensions of a layer within the project? Clicking on image>image size only gives me the dimensions of the entire thing.
Example: I am building a mockup of a Website at 1000x620. After adding photos and free transforming them, I would like to know what the size turned out to be so that I can now resize the original photo to place in the site.
I need to be able to see the pixel dimensions while I'm cropping. I clicked on the "Info" pallet and it shows this in inches, however, I didn't see how to change it to pixels. For some website work I need to set images to specific pixel sizes and yet be able to move around the image to crop where I need at these dimensions.
I want to create a rectangle with the correct dimensions for use in a HD video menu. It will be filled with graphic elements as well as text boxes. As referenced in the title it is for a 16x9 aspect ratio. I tried creating a rectangle 16"x9" but that looked too big.
I create Layout using Inventor, save the file into AUTOCAD DWG format,and then load it to AutoCad. After I open it, the predetermine dimensions (which I select to display the dimension in Inventor) are right. However, the dimension goes wrong if I do a new measurement on the Layout using Autocad. For example, 3 inch distance could be 0.212 in AutoCad (Note I just make up the number, I just want to show the problem is not inch to mm problem), .
I am preparing images for the web and I really have 2 questions: one about gifs, and one about jpgs.My standard procedure is to reduce the image to the desired pixel dimensions at 600 dpiThat gives me a crisp small image. then I either use it as is if the file size is low enough (I try for under 600 kb) or convert it to a gif with the save for web and devices tool.  So here are my 2 questions (I will count this solved with either answer)  1) When I convert to a gif I have the 4 boxes: one with original size, the other 3 with options but often the options are too low res for me How do I change my 3 options to start at a higher gif res?  2) If I try to reduce the file size of the jpg in the image size box I set the resolution lower ( 400, 300), which lowers the pixel dimensions and the filesize, but I don't want to cahnge the pixel dimensions. And If I reset the pixel dimensions back to the size I want them, even though it is a lower resolution the file size doesn't change.
How to reduce jpg file size using only the resolution, not pixel dimensions? PS I have tried messing with checking and unchecking the 3 little boxes( scale styles, constrain proportions, and resample) but nothing has worked.
I use this application to give me precise pixel color information by rolling my cursor over the area needing color info.In addition to this information, the window also displays dynamically the x and y pixel coordinates of my cursor. good for measuring pixel dimensions of an object. This feature has now disappeared. I've upgraded to Mountain Lion..Would that have eliminated this feature with Digital Color Meter? Is there any way of using the cursor to measure pixel dimensions between two points?
I have a set of drum scans of medium format film images. The pixel dimensions of the scans vary slightly. But they all consist of images of the same frame size, with borders around the image (scanned film outside the image.) All of the scans were done at 4000 pixels per inch, at 100 percent.  For example, the pixels dimensions of one scan is 10492 x 6907, another is 10390 x 6968, and another is 10483 x 6976.  I want to crop all of them to 10200 x 6738 pixels. I want to delete the cropped pixels, and I do not want any scaling to take place. I want to preserve the original metadata (the scanner model, pixels per inch, etc.); in other words, I want to modify the files (or copies of the files), not create new files. The print size does not matter.I've tried several approaches, and none of them let me do what I want:  1.) Manually cropping each scan individually does not give me the control that I need for cropping to precise pixel dimensions.  2.) Creating a Crop Preset with the desired pixel dimensions doesn't work because using it results in scaling (I think.)  3.) Using Canvas Size doesn't work because the borders in the scans are not equal on all four sides. I need to be able to move and position the image inside the crop area.  4.) Using New, and Place… allows me to create a Canvas Size with the desired pixel dimensions and resolution, and move the placed images; they will fit without scaling. However, this results in a new file being created, and therefore the metadata is lost.
I am trying to crop or resize an image that is originally 2,122 x 1,415 px | 7.1 x 4.7 in | 300 dpi. I am to crop/resize image to fit 756 x 275 px. However, I don't want to lose the whole image. I would like to use the whole image just adjust it to the dimensions. Â How can I accomplish this without creating any distortion or by removing elements by cropping the image?
Why don't Pixel Dimensions (and Document Size) change for Image Size after cropping with "Use Photo Ratio" like it does after cropping with "No Restriction"? Using Photoshop Elements 10 and Crop Tool defaults.
"Image > Print Size" really IS the command you are looking for.
The key is to pay attention to the units-of-measure shown on the Print Size dialogue box:- The "Width" and "Height" values under Print Size are displayed in real-world units (inches, mm, etc.), not image pixels.- The "Resolution" values are displayed in pixels-per-unit.- You cannot change your image's pixel dimensions (aka scale the image) from the Print Size dialogue. That's what the "Scale Image" command is for.Remember the relation between pixel and print sizes is:(print size) = (pixel size) / (print resolution)
When you change the image's print resolution, of course the real-world size (the "width" or "height" shown in the Print Size dialog) of your image will update to reflect the new print resolution -- that value is calculated from your image's actual pixel size and whatever resolution value you just entered. This is totally normal behavior -- in fact, it's expected. If you change an image's resolution from, say, 150 pixels/inch to 75 pixels/inch, this doubles the print size of your image but only the print size; the image's pixel size remains precisely the same as before. (You can confirm this by comparing "Image > Canvas Size..." before and after changing the resolution.)
And as others have stated, if you're using the image for Web viewing then its print resolution has absolutely zero effect on how it will appear onscreen (print resolution only affects, well, actual printing), in which case you'll want to use the "Scale Image" command to actually scale your image larger or smaller.
I have just downloaded pixel bender for CS5 and know I get this message The image dimensions exceed the hardware capabilities of your GPU. What do I need to do to make it work
I'm trying to create a swatch in Illustrator with our company's colors. I already succeedid in creating a palet with the RGB and CMYK colors, but I also want to do this with the PMS colors.However, I can't seem to find the correct color book in which to locate the correct PMS color.
I only have the number of the PMS color, I don't know which color book to choose?